Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2)

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Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2) Page 14

by Vera Quinn

  We make it to the hospital in record time. I’ve contacted Diamondback, Kelsey, Uncle Trent, and Chelsea. Still can’t reach anyone in Colorado and I am beginning to worry. Dra would just not answer. I know something is wrong. As soon as I am in for an examine they admit me. I am dilated to a four centimeters. I am here until Kellan makes his appearance.

  We are still waiting for a birthing suite when they finally let Devil back with me. He is being supportive. My pains are more than annoying now. Devil is trying to get me to breathe the way I learned in Lamaze, but all I can think about is Dra. I finally decide to try and rest for a while. I’ll try to nap before these pains get too intense. I turn to my side and I see Dra walk into the room. I am so relieved. He comes and sits beside me on my bed. He hasn’t looked at me yet.

  “What’s wrong, Dra? Why won’t you look at me? I was so scared you weren’t going to make it.” I take his hand and he brings it up to his lips and kisses it.

  “I love you, babe. I will always love. You are my world. All I can say is I will miss you and I will be waiting on you. Take care and remember what you promised me.” He stands up. I’m reaching for him. I don’t understand. What is he saying? Then he is gone. He didn’t go out the door but he is gone. I yell out his name.

  “Dra. Please Dra.” I’m crying. Then I feel my arm being rubbed.

  “Callie wake up sweetie. You’re dreaming.” I open my eyes and I see my dad standing over me. Kat and Devil are standing at the end of my bed. Fe and Uncle Blake are over by the window on the couch.

  I feel loss. I am filled with it. I remember back to when I lost my brother. This is that feeling. All of a sudden I have another labor pain hit me. I have tears streaming down my face but not from the physical pain. I know something is wrong with Dra and I need to help him. Dad is holding my hand through the labor pain and the monitor shows it has subsided.

  “Baby, the pain should be gone. Have you changed your mind, do you need an epidural? It’s ok if you need it. A lot of women go that route.” Dad thinks I am crying because of the pain.

  “Dad, you or Uncle Blake have to contact Dra or his dad. Something is wrong in Colorado. I saw Dra in my sleep. Something is wrong. He was telling me good-bye. It was like with Tommy. Please dad. Something is wrong, he needs help.” Dad and Uncle Blake both flip open their phones and walk out the door.

  Devil, Kat, and Fe surround my bed. Devil takes my hand and climbs in the bed beside me. “It was probably just a dream, babe. Do you want pain medication?” I do not want to be patronized. I know something is wrong.

  “No drugs. I don’t want my child coming into this world with anything in its system. I know it is safe, but we have discussed this. As long as I can take it, no drugs.” I look at Devil and Kat. They have both tried to talk me out of this

  Dad sticks his head back in the door about the time another pain hits me. I breathe through it and try to concentrate on the other techniques I learned in that class. It still freaking doesn’t feel too good. As soon as the pain subsides my dad turns to Devil.

  “Can we speak to you out here for a minute?” That’s it, something is definitely wrong. I hear other voices in the hall and I recognize one as Diamondback and the other as Mase’s. Devil gets up and makes his way out of the door.

  “Can you help me up?” I ask Kat innocently. “I need to go pee, again.” I know this will assure her help. She helps me undo all the wires and get everything situated and then instead of heading into the little bathroom I go to the door and out into the hall where I see a large congregation of men.

  Diamondback, Mason, Cru London, Dad, Devil, Ty, Jeb, and both my Uncles Blake and Trent are all standing whispering. They all turn and look at me.

  “Why the hell aren’t you in that bed?” Devil ask me.

  “Because some assholes think they can keep shit from me about my husband just because I am in labor!” About that time my body is racked with a pain like I have never felt. I bend over and hold my belly. I am breathing the way I was taught but shit this hurts. “Mother sucking biscuits!”

  All of a sudden all of the guys are laughing. I give them a death glare. The wicked witch of the west would be proud of that glare. I did not mean to say that out loud. This pain is lasting longer and seems more intense. Then I feel a familiar hand on my back.

  “Are you ok Callie?” It’s Mase and he looks like he just wished he could take my pain. As soon as the pain lets up some I stand straighter. I take his hand in mine and give it a squeeze.

  “I’m ok Mase. Just hurts like the dickens.” I smile at him and in this minute he looks like my old Mase with longer hair. Yep, he needs a haircut.

  I look at the men, “Tell me what is going on with Dra. I want to know now or I won’t go back in.” Dad and Devil smile at me. That just infuriates me. “What the hell is so funny?”

  “Well daughter, I understand you want to know about Dra and we are looking into it, but you won’t have a choice about going back in, because Baby Girl, this baby is coming. You can’t change that.” Dad is just so smug.

  “Now get your ass back in that bed until our son is born. If I know Dra, he will be the first to tell you to do just that.” I know Devil is right, but I need Dra. I know something is wrong. I don’t give them the satisfaction of a response. I turn and walk back in trying to keep the back of my gown shut so I don’t moon everyone. I go to the bed and lay down and look at Kat.

  “Will you hook me back up? They gave me nothing.” Kat has a sympathetic look on her face. But she does as I ask.

  Devil walks back in the room with Steel, Stone and Kim behind him. I am trying to breathe through another pain. They are coming more frequent and they hurt a heck of a lot more. I know this is what happens, but I thought it would take more time. Dra was supposed to be here for the birth. I know something is wrong, but I have to concentrate on getting my son here.

  I now notice I am not the only pregnant woman in this room. I look at Kim and I know. I am going to be a big sister. “Is that my brother or sister?” Kim smiles and rubs her hand over her stomach.

  “Surprise! Everyone is finding out today.” I look at her incredulously. Shit is going to hit the fan.

  “Dad doesn’t know? Are you serious? What did he say?” He is going to be pissed she hasn’t told him. She looks at least four months along.

  “I haven’t seen him yet.” That’s strange. They were right outside the door.

  “Aren’t they outside the door?” Surely my dad didn’t go far.

  Then I am hit by the hardest contraction yet. I am trying to remember what they told me about not tightening up. I am trying to relax but this shit hurts. Devil looks like someone is poking him with a hot poker. He’s trying to comfort me but right now comfort is a stretch. I want Dra. Finally, the pain is letting up. I felt like I needed to push. Push now!

  “Will someone get my dad?” Then it hits me again and I definitely need to push, so I hit my call button for my nurse. It takes her no time to get there and no wonder when Devil sticks his head out the door and yells for her. Stone goes in search of dad.

  Everyone but Devil leaves me when the nurse examines me. It’s show time. I’m dilated to a ten and it is time for the doctor and time to push. Everything happens in a flurry. My pains are coming fast and are lasting, sometimes over lapping. I need to push like crazy. “I want my dad in here.”

  They get my dad and the doctor arrives. My legs are put in stirrups and my son will be here soon.

  Forty-six minutes later Kellan Thomas Steel is out and screaming. Eight pounds and six ounces of screaming baby. I have never been so happy in my life. When my doctor puts him on my chest I lose my heart. He is beautiful. I am amazed and completely in awe. Devil has tears streaming down his cheeks and I look at dad and so does he. Devil is kissing the side of my head and dad has his hand on top of my head and I feel happiness. I am so tired. I drift in and out of sleep while they clean me and my son up. When they are finally done I get to hold Kellan. He is perfect. Ten finger
s, ten toes and a pretty pink color. Devil is standing beside the bed and I pat the bed beside me. “What?”

  “Get in the bed beside us.” Devil does it and puts his arm around us. “Dad will you take pictures for me? Send one to my phone and Devil’s. Dra, too.” Then it hits me. Dra still has not been heard from.

  “Well, look at the beautiful family. I am here to take the baby to the nursery. We have some things we need to do in there. Dad you can come along.” The nurse is addressing Devil. Devil looks like he doesn’t want to leave me.

  “Go with Kellan. I will be fine. Your bracelet lets everyone know you’re with him. Don’t let him out of your sight.” Devil really looks torn, but finally gives in and follows the nurse out.

  I look to dad and I know he is going to change my life forever by what he says next. I feel it all the way down to my bones. “Tell me dad. What did you find out when I had to send for you?” I see the pain in his eyes.

  “We couldn’t get Dra on the phone because there was an explosion last night. Someone set a bomb at Betsy’s motel. In her living quarters.” No. Not Gram. That’s the reason Dra was not answering his phone. His club needs him right now. His family needs him.

  “What do I need to do to help him? I know losing Gram will hurt him. I need to get to him Dad. I can fly.” I see Dad has more to say so I go silent. Waiting.

  “Betsy, Hawser, and Dra were all there.” Oh crap. Dra is hurt. I start to get out of bed.

  “I need to get to him dad. He’s hurt and he needs me.” I see the tears in dad’s eyes he won’t let fall and I know. I know my heart is gone. “No! No Dad! He’s there and he’s hurt I need to go.”

  “No, Baby Girl. They’re all gone. The explosion completely destroyed the motel. Baby, he is gone. I am so sorry.” Dad is trying to comfort me.

  “How is Krill? Is he ok?” My mind is wandering. Why? Why would anyone do this? “Who did this dad? Why?” I need to know.

  “From the intel we have uncovered, the Troubled Fathom MC have had problems with some marijuana growers. They have been getting threats. The MC own some land the growers want. Howser wouldn’t sell. This is the reason Dra wanted you gone. I swear I didn’t know. We could have tried to help. No one knew. Krill said they thought they could handle it. Krill is waiting on you for arrangements. He said for you to stay put and stay safe. It is what Dra would have wanted. We are all going for the services when you feel up to it.” My head is swirling with information. How could I have not known? I wouldn’t have left. How could he not tell me? I’m too tired to process.

  “Mrs. Draven, I am giving you something for sleep. You need rest.” The nurse is putting something in my IV drip with a needle. I can’t respond. I can’t think. I can’t feel. I sink down in my bed and let the darkness take me. I thought it would be peaceful but all I get is haunting dreams of screams, explosions, and fire.

  Chapter 37


  I watch Callie in her fitful sleep. She tosses and turns and cries out. I almost think I would be helping her if I woke her up, but then she would be hit with the harsh reality of life. I don’t know how much more she can take. I want to protect her, but trouble has a way of finding her. No one has left the hospital but the women. We know Callie is going to need us all.

  Our son is perfect. He has all the goodness I had left inside him. I lost the rest of my heart when I looked at him for the first time. I will do whatever I have to, to keep him and Callie safe. Callie is going to be hell bent for revenge. I will make sure she gets what she needs, but after that she will be going home with me. I promised and I keep my promises. I see her eyes flutter open.

  Callie sets up in bed slowly and she looks around the room. Her eyes lock on Kellan. I go and pick him up and take him to her. I lay him in her arms and she kisses his head and holds him close. She opens up his blanket and I see her checking out his fingers and his toes. “He’s perfect.”

  “He is that and more. Thank you, Callie. You gave him to us.” She wraps him back up.

  “We gave him to us. Part you and part me.” Callie is staying strong.

  The nurse comes in and looks at Callie and the baby. “Time to try and feed the baby. Let’s see if he will latch on. Don’t be discouraged if he doesn’t. It’s not as easy as it looks. Baby and mom just have to work together.” I know I should leave but I don’t want to miss this.

  “Should I step out?” The nurse looks at me like she thinks I’ve lost it. Callie smiles.

  “We’re not together, but he is the father. No Devil. It’s fine. It’s not like it’s a peep show. It won’t be the last time you see it.” She’s telling the nurse but letting me know I can stay. To me this has to be one of the best bonding experiences between child and parent and I don’t want to miss any of it.

  The nurse helps Callie position Kellan and he latches on like a champ. That’s my boy. Never let a meal pass you up. It is beautiful. I was afraid I wouldn’t get this. The nurse leaves and Kellan gets full enough and we put him back down. I’m thinking Callie may go back to sleep but she has a determined look on her face.

  “I need everyone back in here. I need an update on Krill and what’s going on. I need my phone.” She puts her hand up to stop me from speaking. “I know you’re going to tell me to rest. Part of my family is gone. No one does that without paying. Everyone has repeated for me to come to you for help. I am. We can either do this together or I will do it myself. Your choice.” Well, she is right. I shoot a text to Chief and it isn’t long until all the men who care about Callie are standing in front of her. This room is full of men.

  “She wants our help. She put it in a way I can’t refuse her. Hear her out.” Chief is looking at me like I am crazy and Diamondback has the same look.

  “What gives you the right to say anything about my daughter?”

  I start to answer but Callie beats me to it.

  “Dra gave him the say. You heard it as well as I did. When Dra came to me yesterday he reminded me of it. Dad you know what Grandma told us. Spirits come to us in our sleep to finish unfinished business. He reminded me what he told me about Devil. Call it what you want. I believe it, but we have other business.” I thought I would have to fight with her over it but maybe not. “What have you found out? Do you know who did it? I have my plan and you can either help or leave me alone to do it myself.” Diamondback is shaking his head.

  “Little girl, has anyone told you that you just had a baby? You have to give your body time to heal.” He is muttering something under his breath.

  “If you have something to say, say it where it can be heard or keep it to yourself.” Callie is no mood to put up with shit today. Diamondback is going to see her bad side real soon.

  “I said you’re a real chip off the old block. Stubborn as hell and you can act like a real bitch when you want to be.” I step into Diamondbacks space and get in his face.

  “No one calls Callie a bitch.” I push him back but he doesn’t back down.

  “Damn, this group is wound up tight. I didn’t call her a bitch. I said she can act like one. Take it down a notch.” He can take it down a notch. All I see is red.

  “Ok. Callie, it was marijuana growers. They want to put a large hot house on some land Hawser and the club own. Also had something to do with two men who disappeared a little while ago, cousins, Abe and Harold. The men who want the land were relatives. You know anything about that?” Callie is weighing her words. “Tell us Callie. We can’t help if we don’t know it all.”

  “Don’t know anything about any land, but this Abe and Harold, I met. Actually I shot Harold. The day after I got to Colorado. I was with Gram having breakfast and they came in and were trying to get back at the club. He rushed me and I knee capped him. Club got there and took over. End of story.” Damn this girl is always in trouble.

  “Why am I just now finding out about this?” Chief is waiting. Callie smiles.

  “Club business and not yours. Do you know how long I have waited to say that?” Chief is not a

  “So my daughter carries a gun, too?” Diamondback sounds quite amused.

  “Yes!” Chief, Mase, and Ty say at the same time.

  “Ok. Did the man live?” Chief wants to make sure no one is coming after Callie next.

  “Of course, dad. I just knee capped him, not killed him. Club took him away.” Sounds like the club got rid of them. “Ok, I need to talk to Krill then we can talk.”

  “Baby Girl, you are a mom now, besides that, you know club takes care of things, not you. You will take a sideline and take care of my grandson.” Shouldn’t have said that.

  “No dad. You can either do this with me or I will do it by myself. My son will be safe, but this is my job to take care of and no one will sideline me. Take it or leave it. You know I will go alone. I want your help, but I am more than capable of taking care of it myself. You are the one that taught me. No one messes with family. This was part of my family. The man I love.” Callie is not giving in. She will have to be involved.

  She’s holding her phone in her hand when it rings. She looks at the caller ID and a tear runs down her face. This could only be one person.

  “Krill how are you and what can I do? I’ll be there as soon as they will let me out. Tomorrow morning at the latest.” She listens to him. “Can I have some privacy please?” We all look at each other and we each head for the door. I am the last one and stop and turn.


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