A Baby for the Alien Prince: Celestial Mates (The Alva)

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A Baby for the Alien Prince: Celestial Mates (The Alva) Page 10

by Miranda Martin

  But he's careful and considerate like he is with almost everything now that I've come to know him.

  And I'm so wet I'm almost surprised he doesn't just slide in with the lightest of pressure.

  Hooking an elbow under one of my knees, he pushes that leg up and out, spreading my legs even wider apart as he pulls out and pushes back with short, smooth strokes.

  My short nails dig into his arms as he seats himself deep inside, burying his entire length in me.

  He stays deep inside for a moment, allowing me to adjust.

  I feel full to the brim, the fit tight.

  But also perfect.

  Kissing my lips, my cheek, my temple, he reaches between us to rub at my clitoris as he pulls out slow.

  And pushes back in.

  We both groan at the delicious push and pull.

  I feel like every nerve ending I have is firing as we settle into a slow rhythm.

  I watch his face, his eyes at half mast as he draws the act out, reveling in it. His hands skim over my body, cup and squeeze my breasts, shape my hips.

  He leans down to kiss me, his lips just feathering over mine as his erection slides in deep.

  "Faster," I gasp, raising my legs and wrapping them around his lean hips.

  "Are you certain?" he asks, his rhythm faltering as his eyes meet mine.

  "Yes," I say, my voice firm. "Go."

  He takes me at my word.

  We both cry out at the next slide in.

  Yes. That's what I want.

  Soon, the sound of our bodies slapping together echoes around us, but I don't care if anyone hears us now.

  I want him. Let them all listen and hear our passion.

  I reach down and grab the hard muscles of his flexing ass as he continues thrusting, his body damp with sweat from the effort, his jaw tight.

  He changes his angle.

  I moan as his shaft rubs against my clitoris on every stroke.

  I can feel the orgasm coming at me.

  My mouth waters and my toes curl as I get inevitably closer.

  Elorshin slams into me forcefully, claiming me with each thrust.

  I cry out, convulsing around him as my climax hits, my body bucking from the force, my eyes squeezing shut as it rolls through me in intense waves of sensation.

  As if he was waiting for the pleasure of my climax, Elorshin groans, burying his face between my neck and shoulder. Simultaneously, the sharp coldness of his fangs stings my shoulder while the warmth of his orgasm inside keeps mine going on even longer. I grind myself against him, losing myself in the sensations.

  I make a harsh sound as it seems to go on forever until I'm left spent and exhausted. An intense glow of contentment washes through my mind and I relax, enjoying the comforting sensation.

  "You are so beautiful," Elorshin murmurs.

  I frown as an image flashes in my mind's eyes.

  An image of me, looking tousled and flushed.

  I open my eyes as I also feel a rush of admiration. Admiration directed at me, but it's not me admiring myself. What’s going on?

  Elorshin frowns at me, raising his hand to cup my cheek. I reach to my shoulder, just now realizing he bit me. I tilt my head and there’s a mark, almost a brand left behind where his fangs sunk deep. I barely noticed in the pleasure of my orgasm.

  "Is something wrong?" he asks.

  And I feel his worry, his concern. It's like I'm worried but I know I'm not. I know, in a sudden flash, it's his, he's worried about me and I'm feeling it.

  "Elorshin... something feels..." I don't know how to describe what I'm experiencing.

  "Did I hurt you?" he asks. I feel a rising panic, but also confusion.

  "No, I'm fine," I reassure him. "Don't I feel fine?" I ask, watching his face for his reaction to the odd question.

  "Well, yes, you feel content but you're also worried..." he trails off, his eyes narrowing on me. He rises onto his arms, his cock still buried inside.

  I feel a wave of excitement but quickly temper it down.

  "How do I feel now, Margot?" he asks, his eyes searching my face like I searched his.

  "Excited," I say, speaking slow and thoughtful. "But also like you do not want to become too excited."

  He swallows, pulling out then moving to lie beside me.

  He wraps his arms around me tightly. There's a sense of desperation to his grip then his body shudders against mine and a cascade of adoration and relief floods through me.

  "What is it?" I ask, smoothing my hand over his soft hair.

  He pulls back so I can see his face and notice his eyes are wet.

  "Paritella. It is the Paritella. You are my bride in truth, my mate, my Pari," he whispers, looking at me as if for the first time.


  It’s in the book the Celestial Mates gave me on Alvan Culture, but nobody has mentioned it since I've been here. I guess I pushed it aside, thinking it was basically the same concept as soulmates.

  There’s no way I could realize it meant... this.

  Something tangible and real, and maybe a little scary.

  "And that is... good?" I ask, wanting to make sure.

  The read I'm getting off him is joy, but he's almost crying.

  He chuckles, burying his face against my hair.

  "Yes. Good. More than good. It's perfect."


  All right, then.

  I guess I can get used to this.

  It's nice knowing how he feels instead of guessing.

  And it's especially nice right now when I can literally feel his joy in my mind.

  I sigh, figuring I can worry about the details later.

  I hug him close, feeling settled, grounded in a way I didn't even think was possible.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I wake up, instantly alert. Warmth spreads through me, racing out to my limbs. I'm content.

  Stretching my muscles and rolling over, Margot is lying beside me.

  It's early in the day and she's still sleeping, so I take the opportunity to enjoy her. Her beautiful face, her cheeks flushed and her hair tousled from sleep. Her chest rises with slow steadiness as she breathes. Stirring in her sleep, she frowns then kicks the covers down with her leg, baring one rounded breast. It draws my gaze like the pull of gravity, inexorable.

  I have an urge to wake her, but we went to bed late last night and I do not want to leave her unrested.

  As I look at her, I realize I am the most fortunate man in the world.

  I cannot believe I waited as long as I did to consummate with her, even if Paritella had never occurred.

  Margot is kind and generous, with a keen sense of justice I admire.

  And she is intelligent. In just a few months, she is almost fluent in our language.

  She has even won over the people of House Do'ana.

  I know they were hesitant about the foreigner in their midst, something I understood because I felt the same. But, just as with me, she has won everyone over with the kindness of her spirit. It began with the household staff, but spread with every interaction until she has won over those outside the house too.

  My people may grow to love her more than they love me.

  I understand that too.

  My love for her seems to grow deeper each day.

  The irony is, if I'd told my past self that being summoned to House Viir would lead to finding true joy in my life, I know he would scoff in disbelief.

  But that is the truth, strange though it may be.

  Margot stirs and her eyes flutter open.

  She sees me looking at her and smiles.

  "Good morning," she says, stretching as she rolls toward me.

  "Yes, it is," I agree.

  She chuckles as I pull the covers off her and wrap her in my arms.

  "Hmm. So this is how we'll start the day?" she teases, kissing me.

  "Yes," I say, mocking a seriousness I don't feel. "I do it for the good of the people. They appreciate th
at my mood is always much nicer after."

  She chuckles as she rolls on top of me, setting her laughing mouth on mine. We come together with laughter and love, and it is the perfect start to the day.

  I was not jesting when I said my mood was always better.

  In fact, I am still smiling as I dress and prepare for the day. First order of business is a requested meeting to adjudicate a dispute between two of my citizens.

  Unfortunately, on the way there, reality intervenes harshly on my happiness. I hear an alarmed shout so I turn and run in concern to the border wall and entrance gate. The tunnel is repaired, and it's open for use again. It was first thing I had done upon returning with Margot after her ill fated escape attempt.

  Seeing increased activity among the stationed guards, cold settles into my stomach and runs up my spine. Something is wrong. Pushing through the crowd in front of the wall, I intercept a guard running down from the top with a firm hand on his arm.

  "Prince Elorshin! I was coming to find you!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with sweat running down his face.

  "What is it?" I ask, turning him around to lead us back up the steps.

  "There's a large party exiting the tunnel," he says as we reach the top.

  A large party?

  I'm not expecting anyone. My blood pressure rises making a pulsing in my head and my stomach tightens into a hard knot. Looking onto the flat ground between the wall and the tunnel, there is a mass of people headed toward us, both on foot and on juntta drawn carriages.

  Their colorful clothing and carriages mark them as people from a Major House.

  "My Prince," an older guard calls seeing me. "I believe they are from House Ki'lar."

  He hands me his spyglass.

  "Ki'lar?" I repeat, bringing the narrow instrument to my eye and scanning the approaching crowd. They're not running, but neither are they dawdling.

  My eye stops on the man leading the mass of people. Prince Daetoris Ki'lar.

  The guard is right.

  What business does House Ki'lar have with us?

  My mind works through the possibilities, none of them good.

  Appearing in mass like this is an open sign of aggression.

  What could Daetoris want?

  "Ring the alarm and close the gates. Everyone to their positions," I bark the orders.

  "Yes, sir," one of the younger guards says, running to ring the bell.

  We have plans in place if attacked. Children and the elderly know where to hide and every able bodied person knows how to help defend our Rakennus.

  They will be ready.

  But the grim truth is we don't have the resources or manpower to fight a Major House for long.

  "Send a runner to House Viir, now," I order, slamming the spyglass shut and handing it back.

  Margot climbs the stairs, drawn to the sounds of the alarms. Daetoris and his men are almost here when she arrives.

  "What is going on?" she asks, breathing heavy, beads of sweat on her brow. I know she ran here. "Are we under attack? Why did you send a runner?"

  She looks out at the people making their way to the wall.

  "I don't know for certain if we are under attack," I say grimly, wrapping an arm around her waist. "But in anything that involves a Major House we have to watch our backs. If nothing else, a show of force like this is a display of strength and position. It's an obvious threat."

  She nods, worry clear on her face.

  She has spent many nights questioning me about the history of the Alva, including the core-well and the Houses. Her sharp mind picks up on the intricate politics between Houses. She understands the dynamics in our relationships.

  By the time the intruding group arrives, they find closed gates and guards lining the border walls. Prince Daetoris stops far enough away that he can scan the top of the wall but is out of easy bow shot.

  His eyes linger on Margot before coming to rest on me.

  "Prince Elorshin," he calls out, smiling and nodding as if this is nothing more than a friendly visit.

  "Prince Daetoris. What brings you to House Do'ana?" I ask, polite, though there is no mistaking I am ready for an attack.

  "I heard you took an off-world bride. A human," he says, by way of conversation. He looks at Margot again.

  "Yes," I reply. "That is not news. House Ki'lar has done the same multiple times."

  "This is true," he says, his eyes shifting to mine again. "But the Paritella did not take with any of them." His gaze slides back to Margot again. I dislike how he watches her. An urge to hide her with my body rises and I struggle to push it back. It'd be an offense, giving him an excuse for more open aggression.

  And it wouldn't help, it would only show how uneasy I am.

  "That is unfortunate," I answer, keeping my voice carefully neutral.

  His smile has an edge of bitterness to it.

  "It is, is it not?" he agrees. "It is also unfortunate that your off-world bride is a Pari. Well, unfortunate for you."

  When I say nothing, he continues.

  "I do not want to fight. I have come prepared to, but I would much rather not kill you and your entire House if it is unnecessary." He pauses, letting that statement hang in the air, the threat now in the open. "Give me your human female."

  My hand tightens on Margot's waist, my mind working on the possible options.

  House Ki'lar outnumbers us. They'd overrun us, even with our fortified walls, we can't stand for long. If I resist, I'm signing the death warrant for all my people. Their names roll through my mind as I meet his stare. My grip tightens on Margot's waist.

  "No," I say, meeting his gaze.

  My decision is emotional, I know it, but I'm not strong enough to put my House first. Not in this case, not over Margot.

  Daetoris shakes his head. "Do not do this. You are a Minor House. You will lose. And I will take her, anyway. Your entire House will be dead and to what end? Your people will not thank you. Losing their lives because of your rash and selfish decision."

  My free hand clenches in a fist, my desire to punch the smug look off that spoiled face strong enough I tremble with it.

  He wants Margot so he can attempt to force the Paritella connection with her himself.

  I am bound to her for life, but she is human so the same might not necessarily apply to her. It is possible she could be Pari to someone else.

  Rage rises at the thought. She's mine. No one else can have her.

  But if I keep her, House Do'ana will die.

  A cruel choice. Duty and honor war with my heart, paralyzing me in the choice. I can't give her up, no matter the cost.

  "Elorshin," Margot whispers, her soft hand on my cheek turning my face to hers. "I will go with him."

  "No," I growl, wrapping my other arm around her waist.

  "Yes," she says, her smile tinged with sadness. "This is a losing battle. I can feel the rawness of your emotions, but we both know you cannot sentence your House to die. Not for one person."

  I shake my head, my heart aching. "Not a person. You," I say, my voice hoarse.

  She reaches up with her other hand and pulls me down.

  The kiss is desperate, tinged with the salt of tears.

  When we break apart, I realize they are mine.

  She speaks through our bond, her eyes full love.

  I can feel it inside me, the strength of the love she feels for me.

  It will be okay. I love you.

  My chest hurts, my heart breaks, I can't breathe. My head pounds and everything is wrong.

  The whole of House Do'ana is silent as we watch Margot walk down the stairs. I am paralyzed with heartbreak.

  Every person she passes bows or curtsies, faces wet with tears, respect clear in their expression as they watch her sacrifice herself for them.

  "Open the gates," she calls out in a clear, commanding voice.

  The guards unlatch the gates and push them open.

  My vision blurs as I watch her walk to Prince Daetoris, her small figu
re uncowed.

  "A wise decision," Daetoris says, looking up at me and then back down at her. He jumps down from the carriage and gives her a deep bow. "Prince Daetoris Ki'lar."

  "Margot Whelan," she says, nodding then glances over her shoulder to look up at me. Tears glitter on her cheeks and I feel her. Confident, certain, beautiful.

  "Welcome Margot," he says with a smile. "Allow me to offer my help."

  She hesitates but then takes his hand and climbs into the carriage, her eyes searching for and finding my own.

  I memorize her face, the way she looks in that moment, holding the feeling, the memory of her inside me close to my heart.

  And then Daetoris turns the carriage around, his people making way for him. I watch helplessly as he travels back to the tunnel, taking what does not belong to him.

  Then House Ki’lar is through the tunnel, out of sight.

  Margot is gone.

  Chapter Twenty


  I keep my attention on my surroundings during the ride to House Ki'lar, only responding with short answers when Prince Daetoris asks me a direct question.

  He must realize at last that I have no desire to talk as he falls silent for the rest of the trip.

  My heart feels torn in half, leaving my chest aching, but I refuse to cry.

  I refuse to appear vulnerable in front of these assholes.

  The trip feels like it lasts forever, but eventually we reach a brightly lit tunnel like the one leading to House Do'ana, but twice as many lights push back the darkness and intricate, painted designs adorn the walls with bright touches of color.

  It's pretty I suppose, but I can't bring myself to care.

  Being kidnapped will do that to a person.

  We emerge from the tunnel into a Rakennus cavern at least twice as large as Do'ana's.

  It's been getting warmer the entire trip, but now it's almost sweltering. I feel a trickle of sweat slide down my back under my cold weather clothing.

  The others have already shed all their outerwear to reveal thin clothes cut for warmer weather, some baring arms, legs, even chests.

  All I can remove is my cloak and gloves.

  It's hard to believe but I miss the cold. I miss Elorshin's arms wrapped around me, the warmth of his body shielding me from the chill. The ache in my chest feels like an empty void, the place where he should be.


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