His Human Conquest

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His Human Conquest Page 3

by Stella Rising

  “He’s the best at what he does, and he’s experienced it thousands of times on other worlds in our empire. More important, we’ve seen the evidence he presented to us: your world is at war, Jillian. It always has been. The environment is in jeopardy, natural resources are becoming scarce, and rapid technological development is altering the fabric of society in ways you can’t control or anticipate.”

  “I get it,” I reply, balling my hands into fists. “But how do you know we can’t rise above these issues on our own?”

  Vol’s lips curve into a mild frown, and his eyes grow distant. “You might, given enough time. But, you don’t have as much as you need. I wish you did—my people don’t just invade planets on a whim. Our council was called to an emergency meeting once Earth’s situation was brought to our attention. We debated taking immediate action or letting humanity live or die on its own. A vote was cast, and it favored action. So, here we are.”

  For a second, something stirs in my heart, and I feel a tear gather at the corner of my eye. This is all so unimaginable. A day ago, I was looking forward to a date with some tool named Thad. Now, the world is either ending or is about to change completely.

  “In the coming years,” Vol continues, “the Dominars will become the total masters of the Earth and all of humanity. Our rule will be benevolent, but our authority will be complete and unquestioned. You will learn what this means for yourself personally, and also for your entire species. You will serve me and do exactly as I say, or you will be punished.”

  They’re crazy.

  These aliens are utterly out of their minds.

  I have to get out of here.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not the person you want,” I say, getting up and slowly moving toward the exit. If they won’t return me to the surface, I’ll find my own way. “There are experts in other fields that will know what to do.”

  Vol smiles and keeps pace with me. “All you have to do is exactly what I tell you, Jillian. You’ll do just fine.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” I say, twisting my body to break into a sprint.

  My heart races, and for a second the ground moves underneath me in slow motion. I’m so close to the door, I’m almost out…

  Then I feel a squeeze around my extremities, and my motion slows as though I’m wading in a pool of rapidly hardening cement. The telerings binding my wrists and ankles refuse to budge, and within seconds I’m stuck in place. I can wiggle my fingers and toes, and shift my hips, but that’s all.

  Vol marches up to me, and whatever traces of sympathy he feels drain from his expression.

  “I told you, Jillian. We are not here to kill or destroy, but we do demand your obedience. And now you’re going to find out what happens when you disobey.”

  Chapter Four


  Vol stares at me a second, as if daring me to object. I keep trying to get my arms and legs to break free of whatever force is holding them, but it’s too strong.

  “Everyone out,” he says. Briette and the doctor nod quickly, then turn to go. With no other apparent patients in the infirmary, we’re all alone.

  “Get on the bed,” he says, releasing the invisible grip on my body.

  “No,” I snarl, planting my feet and folding my arms across my chest.

  He grits his perfect, pearly white teeth and points at my arms. Before I can react, my arms are pulled straight out in front of me, my wrists joining together. “Go.”

  I sneer at him defiantly, refusing to move.

  “Very well.”

  The telerings around my wrists begin to pull, forcing me to list forward. When I pull back hard enough to keep myself from falling, I instead begin to slide across the floor. My shoes squeak as they drag the entire way, but I can’t fight Vol’s will; despite my resistance, I find myself at the foot of the bed.

  “Go ahead, human,” he says, squeezing my chin and cheeks between his thick fingers. “Be as stubborn as you like. I’ll relish the challenge of training it out of you.”

  Shivering at his words, I nearly gasp—I’d been holding my breath without realizing. His words may be threatening, but coming from him, they sound more inviting. Despite everything I know about him, he’s hard to resist.

  I’ll still try, though.

  Taking a seat on the infirmary bed, he spreads his legs and beckons for me to come. He waits for me to obey, but I don’t, so once again he invokes the telerings to compel me forward.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. My heart pounds and sweat collects on my forehead.

  “Lie down,” he replies, gesturing toward his spread legs.


  Instead of answering, the rings tug hard on my wrists, lurching me forward so fast I trip; Vol catches me, positioning me across his thick, hard thighs.

  “Oh, god, what is this?”

  “I told you, pet: if you disobey, you will be disciplined.”

  Pet? Who does he think he is, calling me that? He has no right, even though the word makes me shiver.

  The telerings force my hands down to the floor—they don’t even reach, Vol’s so tall. My fingertips barely brush the smooth, cool surface. My legs find solid purchase, but it’s not a great comfort, considering it forces me to stick out my bottom.

  Vol lifts my dress, exposing the black lingerie thong I wore for my date with Thad. “Very pretty, Jillian. You must have been up to something dirty before you got mixed up in all this.”

  I wish.

  I don’t know what I was thinking—would I have really slept with Thad? Am I that lonely?

  Blushing, I try not to think of my terrible date—I have bigger problems now. “Whatever you’re about to do, please don’t,” I beg. “I’ll behave a lot better if—”

  Vol spanks my bared bottom with his open palm, creating a loud slap inside the suddenly very silent infirmary. I yelp and writhe in place, unaccustomed to being punished in such a manner.

  Did he really just spank me?

  “Hey, what the hell!” I protest, trying to wriggle, but all I manage is to shake my ass a little.

  “Oh,” Vol chuckles. “You want a bit more, huh?”

  “That’s not what I—”

  Again, a sharp smack to my rear turns my words to a surprised gasp. Pain arcs through my bottom, and my skin burns from the lingering sensation. “Dammit, that hurts, you bastard!”

  “I know, pet. That’s the idea.”

  Growling, I grit my teeth and wait for the next spank. For a moment, I sense a strange tingling between my legs—anticipation, which doesn’t make any sense. But then his hand lands across my tormented cheek, and I moan at the fresh pain. This time, though, Vol doesn’t stop with one touch; he continues to smack my ass, moving from side to side and making sure not to miss a spot. By the time he finishes, I’m practically in tears.

  “This is… ridiculous!” I protest. “You don’t punish people… you convince them!”

  Vol laughs, caressing my reddening skin; every brush feels like electric jolts. “If you’re not finding this convincing, I must not be doing it right.”

  That’s not what I meant!

  Yet, the pleasure in his tone causes a flutter in my pussy I can’t ignore. He’s drinking in my every reaction, and part of me wants to give him more to enjoy.

  Vol makes a face, understanding my irritation, but doesn’t stop; he spanks my rear twice more, each time rubbing the spot afterward, enjoying his handiwork. “Jillian, I came to your world with a purpose: conquer the planet with as little bloodshed as possible. Though I enjoy disciplining you quite a bit, I’m not here to play. This punishment is intended to make a lasting impression.”

  “And this is how… you conquer a planet? By spanking them?”

  He laughs again, nodding. “As a matter of fact, it is, in a sense. I’ve been doing this for thousands of years; Dominar firepower and technology are unmatched. When we strike, we do so with superior strength, leaving no doubt that any resistance will be in vain. Earth will submit
to the Dominars’ rule, starting with you.”

  I shake my head, fighting the ache overwhelming my senses. His words convey absolute certainty in his power—an inevitability to humanity’s defeat—that makes me want to beg for mercy on the spot, but I can’t. If I am the face of my people, then shouldn’t I try to be brave? “You’re wrong,” I say. “It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re capable of. Humanity does not bow to oppression. We will fight until the end.”

  Expecting my defiance to be met with a harsh rebuke, I squeeze my eyes shut and brace for the Dominar’s savagery. When nothing happens, I open my eyes and twist around to face him. He watches me with pity.

  “I sincerely hope you’re wrong, Jillian Wexler. I don’t want people to die, and the Dominars do not intend to oppress your world. It is our mission to free those who are now the victims of cruelty, exploitation, and greed. We require that our orders be followed for the good of all.”

  Could what he says be true? If they’re so powerful that they can do whatever they want, why would he lie to a single human like me?

  This is all so confusing. Despite being punished by Vol, I kind of want to like him. If his intentions are truly benevolent, then humanity—including me—would be in his debt. But, how would we repay it?

  “For the good of all,” I repeat. “What do you get out of this?”

  Vol pulls me up into his lap; my bottom burns from the spanking, and I wince, but otherwise I don’t let my discomfort show. I’m far more preoccupied with the way his powerful body feels beneath me. “We get the planet, and we get you. Humans may be primitive, but I have heard that they make exceptionally fun pets.”

  His words elicit a wave of excitement in my core; somehow, my panties have grown damp, and I groan softly when Vol wraps his arms around my stomach, holding me close. When his hands travel upward to my breasts, I don’t complain. His thumbs rub over my hardening nipples.

  “You’re enjoying this, Jillian,” he observes. “I can tell.”

  “Yeah? How?” I ask, trying to ignore the churning in my pussy.

  “Your nanites indicate an elevated physiological response consistent with arousal… But I can see you blushing—I can feel you squirm, and your jaw hangs open just a little. You want this, Jillian.”

  God, this is so wrong!

  How can I be turned on by this monster? Who could be attracted to cruelty and degradation?

  “I think you’ve… got your signals… crossed,” I gasp as his fingers trace their way down to my wet, swollen lips. “You have… no idea… about humans.”

  Vol laughs, pulling me back down over his knees and rubbing my bottom. “Perhaps you’re right, Jillian. Let’s find out.”

  I don’t have long to wonder what he means: he begins once again to spank my ass, this time harder and faster, his hand clapping against my skin with a steady rhythm and force. Each swat makes me howl until tears sting my eyes. I try to break away, but my restraints refuse to let me move except when Vol allows. Realizing he can do anything he wants to me right now pushes me over the brink, and soon my tears drop freely.

  “The nanites are no longer indicating arousal, Jillian. Do you think they’re right?”

  Screw you, asshole!

  “No,” I mumble.

  Using both hands, Vol spanks the underside of my ass, creating a fresh new sting. “You will address me properly. Say ‘sir’ or ‘master’ when you speak to me. Try it for me now.”

  Is he serious?

  When I don’t answer, he pulls my hair back with one hand and uses the other to pepper my rear with quick swats.

  “What do you say, pet?”

  “Yes, sir,” I squeak, shaking in his grip.

  Another slap scorches my ass. “Say it so that I can actually hear you.”

  “Yes, sir!” I shout, expelling all the air from my lungs.

  “Better,” he laughs, letting go of my hair. After a second, my restraints deactivate, allowing my limbs to go limp. Vol lifts me carefully and gets up off the infirmary bed, then sets me down on my stomach.

  “Thank you, sir,” I say, glad for the small mercy.

  “You’re welcome, pet,” he replies, brushing back my hair. My breath catches, as I crave the relief of his gentle touch. “See, you’re already learning.”

  It’s true, isn’t it? He only had to tell me one time how to address him. Am I already breaking? What kind of representative of humanity am I if I can’t stand up to a little corporal punishment? The thought makes me cry more.

  Though I attempt to suppress my sniffs, Vol hears them. “It’s normal to be upset right now,” he says, running his hand over my burning cheeks. This time, however, his touch doesn’t exacerbate the pain; instead, a cooling sensation alleviates the ache, leaving behind a mild soreness that I almost enjoy.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, quickly adding, “Sir.”

  Vol smiles and kisses my forehead. The gesture takes me by surprise, but when I see the grief in his expression, I draw from it an odd comfort. “If there’s one consistent truth to the universe, it’s that no one really likes change, and your life has just been completely upended. Now, imagine what will happen when everyone in the world feels the same way.”

  “I see.”

  Vol stands up and lifts me to my feet. Most of the pain has diminished now, and the rest leaves when he smiles and kisses me on the cheek. Though I can’t imagine forgetting how I suffered from his punishment, a euphoria passes through me.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” I mumble.

  “Nothing, pet,” Vol says, pulling me into his embrace. “You took the punishment and came out on the other side stronger. You have a right to feel good.”

  I appreciate him trying to comfort me, though I’m not sure I’m ready to believe him.

  He kisses me again, then lifts up my dress once more. Biting my lip, I hold my breath and watch as he gently pulls down my sodden panties. Feeling cool air against my burning skin sends a wave of excitement through me; my mind betrays me, bursting with images of all the ways he could make me squirm.

  “You’re so wet, Jillian. Ask nicely and I’ll grant you the relief you desire.”

  “No, please,” I say, mortified. “I’m not… You’re an… It’s too… thank you, but… no.”

  Vol laughs. “So be it. But I can’t have you changing your mind and… taking matters into your own hands.”

  As I watch, a panel on the wall of the infirmary opens and a small device flies out of the wall. It looks like nothing more than a thin square of metal, but as it floats toward us, it begins to change shape. By the time it gets close, it’s become a not-quite-full ring. Before I can react, it closes around my waist, sealing shut. Then the metal elongates and passes between my legs, eventually connecting to the back of its waistband.

  “What is this?” I ask, prodding at the metal, trying to dislodge it. Like the telerings, it fits snugly against my skin and refuses to budge.

  Vol rubs his hand against the device, but the contact produces no sensation at all, except at the edges of my thighs, where he touches bare skin. “It’s just a little something to make sure you behave yourself. If you want release, you’ll have to earn it from me.”

  Oh, god, that’s twisted!

  This must be some kind of cruel joke, because now I would do anything to have him remove the device. However, I hold my tongue, refusing to give him the satisfaction.

  “A private room has been prepared for you, Jillian,” he says. “You should go rest.”

  “But I…”

  Vol grins, savoring my obvious distraction. “I’ll keep this,” he says, balling my panties in his fist. “They won’t fit over your new underwear anyway.” He lets my dress fall into place, completely hiding what I’ve got on underneath. “Your nanites will guide you to your room. On your way now, pet,” he concludes, giving my ass one last slap.

  Oh, fuck, I think as the telerings start marching me out of the infirmary. I moan, lips quivering as I realize, this is
going to be pure torture.

  Chapter Five


  I watch the human as she leaves, enjoying the hitch in her step. Either she still hasn’t gotten the hang of walking with the telerings, or she doesn’t truly wish to go. She’s so aroused right now, her readings are off the charts. It’s too bad she had to deny it; I could have sated that need, instead of intensifying it. Now she’s no doubt growing more desperate for satisfaction by the minute.

  Oh, well, I think with a mischievous grin. It’ll be a good lesson for her.

  And for me, I suppose; my cock is still hard as jadza wood. Thinking about Jillian has kept it fully erect: her pretty pink lips, her wonderfully cute rear, the adorable squeal she makes when spanked… In addition, she’s clearly intelligent and strong-willed—quite the lucky find, in fact. If all of humanity were like her, I doubt I’d be here to invade their world—clearly, she’s special.

  I debate relieving myself, but decide to hold off. Though the pleasure would be great, I’d rather wait until I can enjoy Jillian properly. A few hours alone and in chastity ought to help her admit the truth of her desires. I can resist temptation that long.

  Leaving the infirmary, I alert Doctor Swul that he may return to his duties. I have my own to attend to.

  * * *

  As I arrive on the bridge of Redeemer, my crew works at their stations, analyzing Earth. Our top priority is identifying military bases and detachments, assessing power structures and initiating plans to help restore the planet’s environmental balance.

  Through my nanites I absorb all of the status reports generated thus far. The armies of the American nation are discreetly preparing for war, but intelligence reports show that other countries have gotten wind of this and are starting to make ready as well. From this, I can anticipate a chain reaction of the entire world recognizing that conflict is about to begin, even if only a select few governments know the truth: the enemy, for the first time in their history, is not one another.


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