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Mine Page 5

by Stacey Kennedy

  Kyler scanned the faces around him before his gaze settled on Dmitri alone. “Prepare yourself. You’re not going to like who’s behind this.” Names of suspects began to rush through Dmitri’s mind, but none was the name Kyler said next. “It’s Steven Moser.”

  A hot rush flooded Dmitri’s blood. “Presley’s ex-boyfriend?”

  Kyler gave a grim nod. “That’d be the one. From what I’ve learned, in his early twenties Steven was arrested and sentenced to community service. Apparently, he set a bush on fire, which spread to an abandoned garage and burned it down, and that’s why we had his prints on file.”

  A thousand thoughts rushed through Dmitri’s mind, but only one held most important. Presley. If she became aware that her vengeful ex-boyfriend was the reason everyone in Club Sin was worried about being exposed to the public, the guilt she’d feel would consume her.

  Steven had cheated on Presley, ending their engagement. But when Steven had learned Presley was going to a BDSM club, he’d disapproved, sparking a confrontation between Dmitri and Steven. To Dmitri it seemed like a lifetime ago. He’d believed that Presley had finally been freed from a lifetime of pleasing others who didn’t deserve their trust. But Steven had accused him of corrupting the innocent Presley and turning her into a whore. And now, apparently, Steven was on a rescue mission.

  Dmitri rubbed a hand across his closed eyes, knowing that of all the situations that had gone through his mind, this was the worst-case scenario.

  From the beginning, this had all rested on Dmitri’s shoulders, and now it was all becoming too heavy to bear. The thought of Presley taking all this on was something he couldn’t accept. Christ, he’d already made things bad enough for her. Adding this to the pile was unthinkable.

  Porter’s rough voice broke Dmitri out of his thoughts. “Why the fuck would he do this?”

  Dmitri didn’t need to think about it. “Revenge.”

  “Revenge for what, exactly?” Miles quipped.

  Body burning with tension and concern over Presley, Dmitri rose and paced, finally coming to a stop in front of the fireplace. “I suspect he feels that I’ve ruined Presley. He wasn’t happy knowing that she belonged to Club Sin, and perhaps he wants to see it closed, thinking he’s protecting her. I imagine this has nothing to do with any of you, and it’s all to get back at me.”

  “Fucking prick.” Aidan rested his arms on his thighs, head slightly bent, looking at Dmitri through his dark lashes. “What are we going to do about him?”

  Dmitri realized he couldn’t return to Presley tonight. He also was well aware of the repercussions of that—she would be further devastated. But he had to protect her from this, had to protect her from even learning about it. He couldn’t bear to hold her while knowing Steven was behind this and knowing he would have to lie to protect her. “Our only recourse is to find out what it will take for Steven to back off.” Though the more he thought of this, the more he knew what needed to be done. And his next words made his entire body tense. “As much as it pains me, I think it’s wise for us to find a new location for Club Sin.”


  While he understood the shock his words had caused, he was Club Sin’s leader, and deep down he knew the right path to take now. “It’s not safe anymore. Even if we find a way to get Steven to leave this alone, the club has been compromised. No one will feel safe there after this.”

  Aidan finally broke the silence. “I happen to agree with you there. We can’t trust that Steven hasn’t told others about the club. And I, for one, will not take the chance of being exposed. Cora is a mess.”

  “Ella as well,” Kyler added grimly. “She’s worried about me and everyone else. And she doesn’t need this added stress.”

  Dmitri felt the worry thick in the air, and it all landed right back on his shoulders. Presley, his friends, his members—he had failed them all. And now, he knew, he was going to break Presley’s heart further by not returning to her tonight. Yet he would not allow her to feel anything like the soul-crippling guilt he was experiencing.

  “What will we do, then?” Miles interjected. “There is no way in hell that I’m going back to a public club.”

  Dmitri returned to his seat next to Aidan, rubbing the ache building at the back of his neck, attempting to fight through the emotions to find logic. He needed advice, that was for sure. And there was only one place he trusted to get it. “Leave this with me. I’ll need to go away and speak to a few friends who might be able to come up with a solution.”

  Eager eyes watched him. Dmitri suspected they all wanted to know whom he was planning on speaking to, but some things he wasn’t free to share. “For now,” he said to Porter, “could you possibly contact Sarah and set up a meeting between her and Steven tomorrow morning?”

  “Yes, I can arrange that.” Porter glanced to Kyler sitting across from him. “Can you get his phone number?” At Kyler’s nod, Porter addressed Dmitri again. “I’ll have Sarah call him directly to set it up—she can play it as though she wants to discuss the photos.” He hesitated before adding, “What’s your plan after she sets up the meeting?”

  “I’ll meet with him alone and talk this out,” Dmitri told them. He slid his glance to Kyler. “But I would ask that you join me, Kyler.”

  “I’m working the day shift tomorrow.” The light from the lamp on the table revealed Kyler’s tight jaw. “But I’m sure I can get away for an hour or so.”

  Dmitri ran his hands over his face, thinking only of Presley now. Of what this would do to her. He’d fucked up, and he didn’t want her accepting the blame. Once he brought his emotions under control, he dropped his hands. “I will do whatever I can to keep those pictures from getting out.”

  “We don’t doubt that.” Aidan placed a hand on Dmitri’s shoulder. “If it’s money he wants, I’d be willing to offer up what I can.”

  Dmitri shook his head, allowing the frustration to yet again engulf him. “This is my problem, and mine alone.”

  “It’s not only your problem,” Kyler told him. “Club Sin belongs to us, too.”

  The statement was made with a bite of annoyance, and while Dmitri did believe that Club Sin belonged to everyone in this room, it was Dmitri who had started it. He, and only he, needed to figure out where to go next. “Please just leave this with me.” That got him some disgruntled looks, but he pushed on. “Also, don’t tell the girls about Steven.” Heaviness settled in his heart. “Presley will blame herself, and that is not something I can allow.”

  Kyler raised his brows. “It appears she isn’t the only one blaming themselves.”

  Dmitri stared at the men around him. They were his friends. But it wasn’t about him now. His only thoughts were about fixing this for Presley. No matter that his heart broke at having to leave her tonight, knowing she would be hurting. He’d done enough damage already and wouldn’t add to it.

  Ignoring the concerned gazes around him, Dmitri rose, saying to Porter, “Just set up the meeting for the morning, and text me the location and time.”

  “Will do,” Porter agreed, though he watched Dmitri with concern.

  He didn’t doubt they all read his strain, but he was also glad no one pressed him. Before he exited the room, he turned back to the group. “I’ll deal with Steven tomorrow. I need you all to take care of Presley over the next day while I’m away. Promise me you will do so.”

  Aidan frowned. “You’re not taking her with you?”

  “Tonight…I…” Dmitri hesitated, then decided they deserved the truth. “I lost control with her. I treated her like nothing more than a whore to satisfy my needs. I will not let that happen again.”

  Silence and shocked expressions surrounded him.

  Hoping now they understood his position, Dmitri added, “It’s best if she stays behind.” Not only because he wanted Presley far away from this, but because those he was meeting with in San Francisco wouldn’t appreciate an outsider showing up.

  “Fuck that,” Kyler said heatedly, fisting his ha
nds on his lap. “Don’t cop out on her when she needs you the most.”

  Dmitri deserved that, but at the moment, all he could think of was how the news of who was behind this would destroy her. He’d failed her tonight. He couldn’t fail her again.

  “Dmitri,” Aidan interjected softly, “Kyler is right. You need to be there for her now.”

  He raised a hand, ignoring Kyler’s fierce glare and the others’ grave expressions. “I know what is best for my submissive.” His hard voice left no room for argument. “Just do as I ask and look after her.” Not waiting for anyone to object, he wasted no time exiting the house and returning to his car.

  Once he dropped into his seat, he grabbed his cell phone from the cup holder, and fired off a text to the private pilot he used on occasion: Schedule a flight to San Francisco tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. After that he scrolled through his contacts until he found the name, Micah. His fingers hurried across the screen as he sent: Need to meet. I’ll be arriving in San Francisco just after 3:30.

  A beep followed, and Dmitri read the text, surprised how quickly the response had come, considering the late hour.

  Micah had texted: Come to my office. I’ll bring the others for a meeting at 4:00.

  Dmitri sighed in almost relief. If anyone could help him now, it was the men that Charles had once introduced him to so many years ago, giving him deeper connections in the BDSM community. Men whom Dmitri had gone to before he opened Club Sin. They’d offered advice on how to shape his dungeon, the practices to use to keep it safe, and how to keep it concealed.

  He texted back: Thank you. I’ll see you then.

  Another beep echoed in his car before Micah’s message appeared: Is everything all right?

  No, was all Dmitri typed back.

  A car will be waiting for you at the airport.

  Having a plan brought relief. Perhaps that was the worst part—the unknown. But before he could return to the house to pack a bag for his trip, he knew he needed to send one final text—the most important one he could send before he left for San Francisco.

  He scrolled through his contacts again. Finding Cora’s name, he typed: Please go to Presley in the morning. She’ll need you.


  “Wakey, wakey, buttercup.”

  Presley opened an eye, finding Cora smiling next to the bed with a Starbucks cup in her hand. The sun shone through the window, highlighting the hints of red in Cora’s dark hair, which she was wearing down today. “Coffee is the best way to wake up.” She winked. “Well, maybe second to waking up to a naked and sexy Dom.”

  The instant reminder of last night sank deep into Presley’s heart. Dmitri hadn’t come back, and her already broken heart now shattered. She’d taken a sleeping pill at midnight, knowing she’d never sleep otherwise. The haziness from the medication made her mind slow, but she forced herself to shake it off.

  Presley suspected that Cora’s appearance now was no coincidence. “How did you get in?” she asked.

  “Dmitri called the manager of the hotel this morning.” Cora placed the coffee cup on the bedside table. “He texted me last night and asked if I could come over to be with you.” Concern tightened the corner of her eyes as she dropped down onto the bed next to Presley. “What’s going on?”

  Presley reached for the coffee cup and took a sip, relishing the warmth. “Things are…bad.” The memory of last night horrified her now as much as it had after Dmitri left. He had been such a solid feature in her life. His emotions never wavered. He always seemed in control, but he wasn’t being himself. She had no idea how to bring him back from all this. She’d never met this side of Dmitri, the part that was spiraling into despair.

  “Okay, before you explain to me exactly what that means, I’ve got something else for you.” Cora offered a folded piece of paper. “Dmitri left this with the manager, who asked me to bring it up.”

  Presley’s heart banged against her chest as she put her coffee cup down on the table and grabbed the note with shaking hands.


  I’m going out of town. I will be back as soon as I can. Last night was nothing I’m proud of, and I know we need to talk. Please be patient and trust in us.

  I love you.


  She stared at the note, a cold wave of shock blasting into her. While the message showed he was sorry and that he did still love her, nothing about this note pleased her. Last night he’d heard how upset she was about being ignored, and yet he’d done it again.

  Tears welled in her eyes as the note fell from her hand. She couldn’t stop the sob from breaking free from her throat.

  Cora immediately grabbed Presley’s hands. “What did it say?”

  “He left.” Presley lifted her head, not bothering to hide her tears and her sadness from her best friend.

  “What do you mean, he left?” Cora’s eyes went huge. “Where did he go?”

  “I don’t know.” Presley sniffed, handing Cora the note. “That’s the problem.”

  Cora scanned the message, then lifted her head, her typically bubbly expression now darkened. “There has to be a good reason for this. Aidan went over to Kyler’s at midnight last night, so I’m guessing they’ve found a lead or something.”

  Of course—that explained Dmitri’s actions. He had left to deal with whoever was behind this leak. Still her heart ached. “Why isn’t Dmitri telling me that, the way Aidan is sharing with you?” She wiped the tears off her face. She was so damn exhausted.

  “I don’t know, babe.” Cora hesitated, her eyes searching Presley’s. “But I know Dmitri, and I know there has to be a reason why he’s gone away and left only a note behind.”

  “I thought I knew him, too.” Presley dropped her head into her hands and allowed herself to cry. To weep for what was happening. To sob for the future she no longer knew if she had with Dmitri. And to fall apart because of the deep sadness shattering her heart.

  Cora rubbed Presley’s back comfortingly, but nothing could comfort Presley now. And when Cora said, “He loves you,” Presley’s stomach clenched.

  “I’m not sure loving me is enough.” Presley lifted her head, accepting the tissue Cora handed her. She dabbed her eyes and wiped her nose. “He’s treating me really badly, Cora. Last night I had to pull my safe word on him.”

  “You did?”

  Presley nodded, her eyes fixed on the tissue in her lap. “He lost all control of himself, and for the first time ever he touched me in a way that was so selfish. I couldn’t allow that. I didn’t want it. At first I thought the aggression was helping him rid himself of something, but then I realized it wasn’t that at all.”

  “Not like that is acceptable, because it’s not, and he’s a huge douche bag for it,” Cora said softly. “But he is going through a lot.”

  Anger rose alongside the sadness, and Presley pushed off the duvet. “Yeah, well, so am I.” She jumped out of bed in her nightie and began to pace the room. “I told him last night that I didn’t want to be ignored. And yet”—she flicked her hand toward the stupid note—“he’s doing it again.”

  Cora crossed her legs on the bed, a line forming between her brows. “You’re right—you don’t deserve that. And you certainly do not deserve to be an outlet for him to unleash his stress.” She paused, then added with a grim voice, “But at the same time, that’s just so unlike Dmitri. I’ve never seen him lose control in any aspect of his life in all the years I’ve known him.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible, either.” Presley turned to pace in the opposite direction. “But it happened. I don’t even know the man who touched me last night.” She stopped, then leaned against the dresser, her gaze on Cora. “And you know, it makes me ask questions that I never asked myself before.”

  Cora cocked her head curiously. “What kind of questions?”

  “Why hasn’t he proposed to me?”

  A pause. “Have you guys talked about marriage?”

  “Well, not really.” Presley began to pace the room
again, unable to stand still. Yes, Dmitri had his reasons for keeping her out of all this. Yet she had a voice—one she was tired of having silenced. “But he should know I want to be married. I mean, he knows I’m that type of girl. I accepted his collar—why wouldn’t I accept his ring?”

  Cora’s gaze drifted to the necklace around Presley’s neck as Presley resumed pacing the room. “I remember Aidan telling me a while back that Dmitri said he wanted to wait because of your family. You didn’t get out of the engagement with Steven all that long ago. I think he wanted your parents to get to know him first.”

  “And they have,” Presley shot back. “They love him!”

  Cora raised her hands in surrender. “I’m just telling you what I know. Don’t kill the messenger.”

  Presley sighed, not wanting to take this out on her best friend, who had always been there for her. Without Cora, Presley never would have met Dmitri, and for two years now Presley had had a life she’d once only dreamed of. One with a man who adored her, took her to erotic pleasures she’d never known, and made her feel special. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be bitchy.” She moved back to the bed and dropped down next to Cora. “I’m just…”

  “Pissed?” Cora offered.

  “Yes. That.” Presley gave a firm nod, settling back against the soft pillows. “And so much more.” She forced the red-hot emotions away so that she could focus on admitting what was really scaring her. “What if he only sees this as a D/s relationship?”

  Cora frowned. “You are in a D/s relationship.”

  “No, I mean, he’s treating me like he would a submissive—keeping his problems to himself, looking out for me, and being the big, bad Dom.”

  “Um…” Cora eyed Presley. “Sorry if you’re only realizing this now, but that’s kinda what you signed up for.”

  Presley waved a hand, trying to find the right words. “I know that he’s all of those things on occasion. And most of the time I love that about him. But I mean, that’s only supposed to happen in the dungeon or during sexy times. That’s what we agreed to. That’s what I want. I don’t want submission all the time. I want my own voice. I want a man standing by my side, not making me stand behind him.”


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