The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4) Page 24

by J. A. Kerr

  She looked miserable and perhaps not the best of patients. “What are the doctors saying about your injuries?” A wave of nausea hit him and he gripped the wheelchair until it passed.

  “Well, apparently I was lucky with my fracture,” said Anna, her voice laced with sarcasm. “I don’t feel bloody lucky. Oh, and that’s the other good news, I can feel pain. They wouldn’t say that if it was them,” she snarled. “I’m ecstatic my head and neck are like this.”

  “So everything’s okay?” he gasped.

  Anna rolled her eyes. “Of course not. Look at me!”

  The nurse came back. “Are you okay?” She moved Guy nearer Anna.

  He suddenly felt hot and the room swam.

  “Drink this,” said the nurse, pushing a cup of water to his lips.

  Guy gulped the cool water down.

  “Better?” Her brow was creased in concerned.

  “Yes,” said Guy shakily.

  “I’ll call the porter, I don’t think you’re well enough to be out of bed.”

  “Guy,” said Anna, her voice panicked.

  “I’m okay,” he said in a rush. “Please give me a few minutes.”

  “Hmmm,” said the nurse. “You’ve got until the porter arrives.”

  “They tested my reflexes and legs, all good,” Anna said. “I could move my legs after I fell, but was relieved when they told me I had no paralysis. The vertebrae have been repaired and pinned but didn’t damage the spinal cord, apparently.”

  “Fantastic news,” said Guy breathing out, he’d been so afraid but regardless of what condition Anna was in, he was committed to her.

  “Yes, but I’ll be like this for two months,” Anna wailed.

  The brace looked uncomfortable but Anna would heal and Guy would be there to help her. “Have you spoken to the police?” Guy’s head hurt—a dull headache.

  “Not yet. The doctors wouldn’t let them in,” she said sounding tired.

  “Anna, I’m so sorry…I never thought he would come after you.”

  “How could you? I don’t blame you, Guy.” Anna’s expression was weary. “So it was Nick Waters?”


  “I never saw his face,” said Anna faintly.

  “He’s dead,” said Guy.

  Anna turned and looked at him. “Good.” Her voice was stronger.

  Ignoring the headache, Guy smiled. The old Anna was still there—nothing shocked her. “I’m going to resign from Harrison’s.”

  “Don’t do it on my account,” said Anna waspishly.

  Guy wheeled closer. “I want to marry you, Anna Dunbar. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Unsure he could touch her, he settled for taking her hand. “I love you, always have and always will.”

  “Had a bloody weird way of showing it,” she quipped but then fell silent. Anna closed her eyes.

  Guy could see tears running down her cheeks. He gently wiped them away. “Anna, I nearly lost you. I didn’t realise you were gone because of the abduction case.” Shame made his face burn. “I thought you were pissed off with me and booked yourself into a hotel.”

  “I was pissed off with you,” said Anna. “Still am,” she said, but her voice was softer.

  Guy smiled. “I was out of my mind. I can’t live without you and I don’t want to either. I’ve been a selfish idiot. Everything you said was true.”

  “They told me you were the one who found me,” said Anna. “I’m glad you never give up. That you don’t stop until justice is served. I’ve always known you had those qualities and it saved my life. When I was lying there I understood how you felt about the Harrisons when their children were taken. I’m ashamed of my behaviour.”

  “Don’t, Anna. You did nothing wrong,” said Guy, squeezing her hand.

  “This is a new start for us and a second chance. I want a baby.”

  “A baby?” said Guy astonished. “What about your work?”

  “Lawyers can have babies and work,” said Anna, her tone sharp. “Is that a yes?”

  “I asked first,” Guy countered.

  “I’ll think about it,” said Anna. “Are you serious about resigning?”

  “Yes,” said Guy, his voice firm. “As you said, Anna, I retired from the police force, Sasha can handle Harrison’s and as for the Braille Club…” Guy shrugged.

  “I want us to be together,” said Anna. “Facing death made me realise what I really want—you and a baby. I’m not the same person I was before.”

  Guy brought Anna’s hand to his lips. “I love you and I want what you want, but let’s get you well and home.”

  “Yes,” said Anna.

  The nurse came back with the porter. “I’m afraid that’s long enough for both of you.”

  “Okay,” said Guy. “I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “You better be,” said Anna, but she was yawning.

  “I’ll never leave you again,” said Guy, gazing intently at Anna as her eyes closed. He kissed her hand and the porter wheeled him back to his room. Grateful to be back in bed, he gave in to the fatigue and dozed. Feeling more refreshed when he woke, he lifted his mobile. Lots of missed calls from Benedict. He dialled his number.

  “Guy!” Benedict exclaimed. “Has DI Clark told you? Nick Waters is dead.”

  “So it’s true…I thought I had dreamed it,” sighed Guy.

  “Siena’s crying; she can’t believe it’s finally over and we’re free. What do you think happened?”

  “I don’t know, I’m still taking it in. He didn’t seem to have heart problems. I suppose there is no way of knowing for sure until the post mortem is done,” sighed Guy.

  “Evan told me about the tracker? How did you find Anna?”

  “I broke the encrypted file on the pen and found the garage address. I had no idea he’d removed the GPS tracker and planted it on another car because I’d stopped following it. Getting to Anna was my priority and I went straight there. I thought it was strange when I arrived and no one was around, but I couldn’t wait. I had to get to Anna. He broke her neck, Benedict,” Guy’s words were ragged as emotion coursed through him. “When I got in, he was there wearing a protective suit and gloves, it explains why his DNA wasn’t found anywhere. He had a syringe in his hand. He was about to kill her…” Guy broke off.

  “You stopped him, Guy, that’s all that matters.”

  “But I didn’t. The bastard dumped an overdose of morphine into me. If DI Clark hadn’t arrived…we would both be dead.”

  “He arrived, though, and the only person to die was Nick Waters. I still can’t believe it.”

  “I told Anna and do you know what her response was?”


  “Good. That was all she said. God, she’s a mess.”

  “She’s strong and a fighter,” said Benedict. “With those qualities she’ll be out before you know it.”

  “Do you know when the post mortem is being held?”

  “Next few days,” said Benedict. “I asked the DI.”

  “He told me Waters had noted his plans down meticulously on the audio pen. It explains everything, even Matt’s attack. I called him and he couldn’t believe it when I told him Toby Fraser was following Siena. Matt said Niven thought Toby was being funded by someone, she was right—Nick Waters. Niven’s relationship with Matt had just begun but Toby must have seen them together. Jealous, he tried to kill Matt and take Niven. Siena and the twins were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s where Waters got his idea from. He copied Toby Fraser and set up a room…” Benedict let out a ragged breath. “To hold Siena. When that failed he must have targeted Anna,” said Benedict quietly.

  “Does he detail out what he intended to do?”

  “DI Clark said he mentions Anna is a target but, no, not the details I don’t think, but you can ask DI Clark yourself.”

  “Have they released Katie Burns?”

  “DI Clark said they would be…but were interviewing her first. They wanted to get all the facts. She’s a lu
cky girl. Her attraction to Waters might have cost her freedom—indefinitely. Guy, I couldn’t have asked for a better result…he’s finally out of our lives. We can start to live again,” said Benedict, his voice full of emotion.

  “Yes,” Guy’s voice shook. “I can’t thank you enough for Evan’s help. I’d like to help with his bill.”

  “It’s taken care of,” said Benedict, and changed the subject. “Siena is already making plans…you know what women are like,” he groaned. “We have three houses to view today. I’ve got to admit, the sooner we’re out of the club the better. It’s too small for our family.”

  Guy smiled. “Good luck with the house hunting. Anna has plans too. I’m looking forward to getting her home.”

  They ended the call. Guy’s smile broadened as he remembered Anna’s earlier words. She wanted a baby. The idea had been shocking at the time, it was hard to imagine Anna changing nappies but, strangely, the idea was growing on him. He never thought he’d be a father, never wanted the responsibility, but things were different now. He was different now.

  Chapter 59

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Guy was released from hospital and instead of going home he went straight to the station to go through the post mortem results with DI Clark. Highly irregular but these were extraordinary circumstances. He was still suffering some after effects from the overdose but was healthy enough to be discharged. When he saw DI Clark they shook hands warmly.

  “Mark,” said Guy. “Thanks for seeing me.” They had reverted to their first names now the case was over.

  “No problem. I knew you’d want to know what killed him. The coroner cannot be completely conclusive but it appears a combination of events led to his death. They found bruising and a needle embedded into his hip. This is what he thinks happened. From the location of the needle, he thinks Waters was carrying another syringe in his pocket. When he was shot with the Taser wires he fell and the syringe pierced his flesh. When the body receives an electrical shock it spasms. These are the doctor’s assumptions. The movement of his body caused by the spasms, depressed the plunger and snapped the needle. A morphine overdose was injected into his bloodstream. The doctors at A&E had no way of knowing it was there. They were treating him for the after effects of an electrical shock. His vitals were strong. His body was still experiencing tremors. The doctors had no reason to think he was in danger. You know better than anyone the effects of a morphine overdose. Untreated in his system, it eventually stopped his breathing and he went into cardiac arrest.”

  Guy was silently absorbing the information. He’d thought Nick Waters had died from a heart defect but this was better. Knowing he died through his own hand seemed like poetic justice. The bastard had got what he deserved. Guy’s only regret was he hadn’t suffered enough. A slow painful death would have been preferable but he was happy with the end result.

  “So you’re off the hook?”

  “Yes, the Taser wasn’t what killed him although the doctor hinted it may have been a contributing factor. In policing you have to act fast. When I saw him stab you with the needle I knew I had to stop him and I fired the Taser. I was doing my duty. The coroner’s verdict is accidental death.”

  “Good, Mark. There should be no dubiety. You saved us both and I’m happy to stand up in court and tell them that.”

  Mark nodded and looked relieved. “They will call you.”

  Guy’s mouth set in a firm line. “I owe you my life, Mark. I won’t let you down.”

  Mark gave an embarrassed half shrug. “Well, the world’s a safer place without Nick Waters.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “How is Anna?”

  Guy stood up. “I’m on my way to see her now. She’s not the best patient but I’m seeing an improvement already.”

  Mark smiled. “Good. Glad to hear it.”

  They shook hands again and Guy left the station with a lighter heart. Anna hadn’t agreed to marry him, yet, but he was positive she was weakening. He grinned as he got into his car.

  Three months later

  Guy carried a tired but jubilant Anna over the threshold of his flat. Her last visit to hospital and finally free of her brace, today was a celebration. Neither of them were comfortable returning to the rented flat and gave up the lease. Anna’s colleague understood and had let it again, almost immediately. Guy’s flat was their base while they looked for something to buy together, but that was all in the future. As it was, he was just glad to get Anna home, without the brace, and settled. She had healed well and had been working part-time from the flat for weeks. Although her body was injured there was nothing wrong with her mind and Elaine, her secretary, came to their home every day loaded with files. Anna was using her laptop and handling a reduced workload. She was incredible. Benedict accepted his resignation with sadness but understood—Anna was his priority.

  “You know I still have that franchise idea,” said Benedict suddenly. “I will contact Max Ballantyne and ask if he’s still interested.”

  “In running the Braille Club?” asked Guy.

  “In owning the franchise to it,” said Benedict. “He was prepared to pay a huge amount of money. You know his wife. All his background checks were good.”

  Guy smiled as he thought of Gabriella, he had always liked her. “Do it.”

  Benedict did. Although surprised to hear from Benedict, Max Ballantyne had agreed immediately. The contracts were being exchanged now. There would be a handover period and Guy had agreed to help.

  Shortly after Anna was released from hospital, DI Clark came to see them. Guy had invited Benedict, Siena and Evan. It would save DI Clark repeating himself to them later. Siena and Anna had formed a bond over these last weeks. Both their lives had been turned upside down by Nick Waters. Siena knew exactly what Anna had gone through. Anna had slowly grown to depend on her support and unending energy. She asked Anna’s advice on houses they were considering and consulted her about other legal matters. Matt and Niven were frequent visitors too. Matt and Anna liked each other immediately. His never ending encouragement and kind advice seem to get through to Anna where others failed. Anna had plenty of dark days and Matt told her to reach out to him, day or night. Surprisingly, she did, and Niven was just as supportive. A victim herself, it was Anna’s brilliant defence that had ensured she walked free. It didn’t stop there. Colleagues from her office…even bloody Robert…turned up. Anna told Guy she was overwhelmed by their kindness.

  And so today they were meeting DI Clark to resolve their unanswered questions about the case. Guy was called as a witness at Nick Waters’ inquest and had given his evidence in full. DI Clark arrived just before Siena and Benedict. Evan Radley was the last to appear. Siena had brought cakes and coffee and passed them around. Anna had lost a lot of weight and Guy was pleased to see her biting down on a pastry. They were all a little nervous but the coffee and cakes helped. Once they were settled, DI Clark began.

  “So,” he said. “The inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.”

  Guy smiled. “Good.”

  “The coroner’s evidence and your testimony was enough. It was the right decision in my opinion.”

  They nodded their heads and seemed to relax as a group.

  “Katie Burns was released without charge. From all the evidences we found on Nick Waters’ pen, he groomed her from prison. She was his patient and suffered from several mental health conditions. She was vulnerable…unbalanced even, and he knew it. Her blackouts were part of her illness. When she woke up, when the police raided her flat, she had no idea what had happened. That was genuine. She thought she’d blacked out but, we now know, Nick Waters drugged her. Your neighbour was right about the cat being dead for some time. Waters had it killed. We’ve interviewed his acquaintance, Chris Reid, they served time together. Charges will be brought against him for the assault of prison officer Cassidey, who has spoken up now Waters is no longer a threat to him. That’s just for starters, but it w
as at the point Anna became a target.”

  Guy felt sick at the mention of this. He had told Anna everything, left nothing out about his involvement in the assault against Waters. His guilt was unbearable. She had been quiet but said she understood his reasons. She told him only a twisted monster would have sought retribution through a loved one. Waters was that monster.

  “Everyone who got close to us was a target,” said Benedict. He looked wretched. “Guy, you were only trying to help.”

  “But I didn’t. I put Anna in danger.”

  “The only one to blame here is Nick Waters,” said Anna firmly.

  The DI continued. “We told Reid he was looking at accomplice charges for double attempted murder of two children. We couldn’t stop him talking. He told us all about Nick Waters. He had quite a set up in prison. Treated a lot of inmates and was owed a lot of favours. He completely fooled the prison governor…there will be an investigation into that. Reid confessed, he put two baskets and a shovel into Katie’s garage but swore blind he didn’t know what Waters wanted them for. He also got drugs for Waters, the Propofol, we think. He admitted killing the cat but thought it was just to scare you both,” said DI Clark addressing Benedict and Siena.

  Sadness clouded Siena’s features. “Poor Tilly.”

  “He’s not the sharpest tool in the box. Just followed Waters’ requests, no questions asked. We will speak to the other people involved, like the surveillance teams, but it doesn’t look like they had any part in the abduction. From what I can see, Nick Waters worked alone. The information on his files was very detailed. His little clinic was all a ruse. He treated a lot of the prisoners to pump them for information. He found it difficult to write because of his hand, that’s why he got the recording pen.”

  “How did he get it into the prison?” asked Guy.

  The DI shrugged. “The same way other criminals get phones and drugs whilst inside, through corrupt prison officers.”

  Guy looked away guiltily. Cassidey was a thug, he was certain he wasn’t on the take, but Guy hadn’t been fussy, so it was possible.


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