Paris, The Ambassador and Me

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Paris, The Ambassador and Me Page 12

by Mia Villano

  “Oh, God.” I yelled out as the orgasm softly flowed through me. He was growling or making some animal like noise has he continued and wouldn’t stop. He was relentless as his two fingers now went inside me and his thumb went in my ass. There was no way I could come again. It was too much. But his mouth insisted. His need for me was unstoppable at that moment as if there was nothing more he needed but me. Again, his fingers found the spot, the spot that I felt deep inside my core. The sucking of my clit began again. This time softer and slower as if he knew what my body could handle.

  “I won’t be able to come again, Fabrice.” I breathed.

  “Yes, you will. I need you to once more on my face.” His fingers went deeper his mouth sucked on me a little harder. I reached up to touch my nipples. I was so alive and so feminine at that moment. I came again. This time just as hard as the first. I had come twice now without even having Fabrice inside me. He kissed up my body. I wanted to be on top of him. I wanted to take over. I pushed his body back and crawled up the length of him. His cock was like warm steel, so hard and hot, pulsating in my hand. I lifted it upright and lowered myself onto it. Every inch felt like pure heaven. As I sat down with him fully inside me, my cunt clenched and released as I rode him. His hands holding my waist, guided me in the rhythmic ride we were on together. I reached behind me and caressed his balls. They felt hard and stretched. His mouth latched on to one of my nipples as he sucked. His eyes were open and so were mine. His mouth swollen and pouty, the scruff on his face was perfect. He captivated me with his looks and the fact I was pleasing him.

  “Isabella, you are everything to me.” He thrust hard as I gasped. I felt so different at that moment. I was his and I knew it. I saw it and felt it. There was no turning back now. I was totally attached and taken by him. He was inside my soul. Our bodies tightened as the orgasm burst through him. He bucked up pushing deeper and moaned my name.


  I rocked back and forth working myself up again to come. I couldn’t stop it.

  “Fabrice.” I moaned.

  “That’s it baby, come. Feel me inside you, all over you.” He grabbed my ass and squeezed it. Again the force of an orgasm rocked me as I threw my head back and accepted the third one.

  I collapsed on him. I was sweaty, tired and totally in love. Our hearts pounded in our chests. He was what I needed that day. I closed a door in my life with saying goodbye to Anthony and I opened another door with Fabrice. A door I didn’t think I would open again so soon. I let him in and it was good.

  Chapter 17

  While Fabrice was gone, my days were filled with working a few hours for General Morou and working at the restaurant for Sophia, who was looking very pregnant. I had no time to actually think about what I wanted to do with my life or make any plans for my future. I was in limbo. The first week he was gone I heard from Fabrice three times a day. After the second week his texts, calls, and skyping seemed to not happen as much. He was busy and had a job to do, but that wasn’t like him. I hoped he was telling me the truth about his reason for being in Paris, and that it wasn’t something I needed to worry about. I wanted him to be safe and come back home to me.

  I was at home working for the General one morning when the email came in. I hadn’t checked my mail since the day before when I finished up working. My inbox said I had fifteen new emails and not from anyone I recognized. Each one was marked urgent with a red flag. Were they urgent or was it a virus? It also could be something urgent for work. I opened the first one and was beyond shocked. It was a picture of Fabrice in Paris laughing with a blond petite woman. I couldn’t see her face only the back of her head. They were at a café, the two of them having coffee. The second picture was Fabrice again with a woman walking along the Seine River. They weren’t walking close but they were together and looked comfortable talking. My heart sank to my feet. It didn’t take long for me to realize someone did this to me intentionally. Something wasn’t right with the whole situation. The third one and the fifteenth were of Fabrice and with this same woman. Nothing that would say they were intimate in any way but he was with a woman in Paris.

  One email was an online news article that said Isabella Piori was the wrong girl for the Ambassador. It flashed several pictures of Fabrice with this woman and the caption. Why is he spending so much time in Paris? The article went on to ask who was Isabella Piori and who was the mystery woman. It said I was from a questionable family that owned a restaurant in the Washington, D.C. area. I was working in his office when I seduced him to begin an affair with me, taking him from his long time love, Marin Fisher. After, I quit my job and I was currently unemployed. It showed me driving his BMW which I had done months ago when he asked me to bring it to him one night at the Embassy. The article said I took his car and refused to give it back. It also said my brothers had criminal pasts with possible crime ties and it was not certain if they were involved in the beating of my ex-boyfriend. It went on to say the Ambassador was in Paris with an unknown woman distancing himself from the Piori family.

  What the hell was happening? Where was this coming from? I reread it word for word. What the fuck. Who wrote this? I closed my mail and decided to go for a run. If nothing else, I needed to clear my head. I ran my usual route faster. I was done in record time. I would’ve run more but my legs were killing me. I arrived home and sat on my balcony and thought. What was I doing with the French Ambassador? How could I let myself love him so much? He couldn’t love me. Like the article said, ‘I was the wrong girl for him’. Past the bedroom we had nothing in common. We were two people fucking when you got right down to it. Yes, I loved him and yes, he was the best thing that ever happened to me but was he that serious about me? I wasn’t the material for a French Ambassador. Yes, I could class it up and schmooze with the best of them when I had to, but I was uncomfortable doing it and I didn’t look right next to him. He looked perfect with that blonde in the pictures. She was the woman he needed not me. Who was she? I never saw her before. It was time I made a decision. That decision would rip my heart out and cause me so much pain. He didn’t need me. Through tears and a bottle of wine, I made the decision to let him go. I had to let him go. I wouldn’t contact him anymore and I didn’t want to hear from him. I vowed that any text or phone call would go unopened and deleted. Like I figured, a text came in late that night.

  I’m losing my mind without you, Isabella.

  That was the text I received at two o’clock in the morning. I was awake. Avery hadn’t come home and I didn’t want to bother her with my juvenile issues. My mom didn’t understand. All she saw was the gorgeous, French Ambassador that swept her daughter off her feet. I couldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t talk to Sophia. She was in her own world with a wedding and a baby coming. My brothers were of no help. One was off trying to be a rock star and the other was too busy chasing women to care anymore. I was alone, devastated and heartbroken. I thought about going nuts and telling him to fuck off. To tell him he was a piece of shit and to leave me the hell alone. My brain told me to do that but my heart told me not to. I loved him still and no matter how bad my heart was broken I had to break it off and not look back. I chose to say nothing. Instead I sent him all fifteen pictures of him and the blonde. One after the other, I texted to him with no explanation, just the pictures.

  Where did you get these?

  I didn’t answer.

  Isabella talk to me.

  I still couldn’t answer him. After sending text after text that went unanswered he started to call. The phone must have rang all night long until I turned it off. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t have the strength to do it again. Not this time. He was a known playboy before I came along. Women were all over the place trying to get at him. I was something different. I was a new type of woman he thought he could love. A different type of woman he thought he could enjoy.

  The days kept passing as Fabrice kept calling and I kept ignoring him. His texts came one after the other and I deleted them unread. The thought of
changing my number occurred to me and by the second week of his obsessive calling, I did. I made my way to the cellular store, told them I wanted a phone with a new number. By the time I walked out of the store, Fabrice Arbidoux couldn’t reach me again. I was freezing inside and out and couldn’t get warm. My mom thought it was stress and I thought it was from missing the love of my life. The emails continued that week I was without Fabrice. I received at least two a day. They didn’t send a picture of the two of them intimate, just together.

  I kept busy during the day by planning two weddings and looking at places I could rent for my business. I was leaning towards a coffee shop and bakery for now until I got on my feet and then I could expand. My dad wanted to help by investing and since I had less money than what I originally thought, I accepted his offer. I had the business plan, the name and the money I just needed a place to start.

  The loneliness at night was unbearable. Avery felt the need to be with me and I wanted to be alone. Finally after the third week, I had to tell her that I needed time alone. She was up studying one Saturday morning. I was heading to the restaurant.

  “Izz, this isn’t right. He’s called me and I don’t know what to say. I haven’t returned his calls or his texts. This isn’t right. You know that Marin was behind this.”

  “I’m sorry I put you in this situation, Avery, but no. I can’t talk to him, I can’t hear his voice. Do you not know what the sound of his voice will do to me? It will undo everything. I know Marin sent the pictures, but she had to take them or have someone take them. There is no denying he was with this woman.”

  “Can’t you go and confront Marin? Maybe you could get some kind of answer from her?”

  “I don’t want to. I don’t care anymore. This will not end. If it’s not her it will be another woman that has to have him. No, I have to do it this way.”

  “I don’t see him doing anything like that to you. He loves you. His voicemail was killing me. He sounded like he was crying.”

  “He was probably crying because he got caught.”

  “Why are you being so hard on him? This isn’t like you. You know if you listen to him he will be honest with you.”

  “I can’t be hurt again, Ave. After Anthony, I vowed I wouldn’t let that happen again. I promised myself no man would hurt me again. My mind can’t take it.”

  “I know Izz, but this is Fabrice. This isn’t some juvenile idiot. You have to let him explain. This is nothing. I know it. I don’t want you making a mistake, Izz.” I was starting to wonder if she was working for Fabrice. She grabbed her head.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I was dizzy for a second. Wow, that’s never happened. It must be the wedding jitters.”

  “Have you eaten?” I stood up and walked over to her and sat down.

  “No, I’m not hungry. I haven’t been hungry. I’m going to lie down her for a second. I’m just exhausted and stressed.”

  “Well, worrying about Fabrice and I is not helping either. Let me handle this. Believe it or not I know what I’m doing. Go lie down and I’ll make us something for dinner, how about some pasta?”

  She nodded. I didn’t understand her insistence about this. She was the one that was always yelling about women’s rights and not being taken advantage of. I covered her up and left her on the couch. I cooked two pounds of marinara, froze some and had dinner ready for us. I tried to wake her but she wanted to sleep. When I woke her up, she wasn’t that hungry and forced down a few forkfuls of food.

  After I changed my number, he must have given up. No one had heard from him, including Avery. This was what I wanted and there was no turning back now. He wasn’t back in town because it showed him on the news still in Paris, then Russia. Pain wracked my body when I saw him on the news. The sight of him drove me to tears. He was living his life without me. Would I be able to live without him? I worked to keep it together.


  Avery’s wedding was in countdown mode. Finally, her family was in town and Cherise’s crazy family arrived two days after. Poor Avery was being whisked away every moment of the day trying on dresses. She was complaining of be overly exhausted and promised me after the wedding she would go to the doctor. I told her if she didn’t I would tell her mom she wasn’t feeling good.

  Cherise’s parents, Madge and Evan Rather, were down to earth, hardworking and quiet. Once they arrived into town, they stayed at the house and you never heard from them. Avery and I took them to my family’s restaurant one night and I introduced them to my family. They hit it off right away and my dad and Evan even went to a car show together, which was one of my dad’s favorite pastimes.

  Cherise had a younger brother, Sebastian. Sebastian was breathtakingly gorgeous, and the spitting image of Cherise with short hair and very manly features. I was taken back by Sebastian’s good looks and his great personality. We began spending a lot of time together the week before the wedding. He and I would go and grab something that was needed for the wedding, decoration and the tent for the reception. He was tall, blonde, green eyed and easy to talk to. He smelled of tobacco and coffee and looked like he spent most of his time in the sun. He was a Californian, twenty-seven and owned his own boat store. He rebuilt sail boats for a living and surfed on the weekends. We ate fast food on the run, listened to eighties punk, which was his favorite, and laughed nonstop. I wore ripped jeans, my old concert shirts, and converse. I felt like young Isabella again. I was enjoying being around him and when I was with him, the hurt of letting Fabrice go wasn’t as bad.

  My inner circle noticed the amount of time we were spending together and questioned it a lot. No one liked it and everyone wanted to know what I was doing. I didn’t know what I was doing. I enjoyed his company and I liked being around someone I didn’t have to worry about what he thought or what I said. It was like being around my family when we were together. I didn’t think anything of it. I didn’t want anything to come of it. I was still in love with Fabrice. No one could take his place and I wasn’t looking for anyone to. Everyone knew that except Sebastian.

  One night while we were in the local coffee shop, recharging, he asked me if I had ever been to California.

  “No, I’m strictly an East Coast girl.” I said, sipping my coffee.

  “You need to come out sometime. We would have a blast, Izz.” He called me Izz like Avery.

  “Maybe I could come with Cherise and Avery. I heard they were planning on coming out next Thanksgiving.”

  He looked down.

  “I was hoping for you to come and sooner than Thanksgiving.”

  I looked up at him not getting it for a second and then it hit me. I nervously ripped a bigger hole in my already frayed jeans as I searched for something to say.

  “Sebastian, I don’t know what to say. I mean-.” I didn’t know what to say to him.

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just consider it. I enjoy being with you. I had a good time this week and I haven’t laughed this much since, I don’t know when. I like you, Izz.”

  “I like you too. I had a great time this week and it was something I needed right now. If things were different I would be on a plane to see you. I can’t right now, maybe in time.”

  “You don’t have to explain. I understand. This Ambassador is one lucky guy. He doesn’t know how lucky he is to have a girl like you so dedicated, so in love. That doesn’t happen often”

  “Yeah, well that’s over. It’s just right now, my heart is broken and I don’t know how long it will be for it to mend. Maybe it will be faster than I think, but I don’t know.” My thoughts went to Fabrice. How much I still missed him, loved him, and wanted him. Yes, it was nice to be with Sebastian. It wasn’t him. No one would replace him.

  “Izz?” He snapped his fingers and I jumped out of my memories.

  “Sorry.” I said.

  “We better get back. The big day is tomorrow. This wedding BS has gone on long enough. I’m ready to get back home.”

  “Ha, wait till
tomorrow. It will be pure Avery madness.”

  “She’s one hell of a girl.” He laughed.

  “She’s the best. I’m so happy she found Cherise. They are so good for each other.”

  “They are. My parents had a hard time accepting her being a lesbian. She came out when I was twelve. I remember they sent her to a camp. Of course, it didn’t work. She came back in love with some girl she met there.”

  “I love her to death. We’ve been best friends for eight years now. I can’t imagine life without her.”

  We finished our coffee and walked outside. Under the warm summer night, in the parking lot of Starbucks, Sebastian kissed me. Not a kiss like Fabrice, but nonetheless a kiss. I seemed to gravitate to his body heat and I didn’t fight it. His lips were warm, and wet. Not full like Fabrice’s. They weren’t Fabrice’s lips.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, as he looked at me stunned.

  “I truly am sorry. After what you said to me I just had to kiss you. I don’t know what happened. Please-.”

  “Stop, I understand.”

  “Again, I’m sorry.” He opened the door for me and I slid in his rented compact.

  He slid in and started it, not saying anything until we drove off.

  “I will say it again, Izz. He is one fucking lucky dude. I would like to congratulate him for winning you over. He needs to know how much I envy him.”

  I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say. We left it alone, but things wouldn’t be the same between us. That kiss changed things. I felt a little something for him. Not like what I felt for Fabrice, but it was there. It was something I needed to happen to prove to me that my love for Fabrice was still an open wound. It would be a long time before I could ever love anyone like him again.



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