Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Lea Barrymire

  Maggie’s Abduction

  Maggie's night couldn't get much worse. She'd been dragged by her skinnier and cuter best friend to a bar to meet a blind date. Then, she's drugged and wakes to find herself on a ship as a sexual submissive to a massive, feline humanoid. After being stripped naked and terrified, she finds herself tied to a bed that belongs to war prisoner Raharan, the golden-eyed alien that's been given Maggie as a distraction.

  She finds that being submissive to him opens her eyes to love and an amazing sex life. When more of his kind attack the ship to free their brethren, Maggie finds herself coveted by another. Will she be destined to act as the slave for another, or will Raharan find and save her in time?

  Genre: Contemporary, Science Fiction

  Length: 23,863 words


  Lea Barrymire


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2012 by Lea Barrymire

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-438-2

  First E-book Publication: April 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my wonderful and loving husband for giving me the encouragement to chase my dreams.



  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  “Please, Maggie, don’t go home yet. I just got you here and you need a night out.” Samantha leaned over their table, yelling loud enough to make herself heard over the techno music thumping through the bar. She batted heavily coated eyelashes and pushed her bottom lip out. “Pretty please will you stay?”

  Maggie sighed. She hated bars, hated this type of music, and wasn’t really fond of her best friend at the moment. A smoky haze hung just below the ceiling, making the large room feel claustrophobic. The strobing lights shone like lasers through the smoke. The music was generic, loud, and lyrically challenged. Maggie couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to come to this place for anything other than a headache or a chemically induced buzz. Tomorrow’s tests loomed heavily in her mind as she sipped at her beer. Never again, she promised herself. Never again would she give into the puppy dog eyes and let Sam drag her to another bar in search of Mister Right. He didn’t exist. Maggie knew that with absolute certainty. Too many Mr. Rights had turned into Mr. Assholes for her tastes.

  She glared at Sam, blue eyes flashing. “Look, Sam. I have two midterms tomorrow morning, and I really don’t want to be here. If I knew you were trying to set me up on a blind date, I would’ve given you a resounding NO. I’m not dating, you know that. I’ve sworn off males. I’m going to take off and spend the next few hours studying. Call me in the morning and let me know how it went, but I’m not staying here.”

  “Please, Mag? Mike isn’t like those other guys. He’s nice. You’ll like him, I promise. And, to be honest you could use a good lay. Geez, I mean, really. You are the only twenty-four-year-old I know that is already a spinster. How long are you going to punish yourself for getting involved with that asshole Bart?” Sam grabbed Maggie’s arm and fluttered long lashes coated in a pound of mascara at Maggie. A pouty, lipsticked bottom lip stuck out, capping off the begging look. “Pwetty pwease stay with me.”

  “Ugh. Sam, I hate you right now.” Maggie pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes with a scowl. “Fine, I’ll stay for a few minutes. But the first time he tries to touch me, or makes some stupid comment, I’m out of here. I don’t want to get laid. I just want to be by myself and not worrying about some jerk and his comments about me.”

  “Thank you, thank you…thank you. I owe you big time.” Sam grabbed Maggie in a bear hug. She gasped excitedly and looked over Maggie’s shoulder. “Oh, here they come now. Mike is the blond. Derek is the one with glasses. I met him yesterday at the coffee shop. He ordered his coffee exactly like I did. Aren’t they yummy?”

  Maggie turned and watched two beautiful male specimens wind their way toward the table. Mike was gorgeous in a surfer kind of way. All blond, tanned, and buff. He checked out every pair of breasts as he walked by and licked his lips as he looked down the cleavage of one of the servers. Yep, real nice, she thought with a groan.

  She glanced down at her ample chest and rounded stomach as she once again felt her insides drop in rejection. She was too round for most men her age. She didn’t look like a model, didn’t dress in sexy clothes, and definitely didn’t meet the ideal stereotype for men like Mike. Being five seven and close to a size 14 taught her many lessons in the shallowness of the human race. With a sigh, she stood and grabbed her purse.

  “I’m out of here, Sam. He’s definitely not worth a sleepless night. I’ve got studying to do. Call me in the morning so I know you made it home okay.” With a quick hug and a finger wave, she walked toward the door. Guilt flowed through her when she saw the pleading look Sam threw her. She wouldn’t stay and be humiliated again. No one, not even her best friend, was worth the pain of wat
ching another guy scan her and dismiss her because of her extra weight or the plain clothes she wore.

  With a quick push, she found herself in the crowded parking lot in front of the bar. A blast of cool night air made her shiver as it moved over her skin. The bar had been stifling with both heat and a menagerie of perfumes. The breeze carried nothing but the smell of fall and impending snow. Maggie pulled a deep breath into her lungs and held it like a smoker, trying to clear out the pungent smells from the bar. Quick steps took her to the sidewalk and into the night. She lived four blocks from the techno bar and knew that in fifteen minutes she would be home in her pajamas, studying for her cell biology midterm.

  She was so close to graduating and finally being able to use her brains for something other than writing term papers. Next semester she would be student teaching. She already knew that teaching was the right move, and it would give her a chance to share her love for science. Everyone laughed when she told them she was going to teach Biology in a high school someplace, but she loved it. She loved watching students get engaged in some crazy activity she had created. The years of school and working crappy jobs to pay for her apartment were all going to be at an end. The light at the end of the tunnel was definitely more than a pinprick.

  For two blocks she just focused on the night. Maggie loved the nighttime. The darkness enveloped her in peace and quiet, hiding her flaws from herself and others. She was pulled from her thoughts by a weird feeling that made the hairs on her neck stand up. Someone was watching her. Fear skated down her spine. With quick and efficient movements, she reached into her purse and fisted the can of pepper spray. She flipped the lock on the nozzle before removing her hand from the bag. She coached herself to keep her cool. She turned to find no one behind her. She stood, rooted to the spot for a few moments, before turning and walking quickly toward her home and safety. The creepy feeling didn’t leave and made her breathing speed up. Adrenaline raced through her bloodstream, speeding her heart rate. She knew someone was back there. She could feel it with every nerve ending. She fought the urge to run the last couple of blocks to her apartment.

  By the time she made it to her block, she was almost sobbing with relief. Twenty more steps and she would be to her door, safe and sound. As she stepped into a large shadow, she felt a slight sting to the back of her thigh. She stopped and glanced down to find a small black object clinging to her jeans. Before she could reach down and examine it, darkness encroached on her vision, making her stumble. Disorientation and nausea swirled through her. Darkness played around the edges of her vision until all she could see was a long tunnel of black. I’ve been drugged. She gave in and crashed headlong into oblivion.

  Chapter 2

  “I think she is coming around.” A feminine voice floated in the darkness. Maggie couldn’t place the voice as she struggled to wake. Did I fall asleep on the bus? Her tongue tasted metallic and thick. She forced her eyes to open, and pain sliced through her brain as bright lights burned into her retinas. A moan forced itself from her throat.

  “Hey, relax. You’re going to feel pretty shitty for a while, so take your time waking. Dawn, bring her a drink of water.” The voice still sounded far away but didn’t seem to ring through a tin tunnel anymore. Cool water splashed across and between her dry lips. She swallowed a few times and was grateful for the liquid as it washed some of the nasty taste from her mouth.

  “Do you think she will be the last one?” someone new asked the darkness. Maggie tried to open an eye again but this time only opened it a slit. Bright light assaulted her senses, but she didn’t slam her lids shut this time.

  A shadow crossed her sight, and a redheaded woman came into focus. “Don’t try to get up yet. Give it a few minutes.”

  “Where am I?” Maggie croaked. She tried to clear her throat and tried again. “Who are you?”

  “My name is Laura Daniels. Just relax for a minute, and I’ll help you sit up.”

  “Okay, that answers one question, but where am I? I remember walking home from a bar and then nothing. Did I get picked up by an ambulance or something?” Maggie’s mind was clearing, and she could see metal walls past Laura’s head. She knew she was laying on something hard, so she assumed the floor. She could tell more people moved around them from the sounds of other voices.

  “I’m not quite sure where we are, actually. We all assume we were drugged somehow and brought to this location. I woke about two hours ago, and more women have been brought into this room since then. You are the last brought in so far.” Laura pushed her arm under Maggie’s head and helped her sit up. “We’re assuming we’ve been abducted by a group of men for something, but as of right now we don’t have any information. What’s your name, anyway?”

  Maggie looked around the square room and noted that there were seven other women in the metal room with her. Blood rushed to her head, causing a quick headache, but even that couldn’t pull her from the scene in front of her. The metal walls were solid and smooth, like polished steel. There was a small toiletlike object in one corner and bright lights along the ceiling. The women were all of different sizes and shapes, but most were around her age. Some were sitting, softly crying. Others were walking along the walls, running their hands along them. A few were sitting together, quietly talking.

  She turned her head to look at the woman still squatting next to her. Laura was also in her midtwenties. Laura still had a questioning look on her face. “Sorry, I think I am still a little foggy. My name’s Maggie. Maggie Roberts.”

  “Nice to meet you, Maggie.” Laura held out a hand and gripped Maggie’s hand tight giving it a quick shake. “Now, let’s get you up.”

  Maggie pulled against the offered hand and struggled to stand and felt better once she was on her feet. Her clothes were wrinkled but still intact, a good sign, she thought. She glanced around for her purse but really wasn’t surprised when she didn’t spot it. A glance around the room brought up more questions when she noticed the lack of a door or any breaks at all in the smooth metal walls. She turned to ask Laura but was stopped by a metallic sliding noise. With a quick turn of her head, she watched in fear as a large portion of one wall slid up, opening a wide door in the wall.

  A massive male entered the cell and stalked toward one of the women sitting on the floor. He wore head to toe black armor. A helmet and face mask covered his head, leading right down to a black, long-sleeve, shirt. Skintight pants molded to his legs. Large combat boots rounded out the black ensemble. He towered over all of the women and moved with fluid grace.

  “Move.” A growl came through the face shield as he walked through the cell. He reached down to grab one of the women by the arm and hauled her off the floor. “You will come with me.”

  She fought back as much as she could, hitting and kicking at the male. He didn’t react at all to her assault. He moved with her toward the doorway, pulling her along like a wayward child. A screech of pure terror reverberated around the cell when he flung her over his shoulder. He turned with the woman and walked through the doorway. A soft whoosh sounded as the door slid closed again. Silence was absolute.

  “What the hell was that?” Shock made Maggie’s voice shake. She looked around with disbelief etched on her face. She shook with the adrenaline that still pounded through her body.

  “That was one of our abductors arriving to remove another one of us. That happens every few minutes,” Laura answered, quietly. “Mary, Sarah, and now Nora have been removed from the cell.”

  “Where are they going?” Maggie whispered. She collapsed on the floor and hugged her arms around her knees, trying to still her tremors. She glanced around at the others and saw the same fear and shock etched on the other women’s faces.

  “We don’t know,” one of the other women answered. She stood and walked to where Maggie had sat. “All we know is that we were all drugged and brought here.”

  * * * *

  Maggie sat with her back to the wall directly across from the doorway. They both knew that it wou
ld open again soon. Laura and she were the last two to be removed from their cell. They had sat and watched in horror as each woman was removed from the cell in the exact same fashion. Their questions went unanswered as if the males couldn’t hear them. Dread coursed through Maggie as she waited for her turn at whatever fate she was facing. The unknown was the worst part of the waiting. If they were going to be tortured or raped, she could deal with it, survive it, but not knowing what was coming was terrible.

  She was ripped from her musing by the now-familiar sound of the door sliding open. She gripped Laura’s hand tight as they awaited the approach of the male. They both watched him in silence as he stalked across the cell.

  “You, get up.” He pointed to Maggie, growling out his command. She struggled to her feet. He grabbed her arm in a massive glove covered hand and in a quick move picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. Her breath rushed out in a huff as his hard shoulder slammed into her stomach. A strong arm wrapped over her legs, holding her body to his, and he turned to leave the room. She hung, stunned for a moment before turning her head to watch the door slide shut. Her last glimpse of Laura was of the woman slumped over, curled into a ball of defeat.

  They moved quickly down a corridor made of the same polished metal. His boots clicked loudly in the quiet. Maggie tried to keep track of the turns they took as he walked through the hallways. Hope of finding Laura or one of the other women was dashed after a few minutes and many corridors went by. There was no way she would be able to navigate the hallways without getting caught.


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