Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Lea Barrymire

  “May I touch you?” Her voice was husky with need. Warmth flooded her pussy, and she could already feel herself becoming wet.

  “You may touch me, but you will listen to me if I give instructions.” He took the two steps that separated them and ran his hands down her arms. Shivers ran through her body with the warmth from his hands.

  She licked her lips and grinned when his eyes moved to watch her tongue. She licked them again just to watch the desire flare in the golden depths of his eyes. They darkened to burnt gold with his need. She reached out a tentative hand and stroked down his chest. He was hairless across the chest and very warm. Skimming her fingers across his nipples gained her a low growl and a gasp from him. She grinned. One more step brought her flush with his body and pressed his cock between their stomachs. She stroked her hands down his stomach and around to his back, lightly scratching with her fingernails as she went. He shivered under her hands and fed her desire to see what other responses he could give her.

  She moved her hands over his low back and down to squeeze his ass. She licked his chest and worked a slow wet path to a nipple as she stood on her tiptoes. She wasn’t ready for the quickness of his response and cried out as he grasped her arms and tossed her on the bed. She righted herself just in time to be pinned down by his body and both arms being locked in restraints.

  “Why are you restraining me again?” Confusion and need were clouding her thoughts. His heavy body rubbed seductively along her mound and she separated her thighs to allow his body closer to hers.

  “You were trying to dominate me with your hands and tongue. I won’t allow that. I may understand your differences, but I won’t allow you to do those things to me.” He growled, and his anger finally seeped through her fog.

  “You mean your women are never allowed to taste your body or touch you? But, you liked it.”

  “You are allowed to taste my cock, but licking my chest like I was a female won’t be allowed.” He was still scowling but he seemed less angry. Maggie was confused, but she was starting to understand what he was talking about. She sighed. If all sexual contact was going to be under his order, she wasn’t ever going to get to do some of the things to his body that she wanted to.

  “So, I can never really touch you? Kiss your body? Taste your skin? I really want to. I want to know what you taste like.” She wrapped her legs around his hips and ground against his cock to punctuate her thoughts. Her mind was racing for a way around the man’s need for control. “What if you were in charge and I ask your permission for each place I want to explore?”

  She watched him ponder her request and saw the moment he was going to relent. She tried to hide her grin.

  “We will try this, but the moment I feel you are overstepping your limits, I will punish you. Do you understand?” He was still scowling, but the anger was gone.

  “I understand, Master,” she answered, hoping the title would help her cause. “Would you please release my cuffs so I may please you?”

  He huffed but climbed off the bed and released her wrists from the restraints. He stood watching her with hooded eyes that showed both lust and trepidation. She wanted to laugh at the indignation he was radiating, but that wouldn’t help her need to get off.

  “Master, I would like to kiss you and touch you with my hands. Will you allow it?” She tried to phrase her request to mollify him. She was really turned on thinking about all the things she wanted to do to him, and having to ask permission by voicing her actions was making her hotter.

  “You may.” His clipped words were strained. She could tell he was not enthusiastic about this turn of events.

  Maggie approached him with slow steps and kept eye contact while she walked to him. She reached out with both hands and ran them up his chest, lightly skimming his nipples and relishing how quickly they hardened. She skimmed her hands over his shoulders and pulled him down to her mouth. She watched surprise cross his features a moment before she touched her lips to his. His lips were warm and soft against hers. She waited a moment to see if he would take control of the kiss. When he didn’t, she parted her lips on a sigh and slowly stroked the seam of his with her tongue. He tasted slightly like the sweet bread they had eaten for breakfast. She pressed her tongue lightly against his lips trying to get him to open his mouth to deepen the kiss. She opened an eye to find him staring at her with his brows knitted together instead of the passion-filled look she was expecting. She pulled her head away from his with a scowl of her own.

  “Why are you licking my face? Is this a human practice?” he asked.

  “I was trying to kiss you. Don’t you kiss your females?” Maggie was surprised and slightly miffed. He wasn’t supposed to be scowling at her. He was supposed to be enjoying this so much that he would let her do other things to him. Maybe she really didn’t know enough to be seducing him.

  “We kiss pussies with our tongues, but we don’t kiss mouths that way.”

  “Well, we kiss on the mouth as well. Will you let me try it with you? Please?”

  “Fine, but if I don’t like it, you must stop,” he said with a huff.

  She nodded and licked her lips. She pulled his head back down to hers, and she pressed her lips to his again. When she opened her lips and moved her tongue along his lips, he opened his mouth slightly. She sighed into his mouth and slid her tongue along his lips, tickling along his lips and gently entering his mouth. With the first tentative stroke of his tongue with hers, she melted. He tasted like mulled spices so similar to his scent. She moaned into the kiss and was surprised when his arms came around her body, lifting her so he wasn’t bent down. He became more controlling of the kiss, working his tongue into her mouth. She gave up trying to lead the dance of their tongues and melted into his embrace.

  He ripped his lips from hers and was breathing heavily. His eyes held nothing but fire and need. He grinned toothily and dove for her mouth again, capturing her lips and ravaging her mouth. They were both breathing heavily after their second kiss. He leaned down, setting her on her feet.

  “I think I like kissing. I need you now, Maggie. I know you wanted to touch me, but I need to be inside you. Moving my tongue with yours reminded me too much of how hot and wet your pussy is for me when I am pushing into you. Get on the bed.” He pointed to the mattress to emphasize his command.

  She scrambled to the bed and laid on her back, spreading her legs for him. She was wet and ready for him and not embarrassed to show her need. The kiss had been hot, but having him respond to her in something that he had never done before was a heady experience. She wanted to feel him powering inside her.

  “You’re so wet for me, little human,” he growled as he climbed up her body. “I can’t wait to be in you. I will try to go slow enough that you will come.”

  With those words he shifted his hips and pushed into her opening. He groaned when his balls were resting against her ass. She watched his face and loved seeing the ecstasy her body gave him when he was moving inside her. She let a moan escape her lips when he pulled out and slammed back into her with harsh strokes. Her clit was rubbed with each downstroke bringing her body quickly to an orgasm. She tilted her hips and wrapped her legs around his hips, increasing the depth he could plunge into.

  Raharan bent down and captured a nipple with his lips. His tongue flicked rapidly over the nub, shooting sensations straight to her clit. She shot over the edge and exploded around him, moaning loudly with her release. She grabbed his shoulders and held on, letting his body ground her as she flew apart. Her back arched, pushing her breast against his mouth and she was rewarded with more flicks from his tongue. She screamed as she plummeted into another orgasm, milking his cock as he came with a roar. Her muscles spasmed around his shaft, pulling more groans from him as he lay on her chest.

  He pulled out of her body, and she wanted to curl up with the loss. She was still drifting somewhere out of her body and wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her. A dip in the mattress and warm arms pulled a sigh from her lips.r />
  “I think we will try some more of the human activities. I liked kissing. Later I will let you touch me more.”

  Chapter 7

  Life took on a schedule for the next few days. They slept entwined together until the breakfast bell woke them, unless Raharan woke her for sex. They ate, and usually he fed her pieces of food from his platter. She had found that she enjoyed most of the food items that they were fed. They showered and returned to the cell until it was time for them to go into the exercise yard. Maggie was allowed to talk with the human women that were still alive. There were only five of them now, so they all assumed the other five died at the hands of the Xeltec or the Pa’Kren.

  Raharan finally told her about his race and their home planet. The Pa’Kren lived on a planet that sounded very similar to Earth. His people had better technology and were space travelers, but the rest of their lives sounded very similar to Earth’s. They spent hours comparing everything from food to types of transportation on their respective planets. She laughed until tears streamed down her face when she explained about cheese and how it was created from milk and bacteria cultures. The idea of eating live bacteria cultures in yogurt actually made him gag. She found the idea of eating a type of tree worm in a similar fashion to pasta a little stomach churning.

  Through all of their discussions, he talked about a hope for rescue. Their men were warriors of sorts and actually reminded Maggie of US Marines. They were well-trained, paid military troops that worked for a set number of years for their government or until they found a mate. No mated males were allowed to serve on warships. He swore to her that if a ship had been near when his exploded that the men would try to save them. He explained to her many times about what to do if more males boarded this ship and how to get them to listen to her. Raharan was sure that none of the males would touch her, but he made her practice the sentences repeatedly until she could say them in her sleep.

  Maggie was allowed to teach Raharan about kissing and other human sexual customs. One of his favorite was to have Maggie ride his cock. He would roar out his release each time so loudly that other males would tease him during meal times about how vocal he was. She was not allowed to ask him for any sexual position, but she found that if she presented herself in certain positions on the bed he couldn’t help but take her that way.

  As each day went by, Maggie grew to love Raharan more and more. She enjoyed talking to him about their planets and listening to him tell stories about his life. She loved how affectionate he was with her. He touched her often, stroking her body or just resting his hands on her. She felt safe and almost happy with him on the ship. Their lovemaking was spectacular and often. She refused to call it sex once she noticed the affection and care they shared as they enjoyed each other’s bodies. They spent many hours each day learning each other’s bodies and loving each other. She’d never been so close to a man before. Even her father had been distant when she was growing up, ignoring her unless he needed to reprimand her. This closeness filled a hole in her soul that she didn’t even know she had. Raharan was like a missing puzzle piece to her heart.

  The only regrets she allowed herself to have involved the loss her friends. Her mother had died when she was younger leaving her in the care of her father. The loss of her mother had scarred her father badly, leaving him an angry and bitter husk of a man. Her friends had been there through it all, lending support and love. Samantha, even when irritating, was as close to a sibling as Maggie ever had. When sadness crept into her thoughts she tried hard to banish the feeling. There was nothing she could do about the situation and feeling sorry for herself was a waste of time.

  Raharan tried to make her happy and the future he painted for her was promising. He talked often of his world and what her life would be like once they were rescued. Even if they never were rescued, he would protect her and try to keep her happy. A life with him was not going to be a hardship. He had already promised that she would be allowed to remain near the other human.

  They woke the fifth day after her abduction to the meal bell ringing. Their bodies were still entangled together from their night of making love. Maggie yawned and stretched, yelping when her nipple was captured in a hot mouth. She melted into the mattress with a sigh. She opened her eyes and smiled at Raharan as he suckled lightly on her breast. She ran her hands through his hair and moaned when he bit her nipple lightly. She threw her head back against the bedding and closed her eyes in bliss.

  “We’ll be late for breakfast again if you continue making those noises.” He chuckled when a whine escaped Maggie’s throat. He kissed her neck and then climbed off the bed.

  With a sigh, Maggie opened her eyes and grinned as she watched Raharan pull on skintight pants and try to wrangle his cock in before zipping up. She loved his body. He was all hard muscle and smooth skin in a massive package. She stood and slowly ran her hands over his chest, dragging her nails lightly over his nipples. She grinned at the purring moan that echoed in their cell. Once he’d allowed her to touch his body, she had found many things that caused the big male to melt into a sensual puddle. He enjoyed having his nipples played with almost as much as she did. Before she could lean forward and taste the sweat that glistened on his body, she was pulled roughly against his chest.

  “Enough. We must go. You can continue this exploration later once we’ve fed and showered.” She barked out a giggle when he swatted her on the ass as they walked out of the door.

  As soon as they entered the corridor, she took her position two steps behind Raharan and lowered her gaze. She never would cause him to be angry with her again in front of his men. That lesson still blazed bright on her cheeks each mealtime. They walked through the four hallways to the bathing room. He once again made all the males leave so she could use the toilet alone. She dug a clean shirt out of a cabinet and changed her clothing as fast as she could. In just five days she had become comfortable in nothing but a long shirt. She no longer felt strange without pants or panties. The lack of bra didn’t even bother her.

  Their meal was normal and relaxed. Maggie sat on Raharan’s lap and ate morsels of food from his hand. She loved that he gave her only things that she liked. He picked those items specifically for her even if he didn’t like them. She snuggled closer to his body and breathed a sigh of contentment. She could almost make herself believe that she was happy and safe if she closed her eyes and didn’t think about the future. For this moment today, she was happy. Tomorrow might bring something different, but she would deal with that when it came.

  “Are you full, Maggie?” Raharan’s voice vibrated through her back. She loved the feel of his voice rumbling through her body. She had been sitting contemplating her life with her eyes closed for a few moments. Her gaze found concerned golden feline eyes staring at her face when she opened her eyes.

  “Yes, Master.” She had gotten used to calling him by title around others, and it rolled off her tongue without thought now. She smiled at him to let him know that she was fine. She was sure he would question her silence once they were back in their cell. She waggled her eyebrows at him while wiggling her ass against his still-hard cock. A smile spread across his face with the teasing.

  “Little human, you are going to get it when we get back to my cell. Up you go.” Raharan lifted her easily from his lap, setting her on her feet before standing to tower over her. “Let’s go before you get yourself into trouble.”

  Warmth spread through her body. The heat in his gaze melted her insides. Her nipples tightened and pushed against the fabric of her shirt. She closed her eyes at the delicious feel of the material rubbing against her skin. She opened her eyes and breathed out a wispy reply. “Yes, Master.”

  A chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. He swept her quickly into his arms, holding her firmly against his chest. “You, little Maggie, are becoming an unstoppable force. I am in need of your hot body wrapped around mine.”

  Long strides brought them to the cell in just a few minutes. During their short walk, Maggie us
ed the time to entice and tease. She ran her tongue along his neck, nibbling along his collarbone. He growled low in his chest and pulled her closer to his body. She loved his responses to her. She felt feminine and wanted when he lost his control. Lust flowed through her hot and heavy, pulling blood to the surface of her skin, flushing her body a delicate pink. Her blood heated as they neared their bed. She knew he would be hard and fast with her after her teasing. She knew that he would pound into her with abandon, and she was wet with the thought of it.

  A squeak escaped her lips as she flew through the air and landed with a bounce on their bed. She giggled as she watched Raharan stalk toward her. His strength no longer scared her. It turned her on that he could so easily manhandle her but was so exceedingly gentle with her. Single-minded intent shown in his face as he moved with feline grace toward the bed. She was going to get fucked hard, and she couldn’t wait. She slid down onto the bed and opened her thighs for him, showing her wet and swollen pussy. Modesty no longer was an issue for her. If the looks he cast at her slick slit weren’t enough to fix her need to be covered, the soft growl of appreciation would be.

  He crawled up her body, stopping to lick and taste her thighs and belly. A nip on her hip sent curls of heat to her clit. He hadn’t tasted her pussy, and the lack of attention drove her closer to her release. Being mastered, controlled, was amazingly an aphrodisiac. She wanted his lips on her slit, wanted to feel his tongue licking her heated flesh. The denial of that attention just made her melt into her need more. He moved slowly up her body until he nestled between her thighs, rubbing his cock in her wet slit. She moaned loudly and threw her head back against the mattress.

  A hot mouth sucked a nipple. Sharp teeth bit lightly into the tender flesh. The pain slid deliciously to pleasure, causing her back to arch, pressing her hips against his body. He stroked his tongue along the bottom of her breast, nibbling along the outside. She panted with want. A hot palm covered her other breast. Fingers pinched her nipple, sending more sensation to her slit. She could feel wetness slipping from her opening to coat her lips and rosette.


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