Picturing Perfect (Meet the McIntyres Book 2)

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Picturing Perfect (Meet the McIntyres Book 2) Page 17

by Rebecca Barber

  “Stop talking!” Payton growled before yanking the pillow out from under Beau’s head and burying her own. At least I wasn’t the only one suffering right now.

  “Coffee. Need coffee.”

  Ignoring my lack of pants, if Gage and Beau thought it was fine to walk into my house uninvited at the ass crack of dawn, then they could deal with, well frankly, my ass crack.

  “Go wash up. I’ll put the coffee on.” Gage was so nice. Why couldn’t his brother be? Wasn’t that shit hereditary or something?

  Throwing my arms around Gage, I hugged him tight before shuffling into the bathroom. It wasn’t until I’d splashed cold water on my face, cleaned my teeth, and dragged a brush through my hair did I realise what I’d just done. What the fuck was it about Gage? Whenever he was around I could barely keep my hands off him.


  As the hazy memories started to filter back from last night, I remembered doing shots with Payton every time one of us lied. It was a game we’d played for years. We each had secrets we were too embarrassed to share. Silly crushes on boys. Favourite sexual position. Most embarrassing moment. Worst date. But we each had tells so obvious that even though we lied to each other, we knew the truth too. It was dumb and childish, but it was our thing.

  When Payton lied, she fidgeted with her earrings. Even when she didn’t have any in, she played with her ear lobe.

  Mine was my hair. When I was lying, I played with the ends of my hair. I examined it for dead ends, brushed it across my face, and was so completely absorbed in it, I barely registered anything more.

  Last night I confessed to my bestie that I’d been chatting to some guy online. Half a bottle of vodka and licking the last of the salted caramel ice cream from the tub, I spilled the whole story. The flirting, the butterflies in my stomach, and the million and five messages I’d typed out but never hit send.

  My only saving grace was I hadn’t been so disgustingly drunk I’d given Payton my password. That bitch would have been tapping out messages quicker than I could take a breath.

  I wasn’t the only one though who’d coughed up the dirt. Thankfully. I now knew more than I ever wanted to know about Beau. I got all the wedding details, including the very dirty details of the wedding night. Some things I could never unhear. Unfortunately.

  Even though it still hurt that I hadn’t been there, I got it. They did what was right for them. Beau had wanted to wait, but he couldn’t bear the thought of Payton going through all the shit again. The weeks of agonising over whether or not he’s actually going to show up. So within hours of their engagement, the wedding was in motion. No turning back. And for Payton, I’m glad. He was right. As much as I hated him right now, he was right. Payton didn’t need to go through that again. Yet another thing my asswipe brother stole from me.

  Patting my face dry, I tossed the towel in the hamper and headed back out. Everyone was up and moving now, some more timidly than others. If I thought I felt like shit, then Payton was worse. Thank fuck!

  “So, you have no milk.”


  “You’re out of milk.”


  How the hell was I supposed to have coffee without milk? As much as I loved the stuff, as much as I needed it, I couldn’t drink it black. That was just nasty.

  “Don’t stress. Come up to the main house and we’ll get you sorted,” Beau teased as he slipped his arm around my waist.

  Without thinking I leaned into him, sniffing him. Damn, he smelt good. Like lemon and soap and man. So much man.

  “You right there?”

  “Yep,” I said, popping the ‘p’ as I snuggled even closer. To his credit he just rolled with it, kissing the top of my head and squeezing me tight.

  “Fine! Be like that!” Payton huffed as she attacked Gage. “Let’s go get some breakfast. Want me to cook you something yummy, gorgeous?”

  Throwing a wink over her shoulder, I felt Beau tense under my grip. Maybe he didn’t know Payton as well as he thought. If he wanted to dish it out, Payton would play all right. He just better be prepared to lose.

  “Hey buddy! Eyes up here.”

  Shit! I’d been caught blatantly ogling Carly’s legs. I mean, how could I not? They were the sort of legs that were made to be wrapped around someone’s waist. My waist. Or my head. I wasn’t fussy really.

  “I…I…” I couldn’t even find the words to deny it. I tried. I just couldn’t find them. Instead of making an even bigger dick of myself, I kept quiet. No good would come of me trying to make up some shit. Besides, Payton would see straight through it.

  “Let’s go, Romeo. I’m thinking bacon and eggs.”

  “With hash browns and mushrooms?” I had absolutely no idea what she did when she cooked her mushrooms, but damn, they were good. It must be some top secret eleven herbs and spice type recipe. I didn’t care. If Payton continued cooking them, I was a happy boy.

  “Well duh!”

  I knew there was a reason I loved this girl. She knew the way to a guy’s heart…mine at least. All she had to do was cook and I’d probably strangle my brother for her. I just hoped she never asked me to.

  Draping my arm over her shoulder, I led Payton out the door, but not before looking back over my shoulder for one more glimpse of those legs, which had my jeans feeling a little too snug.


  I loved my family.

  And I hated my family.

  Nothing was sacred. It wasn’t like anyone could keep a secret. After all this time you’d think I’d know better. Turns out, I didn’t.

  It’s been two weeks since Beau had caught me drooling more over the woman staying in his cabin than the pile of fluffy pancakes Payton piled in front of me. And if Payton was making them, then you knew damn well they were the best pancakes you could ever hope to get your hands on.

  From the moment he’d called me out, I’d put up with his bullshit. I think I preferred him when he was surly and alone. Payton brought out the happy, bullshit romantic side of him—a side I didn’t know he had. One I wish I still didn’t know about.

  I’d tried deflecting his taunting in Connor’s direction. More than once Zoe, Derek’s best friend and soon to be best man, had been seen sneaking out in the early hours of the morning, obviously participating in the walk of shame. Holly had even taken to cleaning Connor’s room so it didn’t smell like ass. Her words, not mine. I wasn’t going there. I didn’t have to have details to know what Connor was up to. They weren’t reading a bedtime story. You couldn’t pay me enough to touch those sheets.

  Nothing worked though. Apparently being a recluse and the ‘quiet one,’ made me the ideal target. I thought throwing myself back into work would keep them away. It didn’t. After spending my days up to my elbows in blood and shit and other goo, I’d come back and start the paperwork. The never-ending paperwork. At one point, I’d been so over it, I even attempted to bribe Alice to take care of it for me. That earnt me a clip up the side of the head and a disappointed look that even days later, I still hadn’t gotten over.

  My email pinged and I clicked it open.

  I wish I hadn’t.

  There was a picture of Carly in the world’s shortest shorts. Seriously, I could see half her ass peeking out the bottom. There were two white handprints on her ass, and when I glanced down at my own hands, I wasn’t surprised to see my knuckles white and clenched into tight fists. If anyone was smacking that ass, it better be me. Peeling my gaze from her creamy skin, I looked higher. I shouldn’t have. Her pink tank top had ridden up, exposing that thin strip of skin at the bottom of her back. What caught my eye though was the blurred black image at the base of her spine. She had a damn tattoo.

  “Fuck me!”

  “Sorry, Gage, did you say something?” Alice called out, rocking back on her chair and staring at me through the door way.

  Damn it! Why did I have to always get caught doing stupid shit? “No, sorry, Alice. I was arguing with my computer.”

  I heard h
er chuckle before she rolled her chair back across the tiles and disappeared out of sight. Satisfied I wasn’t going to get caught ogling Carly’s ass, which even if I wanted to deny it, was exactly what I was doing, I turned my attention back to the computer.

  Squinting, I couldn’t make out what her tattoo was. Was it some kind of love heart, romantic bullshit that girls get when they’re teenagers thinking they’re cool or cute? Or was it some Disney character which influenced her life significantly? I mean seriously, how much influence can Tinkerbell have on someone’s life. She was nothing more than a cartoon fairy.

  Another email pinged and I wasn’t sure I wanted to open it. Struggling with the decision of closing the image on my screen or seeing if another one came through wasn’t an easy choice. Curiosity got the better of me.

  Opening the new email, there was a video attachment. Shit! I wasn’t sure I was game enough to open it. Not here in the office. It was from Beau, so it could more likely than not be dangerous. I couldn’t stop myself though.

  It was almost four in the afternoon. I’d been at it since just before six this morning. Yet another annoying phone call about a horse in labour had dragged me out of bed before the sun. I could go early. Scooping up my keys, wallet, and phone, I quickly powered down my computer and kicked the chair under my desk.

  “Alice, I’m heading out.”

  “Jesus, Gage! Don’t sneak up on people like that! Else I’ll make you wear a bell,” she chided as she clutched her chest. Her cheeks were red and her breathing scattered. I hadn’t meant to scare her, but I couldn’t just walk away, not until she was okay again. The last thing I needed on my conscience was if something happened to her and it was my fault. Alice might not exactly be old, but she was no spring chicken either.


  Waving my apologies away, Alice looked up, concerned. I’d never noticed how deeply etched the wrinkles around her eyes were, but for some reason, today I did. “Did you get called out again?”

  “Nah. I just need to get out of here. I was going cross-eyed staring at the screen.”

  “Nice try, Gage! You know at some point you’re going to have to finish up those notes.”

  “I know,” I grumbled miserably as I twirled the keys around my fingers. “I’ll catch up tomorrow.”

  “Famous last words.”

  “I will. Promise.”

  “I may just hold you to that, Mr. McIntyre.”


  “Go on. Get out of here. You need a shower.”

  “Are you saying I smell, Alice?”

  “No, Gage. Not at all. I’m saying you stink.”

  “Sorry to offend you.”

  “Shoo! I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than stand here and argue with an old lady.”

  “Oh come on, Alice.” I bent down and kissed her cheek. There was something comforting about her scent. It was a weird combination of baby powder and lavender. It reminded me of Grandma. Damn, I missed that woman. “You’re not old!”

  “Cheeky boy. Now scoot!”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” I bowed an exaggerated bow before heading out the door. I didn’t want to give her a chance to change her mind, or worse still, the phone to ring.

  Tonight, for the first time since Christmas, I wasn’t on call. Now everyone was back, and things were settling into a regular pattern. It was a Friday afternoon, and not only was I free from being a slave to the phone tonight, but I had the whole weekend to myself. No responsibilities. No plans. No one to be accountable to. I couldn’t wait. Tomorrow morning I was sleeping. I didn’t give a shit if I wasn’t even out of bed by lunch time.

  Jumping in my truck, I fired it up, cranking up the air conditioning and adjusting the vents. Once the frigid air was blowing on my face, I remembered the video on my email. Digging my phone from my back pocket, I opened the attachment and waited for it to load.

  “You owe me for this, little brother. And if I get caught, I’m telling them you begged for it,” Beau’s voice whispered as the image loaded. It was grainy at first, but soon enough it came into focus and I heard my breath catch.

  He was obviously hiding in the pantry in the back of Payton’s bakery, while Payton and Carly danced around the kitchen shaking their asses to Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls.” If Beau was beside me right now, I’d kiss him. He must have had the exact same thought. While they sang into wooden spoons, Beau zoomed in on their asses as they bounced around the kitchen. Neither of them could hit a note to save their life, yet somehow it didn’t seem to matter.

  When Carly spun around, the image blurred as I imagined Beau shuffling back into the corner to avoid getting caught. We only lost it for a second, thank fuck. Now it was front on Carly. Her boobs bounced, her top rode up, and her arms flailed about like she was caught in a rip and trying to flag down a lifeguard. Reaching down, I adjusted myself in my seat. This shit might as well be straight out porn the way my body was reacting. I should be embarrassed. I should be. I wasn’t, but I should be.

  “What the fuck, Beau?” a voice squealed before the video ended.

  I guess he got caught. Sucker.

  Shifting the truck into gear, I rolled out of the carpark and headed home. I was going for a run, then a night of pizza, beer, and video games. I don’t remember the last time I’d sat down in front of the TV and lost hours to the mind-numbing distraction of my games. Suddenly I was excited. With a cloud of dust, I was heading home.


  I was on my second beer and kicking ass. I’d changed into my shorts and pushed all Mum’s shit into one corner. I knew I was the one who asked her, or more like told her to come and stay, but I didn’t think I’d have to have all her girly shit everywhere all the time. And don’t even get me started on the bathroom. Chicks said we were gross. My bathroom was barely the size of a damn closet, and there were bottles of god knows what all over the vanity. My toothbrush had been relegated to balancing delicately on the corner of the shower screen. I didn’t even want to think about how many times it’d ended up on the floor.

  Right now though, I didn’t have the energy to care. All I had to do for the next hour was sit here, my ass on the couch, and give my Xbox a thorough workout. It’d been too long.

  I’d been so caught up—I hate when I drive my car into the wall—I hadn’t heard the door open or the procession of people let themselves in.

  “Don’t we even get a hello, asshole?”

  The controller fell from my hand and clattered to the floor. As I jumped up, I knocked what was left of my still warm beer on the floor. “What the fuck?”

  I heard the innocent, sickeningly sweet giggle from behind Beau as I attempted to mop up my spill with the dishtowel. Payton and Carly stood there looking pure and full of mischief and I wanted to kick them out. As soon as I caught the scent of the pizza though, I knew better. They weren’t going anywhere. At least not until I ate.

  Anyone who says girls don’t eat obviously hasn’t sat back and watched these two devour a full size, extra cheesy pizza with the lot without pausing to take a breath. While I looked stunned, Beau looked indifferent. This wasn’t a once off. More surprisingly, it was hot as hell too!

  “So, Gage,” Carly began, looking awfully smug as she wiped her mouth on a paper napkin. “Are you going to let me play?”

  “You play?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing.” Whoa! This chick was maybe more than a little crazy. “Nothing more than what I asked. I just didn’t know you played.”

  “I could beat you any day of the week,” Carly challenged, puffing out her chest and those delectable boobs.

  “You’re on, sweetheart.”

  “Gage…I’d be careful…”

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head about me, Payton. I’m going to teach your friend Carly over here a lesson. Ouch! What the fuck was that for?” Rubbing the back of my head, the spot where Beau had just thumped me, I gave him the evil eye. He was turning into a pussy.
br />   “Play nicely. Carly’s your friend too…”

  “No, she’s not. No, I’m not,” she defended quickly.

  I saw Payton and Beau exchange conspiratorial glances. I may not have spent much time with them recently but I knew enough to know that meant trouble. Nothing good could come of those two joining forces.

  When Beau pushed the empty box aside and tugged Payton into his lap, I watched on with curiosity as he started absentmindedly toying with her engagement ring. I don’t think he was even aware he was doing it.

  “So you two claim you’re not friends?”

  “What? We’re friends, we’re just not friend friends.”

  “That makes no sense,” Beau huffed. “You’re either friends or you’re not. Simple.”

  I looked at Carly. Damn, she was beautiful. And those boobs. Holy shit. I was sitting on the couch and Carly was on the floor leaning against the arm rest. I tried not to look. I really did. Okay, I didn’t try very hard, but with a view like this, could you blame me? From my vantage point, I could see straight down the top of her black singlet. Right down to the lacy white bra with a red bow in the middle.

  “We’re friends.” I announced it like it was decided. Carly nodded her acknowledgement and killed me. Well, killed my stationery, seemingly forgotten character.

  “Yeah, friends my ass. Friends don’t make out with each other. They don’t spend the night pretending to be innocently asleep next to each other, all the while spooning and grinding on each other.”

  “Hey!” Carly objected, her face a bright shade of red. It was damn adorable.

  “And they definitely don’t sit here pretending to be friends all the while staring down the other one’s top!” Beau added like an ass. He couldn’t just let that one slide. Hell, I’d caught him more than once in the last ten minutes taking a peek.

  Carly’s bottom lip popped out as she pouted and adjusted her top. It didn’t help. It didn’t hide those magnificent tits. And it didn’t help ease the problem in my pants, either.

  Payton must have been channelling Carly’s embarrassment, or they had some weird girly psychic connection going on, because she cut off this line of interrogation like a pro. “So, Gage. You got any more of those controller thingies so I can help Carly here kick your cute butt?”


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