Women of Steel 3: Frozen Daiquiri

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Women of Steel 3: Frozen Daiquiri Page 2

by Camille Anthony

  Offering advice and sometimes rebuke, Daiq chivvied her people into stretching themselves, reaching for their best. “We will give the Scarth a surprise this time! They’re expecting sheep -- they’ll find wolves.”

  Chapter Three

  Lab One

  After extensive experimentation, the Scarth scientists were still learning about their Hoomun captives’ biology.

  It seemed the Hoomuns were infertile. They had placed female after female with known fertile males. Not one had taken. All the tests showed the Hoomuns and the Scarth should be able to inter-breed with only minor manipulation. After all, they were of the same base genetic material. The manipulations had been done to the females, yet over one hundred failed actual matings proved the lab tests had to be wrong.

  Breen’s antennae drooped. He knew this latest report would disappoint the queens. If the Hoomun females were infertile, as were all their own females, barring the queens, then half the argument for conquering that green and blue world became moot. It was dire news, and he, for sure, didn’t want to be the one to reveal it to the beleaguered queens.

  Still, if the females were neuters, perhaps the queens would consent to giving him -- an infertile male -- the dark female with the cushiony white hair. His root stood erect whenever he interacted with her and that had never happened before. Her exotic coloring and sleek curves called to him, even as her sharp wit enraptured him. And when he’d watched the breeder, Aton, mount her, listened to her cries of passion, seen her body convulse in frenzied completion… his carapace had snapped into place just in time to shield his uncontrollable response as his root jettisoned his useless seed. Guilt filled him over how glad he was that this particular mounting had failed. He knew how desperately his people needed to mate with these Hoomuns.

  Yet… why run the risk of being refused? She’d failed the test and normally would be assigned to a high-ranking soldier as a sand-slave. But what if she had some condition that rendered her unsuitable? He could do that; manufacture an obscure ailment that would keep her in the labs with him. She was just one in over two hundred. Surely they wouldn’t miss this one. The only one he wanted…

  Chapter Four

  In the Hall of the Mountain Queens

  “The scientists’ report is disturbing.”

  The aging Senior queen, her silvery carapace drawn up and back in precise formation, lay in the birthing cradle, legs splayed. The skin of her distended belly rippled from the strong movements of the infant within as the child fought to win free of its fleshy prison.

  “The Hoomun females are no more fertile than our own daughters.”

  “I am not surprised,” the third senior among them admitted. “They are a people without queens. They are clearly inferior.”

  As she spoke, her thin blue carapace snapped in and out of her back. A deplorable sign of weakness, the Senior queen noted, frowning, delicate antennae waving. “I wouldn’t know about that…”

  “What?” Beta queen glanced up from where she lay on her couch and waved her consort away. He obediently drew out of her and backed up, root dripping with pre-cum, to stand at attention behind her lounger. “You believe these people to be equal to us… or perhaps superior?”

  “Senior couldn’t possibly mean that, Beta!” Quint, the fifth queen, exclaimed. The horror in her voice spoke volumes about her naiveté.

  Senior struggled to keep her shell in position, too experienced to injudiciously reveal her irritation. She must remember that the young were intemperate and not very good conversationalists. “I am not sure they are without queens.” She lifted her voice and issued a command. “Hall Brain, show the records entitled ‘possible queen’.”

  Recording on…

  Pictures of the Hoomun captives, led by a tall black-haired female, streamed against the wall. Over and over, the cameras picked up the female helping one person, or commanding another. Gradually, a cohesive picture formed, a pattern emerged. All action flowed from this one person like ripples in sand from the concentric center… including the irritating, crippling uprisings that had increased more and more over the turns and took an increasing amount of their soldiers to quell. The uprisings also ate into their resources. The innovative alien thinker had managed to set the fall crops on fire the last time.

  “Who is that? These are the records from the last five turns?” Beta sat up and pulled a wrap over her lower body, covering her wet, swollen sex. “We’ve held these prisoners for over ten turns. Why do the records of this Hoomun begin at the last five turns and not from the beginning?”

  “She came to us injured and ill. The doctors did not think she would survive, but her people became distressed and belligerent when they moved her. They didn’t settle down again until the doctors returned her to the caverns.” Senior looked pensive. “That should have told us something.”

  Shifting in the cradle, Senior paused to push. The baby moved further down the birthing channel.

  “Less than a quarter turn after her recovery, the first successful uprising took place. The Hoomuns made it all the way to the lower labs, stole some equipment and even captured a male.”

  An admiring smile hovered about Senior’s lips. “The females fucked him to within an inch of his life before tossing him back out of the caverns. It looked to me like everyone had a piece of him… everyone but the new leader. She didn’t touch the male. Obviously, she holds herself in as high esteem as we do ourselves. Like her, we would never condescend to mate with a lowly captive.” Her antennae angled toward the others as she said, “This Hoomun’s accomplishments are quite impressive, don’t you think? In a relatively short time, she’s caused us more trouble than all the other captives since their imprisonment began.”

  “I think she’s dangerous,” Beta muttered, turning on her back and opening her legs. “Come.”

  She beckoned to her favorite consort and adjusted her body for maximum penetration. She then turned her head to address her sister queens and continued speaking as he crawled between her legs and began humping. “We should separate her from the rest of the prisoners before she manages to incite the others to greater violence.”

  The queens all nodded their assent.

  Blue shell spoke up. “I don’t understand why the females are so angry. We placed them in the coolest caverns we could find so they would feel at home. We keep them fed, watered… what more could they want?”

  “Perhaps they miss males. Even our nulls enjoy the sting of intercourse.”

  Senior was surprised when Odlae, the second-most junior of the queens, spoke up. “What you say could have merit, youngling.” She chuckled, remembering. “They certainly attacked that hapless male with enthusiasm. His poor root was totally wilted when they finished with him and threw him out.”

  Beta grinned. “The recordings were humorous. I screamed with laughter at the look on his face when some of the females breached his fudor with a thick stick! He must have liked it, though, for it certainly brought his stinger out!”

  She turned her attention back to the fucking she was receiving. Bringing her hands up and tweaking her nipples, she glanced up at her servant’s contorted face. “You’re not trying hard enough! Faster,” she ordered, “deeper!”

  There was an edge of anger in her voice. She pushed up into the male’s strong thrusts, panting a little. “Where’s your stinger? Faugh! Pull out of me, sand-mite! I’ll never get a girl child with a lackadaisical fucking like this one!”

  Smirking, Blue shell offered, “Try mine, Beta. He’s a White Ridge feral and a true devil in the sands!”

  Senior watched the exchange, not surprised to see Beta’s antennae twitch as she narrowed her eyes in consideration. Beta loved rough sand time, and she was obviously tempted by the offer. She decided to throw her opinion into the mix.

  “Take him, Beta. I’m close to my time and bored. I’d like the entertainment of seeing him pound you into the grit.” Senior smiled at her eldest daughter. “Besides, you know you want it. Your nipples are a
lready stabbing the air and you couldn’t even rouse them in the midst of that last fuck. Lie back and open your legs… we’ll both enjoy it.”

  Beta ran her eyes over the hulking male standing behind Blue’s couch. He was one of the fifty males that had attended Blue upon her arrival. His thick black root rose under her hot gaze, just the very tip of his stinger visible, the sharp point protruding past the end of the fat glans. She licked her lips. “What will I owe you for the loan?” Her voice was breathy with growing arousal.

  “I’m breeding right now and don’t want a fuck.” Blue shell tapped her lips. “Tell you what, since Senior requests it, as a gift to her, I’ll just use your discard for the hour. He can suck my honey while we watch you enjoy a real male’s attentions.”

  Senior’s antennae tingled. She kept her carapace high, held stiffly, kept her lips tight so the laugh wouldn’t leak out. Blue shell was a swapped queen. In her own hive, she’d been in line to take second place. Here, she knew she would never ascend above Beta’s status as second queen, so she used every opportunity to goad and snipe at the more senior queen.

  “Done!” Beta turned to her servant. “Go to her.”

  Blue caught her servant’s eye and inclined her head toward Beta. “Prove your worth!”

  Glancing at Senior with a wink, Blue shell smiled at Beta. “Remember, he’s feral. I’ve allowed him to retain his wild tendencies because it amuses me. He dominates naturally. Your Queen status means nothing to him.”

  Beta shivered, sitting up straighter. The male loomed over her couch, the wide expanse of naked skin a shining dense black with circling bands of bright yellow. “He’s well marked.”

  Blue chuckled. “Better yet, he never fails to sting!”

  The fertile male stepped up to Beta’s couch and fisted his root with one large hand. Standing before her, he aimed his length toward her mouth. When she didn’t move, he stepped closer, gripped his root in his hand and slapped her sharply on the cheek with his stiff erection.

  The sound of his meaty flesh meeting her face rang loudly in the chamber, making the queens jump. Beta gasped, shocked that a male would issue such suggestive violence toward her. Antennae laid back, she brought a hand up and cupped her burning cheek, glancing over to her mother in confusion.

  Senior inhaled deeply, cunt rippling as she viewed the male’s aggressive actions. “They obviously have different mounting practices in White Ridge. Give him what he wants, child. Take his root in your mouth.”

  Beta stared at her mother in shock. “In my mouth? But his stinger is out!”

  Plainly tired of waiting, the male grabbed the short hair at the base of Beta’s neck and yanked her head back. Her mouth fell open, and he stuffed his root inside, forcing it to the back of her throat. She gurgled, audibly gagging as he surged deeper, pushing his thick length into her.

  The male’s hips surged back and forth, fucking Beta’s mouth with focused determination. One hand at her neck, the other gripping a full breast, he grunted with effort, his voice gruff and bass low.

  The watching queens shifted on their couches, their cunts dripping, carapaces snapping and retracting in rapid sequence, antennae dancing as the blatant sexual assault progressed. Beckoning their own sand-servants to them, they opened legs or mouths to more fully partake in the scene.

  Beta was groaning now, her big body shaking and twitching. Rich honey slid down her thighs, and her nipples rode the tips of her breasts; engorged and hotly swollen. What they could see of her face was flushed dark gold, her lips straining around the midnight black of the giant root pounding her mouth.

  Blue shell’s voice rang out, dire threat chilling her tones. “Recall, this is not about you!”

  The male instantly retreated from Beta’s clinging lips. His stinger had extending further, sticking out about half a finger-length from the flattened tip of his root. The honey dripping from the end was amber-gold. His yellow balls, tucked tight to the base of his pitch-black root, looked heavy and full.

  With a grunt of impatience, the male tipped Beta over and pushed her to her belly. Yanking her up by the hips, he gripped her ass cheeks in both hands and moved between her thighs. With a flex of his hips, he rammed his root into her wide open cunt, slamming deep into her wet orifice.

  Beta screamed, her head coming up and back. Eyes sightless, she stared out at the chamber. “Ow, ow, ow! Stinger! Oh, yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyes… ooooohhh!”

  “Sting her again! Sting her again!” The queens chanted excitedly, knowing the male was now piercing the soft tissue at the inner top of her cunt with his sharp stinger, injecting the potent Scarth aphrodisiac into her system.

  Beta writhed in the sands as the male rapidly jabbed his stinger in her. In and out… ten times, twelve…

  Once his venom was deposited, the male proceeded to roughly fuck Beta with a smooth, hard, deliciously decadent looking rhythm that sparked Senior’s interest and envy. Breathing hard, she watched her daughter jackknife with pleasure, her own cunt spasming in sympathy. In that moment, her stomach muscles cramped and with a startled cry, she pushed out her newborn.

  Her cry alerted the other queens and even Beta, body jolting under the rhythmic thrusting of the energetic male, opened one dazed eye to view the sex of her newest sibling.

  “He’s a boy -- well marked with dark brown and cream!” A male server held the baby aloft, a soft smile on his face while two more servers cleaned and prepared Senior, rolled her out of the way to replace the soiled sand beneath her. The old queen gazed down on her issue, content to bask in the fleeting, momentary lightness of non-pregnancy.

  The baby opened its eyes and hollered at the top of its lungs. An indulgent smile turned up the aged mother’s lips and she prophesied, “He’ll be a strong little drone!”

  Bonding moment over, Senior waved to the servant, gesturing him to take the baby to the nurseries. She turned her mind back to business -- namely, the business of winning the war over Earth. “I’ve decided to give the Hoomun female, the possible queen, to Lorrkar.”

  She waited while all hell broke loose.

  Blue’s feral male had finally come and now lay draped over Beta so closely she could barely raise her head. She raised her voice instead. “Why? What purpose would it serve?”

  “Hush, Beta!” Senior hardly spared her a glance. “You’ve wanted to fuck Lorrkar since you first came into estrus. You two are too close because you share both the same drone sire and the same mother: me. You simply don’t want him to have anyone if you can’t have him.”

  Beta sputtered, “Why that’s…”

  “The truth and everybody knows it,” Blue stated calmly. “I know we all agreed removing her from the rest was wise, Senior, but why give her to Lorrkar? He is the War Leader. The gift could be seen as being too little or too much.”

  Senior eyed Blue with a closer scrutiny. The young chit was smarter than she let on. “You’re right, Blue. If she is only another null female, then we insult our War Leader by offering such an insignificant gift. If, however, she proves to be the Hoomun Queen, then we err on the side of greatness. But do we?”

  The old queen stared at her four co-rulers. “Think. He is the War Leader. Who else needs the information only one such as she can provide? If she is what we think her, how long will she tolerate his treatment of her? If he thinks her a simple sand-slave, merely a receptacle for his pleasure, his subsequent actions are sure to drive her into revolt. Either way, we shall quickly see what manner of female she is. And our War Leader will be kept too busy to keep hounding us about giving up this war.”

  The younger queens bowed on their sand couches. Beta, the appointed speaker, waved her antennae in respect. “As always, Senior, you lead with a clear mind.”

  Chapter Five

  Lab Two

  Paula Mason sat in the corner of her cage, eyes locked on the scientist puttering about the lab. She could hear a low hum, almost a buzz, coming from him as he worked. Whenever he approached her, his cock would stand up. She
cringed inside when that happened, afraid he would try to force her to have sex with him. To date, he never had, but she didn’t trust him. After all, he’d stood and watched, cock dripping, as she’d been raped. The look in his eyes said he’d wanted to be next.

  Occasionally, as he worked, he would glance over at her and wave his head stalks at her. She couldn’t tell if those were eyes on sticks or something like antennae. Mason shuddered. She really didn’t give a damn. All she knew was the Scarth male freaked her out. They all made her skin crawl.

  Though basically humanoid, the Scarth had characteristics that reminded her of both bees and scarab beetles. Like bees, they had antennae and huge, pupil-less eyes. If any of them wore clothing, she’d never seen it in the labs. Almost all of the Scarth had markings on their bodies; variations of yellow and black stripes, brown and warm gold. Honeybees, yellow jackets, bumblebees… the different types were all represented. But they also had hard, metallic looking shells they could extend or retract at will. When extended, the shells could completely cover their bodies. When retracted into their bodies, it was impossible to see how or where they concealed them.

  Back on Earth, during the battle, Paula had believed the shells part of their armor -- a shield they used with skill and dexterity. She hadn’t known they were extensions of their exoskeleton. With the shield completely extended, covering them from head to toe, the Scarth reminded her of huge Egyptian scarab beetles.

  She’d never liked bugs. She certainly didn’t like the one smiling at her now.

  One thing her abduction had clarified for her was what had really happened to the other women. When she’d been taken from the caverns, she’d realized they had probably gone through much the same treatment she was subjected to.

  She’d been bathed, forced to undergo a vast array of medical tests, injected, sprayed and hypo’ed to within an inch of screaming. A couple days later, she’d been brought out of her cage and taken to another room where she’d been showered and shampooed. From there, the lab tech had returned her to the main lab, called in two guards and had her tied down.


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