For The Love Of A Goon: A Miami Hood Love Story

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For The Love Of A Goon: A Miami Hood Love Story Page 2

by LadyJ

  “I know right. All that damn money Trent’s ass makes and he can’t even put her and his daughter in a bigger ride. He makes me sick.” She shook her head all while holding her cell phone up to her ear with her shoulder and still cooking. “I mean damn, it ain’t like he a broke nigga.”

  “Girl who you telling. Maybe if he would stop tricking off with those loose ass girls down at the Pink Pussycat then he could. His ass is too busy paying for pussy.” Roshel said and they both agreed. The two of them couldn’t stand Trent’s trifling ass for all the bullshit he had put Carmen through over the years. He was a straight up no good dog but yet every time he wanted to bring his flea infested ass back; Carmen would always let him.

  “Who dat on the phone boo?” Meek walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Moe from behind. He kissed the side of her neck and shoulder.

  “This is Ro baby. I made you breakfast.” Moe proudly stated tilting her head towards the burnt turkey bacon and lightly scorched pancakes on the stove top. It was no secret that Moe couldn’t cook a decent meal to save her life but Meek loved her so much he ate that shit anyway. “Ro, I’ll be over there in a minute. ‘I’ll call you when I’m pulling up out front.” She hung up her phone and spun around in Meek’s arms. “You want me to fix you a plate?” She asked as she softly kissed his thick juicy lips.

  “Yea boo. I can eat something real quick.” He looked down at his watch and that was when Moe noticed he was fully clothed from head to toe. Meek released his hold on her and made his way to the table.

  “Where are you going?” Moe asked the rhetorical question as if she didn’t know Meeks everyday routine.

  “Baby, come on now, don’t start. You know what I’m going to do.” He leaned over in his chair and opened up the fridge. Meek scanned through the beverages sitting on the first shelf and pulled out a Sparks energy drink. “I don’t know why we have to go through is every time, Moe. A nigga just be out here trying to get this money. I don’t be out here trying to fuck the hoes or none of that so why you always tripping girl.” He popped the top on his drink and took a sip. “I just want to live the good life with no worries Moe; isn’t that what you want?’” he asked

  “Yes.” Moe replied piling the brunt sausage onto his plate. She turned to the table and set his plate down in front of him. Meek stared at the food suspiciously before he grab the bottle of syrup sitting on the table to the right of him. He bowed his head and gave thanks before he started to eat. Moe and Meek wasn’t rich but they was far from being broke and they both shared a passion for nice things. “I have something to do anyway.” She kissed him on his forehead and headed to their bedroom to get dressed. “Be careful out there and watch your back.”

  “No doubt. You know I keep my antennas up baby.” Meek quickly stuffed his face and downed his energy drink. He threw one strap of his MCM book bag over his shoulder, snatched his keys up from the kitchen table and he was off to get his hustle on.

  In the bedroom Moe stripped down to nothing and paraded around the room looking for her favorite multicolored sundress. When she found it she slipped it over her body and slid on her pink Prada flats. She checked out her well-toned body in the mirror and admired how well her boyish thin figure had finally filled out. Rubbing her hands alongside of her curves she thought, my, my, my. You sure are looking mighty fine. Moe was five feet even, brown skin, thin waist, small A cup breast and she had just enough ass on her to fit her tinny frame. She rocked her long natural hair pined up in a bun most of the time but whenever she felt like being sexy she would let all down.

  Moe sorted through the key chains on the dresser and grabbed the keys to Meeks red Avalanche truck. She jumped in and adjusted the driver’s side seat so that she could see over the dashboard. When she was up far enough to see and reach the peddles she started up the truck and pulled away from the curb. She turned the music up sky high and jammed to Kevin Gate’s Luca Brasi 2 album. It was one of her man’s favorite and although she’d heard it a thousand times she still would turn up every time the intro came on. Moe bobbed her head and rapped loudly along with lyrics of the song. She didn’t care about how foolish she appeared in the eyes of others. She was simply enjoying herself.


  Moe pulled into Roshel’s mother’s driveway and honked the horn twice before she got out and ran to the door to help her. “Hey girl, you all ready?” She asked Ro who was patiently sitting just inside of the doorway in her chair. She had her bags all packed up and was ready to go. Roshel picked up her bag, sat it in her lap then rolled herself over the wooden door frame. “You got it Ro?” Moe asked placing her hands on the back of Roshel’s wheel chair and pushing her the rest of the way to the truck. Moe opened up the passenger side door, stood Roshel up on her feet and helped her climb inside. She then folded up her wheel chair and put it on the back of the truck and jumped back up in the driver’s side seat. “Alright, let’s go.” Moe hit the back button on the CD player to repeat her song that was just about to come to an end when she got into the truck. Moe drove along vibing to the music not even paying her home girl any mind as she swerved in and out of traffic. When she finally noticed the sour expression on Roshel ‘s face she turned the volume on the radio all the way down and rolled up the windows.

  “What’s wrong Ro?” You could hear the concern in Moe’s voice. Every now and then she would take her eyes off of the road for just a split second to look into Roshel’s face. Out of nowhere Ro’s tears started to fall down her cheeks. For while she didn’t speak. She just cried. Moe speeded down the exit ramp, threw on her caution lights, and pulled over to the side of the road. She put the truck in park, unlashed her seatbelt, then put her arms around Roshel and hugged her tightly. “Whatever it is Ro, it’s going to be okay baby girl. It’s going to be okay.” Moe tried to comfort her friend but was at the brake of tears herself.

  “I’m just so tired of living like this Moe. No one understands me.” Ro sobbed as she rocked back and forth in Moenisha’s arms. “Why me? I never did anything to deserve this shit.”

  Moe’s heart broke for Roshel and her situation. Ro used to be the life of the party, the spicy one, and she had always had a quick temper and never backed down to anybody male or female. She was tall and thin, dark brown skin and long silky hair and even with her disability she was still gorgeous. Roshel lifted her head and dried her watery eyes on the sleeve of her shirt. “Moe, look at me; I am worthless. I have no life. I had a dream last night that was all too real. In my dream I could walk. I was happy Moe. I had a man and a family.” She busted out into tears again.

  “Just because you’re in this chair doesn’t mean no one will want you. This is not your fault Ro. I really wish you’ll stop beating yourself up over it. None of us knew what was going to happen that night.” Moe’s crying got worse as she tried to comfort her best friend.

  Roshel saw how much her hurt was causing Moe pain and quickly wiped away her tears and broke her hug with Moe. “You’re right Moe. I’m ready to go to therapy now.”


  Moe slowly crept down the block while looking around at the cars parked close to the curb. All afternoon she had been blowing up Meek’s phone and he wasn’t answering which always pissed her off. She spotted Trent’s car and pulled over to the side of the street. Look at this deadbeat ass nigga, Moe said to herself right before she rolled down her window. “Yo, Trent!” She yelled out. “Is Meek in there?” She asked referring to the raggedy one bedroom apartment in the projects also known as the guys trap spot.

  “No, he ain’t here.” He replied while reaching for the screen door.

  Moe hit the gas in smashed out of the projects mad and upset. It was four o’clock and the sun was shining bright as hell in Miami. She sped down the highway doing 90mph. She flew through her neighborhood practically failing to stop at the stop signs. Moe was heated and she hated when Meek didn’t answer her phone calls. The tires of the Avalanche jumped the curb as she quickly threw the gear in park.
Moe looked like an angry little person as she hopped out of the driver’s side with a nasty frown on her face. That fool better be laying up in a hospital on his death bed. If he ain’t I am going to killlll his ass, She rambled to herself as she jammed her key into the front door of their condo. She stepped inside, flopped down on the arm of the chair, and kicked her sandals off of her sweaty feet. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. Moe let out a deep sigh then tilted her head towards the ceiling. She wasn’t really concerned if Meek was too busy entertaining another female to answer her phone calls as too if he was okay or not. She had become worried and in her state; her mined begun to drift.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, they got him.” Moe assumed Meek had been captured by the cops. She leaped up from the arm of the chair and scrambled for her cell phone to call Carmen. “Pick up, pick up.” She chanted as the phone just rung in her ear. “Hello, hello. Carmen are you there.” Moe’s words tumbled out of her mouth.

  “Slow down Moe. What’s up?” Carmen replied.

  “Have there been any police activity in the hood today?” She asked. “I haven’t been able to reach Meek all afternoon and now I’m worried like hell girl.” Moe paced the floor so fast she damn near burned a hole in the carpet.

  “Moe just calm down and breathe friend. He is fine I assure you. I’m about to hit Trent up and see if he knows anything.” Carmen said. Moe reframed from mentioning that she had asked Trent about him earlier. It was no secret that Moe and Roshel didn’t like Trent so he could have been lying to her for all she really knew. “I’ll call you right back.” Carmen hung up on Moe and dialed Trent’s phone. Moe couldn’t sit still. She walked and to the kitchen, grabbed a glass from the cabinet, reached into the fridge and poured herself a cold glass of red Kool-Aid. She redialed Meeks number then hard his ringtone coming from the table behind her.

  “Well I’ll be damned.” She turned around to find Meeks cell phone sitting in the middle of the table. She picked it up and pressed the end key. Moe swiped the arrow on the home screen to the right to unlock the phone. Damn, a hundred and twenty three missed calls. Moe thought as she scanned though his call log to see who had been blowing up her man’s phone besides her. He had a few missed calls from Trent and his little brother, Nino, and a couple of unsaved numbers. The other one hundred missed calls were from her. She laughed at herself when she realized just how crazy her ass could be when it came down to Meek.

  The home security system sounded off indicating the front door had just opened up.

  “Honey, I’m home.” Meek imitated the character Ricky Ricardo from the popular 1950s television show “I Love Lucy”. “Bae, why the fuck is my truck parked up on the curb like that?” He asked as Moe appeared in the living room. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Moe took his cell phone from behind her back and tossed it at his chest. “Left something?” She asked with sarcasm in her voice. “I’ve been blowing your ass up all afternoon Meek. I was worried that something might have happened to you.” Meek quietly looked through his phone while Moe continued to rant. “Boy are you listening to me?”

  “Yeah, you know I’m listening.” He kissed her on her cheek as he passed her by. “Oh an, there’s no need for you to keep going through my phone Moe. I know you searched it.” He laughed.

  “What you talking about? I didn’t.”

  “Shhhh!” Meek cut her off. “I know you did because I would’ve seen all these one hundred and twenty-three missed calls on the home screen if someone wouldn’t have unlocked it already.” He simply smiled at her.

  “You damn right I did.” She admitted rolling her neck with her hands propped up on her tinny waist. “I have to make sure your ass been doing just what you say and not fucking around with these dirty foot slues out here.” She turned and switched away throwing her ass in circles as she walked. She knew that always turned Meek on. “I gotta make sure you ain’t out here giving these hoes my attention.” Just then Meek ran up behind her and lifted her up off of her feet into the air. “Boy put me down.” He ignored her and begun to tickle her stomach.

  “You’re so cute when you’re mad.” He teased her as he placed her back down on the ground. “Look Moe,” Meek paused to lick his thick lips, “how many times I’m go have to tell you; you the only one baby. I am a hustler Moe. The money, cars, and hoes comes along with that. Yea, I’ll take the money and the nice rides but them hoes, they for everybody and that’s not what I choose to do.” He wrapped his hands around Moe waist and pulled her in closer. “You the only hoe I need.” He laughed as she pushed him away. “Come on now. You know I was just playing baby.” He reached for her hand and stared deep into her eyes. “All jokes aside though bae, I love you girl. Ain’t no woman around here got shit on you.” He grabbed her face softly then kissed her long and passionately. Meek felt his nature rising and quickly scooped her up in his arms. “I’m about to go ham in this pussy.” He said. As Moe gave him a girly blush. He carried her into their bedroom and laid her down softly on the bed. Meek started by taking his time to remove her clothes then licking her from head to toe. He made sweet love to his woman and after they fell sleep butt naked in each other’s arms.



  “CALL FROM CARMEN.” Moe popped up from the bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The loud ringing from her cell phone woke her straight from her nap.

  “It’s about time your butt woke up. Daddy must’ve put it on ya girl.” Meek exited the bathroom swaged up in a pair dark denim jeans and a fresh AKOO t-shirt; he was in the middle of brushing his teeth while talking to Moe. “Get up and go get dressed. Put on something sexy. We going clubbing with Trent and Carmen tonight.”

  “Trent and Carmen? Since when they’ve gotten back together?” Moe gave Meek a weird glare of her eyes while thinking, she must’ve been calling to give me the heads up.

  “Moenisha Hayes, mind yo damn business. Just get up and get dressed please. We’ll be leaving in an hour.”


  “So what the fuck is this Carmen? Don’t tell me you taking this piece of shit ass nigga back?” Moe had Carmen pinned up and the restroom of the night club grilling her about her and Trent’s relationship.

  “Man Moe, he’s really not that bad. He said he’s trying to be a better man to me and our child. I know he really loves me; he just go astray sometimes.” Carmen always had an excuse when it came to Trent. For years now Carmen had let him trample all over her. She had gone from being a confident, self-sufficient young girl to a pessimistic, broken woman. It was like Trent had complete mind control over her. Every time he’d leave he would tell her she wasn’t allowed to have other men in her life and like a fool Carmen obeyed. Even if it meant her being lonely at nights and going for months without intimacy. Over the years Moe had become so annoyed that her friend had turned into such a push over. Carmen let Trent get away with any and everything right under her nose.

  Trent paid the rent for her and their daughter’s middle class two bedroom apartment, and brought her a tiny ass two door Honda Civic while he lived on the opposite side of town. He resided in an upper class neighborhood in a three bedroom two bath single family home. He did whatever he wanted and drove fancy cars like he was the boss; and he was. He could have any woman he choose to. He slept with countless women without any remorse or regret and he damn sure didn’t care how Carmen felt about it.

  “Moe, I know what you’re thinking but he promised me it wouldn’t be like that this time.” Carmen said hopelessly. She turned towards the mirror and applied more lip gloss to her already shinny lips.

  “Come on Carmen, you can’t be that naïve.” Moe grabbed Carmen by her shoulders and turned her back around to face her.

  “Moe, will you just let it go already please.” Carmen begged.

  “Alright, I’ll stay out of it but don’t come crying to me when he leaves you for the 18th time.” That was it, Moe was done trying to save her friend from the father of her child. Upon exiting the restr
oom she paused and looked back at Carmen. “I just hope you’re making the right decision.” Was the last thing Moe said as she walked out of the door leaving Carmen with her reflection in the mirror. Carmen pouted her lips and shrugged shoulders as if she too didn’t believe in her own words.

  Carmen straighten out her skin tight mini dress, slid the chain strap of her shoulder bag across her chest and switched her thick legs and thighs back to their private VIP table. When she walked up Moe and Meek were enjoying one another a little too much. Meek was laid back in the booth while Moe teased him with a lap dance.

  “Where’s Trent?” Carmen asked when she didn’t see him anywhere in the VIP section. Moe lifted her head and pointed towards the main bar on the floor of the club. There Trent stood surrounded by beautiful young women all fighting for his attention. Carmen watched him closely from where she was without any emotion; as soon as she saw one of the girls reach out and rub Trent’s buff chest she stormed out of the VIP, made her way through the crowded dance floor, and marched right up to him and his flock of groupies.

  “I’m ret to go!” She yelled loudly over the music in the most ghetto girl fashion as she rolled her eyes at the chicks who were now all staring at her strangely. “What?” Carmen barked at the girls and walked up on the one chick who was giving her the side eye. “You got something to say? Yeah, he belong to me.” She spat.

  “Come on Ma, pipe down.” Trent intervened.

  “Mannnn, fuck these hoes.” Carmen got into her fighting stance ready to swing on any bitch that got wrong with her.

  “What the fuck is this? We got a problem here?” Carmen turned around to find Moe standing right beside her mugging the shit out of the girls. She stayed down and ready for whatever. “Cause if we got a problem we can solve that shit real quick for you.” Her facial expression was cold and she didn’t crack a smile. “So what’s up?”


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