Three Kingdoms Romance

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Three Kingdoms Romance Page 155

by Guanzhong Luo

  Sima Yi hardly looked at the two men, but he turned to his officers and said, “That night the star fell to this land, and today, five days later, the omen becomes true.”

  They all felicitated him, saying, “The Regent Marshal is superhuman!”

  Gongsun Yuan and Gongsun Xiu were slain where they stood. Then Sima Yi turned to resume the siege of Xiangping; but before he had reached the walls, Hu Zun's army had entered. Sima Yi went in and was received with great respect, the people burning incense as he passed. He went to the residence, and then the whole of the Gongsun Yuan's clan, and all who had assisted in his rising, were beheaded. They counted heads to the number of seventy.

  The city taken and the rebels destroyed, Sima Yi issued a proclamation in order to restore confidence among the people.

  Certain persons told him, “Jia Fan and Lun Zhi had been against the revolt and had therefore suffered death.”

  So Sima Yi honored their tombs and conferred ranks upon their children. The contents of the treasury were distributed among the soldiers as rewards, and then the army marched back to Luoyang.

  One night the Ruler of Wei was suddenly awakened by a chill blast that extinguished all the lights, but he saw the form of the late Empress Mao, with a score or two of other palace attendants, coming toward the bed whereon he lay, and as they approached they demanded his life. He was very frightened and fell ill so that he was like to die.

  So the two officers, Liu Fang and Sun Zi, were set over the privy council, and he summoned his brother Cao Yu, the Prince of Yan, to the capital to make him Grand Commander and Regent Marshal to assist the Heir Apparent, Cao Fang. However, Cao Yu being modest and retiring by nature, declined these high offices and their responsibilities.

  The Ruler of Wei then turned to his two confidants, Liu Fang and Sun Zi, inquired of them, saying, “Who of the family is a suitable person to support the Heir Apparent?”

  As Liu Fang and Sun Zi had both received many favors from Cao Zhen, they replied, “None is so fit as Cao Shuang, the son of Cao Zhen.”

  The Ruler of Wei approved their choice, and thus Cao Shuang became a great person.

  Then Liu Fang and Sun Zi memorialized, saying, “As Cao Shuang has been chosen, Cao Yu, the Prince of Yan, should be ordered to leave the capital and return to Yan, his own place.”

  The Ruler of Wei consented and issued an edict, which these two bore to Cao Yu, saying, “The edict in the Emperor's own hand bids you return to your own domain at once, and you are not to return to court without a special command.”

  Cao Yu wept, but he left forthwith. Thereupon Cao Shuang was created Grand Commander and Regent Marshal, and administered the government.

  But the Ruler of Wei's illness advanced rapidly, and he sent messenger with authority flag to call Sima Yi into the palace. As soon as he arrived, he was led to the Emperor's chamber.

  “I feared lest I should not see you again;” said the Ruler of Wei, “but now I can die content.”

  The general bowed and said, “On the road they told me the sacred person was not perfectly well; I grieved that I had not wings to hasten hither. But I am happy in that I now behold the dragon countenance.”

  The heir, Cao Fang, was summoned to the Emperor's bedside and also Cao Shuang, Liu Fang, Sun Zi, and certain others.

  Taking Sima Yi by the hand, the dying Emperor said, “When Liu Bei lay dying at Baidicheng, he confided his son, so soon to be an orphan, to the care of Zhuge Liang, who labored in this task to the very end and whose devotion only ceased with death. If such conduct is possible in the mere remnant of a dying dynasty continued in a small state, how much more may I hope for it in a great country! My son is only eight years of age, and incapable of sustaining the burden of rulership. Happily for him he has ample merit and experience around him in the persons of yourself and his relatives. He will never lack friends for my sake.”

  Turning to the young prince, he continued, “My friend Sima Yi is as myself, and you are to treat him with the same respect and deference.”

  Cao Rui bade Sima Yi lead the young prince forward. The boy threw his arms around Sima Yi's neck and clung to him.

  “Never forget the affection he has just shown,” said Cao Rui, weeping. And Sima Yi wept also.

  The dying man swooned; although he could not speak, his hand still pointed to his son, and soon after he died. Cao Rui had reigned thirteen years and was thirty-six years of age. His death took place in the first month of the third year of Spectacular Beginning (AD 239).

  No time was lost in enthroning the new Emperor, the supporters being Sima Yi and Cao Shuang. The new ruler's name was Cao Fang. However, he was Cao Rui's son only by adoption. He had been brought up in the palace secretly, and no one knew his real origin.

  The posthumous title of Emperor Rui the Knowledgeable was conferred upon the late ruler, and he was buried in the Gaoping Tombs. Empress Guo was given the title of Empress Dowager.

  The new reign was styled Right Beginning, the first year. Sima Yi and Cao Shuang conducted the government, and in all matters Cao Shuang treated Sima Yi with deference and took no steps without his knowledge.

  Cao Shuang was no stranger at court. Cao Rui had respected him for his diligence and care and had been very fond of him, He had had the freedom of the palace all his life. He had a host of five hundred clients and retainers. Among them were five wholly light and foppish. Their names were He Yan, Deng Yang, Li Sheng, Ding Mi, and Bi Gui. Beside these five there was another named Huan Fan, Minister of Agriculture, a man of good parts, who had the sobriquet of “Bag of Wisdom”. These six were Cao Shuang's most trusted companions and confidants.

  One day He Yan said, “My lord, you should not let your great powers slip into the hands of any other, or you will repent it.”

  Cao Shuang replied, “Sima Yi as well as I received the late Emperor's sacred trust, and I mean to be true.”

  He Yan said, “When your father and this Sima Yi were winning their victories in the west, your father suffered much from this man's temper, which ultimately brought about his death. Why do you not look into that?”

  Cao Shuang seemed suddenly to wake up.

  Having entered into an intrigue with the majority of the officers about the court, then one day he presented to the Ruler of Wei a memorial, saying, “Sima Yi should be promoted to the rank of Guardian of the Throne for his great merits and services.”

  The promotion was made, and consequently Sima Yi, now a civil officer, let the whole military authority fall into the hands of Cao Shuang.

  Having thus far succeeded, Cao Shuang next appointed his brothers to high military posts: Cao Xi as Commander of the Center Army; Cao Xun, Commander of the Imperial Guard; Cao Yan, Commander of the Cavalry. Each commanded three thousand of the palace guards, with right to go in and out of the palace at will. Moreover, three of his friends — He Yan, Deng Yang, and Ding Mi — were created Chairs of three Boards; Bi Gui, Commander of Capital District; and Li Sheng, Governor of Henan. These five and their patron were close associates in all concerns of state.

  Cao Shuang gathered about him larger and still larger numbers of supporters, till Sima Yi gave out that he was ill and remained in seclusion. His two sons also resigned their offices.

  Cao Shuang and his friends now gave themselves up to dissipation, spending days and nights in drinking and music. In their dress and the furniture of their table they copied the palace patterns. Tribute in the shape of jewels and curios went to the residence of Cao Shuang before it entered the Emperor Palace, and his courts swarmed with beautiful damsels.

  Minister Zhang Dang of the Palace Bureau toadied to Cao Shuang so far as to select eighteen of the late Emperor's handmaids and send them to the now powerful minister. Cao Shuang also chose for him a chorus of two score well-born ladies who were skilled in music and dancing. Cao Shuang also built for himself beautiful towers and pavilions and made to himself vessels of gold and silver, the work of the most expert craftspeople, whom he kept constantly employed. />
  Now He Yan heard of Guan Lu's great skill in divination and sent to Pingyuan to invite him to discuss about the Book of Changes. When the soothsayer arrived, Deng Yang was of the company to meet him, and he said to Guan Lu, “You call yourself a skillful diviner, but your speech does not resemble the language of the Book of Changes. How is that?”

  Guan Lu replied, “An interpreter does not use the language of the original.”

  He Yan laughed, saying, “Certainly good words are not wearisome. But cast a lot for me, and tell me whether I shall ever arrive at the highest office or not, for I have dreamed repeatedly that many blue flies settled on my nose.”

  Guan Lu replied, “Gao Kai and Gao Yuan aided King Shun; Duke Zhou assisted the young Emperor Cheng of Zhou Dynasty; all these were kindly and modest and enjoyed great happiness. You, Sir, have come to high honors and wield great powers, but those who esteem you are few and those who fear you, many. You are not careful to walk in the way of good fortune. Now the nose is an eminence. If an eminence retains its characteristic, thereby it remains in honor; But is it not that blue flies gather to foul objects and the lofty fears a fall? I would wish you to give of your abundance for the good of the poor and avoid walking in the wrong road. Then indeed may you reach the highest dignity, and the blue flies will disperse.”

  “This is mere senile gossip,” said Deng Yang.

  “The gift of age is to see that which is yet to come; the gift of gossip is to perceive what is not said,” replied Guan Lu. Thereupon he shook out his sleeves and went away.

  “He is very mad, really,” said his two hosts.

  Guan Lu went home. When he saw his uncle, Guan Lu gave him an account of the interview. His uncle was alarmed at the probable consequences, and said, “Why did you anger them? They are too powerful for you to offend.”

  “What is there to fear? I have keen talking to two dead men.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Deng Yang's gait is that of one whose sinews are loosed from his bones, and his pulse is unsteady. When he would stand, he totters as a man without limbs. This is the aspect of a disembodied soul. He Yan looks as if his soul was about to quit its habitation. He is bloodless, and what should be solid in him is mere vapor. He looks like rotten wood. This is the aspect of a soul even now in the dark valley. Both these men will certainly soon die a violent death, and none need fear them.”

  His uncle left, cursing him for a madman.

  Cao Shuang and his five friends were devoted to hunting and were often out of the city. Cao Xi, a brother of Cao Shuang, remonstrated with him about this and pointed out the dangers of such frequent absence on these excursions.

  “You are in an exalted position and yet you are constantly being out hunting. If anyone took advantage of this to work you evil, you might have to be exceedingly regretful.”

  Cao Shuang only showed anger and replied, “The whole military authority is in my hands and what is there to fear?”

  Huan Fan, Minister of Agriculture, also reasoned with him, but Cao Shuang would not listen.

  About this time the style of the reign was changed from Right Beginning, the tenth year, to Domestic Calm, the first year (AD 249).

  Now ever since Cao Shuang had enjoyed the monopoly of military authority, he had never heard the truth about the state of health of the man he had maneuvered out of power. But when the Ruler of Wei appointed Li Sheng to the governorship of Qingzhou, Cao Shuang bade Li Sheng go to take leave of Sima Yi, at the same time to find out the true state of his health.

  So Li Sheng proceeded to the residence of the High Minister and was announced.

  Sima Yi saw through the device at once and told his sons, saying, “This is Cao Shuang's wish to find out my real condition.”

  And he bade them play their parts in the scene he arranged, before the visitor was admitted.

  Sima Yi threw aside his head-dress, so letting his hair fall in disorder, stretched himself upon his couch, tumbled the bed ding into confusion, got a couple of servant girls to support him, and then told his servants to lead in the visitor.

  Li Sheng came in and went up to the sick man, saying, “It is a long time since I have seen you, and I did not know you were so seriously ill. His Majesty is sending me to Qingzhou, and I have come to pay my respects to you and bid you farewell.”

  “Ah; Bingzhou is in the north; you will have to be very careful there,” said Sima Yi feigning that he had not heard.

  “I am going as Governor of Qingzhou, not Bingzhou,” said Li Sheng.

  “Oh, you have just come from Bingzhou.”

  “Qingzhou, in Huashang Mountains.”

  “Just back from Qingzhou, eh?” said Sima Yi, smiling.

  “How very ill the Imperial Guardian is!” said Li Sheng to the servants.

  “The Minister is deaf,” said they.

  “Give me paper and a pen,” said Li Sheng.

  Writing materials were brought, when Li Sheng wrote what he wished to say and put it before his host.

  “My illness has made me very deaf; take care of yourself on the way,” said Sima Yi.

  Looking up, he pointed to his mouth. One of the girls brought some broth and held the cup for him to drink. He put his lips to the cup, but spilled the broth all over his dress.

  “I am very weak and ill,” said he, “and may die at any moment. My sons are but poor things, but you will instruct them; and when you see the Regent Marshal, you will ask him to take care of them for me, will you not?”

  At this point Sima Yi fell back on the couch, panting, and Li Sheng took his leave. He told Cao Shuang what he had seen, and Cao Shuang rejoiced, thinking his rival could not last long.

  “If the old man died, I should not be the one to grieve,” said Cao Shuang.

  But no sooner had Cao Shuang gone than Sima Yi rose from his couch and said to his sons, “Li Sheng will take a full account of this to Cao Shuang, who will not fear me any more. But wait till Cao Shuang goes on his next hunting trip, and we will see what can be done.”

  Soon after this, Cao Shuang proposed to the Ruler of Wei, Cao Fang, to visit the Gaoping Tombs where his father lay and perform the filial sacrifices in person. So they went, a goodly company of officers in the train of the imperial chariot, and Cao Shuang with all his brothers and his friends went with the guards.

  Huan Fan, Minister of Agriculture, entreated him to remain in the city for fear of plots and risings.

  “Your Lordship are in charge of the capital security, and you and your brothers should not leave the city together. Suppose there were a revolt, what then?”

  But Cao Shuang asked angrily and rudely, “Who would dare make trouble? Hold your wild tongue.”

  And he went with the Emperor.

  His departure rejoiced the heart of Sima Yi, who at once began quietly to muster his trusty friends and henchmen and put the finishing touches to the plot for the overthrow of his rival.

  Now terminates his forced inaction,

  He must destroy the hostile faction.

  Cao Shuang's fate will appear in the next chapter.

  CHAPTER 107. The Ruler of Wei Hands Over The Power To Sima Yi; Jiang Wei Is Defeated At Ox Head Hills.

  Sima Yi was very pleased to hear that Cao Shuang and his party were to follow the Ruler of Wei on a visit to the tombs combined with a hunt, for it meant that the whole enemy faction left the city.

  As soon as they left, Sima Yi entered with his authority as Guardian of the Throne, gave Gao Rou, Minister of the Interior, provisional command of the army and sent him to seize the camp of Cao Shuang. A similar command was given to Wang Guan, Supervisor of the Palace, to occupy the camp of Cao Xi.

  Having secured his position thus, Sima Yi and his supporters went to the palace of the Empress Dowager and said to her, “Cao Shuang has betrayed the trust placed in him by the late Emperor and has ruined the government. His fault must be expiated.”

  Empress Guo replied, “What can be done in the absence of His Majesty?”

  “I have prepared plans for the destruction of these base ministers and will see to it that no trouble happens to yourself.”

  The Empress was much alarmed, but could only act as she was directed and agree. So two of Sima Yi's supporters, Commander Jiang Ji and High Minister Sima Fu, copied out the memorial he had prepared, and it was sent to the Ruler of Wei by the hand of an eunuch. Then the arsenals were seized.

  Soon the news of the rising came to the knowledge of the family of Cao Shuang, and his wife, Lady Liu, came out from the inner apartments and summoned Pan Ju, Commander of the Gates, and inquired, “The Master is outside, and Sima Yi is revolting: what does it mean?”

  “Your Ladyship need feel no alarm. Let me go and find out the truth,” said Pan Ju.

  Thereupon Pan Ju, at the head of a several bowmen, went up on the wall and looked around. At that moment Sima Yi was crossing the court, and Pan Ju bade his men shoot. Sima Yi could not pass.

  But Sun Qian, one of his generals, said, “You must not shoot at the Guardian of the Throne; he is on public service.”

  Thrice Sun Qian urged his chief not to let the men shoot, and so Pan Ju desisted. Sima Yi went across guarded by his son Sima Zhao. Then he went out of the city and camped on River Luo at the Floating Bridge.

  When the revolution began, one of Cao Shuang's officers, Luu Zhi by name, took counsel with Military Adviser Xin Chang.

  “Now that this revolt has begun, what should we do?”

  “Let us go to the Emperor with what troops we have,” replied Xin Chang.

  “Perhaps the best course,” replied Luu Zhi.

  And Xin Chang went into the inner chamber to get ready to start. There he met his sister, Xin Xianying, who asked the meaning of all this haste.

  “His Majesty is out on a hunt, and Sima Yi has closed the gates of the city. This is rebellion.”


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