The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4) Page 10

by J. A. Kerr

  “Yes. Was that DI Clark?”

  “It was,” said Benedict, turning. “They’ve found nothing to link Nick Waters to the crime scene.”

  Guy remained silent.

  “In fact, the only evidence they’ve found is Katie Burns’ DNA.”

  “The lab results are back?”

  “Apparently, but I don’t believe it. You heard what our IT consultant said. It’s possible to tamper with DNA results.”

  “Perhaps...” said Guy frowning. “An independent lab is one thing but the crown prosecution service? I don’t think so.”

  Benedict seemed deflated.

  “Even if the DNA results have been modified...proving it is impossible. Plus, there is the physical evidence to consider too,” Guy sighed.

  Benedict ran a hand over his face in frustration. “I thought he was working with Katie. I thought she was the person on the outside, but I didn’t think she actually did it?”

  “Speaking of outside help, let’s go to ‘Knox’ and look around.”

  “Okay,” said Benedict. “What time is the meeting with Evan scheduled for?”

  “It’s late, I’m afraid.” Guy’s expression was apologetic. “He’s due to meet with us first before his sensory lesson, 7.00pm tonight.”

  “I’ll be there. Let’s get going,” said Benedict, walking purposely to the door. “Oh, Siena reminded me again today. Are you and Anna free for dinner one evening this week?”

  Guy looked blank. “Dinner?”

  “Yes,” laughed Benedict. “Don’t look so enthusiastic. I know we work together and if you’d rather not...”

  “No, it’s not that, but I do need to check with Anna,” said Guy, his voice guarded.

  “Of course,” said Benedict sensing there was a problem. “You can let me know.”

  He turned and followed Guy out of the room.

  Chapter 24

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Siena wasn’t prepared to let Benedict fob her off. When he’d told her about Evan Radley’s suspicions, she felt a shiver run down her spine. Nick spying on her—of course he had. It made perfect sense. When she’d found out he’d hired a private detective during their divorce, she hadn’t been surprised. But even she didn’t think he’d go to these lengths to get revenge.

  She knew better now. If Nick’s actions had taught her one thing it was to accept he’d never halt until something or someone stopped him. She’d followed Benedict downstairs shortly after he’d left. She knew he wanted to protect her. But what Benedict didn’t understand, was no one knew Nick like her. Ten years of marriage gave Siena an insight her husband lacked. She hung back not wanting Benedict to see her. She was aware of Guy’s work. Benedict had spoken of little else. What was taking so long? she thought, irritated. She desperately wanted to go with him to the house but knew he’d never agree.

  Plus, she’d never leave her children. Lizzie had them swimming at the moment and—as long as they were in Harrison’s—they were safe. Siena would not take any risks. The security guard she’d met was a stark reminder of her situation. If she went out of the club then Annette came with her. She would work on a part time basis to begin with because they were staying at the club and security there was not an issue. But as soon as that changed, which had to be soon, Siena desperately wanted their own space again, Annette would work with them full time.

  They needed the protection with Nick Waters still at large. Finally, she saw Benedict and Guy head towards the elevator for the underground car park. As soon as the doors closed, she hurried to the conference room. The thumbprint security was certainly convenient. The door unlocked and she slipped inside. She stood staring at the array of information and notes on the board. Her mind recoiled as it followed the timeline, bringing back terrible memories of that horrible day. Tears filled her eyes and a sob escaped. Suddenly, she was glad she was alone. She wanted time to process everything in front of her. Placing a seat in front of the board she began to read. When’s she’d finished, she let the memories of her life with Nick flood back—something she’d never done. She’d been so young when they’d met, so easy to manipulate and she so in love. He’d been a monster then but Siena didn’t see it. His outward image belied the man he was inside. That’s the problem with a sociopath: they appear normal, it’s the inside that’s fucked up.

  Siena’s whole life had been controlled by Nick, one way or the other. She was a virtual prisoner in Harrison’s because of him. She couldn’t sleep at night. Her appetite was gone. Any semblance of calm destroyed forever. Nick had been darkness against her light for too long. She wanted to flush him out. She had an idea—a wedding. Her wedding. He would be furious. Incandescent with rage. Yes, using your own wedding day as bait seemed extreme, but then again, so was Nick. She knew he’d be obsessed with stopping it. She wasn’t going to get married, but Nick wouldn’t know that. She knew this public declaration of their love would push his buttons. Siena needed Nick to come to her and she would be ready when he did.

  Chapter 25

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Evan stood watching Chloe’s disappearing taxi and signed to his driver. As the sleek Mercedes slowed to a stop, he got in and tried to get his temper under control.

  “Follow that taxi, Pete,” he said, putting on his seat belt as the car pulled away. Something about Chloe had touched him but to push her now was a mistake. She was upset. Acting irrationally. Had he overreacted to the situation? When he’d seen her dancing, his breath had caught. Her body moved with a fluid grace that mesmerised him. Her slim legs and arms danced sensually to the rhythm of the music. Combined with the outfit she was wearing, it was no wonder men were lusting after her.

  However, Evan had work to do. Important work. Nick Waters was a dangerous man. Evan needed to get home. He had an early start tomorrow. Arranging the surveillance for Nick Waters was top of his list but he couldn’t get Chloe out of his mind. He continued to follow her at a distance. He scrolled through his contract list until he found Nicki.

  Evan: Rush surveillance job starting tomorrow. I want you on it.

  He put his phone away. Nicki would get back to him. He noticed the taxi was slowing.

  “Pull in here, Pete,” he said.

  His driver parked the car as Evan watched Chloe stagger out of the taxi. The area was expensive. Probably from money, he thought. He saw the taxi pull away. Chloe was standing looking in her bag. Next moment she sat down on the steps and tipped the contents of her bag out. He opened the car door and walked cautiously towards her.

  “Can I help?” he asked.

  Chloe jumped, her hand flying to her mouth.

  Evan slowed down and stood. “I’m sorry if I upset you. Don’t freak out about why I’m here. I wanted to make sure you got home safely.”

  Chloe’s eyes were huge and she looked frightened.

  “Chloe, my driver is down the street. I can ask him to help you if you’d prefer. Have you lost your keys?”

  Chloe’s gaze darted to down the street.

  “He’s in the Mercedes,” said Evan helpfully.

  Chloe gave him a nervous look. “I don’t appreciate you following me home.”

  Evan lifted his hands to put her at ease. “I understand. I’ve explained why I did, but if you want me to leave, I will. Do you have someone you can call?”

  “What, at this time? Don’t be stupid.” Chloe snapped.“I don’t know where my keys are,” she moaned.

  “Have you tried all the zip compartments?”

  Chloe looked at him suspiciously. “How do you know my bag has zip compartments? Did you take my keys?”

  “No,” said Evan. “Look, I can see you don’t trust me...”

  However, Chloe wasn’t listening. She was rummaging in her bag. “I’ve found them,” she interrupted, relieved.

  “Good,” said Evan. He turned and walked away.

  “Evan, wait.”

  He stopped walking and turned, his fac
e questioning.

  Chloe wore a sheepish expression. “Do you fancy a coffee?”

  This time, Evan was hesitant. “I’ve got an early start tomorrow.”

  “Oh,” said Chloe, her face falling.

  Something about this girl tugged at Evan’s heart strings. She looked lost, vulnerable and very beautiful.

  “Well, maybe a quick one,” he smiled.

  Her face lit up. “Great.”

  As she stood swaying at the door, Evan gently took the keys from her and slid them in the lock. Chloe gave him a smile of thanks and they entered the house. Evan frowned. She really was too trusting. She didn’t even know him and yet she was allowing him into her home when she was drunk—dangerously naïve behavior. He could be anyone.

  As he followed her, he took in his surroundings. The apartment was completely white with high-end furnishings and a pale wood floor. However, it could never have been called bland. Violent pops of colour were everywhere, from the lime green wall art, to the large red lampshade in the hall. Everywhere Evan looked there was something of interest. He stopped when they entered the kitchen and whistled. It was breathtaking. The room had been extended. The kitchen was ultra modern with chic white units and gleaming appliances. A large expanse of glass doors at the rear gave a glimpse of the lit garden beyond.

  Chloe smiled. “You like what I’ve done with it? You should have seen the state it was in when I first moved in.” She laughed and moved towards a state of the art coffee machine that looked more like an alien spaceship. “How’d you take your coffee?”

  Her voice was still slurred and Evan wondered if she could work the machine. It looked very complicated but to his surprise she popped on the kettle sitting beside it and pulled out two mugs and a jar of Nescafe.

  “Aren’t you using the coffee machine?”

  “God, no. It’s purely for display.”

  Evan frowned. “So an expensive ornament?”

  “I got it free, as part of my job. I get a lot of free things.” She gestured around her. “Most of the things in here are free.”

  “What do you do, Chloe?”

  “I have an online business.”

  Evan nodded, glad she didn’t rush to give him all her details.

  “So business is good?”

  “Booming,” said Chloe, filling the mugs with boiling water. “Milk?”

  “Yes,” said Evan. “No sugar.” He watched Chloe add the milk and took the mug from her.

  He was about to sit down in what looked like an uncomfortable wire chair when Chloe motioned him to follow her.

  “This room is cosier,” she said, opening a slim door in the kitchen. It’s my secret retreat. Evan watched her disappear through the opening. Intrigued, he followed her into a small white cube. There was a small sofa, a chair and a desk. It was nothing like the rest of the flat. Inside it was chaotic.

  “I don’t normally show anyone this room,” said Chloe.

  “I can see why,” Evan remarked, gingerly picking his way over the scattered clothes and debris lying on the floor.

  Chloe giggled. “I love it...this is the real me at heart. The rest is just for show, and the magazines.”

  “And your home appears regularly in magazines?” asked Evan amused.

  “Oh yes...that’s why I get all the freebies. I know tons of editors and they love featuring my home. The flat will look completely different in a few weeks. I replace the things I’ve got with different products. That’s how it works.”

  “What do you do with all the other stuff?” asked Evan, his face curious.

  “It depends; sometimes I keep a piece if I like it, other times I return them. If the company don’t want them back, which is normal, I raffle them in work and raise money for charity.”

  After lifting an enormous cushion off the sofa, Evan sat down. With nowhere to put his mug he held it in his hand and sipped cautiously. Evan had scolded his tongue and mouth too often to do otherwise. Although he didn’t feel pain, infected ulcers had made him very ill in the past. His GP had told Evan he must be more alert to signs of infections. So now he always allowed hot food and drink to cool before taking it. Chloe was perched on the chair, her coffee on the desk.

  “So, now you know what I do...I want to know about you?”

  “I told already,” said Evan. “Security.”

  “What does that involve?”

  The coffee seemed to be sobering Chloe up and Evan was glad. “All kinds,” he replied.

  “What, like house alarms?”

  “Part of my company deals with that, yes. Security is a big arena and covers lots of different forms.”

  Chloe’s eyes narrowed. “That’s evasive.”

  Evan laughed. “I forgot you’re a frustrated detective.”

  Chloe put down her coffee cup and crossed the room. Sliding down next to Evan she turned to face him. “I can detect you’re not comfortable talking about your business. Now why is that?”

  Her beautiful face was inches from his. Evan was surprised to find he wanted to touch it. He placed his mug on the floor. She leaned closer. “I don’t bite, Evan, you can trust me.”

  Gently, he put his hands on her face and pushed his lips against hers.

  Chapter 26

  The Braille Club Reborn


  When Chloe closed her eyes, memories of her earlier session made her reach out and stroke Evan’s face. Evan’s lips were so gentle on hers; more of a caress than a kiss.

  She had never had that before. Her sex life had been passionate and violent. Her body wanted it that way. Half the men she’d slept with she’d barely kissed before their cock was inside her. If not that, then Chloe unzipped their trousers and took them in her mouth. She was proud she could deep throat as good as any hooker. Take their cock until their balls kissed her lips. The men she courted wanted her to submit to them and she loved the thrill of it but this...this was different.

  She pulled back. “Close your eyes,” she whispered. She saw Evan hesitate but comply.

  “Don’t open them until I tell you.”

  “Okay,” said Evan, his face still uncertain. “Oh yes and don’t speak.” She held her finger against his lips. Chloe would take this slow. She was still intoxicated by the Braille Club and the alcohol. Desire for Evan pumped through her veins but she sensed this relationship would be different. She didn’t know why she thought that, or why she thought they’d have a relationship. Evan had all the qualities she liked. A face that was handsome but frightening. A manner that was hard and menacing. His outward shell was tough guy but his inside was proving to be different. It was an intoxicating mixture that had Chloe hooked.

  Her hands touched his face again and she brought her fingertip across his lip—it quivered. They were both breathing hard. It was the only sound in the room. Chloe ran her fingers down Evan’s neck, her touch light. Returning to his mouth, she brushed his lips again and again before finally inserting her finger into his parted lips. The contact was electric. A deep insistent ache inside Chloe almost had her reaching for Evan’s zipper, but she stopped herself, determined she could change.

  She ignored the wetness between her thighs and brushed her lips against his. His hands moved and held her face as their mouths danced together. The softness of his touch was as erotic as it was unexpected. She gasped. Her tongue slowly slipped between his lips. She leisurely explored his mouth. Her breathing changed as red hot desire pulsed through her. She pressed her mouth harder against his, her tongue more insistent. Her body tumbled against him and instinctively her hand reached for his zipper.

  “No,” said Evan, his body was rigid.

  Chloe’s lust-filled brain took a moment to understand what was happening, and when she did, she hung her head in shame.

  “E-e-evan,” she stuttered. “I’m sorry.”

  His gaze sought hers. “No…I’ve got to tell you something.”

  Chloe’s cheeks burned with shame. “What?” she said. Here we go, she thought, bracing
herself for the usual pathetic excuses she’d come to expect from the men she dated.

  “I have a medical condition,” said Evan.

  Chloe felt her eyes widen as her mind filled with thoughts of STDs, HIV, or worse, AIDS. You don’t need to explain.” She stood and took a step back.

  “But I want to,” said Evan. “I have Congenital Insensitivity to pain.”

  Chloe stared at him confused. “What does that mean?”

  “I can’t feel any pain. I’ve got no concept of what it means.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” said Chloe.

  “Because I don’t want to hurt you,” said Evan, his voice strained.

  “Evan, I’ve been with lots of guys who wanted to hurt me,” said Chloe, her voiced quiet. “Let me tell you…you’re not one of them.”

  Evan’s shocked stare made her feel uncomfortable. “What do you mean?”

  Chloe sighed. “Evan, I’ve got a bad habit of choosing men who beat me up.” Chloe shivered. Her words had a simple brutality that had her seeing her life as it really had been—scary.

  “Your boyfriends hurt you?”

  Chloe snorted. “They were never my boyfriends. Men like that don’t form relationships. Their only objective is control; whether with their will or their fist.” She shrugged. Talking about her past always made her feel uncomfortable. Evan’s appalled expression told her everything she needed to know. He was different.

  “I’m the last person you want to get involved with,” said Evan, his voice had hardened.

  “You said you could or might hurt me but I don’t think you will. You didn’t say you wanted to hurt me. They are very different things,” said Chloe.

  Evan looked stunned. “I can’t believe what you’re saying…every girl I’ve been with has been hurt. Physically, emotionally and I don’t want to put you through that.”

  “I’m not every girl. Don’t you understand that, Evan?”

  “No, I don’t. You’ve just admitted you’ve been with men that hurt you. Where is your self-preservation? Why would you put yourself in danger?”


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