Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance

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Touch Me Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance Page 59

by Aria Ford

  Jeffrey agreed and we decided to head back to the hotel.

  Back at the hotel, I napped while Jeffrey showered and then we ordered dinner in later on. Again that night, he made no attempt to follow me into the bedroom.

  "We are going to Northern Japan today," he said the next morning. "Are you okay with that?"

  "Sure. What are we going to do there?" I asked.

  "That depends; do you like foxes?"

  "Foxes? I mean, I guess so," I replied. As a city girl, I didn’t really have any particular opinion about them one way or another.

  "Well then, let's go."

  We drove to Zao, where the fox village was.

  "There's also a hot spring here," Jeffrey said as we arrived.

  "I've always wanted to go to a real Japanese spring," I said, excitedly.

  "Onsen," he said.


  "‘Onsen’ is the word for hot spring in Japanese."

  "You really seem to know a lot about Japan," I said. “Have you been here before?”

  "No. I researched a bit before we got here, and while on the plane. I wanted to make sure that you had the best experience possible while we were here," he said with a smile.

  I shook my head in wonder. Where had this man been all my life? He was kind, considerate, not to mention loaded beyond belief. I found myself slipping a little bit farther into some serious like for him.

  We got out of the car and followed wooden signs through a group of buildings to get to the fox village. Upon entering, we were surrounded by sausage-shaped foxes. They seemed unlike their wilder counterparts in weight and size, but similar in every other way. They were cuter than any other animal I had ever been close to and I fell in love with them immediately. They wagged their puffy tails at me and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  Jeffrey came over to me and held my arm with one hand and placed his other on my waist. He leaned his head forward to whisper softly in my ear.

  "They seem to like you," he said.

  "I hope they're not the only ones," I said.

  He looked me in the eyes, his smile widening. He let go of me and bent at the knees to put his hand out, gesturing toward the foxes in front of us.

  They swarmed around him and I saw the look of concern wash over his face for a moment when he grew fearful of them. But, then, he regained his poise and smiled off his worry as he realized the foxes were friendly. He treated them as such and they continued to swarm around him, excitedly. I laughed to myself and vowed to always remember this moment.

  "Want to stop off at that spring?" he asked, once the animals had lost interest in him and moved on.

  "You mean the onsen?"

  He chuckled, "Right, indeed. I don't have a swimsuit and neither do you, but I've seen people wear towels into the spring and we could do the same."

  "I like the idea of that, let's go."

  We went to the bath house and changed out of our clothes, wrapping large plush towels around us and meeting outside the building. There was steam rising from the milky blue water in front of us. The steam draped the rocks that lay on the outskirts of the pool. We followed the stone path that led to the rocky steps and went down below the water line.

  I entered the warm waters and immediately felt myself relaxing.

  He entered behind me and let out a deep, "Ooh."

  "It feels so good," I said to him.

  We sat down on rock benches underwater, a foot apart from one another. I wanted to scoot closer but being that I was naked under the towel, I didn’t want to make a wrong impression.

  Jeffrey put his head back and looked up at the sky while sighing.

  He turned his head to look at me, after a moment's pause, and said, "It's days like these that remind you why life's worth living."

  "I hear that," I said.

  "It doesn’t matter how much money you have if you don’t have anyone to share life with. I can buy most anything I want, but I can’t buy true companionship or love. Even with the money, I still can’t help but feel that something is missing in my life. Do you ever feel that way?” Jeffrey asked me.

  I nodded my head. “I do,” I said simply.

  "Maybe," he said, grabbing my hand under the water, "Maybe that's because we're missing each other."

  I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. “Maybe,” I conceded.

  We sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying one another’s company and the serenity of the surroundings.

  "What do you like most about Japan?" I inquired curiously.

  “Honestly? I like seeing it through your eyes. I like watching you experience everything and react to it. You have such inquisitive and intelligent eyes and a killer smile. That’s been my favorite part,” he answered, pinning me with his gaze.

  I could feel the blush creeping into my cheeks at his words. I had never been complimented so much in all of my life. I wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, so I just said a simple, “Thank you for saying so.”

  “What’s been your favorite part?” Jeffrey asked me.

  “Everything!” I said exuberantly. “I love the scenery, the food, the tranquility of this place, and, most of all, I like being here with you.”

  Jeffrey leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips. I felt that familiar jolt of electricity run through my limbs and kissed him back. After a moment, we parted and continued to sit again in silence.

  After a few more moments, I could feel my skin begin to prune in the water. Jeffrey caught me looking at my hands and chuckled.

  “Are you ready to head back?” he asked.

  “Yes, I think I am.”

  We headed back into the bath house to change back into our clothes and climbed in the car to head back to Tokyo.

  We arrived back at the hotel late and ordered room service, which was delicious. After dinner, Jeffrey placed a sweet kiss on my forehead before retiring to the couch.

  The next morning, I woke up, showered, and dressed before coming out to see him.

  "Today," he said excitedly, as he folded the blankets he was using on the couch, "We're going somewhere awesome. It’s a place I've always wanted to go."

  "Where is it?" I asked.

  "Suzuka race track," he said, sounding like a little kid in a candy store.

  "To do what?"

  "Drive, of course."

  "To drive?" I asked. "That sounds like it might be dangerous."

  Jeffrey’s face fell just enough for me to catch it.

  “Ok, we can go do something different,” he said, trying hard not the let the disappointment show in his voice.

  “No, no,” I said quickly. “Let’s go to the racetrack.”

  “But you don’t sound like you want to, and I want you to enjoy this trip,” he said sweetly.

  I smiled and raised my hand to touch his cheek. “Jeffrey, I am enjoying this trip. But it’s not all about me. I want you to have fun too. So if you want to race, we race!”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his smile returning.

  “I’m sure,” I assured him.

  The wide, boyish smile broke across his face once more and he grabbed my hand excitedly and led me to the waiting car.

  When we arrived at the track, a well-dressed man in a tailored suit was waiting to greet us.

  "Mr. Dormer," he said, as he addressed Jeffrey, "your keys."

  "Thank you," Jeffrey said and we followed the man through a building and into the garage next to the track.

  "This is the 2016 Nissan Silvia S15," the man told us.

  "Banned in the US," Jeffrey said, a mischievous glint in his eye.

  "For street use, yes," said the man.

  "It's beautiful," I said, looking at it in awe. I’d never been one to care much about cars, but this thing was gorgeous.

  Yes, it is,” Jeffrey agreed.

  "Jeffrey," I said, putting my hand up and placing it on his chest.

  "Yes, Raina?"

  "Will you ease into it? The racing, I mean?”

  Jeffrey smile
d down at me as the man walked away.

  "I promise. And if you start to feel nervous or scared, you let me know and I’ll slow down. Okay?” I nodded.

  We were fitted with helmets, fireproof jumpsuits, and racing gloves. We got into the car at the starting line. Once the track was cleared, the lights in front of us on the speedway flashed, then they stayed green and he put the pedal to the metal. We sped off as he shifted gears. We took the first turn and I had to admit that it was a bit exhilarating.

  "The designer curve is up ahead," Jeffrey shouted, as we approached it. He braked, then accelerated, and had to brake, again, as he made a ninety degree turn.

  "Now the hairpin," he said, as he sped toward it.

  I grabbed the edge of my seat and held on. There was one more curve then it was a straight away for a while. He let go of the gear shifter with one hand and held my hand for a moment. I smiled at him and he glanced over at me. I was enjoying this way more than I thought I would. We went through another tight turn after he had stepped on the brakes, and then another short straightaway before finishing.

  "That's all she wrote," he said as he pulled the car back up to the starting line.

  After we returned the equipment and the keys Jeffrey asked me what I would like to do.

  “Well, I’ve always wanted to go to Tokyo Tower,” I said.

  “Then that’s where we’ll go,” he answered.

  It was so surreal to be able to mention anything I wanted and have it happen. I found myself thinking that I could really get used to this way of living, especially if it was with Jeffrey.

  We looked out from the observatory, which had windows tilted so that you could see more of the city below you. It was all quite dizzying even for me. I looked over the edge while he hung back a little. I went up to him and he fidgeted with his hands.

  “Are you afraid of heights?” I asked him, concern furrowing my brow.

  “Just a little,” he admitted sheepishly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have dragged you up here if I had known,” I said, feeling bad.

  “Well, you were apprehensive about the racing but you went anyway. I figured I ought to return the favor,” he said.

  I shook my head. This man really was something else. I took his hand and started to lead him toward the windows.

  "I don't think I'm ready," he said, pulling back a little.

  "You're ready," I insisted. “Besides, I’ll be right next to you the whole time.”

  We walked toward the edge together and I stood next to him, then leaned in and put my head on the top of his arm, nearly touching his shoulder. As I realized he was comfortable, I put my hand on his chest and smiled out as I looked at the beautiful city.

  "This is pretty amazing," he said.

  "Do you like the view?"

  "I like the feeling of being next to you," he said quietly.

  "You know, on this entire trip, I've had moments where I want to be able to relive them again and again because I enjoyed them so much. Moments with you."

  "You have?"

  I looked up at him, "And this is one of those moments."

  "I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear you say that,” Jeffrey said.

  We stood like that for a moment after I had put my head back on his arm and looked out over the city. We had dinner in the restaurant in Tokyo Tower and enjoyed every second of it.

  Chapter Four

  We ended up staying in Japan for another week, revisiting places in Ueno Park and the surrounding area, like the street food carts and shops. Jeffrey offered to buy me things several times and after much deliberation, I decided to let him buy me whatever we both liked. There were several things, like a necklace, shoes, and a dress. I had to admit, it felt awfully nice to be spoiled like that; to not have to consider a price tag before purchasing something.

  One afternoon after a brief shopping trip, Jeffrey suggested we go to one of the cat café’s he’d heard about.

  “Oh yes!” I exclaimed. “Let’s do that!”

  We went and sat down and I was approached by an adorable fuzzy ginger cat. It allowed me to stroke it while Jeffrey took pictures on his phone.

  "Adorable," he said.

  "Isn't it?"

  “I was talking about you,” he said, making me blush.

  I waved him off and continued stroking the cat’s soft fur as he purred loudly in response.

  "I thought we could have dinner at Akasaka Asada, here in the city tonight," Jeffrey said after we had left the café.

  "What are they known for?"

  "Very, very small plates," he said. "It's in the Minato district. It's a ‘ryotei’, which is just another word for classy."

  "So, I should probably change," I said.

  "No, you look beautiful no matter what you're wearing."

  I blushed again and bumped my shoulder against his.

  We enjoyed an exquisite meal with excellent service and at the end of it, he put his hand forward and held mine. "This has been the best time of my life," he said.

  "Mine too,” I admitted. Suddenly, the gloom set in. “But I have to be getting back to work soon," I said.

  He nodded. “If that’s what you need to do, I’ll be sad to see our time here end but I understand.”

  “Don’t get me wrong Jeffrey, I’ve loved every minute of you doting on me, but I’ve always provided for myself. Even if we do end up staying together, I think I would like to keep working,” I told him.

  He nodded and looked at me with a newfound respect in his icy blue eyes. “I admire that Raina, more than you know.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” I told him.

  "Ok so what else do you want to do before we leave?"

  "Have street food one more time!" I said, and he chuckled.

  The next morning, we headed out to have breakfast at one of the sidewalk cafes before heading back to the hotel to pack up for the trip home.

  "Jeffrey," I said, coming into the other room where he had put his things and slept. "I want to tell you how much fun I’ve had."

  He straightened up and smiled “I’m glad. I’ve had fun too Raina,” he said, walking over to where I stood. He took me in his arms and kissed me sweetly.

  "If I could remember this moment forever, I would be a happy woman."

  "Hopefully we’ll have more of these moments,” he offered.

  I looked up at him and smiled. “Maybe.”

  On the long flight home, we held hands and relived our vacation.

  “So, one week turned into two,” he said. “What do you think Raina? Do you think you could be with someone like me?”

  I wrinkled my nose and looked to the ceiling, pretending to ponder the question. “Gee, I don’t know. You whisk me half way around the world, buy me whatever I want, and spoil me with compliments. I don’t think I could take much more of that kind of thing,” I teased.

  Jeffrey held my gaze but didn’t smile. I realized how serious he was about this. Suddenly I remembered how he had told me that some people truly couldn’t handle his lifestyle.

  “Oh Jeffrey,” I said, grabbing his hand. “I was only joking. Of course, I want to be with you,” I said, watching relief wash over his handsome face.

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d say,” he told me, leaning over to kiss me.

  I closed my eyes and leaned back into the soft leather of the private jet’s seat and sighed. Not only could I get used to the luxury, I could get used to spending every day with Jeffrey.


  The Billionaire Romance

  “Are you fucking serious?” Bianca shrieked as her coffee went sloshing all over the sleeves of her white peasant blouse. The cash register was abandoned, and one woman that was trying to squeeze her size nines into a pair of dark blue ballet flats paused with the flat hanging off of her toes at Bianca’s screeching.

  “Are you kidding me? Ay, yo tengo muchas perozosas!” Bianca went behind the counter and chucked thick directories hidden in
three-inch binders around. She found one with “Employee Directory” printed on it in bold letters. She ripped it open and scrolled down to the name of her opener, Laura Lewis.

  She punched the numbers in on the store phone and when Laura groggily answered with, “Hello?” Bianca screeched into the receiver, “Where the hell are you?!”

  Laura shook all of the sleep out of her voice. “What’s wrong, did something happen to the store?”

  Bianca clenched a roll of receipt paper in between her hands. “Yes. You were supposed to be here at nine. It is now eleven, and you’re still in bed.” She gritted out, between clenched teeth.

  Laura yawned. “Well, yeah, I took today off to study for midterms.”

  “You have to tell me information like that weeks in advance,” Bianca snapped.

  “There’s no way I could have known I’d be so stressed out last Saturday,” Laura said.

  I’m never hiring an eighteen-year-old again, Bianca thought. “Laura, it doesn’t work like that. I need to check the register now to see if everything’s how it should be.”

  “Cool, let me know how everything turns out on Monday, okay?”

  “Monday? Don’t bother coming back Monday. We’ll mail you your last check.”

  Bianca slammed the phone down and yanked open the cash drawer. She pulled out ones, tens, and fives and relaxed once she realized that all one hundred dollars was present and that her sole customer hadn’t decided to help herself to the register.

  I could put up another ad , but then I’d have a store full of new people and that’s an outright nightmare, she thought.

  A customer approached the counter and grinned. “Will you have a chance to change out of that wet shirt?”

  “Huh?” The piping hot coffee on her blouse had lowered in temperature and was becoming a sticky mess that clung to her sleeve.

  Bianca presented her best smile. “Well, I should take care of that after I get you taken care of, shouldn’t I?”

  The older woman smiled at her. The skin around her eyes crinkled with crow’s feet. “I can see that you’re not having the best start to your day.”

  Bianca sighed and took off the safety pin on the her shoe. “I’ve had better. None of my employees seem to want to come to work lately. Which reminds me, how did you get in? My opener didn’t show up.”


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