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Mine Page 9

by Stacey Kennedy

  “Tell me what?”

  Kyler’s gaze sharpened. “He’s not pushing you away. He’s protecting you.”

  She held his potent stare, wondering if she’d heard him correctly. When he stayed silent, only watching her, she asked, “How is he protecting me?”

  “That, I’m afraid, is all I’ll tell you.” The strength in his features intensified, giving her no room to argue. “Dmitri will explain all of this. I promise you that everything will make sense soon enough. But you need to give him the time he needs.”

  A frustrated sigh escaped her. She glanced down at the quilt, eyeing the patchwork. Confusion ached in her head. Why did Dmitri need to protect her? She racked her mind. Suddenly a thought she hadn’t considered before came to her. “Kyler, you will be honest with me?”


  Going with her suspicions, she asked, “Do I know the person behind the leak?”

  A muscle flexed in his jaw before he shook his head. “Please don’t ask me that. You know I won’t lie to you. It’s not my way. Dmitri deserves the chance to explain.”

  His statement was proof enough. Presley thought of all the people she knew, trying to determine who might do something like this. More important, she suddenly began to understand that she didn’t know all the ins and outs of what had happened. And it became clear that none of the other submissives knew either, since none of the girls could make sense of Dmitri’s behavior.

  She glanced down again, pondering. On one hand, she thought this was all pretty ridiculous. On the other hand, she realized that it was quite possible she had it all wrong. I’ll never hurt you, Dmitri had once told her. She thought he’d done exactly that, but maybe he hadn’t. Perhaps he was trying to save her from something that could hurt her more.

  Dmitri had given so much to her, never asking for anything in return. He had changed her life in ways that she knew she’d always be grateful for. She saw that he was giving her the space that her leaving had made it clear she wanted. But he’d also sent Kyler to ensure that she knew he’d come for her in seven days.

  She looked up at Kyler. “Seven days? That’s what he needs?”

  Kyler gave a firm nod. “Seven days.”

  He must have seen the look of agreement on her face, because he leaned in and took her into a friendly, warm hug. “You’ll be okay, Presley. All you gotta do is trust him.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “That’s the hard part, isn’t it?”

  Kyler chuckled. “When it comes to our lifestyle, it always is.”

  Chapter 8

  Dmitri: Good morning, doll. I wanted to text you this morning, so you weren’t fretting all day. I’ve missed you, and I know this week has been terrible. It’s been hard for me, too. Can we meet at Aces’ fountains at 8 p.m.?

  Presley: I don’t understand any of this, Dmitri.

  Dmitri: I know, and I’m sorry. Tonight everything will make sense. Do you trust me?

  Presley: You know that I do. I’ll see you tonight.

  Dmitri: I love you, doll.

  Presley: I love you, too.


  One week. It had been seven days of pure hell for Presley as she waited for Dmitri to be in touch with her. She’d told herself to trust him, but that trust had been growing thin in the depths of her misery without him, each day becoming darker and lonelier. When she’d finally received the text from Dmitri this afternoon, it left her reeling in confusion.

  Later that night, standing on the corner of the strip near Aces’ fountains a few minutes before eight o’clock, her hands trembled. The light breeze brushed across her bare shoulders as she angled her head back, gathering her curled hair into one hand. The fountains behind her lit up the dark night, putting on a show for the crowd that gathered, and laughter fluttered through the air. But she couldn’t pull her eyes away from the glowing new sign: Club Sin. Bouncers were at the glass front door, keeping the line of partygoers waiting behind the velvet rope barriers under control. The line of people waiting to get inside ran all the way down the street. Presley thought back to the last club that had been in this space, a place called Risk; it had closed down a few weeks earlier.

  “What do you think?”

  Dmitri’s rumbly, powerful voice sizzled down Presley’s spine, igniting a shiver. How she’d craved hearing that voice. Those low, sexy tones made everything better. Tonight his voice didn’t waver or hint at any weakness, and the ease in it told her that he was happy to see her.

  She turned around, and the crystal blue eyes focused solely on her made the ache in her chest vanish. She’d waited days to see him. For all those long nights she’d mourned the loss of his touch, his voice, and his commanding presence. She’d missed his love.

  The silence stretching between them now wasn’t at all awkward. In fact, it seemed very much needed. She followed his hand as he reached up, brushing his knuckles across her cheek. Feeling the warm comfort of his touch, she closed her eyes. As his skillful caress brought her deeper into his possession, she almost lost her balance; she reached out, grabbing him, and making them remember how much they loved each other.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw that his were tight and determined, not lustful and heated. She pushed back what her body demanded, and forced herself to address the question he’d asked her. “I’m confused at what exactly this is,” she admitted, pointing to the Club Sin sign.

  Dressed in a tailored black suit with white shirt and black tie, his hair slicked back, Dmitri appeared very put together. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was trying to impress her. But he didn’t need to do that; she was his. And they both knew it.

  The corner of his mouth slowly arched, as if he could read her thoughts. He closed the distance between them and leaned forward, sealing his mouth over hers. Their hearts twined, and she melted. She had wondered what to expect from Dmitri tonight, and was glad that he was the attentive Dmitri she’d always known. She returned the emotion-packed kiss, feeling tears escaping her half-shut eyes.

  The week apart hadn’t hurt them, she suddenly realized. It had helped them.

  That brought her a huge feeling of relief.

  Whatever he had needed to deal with, he apparently had. The man kissing her, touching her, loving her, was the Dmitri who had stolen her heart and made her feel like happily-ever-after was real, not just a fairy tale.

  When he broke the kiss, he placed a soft peck on her forehead, then stared into her eyes. His blazed with the same love and longing she felt. He cupped her face, holding her tight. “Christ, I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  As if it pained him to do so, he released her from his grip. Keeping his gaze on her, intent and aware of her, he offered her his hand. “Before we get too much into what needs to be explained, I want to show you something.”

  She slid her hand into his, her mind fighting for answers, yet her body responding to his closeness. He led her across the street and approached the bouncer at the main doors of the nightclub. Her cheeks warmed as she noted the crowd staring at them in awe. Probably it was because they didn’t have to wait in the line, she figured. Or, she thought with an inward chuckle, more likely it was because she had a man like Dmitri leading her by the hand.

  “Good evening, Mr. Pratt,” the bouncer said, unhooking the rope and letting them pass.

  “Jeremy,” Dmitri replied with a nod.

  Presley gave Dmitri a curious look, wondering how he knew the bouncer by name, but he simply smiled at her and led her into the club. The moment she entered the empty bar, she gasped in complete shock.

  The club looked identical to Club Sin, minus the BDSM equipment. Chandeliers matching the ones that had been in Club Sin were hanging about the bar. Even the black leather couches off to the side in the lounge looked the same. Against the back wall behind the huge black glass bar was a glowing bright red sign: Club Sin.

  Unable to stand the suspense any longer, she turned to him. “What is this?”
r />   “I’ll explain soon,” he replied with his sexy smile. “Promise.”

  Resisting the urge to ask the thousand questions that were bubbling inside, she followed him as he led her up a set of stairs to a roped-off VIP area. The tall, muscular bouncer took in Dmitri and nodded at him, releasing the rope and allowing them through. Presley immediately spotted Miles standing by the balcony, staring down at the club beneath.

  “You’re the first one to see the club,” Miles said, smiling. “What do you think?”

  Presley stepped up against the balcony’s railing and glanced down to the large dance floor that would soon be filled with people. Then she looked back at the Club Sin sign before she turned to the guys. Miles was still leaning against the railing, gazing at her curiously. Dmitri’s arms were folded, his eyes on her. At last she admitted, “I’m not sure what I’m looking at.”

  “Dmitri and I bought the club earlier this week and revamped it.” Miles grinned proudly, waving a hand at the space below them. “Tonight is the grand opening.”

  “You bought a nightclub?” Presley said to Dmitri, “And named it Club Sin?”

  “That’s right.” Dmitri gave Miles a hard slap on the back. “But I’m only a silent partner. The club belongs to Miles, and the future of this Club Sin is all his.” Dmitri’s grin was warm and proud. “I believe he’s found his calling.”

  Miles’s expression softened immensely. “It sure beats fourteen-hour days at a construction site.” His gaze cut to Presley. “I finalized the sale of my company a week ago and put a good chunk of my own money into the club. It’s my fresh start.” Relief relaxed his shoulders. “I’m finally enjoying going to work again.”

  “I’m really happy for you,” Presley replied, gazing out at the bar. “It’s stunning.”

  On one hand, it was nice to see Miles happy about his new business. Presley couldn’t remember a day since she’d known him that he looked as happy as he did now—almost hopeful. On the other hand, she wasn’t sure why Dmitri had brought her here tonight, nor why it was so important to show her this.

  Dmitri clearly saw the confusion in her expression, because he added, “Let me show you the rest. We need to talk.”

  She waved goodbye to Miles, leaving him to his new club, and Dmitri took her to a back door in the corner of the VIP area. He typed in a code and the door clicked open, giving them access to a long hallway. Presley followed him through the dimly lit hallway until they encountered a security guard.

  Dmitri nodded at the guard. “Matthew.”

  “Good evening, Dmitri,” replied the dark-haired guard, who was dressed in all black. He turned his stern eyes to Presley. “Identification, please?”

  She glanced up to Dmitri, and he nodded her on. More than confused now, Presley reached into her purse and then handed the guard her driver’s license. He scanned it thoroughly and typed something into his computer before he handed her license back. “Thank you. Now please press your finger here.” He tapped a black box next to his keyboard.

  She did as he asked, pressing her index finger against the cool box, watching it scan her finger with a green light.

  Once it beeped, he smiled at her. “You’re all set and are in the system now. Next time you’ll only need your fingerprint to identify yourself. Enjoy your night.”

  All business, that bouncer was. She followed Dmitri past the bouncer toward a door. The moment she cleared the doorway, her eyes went wide, her breath all but lost to her. “What…?”

  Dmitri smiled. “Welcome to the new Club Sin.”

  “What about our house?” Presley scanned the large rectangular room, noticing that all of their old BDSM equipment was here. In fact, the room looked almost identical to the nightclub.

  “We still have the house,” Dmitri said softly behind her, rubbing his hands down her arms. “I built that house to honor Charles. I have no plans to sell it.”

  She turned in his arms, staring up at him. “You’re going to have to explain this all to me.”

  “I will.” He tugged her forward to one of the couches, urging her to sit.

  Once she did, he took a seat on the coffee table facing her, sandwiching her legs with his. Struggling to understand, she scanned the new dungeon. She thought the idea of having it in the nightclub was brilliant—especially with the added security and fingerprint scanner outside the door. “Is this what you’ve been doing all week?”

  “Yes.” He tucked a finger under her chin, bringing her focus back to him. “Now to explain. There is so much to say…” His voice deepened, emotion filling his eyes. “But let’s start here. I wanted to show you my new venture with Miles for one very good reason.” Something in his features, concerned and hesitant, sent her stomach to her toes. But nothing could have prepared her for when he said next, “The person behind the photos was Steven.”

  “My Steven?” she gasped, alarmed.

  “No, not your Steven.” His brow sternly arched in the way it did when he reprimanded her. “But yes, that Steven.”

  Her hands flew to her mouth. Instantly she began blaming herself for all of the trouble of the past ten days. “Oh, my God…”

  “No.” Dmitri grabbed her hands in his, lowering them onto her lap. “That guilt I see in your eyes is exactly why I left you that night after you used your safe word…and yelled at me.” He said the last part with a sly smile.

  She couldn’t laugh, though. She couldn’t even move. “How did you get him to back off?”

  “I paid for the photos, and he signed an agreement giving me the copyright.”

  All of this was because of her, she thought guiltily. “Dmitri—”

  “No, Presley. No guilt over this,” he retorted, a hard edge to his voice. “You were right—it’s the people who make Club Sin what it is.” His gaze followed his finger as he traced it over her cheek. “Now we’ll have a new home that has better, tighter security with a nightclub to serve as a front in case word ever gets out. It’s a different kind of future for us.”

  Her mind spun out of control. “You’re okay with this?”

  “Of course I’m okay with this.” His grin spoke of a purely dominant man. “In fact, this is safer for everyone. I now have a way out if Club Sin is ever exposed to the press—the ownership can’t be traced to me. The members will once again feel safe to play. And Miles now has a job that he enjoys. I have passed the responsibility of Club Sin on to him, and he has accepted. Our club remains, but the future of the club rests in Miles’s hands.”


  “But nothing.” He tugged her closer to him, encasing her in his warmth and strength. “This is for the best. Steven won’t threaten us again, and now I’ve taken measures to ensure what has happened in the past won’t happen again. More important, the responsibility of Club Sin is off my shoulders.” He hesitated, emotion turning his eyes dark and haunted. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. That is something I will always regret.” Tears welled in her eyes, but he continued. “At first, yes, I was beside myself over closing the club. What I built in honor of Charles was crashing around me. I kept you away because I didn’t want to share what I was going through, and that was wrong. I will make mistakes, Presley.” He stared deeply at her. “But I also promise to always try to do better.”

  A tear escaped her eye, and he caught it with his finger, making her feel as though he’d catch all of her fallen tears from now on. “If I hadn’t learned about Steven the night of our fight, I would have been there in the morning when you woke. That had been my plan after I left you in the hotel.” His chin lifted, his strength beginning to show in his expression. “That being said, I did learn he was behind it all. And until I made this right for you, I would not have hurt you that way. I would not have let you accept blame for this.”

  He was blurry through her tears. Now what Kyler had said to her made sense. “So, you were protecting me?”

  “Not protecting you so much as not wanting to see you suffer the guilt that I had endured. I would never allow you
to feel that.” His eyes blazed, dominant and fierce. “It’s a selfish need I have, of course. That I couldn’t bear to see you shoulder the blame for this. That I needed to get Club Sin set up in a new home, so that you would see everything is fine, no matter what Steven had done.”

  She shook her head, trying to absorb everything. Steven had been behind this? Why? But the more she thought of it, the more she realized she didn’t care. Steven was nothing to her—he was her past. Dmitri was her future. “I thought you only wanted a D/s relationship.”

  “Presley.” He frowned deeply at her. “What did I tell you when I first collared you?”

  She recalled his exact words, touching the diamonds on her neck. “Together, we’re better, aren’t we?”

  He lifted her chin with his finger, his smoky eyes reaching right into the depths of her. His finger followed hers along the diamond choker. “What does this symbolize?”

  “That I’m yours.”

  “Yes, mine. And what is mine—what is special to me—I protect at all costs. Sadly, silence was the way to protect you.” Without any warning he kissed her, hard and demanding, pouring all of his emotions into the kiss.

  And she fell into him, into his love.

  Chapter 9

  Dmitri inhaled the warmth of emotions surrounding him, bringing forth the balmy touch of happiness. He’d gone through struggles in his life. He suffered through the confusing years before he’d come to understand himself as a Dominant. Then he’d endured the loneliness after Charles had died. Everything he’d gone through brought forth the drive to do right by others. Each step he’d taken in life was because of someone else. Even putting Club Sin into Miles’s hands was for Presley.

  Now he acted only for himself, and that refreshed him.

  His fingers tightened around Presley’s face through his kiss. Her mouth followed him in urgency to be claimed. Each swipe of his tongue against hers hardened his cock further, pushing his desire to possess her to the forefront.


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