Save Me (The Angels of Paris Chronicles Book 1)

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Save Me (The Angels of Paris Chronicles Book 1) Page 1

by Anna Santos


  the Angels of Paris Chronicles

  Book 1

  Anna Santos

  Copyright © 2016 Anna Santos

  All rights reserved.

  Inquiries about additional permissions should be directed to: [email protected]

  Cover Design by May Freighter

  Illustrator: Denise Worisch

  Edited by Stacy Kennedy

  Proofread by May Freighter

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to similarly named places or to persons living or deceased is unintentional.

  ISBN: 153904033X

  ISBN-13: 978-1539040330


  Save Me – Book 1

  Coming Soon:

  Captive – Book 2

  Red Angel – Book 3

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  Thank you so much to all my beta readers for their amazing feedback. A special thank you to the wonderful Stacy and the amazing Alena. This book wouldn’t be possible without them.

  Finally, this book is dedicated to everyone who believes in true love.


  Save Me – Prequel for Captive

  Book 1 of The Angels of Paris Chronicles

  A Curse to Break, a Mate to Save.

  Young Camille’s dreams are shattered when she’s rejected by the ruthless and abusive Alpha of the Shadow Pack. Her only chance at survival is to arrive in Paris and pray that what her brother told her about the angels is true.

  Chased and almost killed upon her arrival, she’s saved by the mythical creatures who protect the city. Plus, Fate gives her a new mate. The one she always dreamed about. But with a price.

  Jacob had been waiting a long time to be matched to a rejected soul so he could break his curse and become a full angel. Camille is everything he’d been looking for in a mate—she has a good heart and she’s extremely brave. Running against time, they have thirty days to fall in love or he will turn into stone, forever.

  Peril strikes when Alpha Simon wants to reclaim Camille. In a mad quest for power, he wages war on the other packs. Now more than being saved, Camille needs to be the savior.

  Chapter One—Running

  They were chasing me down the tiled corridors of the subway station. Somehow they had found out where I was running to and came to take me back to the beast whom Fate had chosen as my soul-mate. But he had rejected me. He had humiliated me. And it still wasn't enough. He wanted to break and shatter my soul into tiny pieces and destroy me to the point of no return.

  I managed to run away before the worst had happened. But his hounds, a group of his most ruthless werewolves, had found me and were chasing me to take me back to him.

  I knew that I wouldn't survive if I was caught. He would beat me senseless and let his men rape and abuse me until madness overtook me and there was nothing left of my mind.

  I couldn't go back. I wouldn’t go back!

  My lungs were burning, and my limbs were shaking. I stumbled and fell. People avoided me and didn't offer any help. They thought I was mad, or maybe they instinctively knew that whatever was after me was far too dangerous to face. I crawled to reach the wall so I could use it as a support to get back up and keep running.

  They were getting closer. I could smell them and hear their growls.

  “Help,” I whispered.

  No one came.

  My brown hair fell tousled in front of my eyes when I kneeled and tried to push myself off the wall.

  If I could reach the surface, maybe I could find a police officer to ask for protection. Surely they weren't foolish enough to kill a cop. I hoped.

  “There she is,” a man shouted.

  “We got you now.” Another one said mockingly. “You will regret running away. No one can save you. Not your brother and, certainly, not the humans. You are ours and we can do whatever we please to you.”

  I tried running further, but a man stood in front of me, blocking my way. He was the same one who had been speaking to me. My heart sank as I realized who he was. It was Cameron, my former mate's Beta. He took pleasure in terrifying everybody, especially the females.

  I anchored my back to the wall. My breathing became shallow. I was petrified.

  When I looked up, there were five lethal werewolves with menacing eyes that shined, gnashing their pointy teeth and growling at me. The few humans around had fled. To my left were the stairs to the surface, and to my right was a long corridor that led back to the subway train. I was trapped.

  “You can’t run anymore, Camille. Once Simon finishes with you, we are going to have lots of fun together.”

  “Help.” My cry for help was barely a sound.

  Suddenly, one of them grabbed my leg and pulled me off my feet, dragging me across the floor. Tears fell down my cheeks as I kicked him in a feeble attempt to try to push him away.

  “You are coming back home with us,” one growled.

  Several kicks connected with my body. My body curled into a fetal position as I tried to protect my stomach. I was too tired to fight. I stood no chance against them. Pain shot through me as I kept whimpering, knowing that nothing I could do would save me from them now.

  The kicking stopped, and I heard loud growls. It was followed by the sounds of teeth snapping, clothes being shredded, and bodies being slammed against the tiles.

  My body was numb due to the coldness of the surface. My face was swollen from the beating. I tasted iron as blood filled my mouth, and I tried not to choke on it. Around me, growls and punches were echoing throughout the tunnel.

  When I finally opened my eyes, there was blood pooled before me and a dismembered body of what used to be Cameron. His eyes glazed over as his face twisted in horror. I muffled my scream with my hand. The blood from the internal bleeding and the meager food I had eaten were threatening to come out.

  “I’ll check the girl,” a guttural voice said, but it didn't sound familiar.

  Feet that looked like claws stood before my face and a hand touched my hair, brushing it back.

  “Are you okay?”

  With eyes opened wide, I stared at the beast’s grotesque face and pointy ears. Despite the initial impression of his appearance, he had kind brown eyes. He smirked at me and showed his tiny sharp teeth. At first, my eyes widened in fear, but then I relaxed, knowing that he wouldn't hurt me.

  I had heard rumors about them, but I had never seen a gargoyle before. It was true: Paris had gargoyles, and they just saved my life like my brother promised me they would.

  “She's bleeding. She may have internal injuries,” a throaty voice said from somewhere behind me.

  “She's a strong werewolf, aren't you, sweetie?” the gargoyle who faced me asked.

  I couldn't move and when I tried, I shrieked in pain.

  “We need to take her to see William. Then we’ll call the prince,” the other creature urged.

  “I need to see the prince,” I mumbled, cringing at the taste of my own blood.

  “There's no need for a doctor, Aaron,” the first creature said. Suddenly, his claw-hands reach
ed down and carried my body as if I weighed little more than a feather. “This one is mine,” he whispered, and I felt a strange heat taking over my body. My stomach burned and my hands tingled. Serpents of fire seemed to weave around my right arm. I grew lightheaded as if I was dying. I whimpered and closed my eyes.

  “What's happening to me?'' I asked, out of breath.

  “You are healing.”

  My hand clutched at his broad chest and my other arm snaked around his neck. Despite his ugly appearance, the beast smelled nice. They had saved me. I had no reason to fear them.

  “It burns,” I mumbled, hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

  His hand clutched mine, and he tightened the hug. I have no idea what happened next because I blacked out.

  I sat straight up. A pair of brown eyes haunted my dreams as fire consumed me and had awakened me from my slumber. I think I screamed. But when I touched my chest, my damp clothes clung to my skin, and my mouth was as dry as sandpaper. I brushed away my hair, clearing my view. I had no idea where I was.

  There were four lilac-colored walls and beautiful furniture decorating the bedroom. Rays of sunshine streaming through the window told me that it was daytime.

  I touched my body. I was wearing my clothes. Then, I frowned at the blonde curly strands of hair falling about my shoulders. Grabbing a strand, I examined it. My hair was a lot longer than it was the night before, and I was blonde. Seeing my hands, I noticed how amazing my nails looked. They were thick and long. My skin seemed different, too.

  Pushing aside the bedding, I got up and saw my backpack on one of the armchairs in the room. Finding the bathroom, I searched for a mirror.

  Minutes later, I was still trying to understand how there were no signs of swelling, cuts, bruises, or tired eyes. Someone had done an amazing job coloring my hair blonde and applying invisible make-up to my face.

  The door to the bedroom opened, and I rushed to see who was there.

  A gorgeous, tall, and broad-shouldered young man entered with a tray of food. We stood there, staring at each other in silence. My eyes lingered on every inch of him until my cheeks burned, and I avoided his chocolate eyes.

  I had no idea what had come over me. But he was giving me the same inquisitive look that I was giving him.

  “How are you feeling?” He stepped forward.

  I shrunk back with a fear filled gasp.

  “I'm not going to hurt you,” the young man said. “You are safe here. Do you remember what happened to you last night?”

  I nodded.

  “Why were they chasing you?”

  I bit my lower lip and sucked in a breath before explaining, “They wanted to take me him.” After gulping, I continued, “I need to talk to the prince. Are you an angel?”

  “I'm Jacob,” he said, holding the tray with one hand and offering me the other as a greeting.

  “Camille,” I whispered with my hands safely against my chest.

  He eventually put his hand back down.

  “Where are the gargoyles who saved me? I would like to talk to them and thank them for coming to my rescue.”

  Jacob put the tray on the bed and rubbed his hands down his jeans. He seemed nervous. I know his presence made me anxious. I had never seen an angel before. He was breathtakingly beautiful. At least, I thought he was.

  “Gargoyles sleep during the day.”

  “Oh! I didn't know that. Well, I thought it was a myth.”

  “It isn't.”

  I looked at the food, unsure of what was more appealing to my senses—the bacon and eggs or Jacob.


  I placed my hands over my stomach and red colored my cheeks. “I'm starving.”

  “Eat. Take a bath. Relax. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “You must be curious why they were chasing me. I did nothing wrong. You need to understand that.” Raising my eyes, I saw him nod.

  “Were any of the werewolves attacking you, the one who rejected your bond?''

  My eyes widened. How did he know that?

  “Are they all dead? I remember the blood and his...” I didn't voice my memories so that I wouldn't get sick.

  Jacob sighed and trailed his fingers through his hair. Tilting his head with an arched eyebrow, he asked, “Would you be sad if they were?”

  I shook my head, remembering all the evil they had tried to do to me and all the verbal abuse I had to endure from them and my mate.

  “They didn’t deserve the air they breathed. But he wasn't with them. They were his men. He won't be happy. He will continue to come after me. I need to talk to the prince.”

  Jacob narrowed the distance between us and put his hands on my shoulders. A heavy cloud of nerves overtook me. I was stuck to the floor and blushing like I never had before.

  Were angels that appealing to my werewolf senses?

  “Do you love him?” he asked.

  His question was perplexing. I mustered enough courage to look him in the eye. “Love who?”

  “The one who rejected you.”

  Jacob's face was serious. His hands tensed on my shoulders, and I realized how tall he was. And how strong!

  “He didn't want me. He humiliated me. He...” Words stuck in my throat. My eyes hurt. I was done crying, though. My body shivered in protest. “I hate him with all my heart. I don't want to see him. I need a safe haven to stay in.”

  Jacob's plump and sexy lips curved into a smile that, in turn, made his eyes sparkle.

  His next words blew my mind. “Good because you are mine now, and I have no intention of living without you.”

  “What?” I gasped.

  “You better sit down. We have a lot to talk about.”

  I didn't move. But Jacob managed to turn me around and put his warm and electrifying hand on my lower back to show me to an armchair where I sat down.

  Chapter Two—Second Chance Mate

  “We are bonded. You are my mate now.”

  Jacob's explanation was hard to process.

  He proceeded, “I'm your second chance mate. We were chosen by the power from above to become mates.”

  His hand took mine, and he showed the almost invisible tattoos that were weaved around my arm. They were exquisite and matched his. My eyes lingered on his perfect skin and the muscles that sculpted his arm. His pristine white t-shirt glued to his torso like a second skin. My fingertips brushed the smoothness of his arm and goosebumps emerged.

  I blushed and searched his eyes. I pleased him.

  “Am I not to your liking?” he asked.


  “Are you attracted to me?”

  I fidgeted in my seat, rather uncomfortable. However, he seemed extremely serious about his question.

  I tried to change the subject. “You are cursed. But because you found me, you’re changing from a gargoyle into an angel. We both are. The transformation happened when we touched and our souls bonded. After you saved me. Now I’m the only one who can break your curse…That’s why my hair is blonde.”

  Jacob nodded. His kind eyes gazed longingly into mine. “Do I please you, Camille?”

  He wasn't letting that slide. So, I nodded. But a scary thought crossed my mind. “Do I please you?”

  His hand covered my left cheek. “You are perfect. You are mine.”

  The word 'mine' echoed and filled my soul with joy. My broken heart tingled as if his acceptance had restarted it.

  I sucked in a breath, more confused than ever. “We only have thirty days to break your curse. What happens if we don't fall in love?”

  “I’ll turn to stone,” he answered matter-of-factly.

  I clutched his arm. “Is there a way to prevent that from happening?”

  “We can sever the new bond. But...I don't want to. I want to... If you are willing to give me a chance, then, I want us to be one.”

  My eyes widened. That was more than my former mate had wanted with me. And now, I had another man, I mean, angel, who wanted to be one with me.
And apparently, he was my last chance.

  “I'll go to hell if we don't work and you will cease to exist,” I mumbled. With a hint of sarcasm, I added, “What could possibly go wrong?”

  “You have nowhere else to go. He's hunting you, but I can protect you.”

  My stomach ached from his words. I really needed protection. Hearing him say those words filled me with hope. I was too weak to face Alpha Simon on my own. There was no pack to protect me either. I was on the run, an outcast.

  “I can protect you, Camille,” he whispered as he brushed my cheek with his fingertips.

  I flinched and avoided his hand. He looked hurt by my action. “I'm sorry. I just don't know you well enough to let you touch me.”

  “It's okay.”

  Taking a deep breath, I attempted to sound rational about what was happening. “I need to be saved. I'm not going to lie. I-I'm too weak to face him on my own. But, if what you tell me about us being mated is true, then you will need to be patient. And don’t you think that because you’re protecting me you can take liberties with me. You can't.”

  Jacob tilted his head as if he was trying to understand what I had said. “Now that we have bonded, your body will evolve even further to become a full angel. Eventually, you will have wings and magical powers.”

  I arched an eyebrow at his words. “Will my powers be strong enough to protect me from him?”

  “I don't know. But...Camille, I'll protect you. I know that he hurt you and now asking you to trust another man doesn’t come easily. Just know that I don't want anything in return. I would protect you even if you weren't my mate. That's what we do.”

  I relaxed my hands. I had no idea I was balling them with so much strength that it hurt when my finger stretched out.

  “It's hard for me to trust people.”

  “I understand, and you need to know that I won't hate you. I won't reject you. You just need to give us a chance.”


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