Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Remy's Release [Submissive Sirens] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Charlotte Smith

  Remy came back to herself, the back of her neck prickling. She glanced up to see the security guard from earlier standing in the doorway, a lecherous smile on his face. Knox stood with his gun drawn, only the door separating them, ready to blow the man’s head off if Drake gave the word. And Knox really looked like he wanted Drake to give the word. His face was etched with fury, and he was glaring holes through the door to where the guard stood. Remy felt the man’s gaze drift to where her knee was still cocked on the desk and she started to squirm, trying to dislodge Drake so she could pull her skirt down and try to salvage some of her dignity.

  Drake became aware of the man a second later and was instantly off Remy. The knob of his cock slipped from Remy’s sheath, causing her one last shudder as she suddenly felt empty.

  Drake immediately pushed her behind him out of the guard’s gaze and un-self-consciously buttoned and zipped his pants. “See?” he asked the guard, smiling like the two shared a secret. “We are very good friends again, my wife and I. Thank you for ensuring we were not interrupted.”

  Remy snorted behind Drake. As if that guard made sure no one interrupted them. She was pretty sure he’d have invited the whole damn château if he’d known half of what was going on in that office. But whatever, they’d managed to get the job done.

  Drake was still making chitchat with the security guard, and Remy just wanted him gone. She could feel Drake’s juices combined with hers, and they were getting sticky on the insides of her thighs, and she was starting to get a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach about what she’d done. A whole battalion of armed guards could have walked through the door and she wouldn’t have noticed. She’d been totally shameless, and while she wasn’t about to apologize for the pleasure she’d taken, she sure as hell wasn’t happy Drake had put her into that position in the first place. Talk about blowing it. She’d have to think about how to handle this, and until she decided what to do, she wasn’t letting any of them so much as touch her hand.

  She tuned back into reality in time to hear Drake ask the security guard to give them a moment to tidy up, and the guard slipped back into the hall, closing the door behind him. Remy shook her head. For an international arms dealer, Contois hired useless people.

  Joss signed to them that everything was taken care of, and he and Knox ghosted on silent feet to the window where they hopped out and were gone with the equipment and weapons.

  * * * *

  Drake silently helped Remy adjust her dress and her hair. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything as she slapped his hands away and glared at him before grabbing her wrap and clutch. She stormed out the door ahead of him, and Drake knew the party was over.

  He did a careful sweep of the room, making sure there was no evidence of their presence. He went into the hall where the guard still waited and saw the guard was smirking. He wanted to beat the look off the man’s face, but he settled for leaning against the wall and sighing disconsolately.

  “Your wife, she eez angry once more?” the guard asked.

  “Well, your timing kind of ruined our afterglow,” Drake admonished.

  “I am sorry,” said the guard, who didn’t look sorry at all. He turned his palms up and shrugged. “I hear screaming, I sink someone eez getting ’urt, I investigate. But sank you for zee show anyway!”

  Drake knew he had to finish the performance without attracting suspicion, so he played along. “Oh well, we can always become friends again later. I better go find my wife, if she hasn’t stranded me here. Thanks again!” He waved and walked off, making for the main doors of the château. He had a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach that, even though the job was over, something even bigger was about to begin.

  Chapter 8

  Remy blew out a huge breath as she followed Drake through the door to the hotel suite. She was dying for a shower, dying to wash the sticky, now-dry evidence of her inability to control herself off the insides of her thighs.

  The drive back had been silent. She and Drake had stared out their opposite windows, not exchanging a single word as he helped her in and out of the car. Oh well, as far as Remy was concerned it only helped to cement their story. Mrs. Joyce had been too miffed with her exhibitionist husband to speak with him and had stormed out of the château in grand style. And all the while, the creamy evidence of her climaxes was mingling with Drake’s seed, slickening every step she took. She’d been horrified to find herself becoming aroused again, just from the liquid kiss of her thighs as they rubbed together. She’d kept them clenched tightly on the drive back to the hotel in case Drake could smell her arousal, and she’d sat with her arms crossed across her chest to prevent him from noticing her nipples were hard. Again.

  As Remy sagged against the door, her senses prickled, and she lifted her head to look around the room. Drake stood leaning against a console table across from her, having poured himself a finger of scotch. He was looking at her. No, she corrected herself, looking was the wrong word for what he was doing. Drake wasn’t looking at her idly. Rather, his gaze was predatory as it swept from her feet up to her face, pausing in its slow perusal to ravish her with his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes had remained glued to her hips and breasts and had leisurely made their way up her neck to the bow of her mouth, caressing her with all the heat of a lover’s touch. When his eyes finally met hers, she found herself breathless, looking back at him from a face she was sure was just as flushed as if he had kissed her. Her lips had parted, and she was breathing raggedly. Drake’s gaze sharpened as her tongue darted out to moisten her lips gone dry from her sudden nervousness. She thought for a moment she’d missed Drake’s groan when she heard it but didn’t see his lips move, but the thought was banished an instant later when she tore her gaze from his to look around the rest of the sitting room.

  Remy suddenly became aware of two other heated gazes watching her. Joss and Knox, it seemed, had arrived before she and Drake had gotten back. She’d missed them while she’d been focused on Drake, but now she became acutely aware of both brothers.

  Knox had removed his tux jacket and was sitting on a plush sofa. Remy watched as he removed his bow tie, the movements somehow mesmerizing. She looked at those big hands as they undid the delicate knot she’d fashioned for him earlier, wondering if she’d come apart under his touch as quickly as the fabric had. He tugged the tie out from around his neck, the hiss of the tie against his shirt sensuous if a bit menacing. He rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward, lightly tapping the ends of the bow tie against his leg.

  As she watched Knox, Joss sidled up to Remy from where he stood. She became aware of his presence beside her first as a sense of warmth, then when she turned from Knox to look at his brother, the warmth blazed out of control as heat bloomed through her body to pool between her thighs. She was riveted on his mouth and couldn’t look away from those lips that appeared to have been carved under a sculptor’s hand. She stared at Joss’s lips, remembering how he’d used them to suck and nibble on her slit. She hadn’t even watched him do it since he’d been hidden under the desk, but faced with him now, she imagined what it had looked like. His lips had devoured her as his tongue laved every inch of her tender skin, and damn if she didn’t want him to do it again. Only this time, she wanted to watch as he plundered her with his wickedly talented mouth.

  Remy gasped as Joss reached out to her, stroking her cheek with the backs of his fingers. She finally came to her senses and realized something big was about to happen, and her whole system rebelled against what she was sure would lead to her embarrassing herself again. She felt how vulnerable she was surrounded by the brothers, and her mind, now working so fast her body could barely keep up, told her to seek shelter in the bathroom. She knew she could lock the door once she made it inside. With that thought firmly in mind, Remy fled like the prey she was.

  She made it exactly two steps before Joss caught her, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her back against his chest. Remy went wild in his hold, squirming an
d kicking to try and escape. She knew she was overreacting, knew she was probably better off trying to laugh off what had happened earlier as a joke, but the thought of doing so made her slightly ill. She couldn’t ignore it or dismiss it, but fuck if she was about to let it happen again. Just as she was about to resort to more violent tactics to secure her freedom, Drake appeared in front of her. He walked toward her leisurely, finishing the scotch in his glass and setting the heavy crystal down on a table. He held her gaze as he removed his jacket, the action somehow ominous as he tossed it over the arm of a sofa.

  Remy doubled her efforts to escape, scraping her heel down Joss’s shin and eliciting a curse from him. Rather than releasing her, though, Joss held firm.

  “Always knew she’d be a wildcat,” Joss drawled over Remy’s head to his brothers.

  “Keep struggling, sweetness,” he whispered into her ear, the moist puff of his breath lashing into Remy’s brain like a drug, sending little tendrils of desire shooting down from her ear straight to her pussy. “The more you fight us, the sweeter it will be to hear you begging us for more.” With his words, Joss hugged her closer, making her struggles even more useless.

  That gave Remy pause. That and the fact that Drake had now come to stand directly in front of her. She stilled as she saw the feral look in his eyes, his baby blues turned nearly gray with the lust shining in them. He stepped forward, right up against her, and treated her to a long slow grind of his big chest against her breasts. He bent her head back onto Joss’ shoulder and leaned down to trace a molten path from her collarbone up her neck with his mouth. All the while, his hips pressed and retreated against hers, and it was all she could do not to grind herself into the hard heat pulsing out from the dick tenting the front of his pants. Remy knew now exactly how hot that dick was, and her traitorous body was already creaming to be burned again from the inside out, branded by the hot heat of Drake’s massive cock.

  Remy jerked away from the contact, afraid of what would happen if she embraced it. She squirmed backward, trying to back away from the massive erection she could feel pressing into her stomach, but her plan backfired as she stepped directly into Joss. Still pinioning her arms behind her back, Joss took the opportunity to rub his own erection against the curves of her rear. Remy’s eyes popped wide as she felt the curve of his cock seeking purchase where her cheeks split, and the little rotations of his hips had her gasping, sucking in air as she alternately squirmed to try to get a little space between them and stilled as her squirming forced her to feel both erections pressing into her from either side.

  Her greedy mind latched onto that one thought, and it had her rotating her hips tentatively as she explored what it felt like to be surrounded by hot, horny male. Both men groaned as she wiggled against them, her little actions setting off a riot in her own body. Each time she squirmed forward to cuddle Drake’s erection in the cradle of her hips, she left her ass feeling lonely for a caress of its own. But when she stuck her ass out so it could feel the wanton slide of Joss’s thick cock across and between her cheeks, her pussy rebelled at not being able to rub against something. The emptiness had her rocking forward to seek the rub of Drake’s oversized package once more. She moaned, frustrated she couldn’t seem to feel both of them at the same time. Before she could think of a way to fix it, the sensual dance she’d been doing between the brothers came to an abrupt halt.

  Remy cried out at the loss of Drake’s heat against her front, only to gasp in surprise as he buried his hands in the satiny skirt of her dress and pulled it straight up. At the same time, Joss raised her arms above her head, and Drake tangled her dress around her eyes, the brothers effectively binding and blinding her in one move.

  Remy stilled as her body overloaded on a jittery nervousness from being blinded, her deprived sense of sight making way for her sense of touch to be heightened beyond belief. She could feel the whisper of cool air against her breasts and thighs, and the press of hot Joss against her back, the fabric of his tux giving her enough friction for her to rub herself over it and moan while she did. Joss cursed, the sound low and husky, and leaned forward to bite her earlobe as she continued to writhe against him. She cried out at the sharp pinch of his teeth on her sensitive skin, her head rolling unbidden to allow him greater access to her neck. He took immediate advantage, licking his way down to the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder, punctuating his loving with little bites that left her moaning.

  Remy was acutely aware that, while she rubbed herself against Joss, Drake still stood in front of her, keeping her blindfolded with her own dress. She screamed when without warning she felt two of Drake’s big fingers spread the lips of her sex while he fucked a third finger straight into her cunt, his thumb pressing up into her clit.

  “So let me get this straight.” Drake spoke in a normal tone of voice, the loud sound breaking the spell weaving its way around Remy and making her flinch. “You proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you like being spanked. Now, I’m seeing with my own eyes that you like being restrained. And this pussy creaming all over my hand is telling me you love being restrained and blindfolded by two men at once. I wonder…” he drawled, his lips mere inches from hers. “I wonder how you’re going to like it with three of us?”

  “Think of it, baby.” Joss added his voice to the mix, his deep voice dripping like honey down Remy’s shoulder where he still nibbled. “You can be restrained, spanked, and fucked all at once with us. We’ll pack you so full of cock you won’t be able to breathe without feeling us, and we’ll make you come so hard you’ll see stars. Want to give it a shot, babycake?”

  “Babycake. I like that.” Drake’s voice washed over her, making her bones feel limp.

  Before she could muster enough breath to answer, she felt another body come to stand in front of her beside Drake. Knox. He’d gotten up from the couch where he’d been watching the show, unable to stay in his position as spectator.

  A lone finger came out to brush across her nipple, and Remy jolted like she’d been touched with a live wire. A pair of hands— Knox’s hands, Remy realized—came out to cup her breasts, kneading the soft flesh as his thumbs stroked deliberately across her pebbled nipples.

  “I think…” Knox’s voice was hoarse with need, dark with the lust echoing from his words. “I think we should see what else our babycake likes.”

  With that dark promise, Remy’s world spun. She felt her dress go whooshing up over her head at the same time she felt her hands pulled toward Knox where he stood in front of her. With quick movements, he bound her wrists together with his bow tie. He stood holding her bound hands in one of his while the other cupped her cheek, his thumb running over her lips.

  “Do you have any idea how hot it made me watching Drake fuck you on that desk?” Knox’s eyes burned down at Remy, his features pulled taut with desire. “I’ve never seen anything as sexy as you, all spread out for a man’s pleasure. Before the end of the night, I intend to have that pleasure for myself as well.”

  Remy looked around the room, wanting to share this moment with all three triplets. She’d never felt so sexy, so desired as she did in this moment, and she knew she’d never be the same afterward. Whatever happened in the morning, she wanted this night with them. Throwing caution to the wind, Remy embraced the lust flowing through her and followed her heart. “I want you.” Her voice was quiet in the sudden stillness of the room. “I want all of you.”

  Like her admission had been a battle cry, the triplets roared into action. Tuxedo pants and shirts flew in all directions as the brothers hurried to rid themselves of their clothing, and Remy’s eyes flicked from brother to brother, watching as more and more smoothly-muscled skin was revealed. She felt her eyes round as she looked at their naked forms, feeling her cunt cream as she looked at the three massive cocks, all standing at attention. For her.

  Drake sauntered toward her, his arrogance on full display along with his dick. Remy swallowed as he got closer, and she looked at how his cock curved up toward
his belly button. She couldn’t believe she’d already taken that monster inside her.

  Drake caught her looking and reached down to palm his cock, putting on a show for her. He pumped his hand up and down the shaft, pulling the skin toward the plum-shaped head and pulling it back taut. He repeated the motion three, four times and had Remy licking her lips as she watched his blind eye weep with a drop of fluid she was dying to lick off.

  “Not a chance,” Joss growled at Drake, stepping between him and Remy. “You had her pussy already. That luscious mouth is mine.” With that, Joss turned toward Remy and crooked a finger at her. “Come here.”

  * * * *

  Spellbound, Joss watched Remy glide towards him. When she reached him, he cupped her face with one hand, his other hand on the curve of her ass, pulling her into his embrace. His mouth met hers, brushing softly at first then becoming more demanding as he sought entrance. He pushed his way past her parted lips to tangle his tongue with hers, stroking his tongue into her mouth and plundering her soft depths. Sweet. Remy kissed exactly the way he’d imagined she would. Lots of tongue. He lost his train of thought as she sucked his tongue into her mouth, the pressure making him wonder what it would be like to feel it on his cock. Damn. She’s got the best goddamn suck.

  “Hey, Joss?” Knox’s question had Joss growling as he tore his lips away from Remy’s. “What’s she taste like?”

  “Be more specific.” Joss grinned at his brother. “I’ve tasted both sets of lips today.”

  Knox snorted.

  “She’s sweet.” Joss went back to kissing Remy, little tastes that had her seeking more. “Her mouth is like cinnamon candies, and her little pussy is like a soft, ripe apricot, all juicy and blushing.”


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