Forever Red

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Forever Red Page 24

by Carina Adams

  Lia was dressed. She didn’t look to see who had joined her, but I saw her tense, telling me that she knew exactly who had walked into her space uninvited. She was on the other side of the room leaning against her bureau, staring at something. I stood, watching her a minute, but she didn’t acknowledge me.

  I glanced around the room. “Where’s your luggage?”

  “Suitcase is in the closet,” she answered absentmindedly, not moving her eyes. Then, as if realizing what she’d said, she turned her entire body toward me. “Wait! What?”

  I fought the smile that was threatening to break out and shrugged before walking to the closet and pulling open the accordion door. “Gotta get you packed so we can get on the road. Some of us have places to be.”

  She laughed, snagging my attention away from the absurdly miniscule space she had crammed with her things. “Wow.” She crossed her arms over her chest and leveled her gaze on me. “While I’m sure most women can’t resist that amazing Southern charm of yours and would follow you anywhere, this girl is staying put.” She waved me away with her fingers. “You have places to be so you better hurry and get moving.”

  I turned back to the closet, finding a small black and red suitcase buried under the rubble and yanked it out, tossing it on the bed. I tried not to notice that her bed wasn’t made and that her sheets were a tangled pile that were calling to me. Instead, I unzipped the bag and walked to her. Moving around her, I reached for the drawers,

  “Oh, no!” Lia batted my hand away. “Don’t even think about touching my stuff. There is no need to pack anything because I’m not going with you.”

  I let my hand drop to my side. “Yes, you are.”

  Her fists went to her hips. “No. No, I’m not.”

  I rubbed my chin, trying to hide my smirk. Jesus, she was cute when she was feisty. I leaned down, invading her space. “Either you pack your shit or I will. One way or the other, Red, I’m not leaving this house without you.”

  Her nostrils flared and she narrowed her eyes as her lips turned up in a smile that told me she was about to give me hell. I didn’t let her. Before she had a chance to realize what I was doing, my hands tangled in her hair and I pulled her into me, capturing her mouth with mine. It had been years since I’d kissed her, but I remembered it like it was yesterday.

  This wasn’t an awkward and clumsy first kiss. It also wasn’t the rushed, “hurry up and fuck me” that I was used to. I wasn’t trying to remember her name or plotting my next move. No, as my lips moved against hers and her tongue danced with mine, I lost all thought. Nothing in my life had ever felt more natural and I didn’t want to stop. I’d found the part of me that had been missing for years, the piece that made me whole. Lia stepped in to me, throwing her arms over my shoulders and tugging me close.

  A sharp knock on the door broke the spell.

  She pushed against me before stepping back; her eyes were wide and worried as they avoided mine and her hand flew to her mouth. I watched, hypnotized as she ran her fingers over her swollen lips as if trying to tell herself she hadn’t just kissed me. I wanted to kill whoever was on the other side of that fucking door.

  “CeCe? Everything okay?” I didn’t know which friend it was, but I didn’t care. She didn’t sound worried. In fact, she sounded amused.

  Lia glanced at me, the slight tinge of embarrassment creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks. I moved toward her, but she stepped back. Each step I took, she retreated until her back was up against the wall. I pressed my body against hers, capturing her hands and tugging them away from her face, trapping them over her head.

  Those giant eyes looked at me, pleading. For what, I wasn’t sure. Whatever the hell it was she wanted, though, I’d find a way to give it to her. I leaned down, running my nose up her neck to her ear, memorizing her scent. “Neil,” she groaned softly. The sound was like a shot of adrenaline straight to my dick.

  Her pulse pounded away in her neck as she struggled to catch her breath. I knew mine was just as ragged. Being this close to her was pure torture; I wanted her as much as I always had. Maybe more than I’d ever wanted anything. I needed to get away from her or I was going to lose all control.

  I couldn’t do that with my brother – or her friends – in the next room. I nipped her ear, hard enough to cause her to gasp. “This still isn’t over,” I ground out the words.

  Backing away quickly, I moved to the door. Her short friend was on the other side, jumping back in surprise when I yanked it open. I didn’t look over my shoulder because I knew if I did, I’d be the moron that told her friend to get fucked, slam the door in her face, and drag Lia to bed.

  Instead, I scowled at the woman and her knowing smirk. “We’re leaving in ten minutes. Get her packed.” Not waiting for the answer, I glared at my brother. “I need some fucking air.”

  Noah nodded, understanding immediately. “We’ll be down in a few.”

  I jogged down two flights of stairs and out into the bright sunlight, cursing myself all the way. New plan. Fifteen minutes alone with her in a crowded room. Somewhere that we could talk without interruption, but someplace where we weren’t alone. I couldn’t trust myself to be alone with her. It was too fucking risky. It wasn’t until much later that I realized it had been the first time I’d kissed Lia without braces.


  Tipping the can of Red Bull up, I guzzled the last few sips. It was the third one I’d had in a matter of hours and mixed with the coffee I wasn’t used to drinking, I felt like I could fly. Screw wings, I was floating in the sky. It was all good, though; I’d burn up the extra energy as soon as I got on stage.

  “Hey. Are we…” Molly sauntered toward me, holding what looked like my set list, cocking an eyebrow when she reached me. “What are you doing?”

  I shook out my arms and shifted my weight from one leg to the other. “Getting ready for the show,” I shot back as if it was obvious.

  Her face twisted in a scowl. “No. You’re bouncing. Actually fucking bouncing.”

  I laughed, causing her to step back and stare at me with wide eyes. I rolled my neck from side to side, hearing the familiar crack that told me I was no longer a kid. I may only be thirty, but a lot of those years had been spent abusing my body. I was a middle-aged model with high mileage.

  Eyeing my energy drink, Molly snarled. “You’re gonna crash mid-set if you’re using that shit to pick you up.”

  I only chuckled again. This was her first stadium show – she had no fucking clue what she was in for. “I’m fine,” I assured her. “In order to go out there”—I nodded my chin toward the door—“and to give them the show they deserve, you need to prep the same way a runner would prepare for a marathon.” I moved an arm around in a circle. “Stretch, hydrate, and, above all else, pace yourself.”

  She looked at me like I was nuts, but she’d see. Especially if she was going out there in those sky-high heels. Her feet would be killing her two songs in and her toes would be numb by the time the third was over. The rest of her night would be spent in her room with a bucket of ice water soaking away the blisters. But I got to wear work boots or sneakers, so what did I know?

  “You’re acting weird.” She crossed her arms, looking at me like I was a puzzle she needed to figure out.

  I felt weird. I wasn’t sure if it was the caffeine coursing through my veins, the fact that I hadn’t slept in thirty-six hours, or the knowledge that Red was out there, waiting for me. Not only was she here to see the show, Noah had somehow convinced her and her friends to stay in the house with the band.

  That meant I got to spend time with her tonight after the show, all day tomorrow, and tomorrow night. We were back on the road first thing Tuesday morning, heading down to New York for a few interviews and then we had a show Wednesday night. But at some point in the next twenty-four hours, Lia and I would have a chance to talk. We’d say what we needed to say and then we’d move on.

  Molly was still gawking at me as if I was the prize display in a freak show.
I only laughed and shrugged. “Show energy.”

  She nodded. Then her face softened and she touched my arm. “You okay?”

  I was tired, yeah, but I didn’t think you could tell by looking at me, yet she suddenly looked very worried. “Yeah.” I stretched the word out, saying it slowly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I haven’t seen you all day and just wanted to check in.” Mols tipped her head and bit her lip, eyes sweeping over me again. “You’re exhausted and I know you thought you’d bring Lia back with you… it’s a bad combination.” She scrunched her nose as if she didn’t know what else to say.

  I raised my eyebrows, completely confused. “Lia is here, Mols. She and her friends came back with us and are crashing at the house.”

  “What? They’re staying with us?” Her sneer threw me off. She acted offended – as if I should have asked her permission before inviting my friends to stay with me.

  I nodded cautiously, feeling like we were on very rocky ground. “I thought you knew or I would have told you.”

  “How in the fuck would I have known?” she snapped. “I had sound check, and then I was in wardrobe, and then make-up, and then I had interviews that you were supposed to be at.”

  “I did mine over the phone,” I said and she looked at me like I’d just kicked her puppy. Instantly, I felt like shit. “Hey”—I grabbed her, pulling her into my arms—“I’m sorry, I missed your first big interview. How’d it go?”

  She shook her head against my chest. “Terrible,” came the muffled reply. She leaned back a little, looking up at me with a sad expression. “I sounded like a ditsy blonde bimbo.”

  I laughed because no one would use those words to describe her. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”

  “It was. Really.” She pouted up at me. “You were supposed to be there to make sure I didn’t sound like an idiot.”

  “I’m sorry, kid. Next time, I’m all yours.”

  “That’s if I don’t murder him first,” Mike told her from the doorway.

  “Uh, oh.” Molly laughed, pulling away from me. “Someone didn’t run his plans by the big man.” She winked at me over her shoulder as she strutted to the door. “I’ll see you on stage.”

  “Knock ‘em dead, Mols!” I yelled and she smiled again before squeezing past Mike.

  As soon as she was out of the room, my best friend stepped into it and shut the door. “What in the fuck are you doing?”

  Why was everyone asking me that? I sighed because I knew exactly what he was asking and it had nothing to do with pre-show stretches. What I didn’t know is if he was asking as my head of security or as my friend. I knew that it was hard for him to be both sometimes, but this time the lines were really going to blur.

  Mike had been my best friend for the last twelve years, but he’d only run my security for the past few. He’d enlisted in the Navy before we’d even graduated and had planned to be career military before getting hurt and medically discharged. He never talked about his time away, even when he was active. I did know that he’d seen horrible shit, but until he wanted to tell me what, I wouldn’t pry.

  Mike always had my back. He’d gained two inches and a solid sixty pounds of muscle and had just become an overall badass. Not someone that people wanted to fuck with. He kept the crazies away and made sure that everyone on my tour stayed safe.

  He was more than that, though. I told him everything. When I got drunk and became a whiney pussy, he’d listen without judgment. He talked me through some of my biggest decisions for the band. And he told me when I was being a fucking douche. Friends like that were hard to find.

  “I can ask you the same thing. You’re not working tonight. Things go south?”

  “Yeah. The husband’s still a dick. I got to have Jake last night and this morning. He understands.” Mike glared at me, letting me know he wanted an answer to his question.

  I wouldn’t sugarcoat it or downplay it. Lia had been his childhood best friend, and if she hadn’t stopped talking to him, I’m sure they’d still be close. But he’d lost her because of me. I owed him the truth.

  “I don’t have a fucking clue.” I shrugged. “She was at the concert last night, right there in the fucking line. I lost it. I can’t think straight when she’s around.”

  He nodded slowly as if understanding. He knew. No one else did, but Mike knew it all. “You brought her to the house?” he asked and I nodded. “She here now?”

  “In the suite.” I wanted her to see the show. I hadn’t talked to her much on the way down, but her friends were all very chatty. Apparently, Lia was quite the fan. She’d never been to one of my real shows – last night didn’t count – for obvious reasons. I didn’t want her to see it from backstage or struggle to see from floor seats, so I put her and her friends in the suite that was reserved for my family. She was off to the side, but she’d get an unrestricted view of the entire show without having to deal with the fans.

  “You need me?” he asked, but I didn’t. He knew that. In fact, he wasn’t even supposed to be here. I’d given him the weekend off to see his family. Nikki must have called him back. He turned to go and I knew he was heading straight for Lia.

  “Take it easy on her, Mike. She’s not the same girl she used to be.”

  He stopped, looking back at me. “I’d be worried if she was. None of us are the same as we used to be, Kelly. We grew up, remember?”

  He disappeared and I felt like I should call the suite and warn them. Fuck it, though. She’d done it to herself and we all had to face the music at some point. I just wish I could’ve been there to see them face off. I agreed with Nik; my money was on the redhead.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  ~ Cecelia ~

  “Holy shit. Look at this view.”

  I rolled my eyes, not bothering to lift my head off the back of the comfy, overstuffed chair that I was currently sprawled in. The three of them were standing in front of the glass windows, watching as employees flitted all around the stadium, getting ready for the show. They’d been there for the last twenty minutes, gasping and carrying on about how great the view was, how big our private suite was. I got it; it was amazing. Yada, yada, yada. They could shut up any second now.

  “Ce? Come on, come look. People are starting to show up.”

  Good for them. I didn’t need to see it.

  There was movement behind me and the door opened. I hoped it was our waiter bringing back our drinks. I needed booze. I needed it now. I picked up my head to see, but instead of the waiter, a bear of a man walked into the room.

  I stood, shocked, and I ran to him. “Mikey?”

  He laughed, picking me up and squeezing me. “Lee,” he whispered in my ear before dropping me on my feet. Then his hands found my cheeks and he tipped my face back the same time he ducked, leaning close. So close it would look like he was about to kiss me to someone that didn’t know us. “What in the hell are you doing here?” His voice was barely a whisper, meant only for me.

  “I don’t know.” It was the only answer I had. Because I didn’t have a fucking clue how I ended up here or how in the hell Nate Kelly’s lips had been on mine just a few hours ago. Then I scowled at my friend. “What in the hell are you doing here?”

  Mike dropped his hands and swallowed. That’s when I noticed the lanyard around his neck. His looked a little different from the ones Nikki had handed us earlier, but it was his jacket that gave it away – the same one the crew had on at Nate’s concert last night. If he turned around, I knew it would say, “Nate Kelly’s Bacardi Rum Tour.”

  He lifted a hand in defense as I started to put two and two together. “It isn’t what you think.”

  I snorted, running my tongue along the inside of my teeth, praying for patience and feeling like an idiot. “Private security, huh? When you said you found a great job, one that you’d never be able to talk to me about, one that would take you all over the world, I assumed you meant you were working for the FBI.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Or, at
least, that’s the only thing that made sense for someone that had been injured in the line of duty.”

  “I told you I couldn’t tell you about my job, but I told you it was private security work.”

  “That’s what everyone in the FBI says,” I snapped back quietly as the ladies realized that we weren’t alone and abandoned their spot by the window.

  “Petey!” Cort hollered, rushing over to give him a hug. Mike had spent a lot of time at our apartment over the past few years, anytime he was in town to see his kid and didn’t want to deal with his parents or when he just needed friends. He and Cort had gotten quite close. Everyone said the two of them would make an adorable couple; they would if he had the equipment she liked in her partners. I was more her type than he was.

  “Brat!” Mike smiled back, kissing the top of her head in a brotherly fashion.

  Then she realized what he was wearing and immediately looked at me, pointing at his jacket. “I think that I’ve missed something big here.”

  I nodded. We had. Being the shit he always had been, Mike held out his hand. “Mike Carson, personal bodyguard to the stars.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I shot back.

  He only nodded in agreement, smiling.

  “Hey, PTAF boy!” Nina hollered from across the room, “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”

  I inwardly groaned. Poor Mike. One night, while drunk off my ass, my friends and I had an in-depth conversation about sex. Okay, so that was actually a common occurrence. But the first time anal sex had been brought up, I’d lost it and told them that I was part of the “PTAF 4 life club,” which led to the story about Mike.


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