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SavageLust Page 14

by Gabriella Bradley

  “No. Your brothers.” She nestled against his chest, hardly caring that the blanket had dropped. “Chad, I love Sam and Johnny, too, just as much, and I’m so torn,” she told him softly. “I want to be with all three of you.”

  He was quiet for a while but still held her tightly against his chest. Finally, he said, “I was afraid of something like that. Well, not entirely. I was afraid that you’d fallen in love with one of them. Loving the three of us, that’s a different matter entirely.”

  “Legally, I can only marry one of you.”

  “So what are you proposing—that the three of us share you?”

  His tone was rather brusque, jealous. “Something like that.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not some backward clodhopper and I know some people manage quite well in such situations, but I never imagined myself—”

  “Sharing a woman with your two brothers. I know. I don’t know what to do. It’s tearing me apart.” She took the ring off and held it out to him. “I can’t wear this. Not yet.” She saw the pain in his eyes and hated what she was doing. But she had to be honest.

  “No?” He ignored the ring, pulled her against him again and crushed her lips, his kiss more savage now than the first as he lowered her to the hard ground. For a moment he leaned over her, gazing at her breasts, then leaned down to suck a nipple. His hand stole between her legs. Greedily, she opened her legs wide for him and didn’t care that he ripped the flimsy, wet panties off her. His fingers stroked, his lips caressed her nipples, his other hand kneaded her breasts. She arched her hips and didn’t care about her virginity anymore. His fingers rotated within her, moved back and forth, until she felt release. Once she had come, he lay beside her, pulling her naked body against his own.

  She reached down and found his throbbing cock. It was hard as a rock. Her fingers stroked the thick veins that ran along it. She cupped his tight sack and squeezed it gently, then moved down until her head was level with his hips. Bending down, she took his cock into her mouth and sucked. She heard his deep groan as she licked the precum off the head then took him into her mouth completely. But that’s not what she wanted. She needed him inside her. He might have made her come, but she was still on fire for him, wanted that immense cock to invade her, to love her.

  “Take me, my love, please,” she said softly as she moved up and kissed him. “Please, I want you to take my gift. Make love to me?”

  His eyes were like black coals, a soft shudder shook him and she knew he needed release as well. Continuing to plead, she lay on her back and opened her legs wide, inviting him, luring him to enter her.

  He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then sat between her legs on his knees and placed his cock at her entrance. He was thick, oh so deliciously thick and she ached for him to push in, to make her his completely. He entered and she arched up trying to force him to push in completely. After he was inside her about an inch, he suddenly withdrew and swore under his breath. She felt his semen spill on her belly as he crushed her in his arms and took her lips.

  “You little witch, you’ve got me under your spell,” he whispered. “I almost took you.”

  “But that’s what I wanted,” she said, tears running down her cheeks.

  “I won’t take that which you’ve saved all these years for your wedding night.”

  “I’ll marry you, my darling, but I want to marry Sam and Johnny, too!” she said in between soft sobs.

  “You know that isn’t possible,” he said while nuzzling her neck.

  “Yes it is. I talked to Corky. We can do a handfasting. The four of us can be happy together.”

  “I know about handfasting. Remember, Corky pretty much raised us. What do Sam and Johnny say about this?”

  “I haven’t talked to them about it.”

  “And how about children? Who are they going to call Daddy or Father?”

  “All three of you. Just like I called your father, Daddy John, they can call you, Daddy Chad and the same for your brothers.”

  “And how would we know who the real father is?”

  “Is that necessary? Only in case of illness, blood transfusion or whatever, we can have a DNA test done.”

  “Angel, you must have thought this out pretty good. How long have you been contemplating all this?”

  “Not that long.”

  “I want you to keep the ring. It belonged to my mother and only the woman who will share my life can wear it and deep down, I know you are the one.”

  “My love, I know we belong together. But I also belong with Sam and Johnny.”

  “Then we have to wait until you talk to them. You have to choose one of us for a legal wedding according to the law.”

  “I’ve already chosen. That’ll be you. But I can’t do that until I know that I can also marry your brothers, even if it’s not recognized by law. In some places, a man can have more than one wife. What’s so weird about a woman having more than one husband? I can please all of you.”

  “But not at the same time.”

  “Oh yes, I can. I’ll have to show you where to watch some videos on your computer.”

  “You mean you’ve been watching porn movies, you naughty girl?”

  “As if you never have,” she retorted.

  “Yes, but usually with monogamous couples.”

  “Well, you need to watch a ménage so you can learn.”

  “Enough talk. I don’t know what the weather is doing, but I don’t care. For now, all I want to do is hold you, touch you, kiss you and tell you how much I love you.” He slipped the ring back on her finger and held her tight, his lips nibbling her ear then slowly moving down to her neck and to her mouth.

  Topaz sighed. She had a lot to sort out, but for now, she was in Heaven, in the place she’d longed to be from the moment she laid eyes on him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was damn hard not to walk up to Chad and hug him, touch him, kiss him. They had agreed to keep their relationship quiet for now until she’d sorted things out with his brothers. She was so afraid that Sam and Johnny would reject the idea of a handfasting and that her engagement to Chad would cause a huge rift between the brothers and she knew it bothered Chad as well. There was no other way. She had to marry one of them legally and she’d known from the start it had to be Chad and that he was always meant for her from the day she was born. And she felt Daddy John had known this and that’s why he changed the will, so she’d come to the ranch and be with his sons.

  “Want to go for a walk, Topaz?” Sam asked after lunch.

  “I’d love to. I’ll just go and get a jacket.” Even though the rain of the day before had stopped, it was still gray and quite cold out. She was glad Sam had asked her to go for a walk. Maybe it would give her an opportunity to talk to him, to find out his true feelings for her. Maybe all he felt was lust and it wouldn’t bother him if she married Chad. After all, Sam had never declared any love for her like Johnny.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when she joined him outside.

  “Oh, I don’t know. We’ll just walk and see where it takes us,” he answered and held out his hand.

  She put her hand in his and felt the fire in her start at his touch. Oh, why does life have to be this difficult? He led her to a trail in the forest, a different trail from the one she and Chad had ridden. She didn’t hear the river so had no idea where the trail led and maybe it led nowhere in particular, perhaps it was just a trail. And that it was. They’d walked quietly for quite a while until Sam stopped.

  “Tired yet?” he asked turning to her.

  “No. Does this trail lead anywhere particular?”

  “Not really. It’s just a bush trail. Are you bored?”

  “Nope. I love going for long walks.”

  Sam took her other hand and pulled her toward him. “Topaz, I think you know I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  “I wasn’t sure.”

  “As I’m not sure about your feelings for me. You puzzle me. You have this intense look of warmth i
n your eyes when you look at me, but you look at my brothers the same way. I’m unsure if that’s just your expression, although I don’t see it when you look at Corky, so it has to mean something. I’m utterly confused.”

  Topaz stood on her toes and kissed him. “I love you, Sam. I do.”

  She watched his eyes light up, his face relax and then he pulled her into his arms. “Do you really, sweetheart? Do you really love me?”

  “Yes, I do. I really, really love you.”

  He kissed her, long and deep. He crushed her so hard against his chest that her breasts hurt.

  “Baby, you’ve got no idea how happy you’ve just made me,” he said softly against her cheek. “Will you marry me?”

  “Sam, there is a problem.”

  “Problem? What is it? Can I help you with it?”

  “Yes, you can, but I’m not sure you want to after I tell you.”

  He held her away from him. “Let’s go and sit somewhere so we can talk,” he suggested and pulled her by the hand to a bare spot beneath some trees. He sat down first, then pulled her onto his lap and held her. “Okay, tell me now.”

  “I love your brothers, too.” There, she’d blurted it out.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I love all three of you the same.”

  “How is that possible? You can’t marry and love all three of us. It’s illegal.”

  “Sam, I can marry one man legally, but we can do a handfasting and I can marry all three of you.”

  “It’s not recognized by law.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s still binding and a promise that we’ll spend our lives together.”

  “Have you talked to Chad and Johnny about this? Have either of them asked you to marry them?”

  “Chad has. Johnny almost and no, I haven’t talked to Johnny about this yet. I need the right moment. Chad knows and I think he’s come to terms with it.”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t know if I can lie in bed and listen to you make love with one of my brothers.”

  “Sam, haven’t you ever heard of a ménage? Yes, I can love all three of you in different ways and at one time. And there could be times when I love you singly, when there are just you and I, or Chad and I or Johnny. It can work, Sam, if there is enough love between all of us. If you love your brothers enough.”

  “Yes, I know about a ménage and I’ve seen movies. I’ll have to get my head around this. I dreamed of you and I getting married, having a family, filling the house with the laughter of little ones, our little ones. You’ve got no idea how I’ve spent hours longing for you, wanting to hold you, kiss you, make love to you.”

  “Oh, my darling, I’ve done the same. Believe me. I’ve dreamed of each one of you separately and of all three of you together and I can’t separate my love for any of you. I love you all so much it hurts.”

  “I need to think about this, my princess. Who have you chosen to marry you legally?”

  “Chad. He’s the eldest.”

  That was a small white lie. She had extra feelings for Chad, but she could never tell Sam and Johnny about that. No way did she want to cause any jealousy between them. Chad being the eldest worked out just fine.

  “That makes sense. He’s the lucky one then who gets to take your virginity.”

  “Sam, darling, that’s no big deal. I’ve talked to women who are no longer virgins and they said it didn’t hurt like you read in books and that they didn’t even feel it breaking. Anyway, yes, it would mean I spend the first night only with Chad. The next day we would have a handfasting and that night I will spend with all three of you and the rest of our lives.”

  “Right now, I just want to be with you while we’re alone, love you and kiss you.”

  He was so sweet and so gentle. He loved her, massaged her breasts, sucked her nipples, all so gently, as if he was afraid she’d break. She fumbled with his belt, the zipper of his jeans until his cock sprang free. Casing it in her hand, she moved the skin back and forth. His kiss deepened, his hands became more urgent as he undid her jeans, pulled them down and stroked the folds between her legs. She carefully urged him to lie down, then stood and pulled her jeans off. She laid on top of him, her pussy facing his face, his cock throbbing and waiting for her lips. She licked it from top to bottom and back again while caressing his tight balls, the spot between sack and cock. She pressed down gently there knowing it was an erogenous zone for a man and she was right. He groaned. His fingers slid in and out of her until she moved up a little and was against his face. When she felt his tongue lick her folds, she moaned softly and took his cock into her mouth. His fingers spread her wide, his thumb on her clit as his tongue entered and he sucked the juices from her vagina. She took him fully into her mouth and sucked while she moved the skin back and forth with her hand. He started to shudder and she knew he’d come at any moment. She pulled away, not ready to swallow yet but continued to hand fuck him and within seconds, his semen spurted onto his belly at the same time as she came.

  They lay still for a little while until she finally rolled off him.

  “Do you have a tissue or something?” she asked and kissed him on the lips. She tasted her own juices on his lips and it acted as another aphrodisiac so she kissed him fully, passionately. “I love you, Sam,” she said softly when she pulled away.

  “And I love you so much, you’ll never know how much.”

  “Oh, I think I know. But do you love me enough?”

  “To do as you asked? To share you with my brothers? I think so, but I’m still not sure. I need time.”

  “We have all the time in the world, darling.”

  They kissed and petted until it was time to go back to the house. Hand in hand, they walked back, but when the house came in sight, Topaz pulled her hand away. “I need to talk to Johnny, Sam.”

  “I understand. I wonder if he’ll be able to get his head around all of this.”

  “Johnny does know that I love all three of you. I told him that a while ago. But I haven’t mentioned anything else. I didn’t know about the handfasting till Corky told me.”

  “Corky knows you love all of us?”

  “Yes. I can talk to her. After all, I don’t have my mother to talk to anymore.”

  “Wasn’t Corky shocked?”

  “No, not at all. I was quite surprised myself. I think my mother would have been shocked.”

  “What would your mother have told you to do?”

  “I have no idea. I doubt she’d have come up with the handfasting idea. And I have no idea how she’d feel about me making love to three men all at once. She and I rarely discussed sex. Mom was a little old fashioned that way.” They were home and Sam held the door open for her.

  “I have some work to take care of. We’ll talk later.” He glanced around, saw no one and quickly kissed her on the lips. “I love you.”

  Topaz sank down on a chair in the toasty-warm kitchen. Corky was working on dinner.

  “Would you like a cup of tea, Mizz Topaz?”

  “I’d love one. And I wish you’d stop the ‘miss’ business. Just call me Topaz? Please?”

  “You seem kinda lost right now, Missy. What’s wrong?”

  “Everything. I’ve got two men pondering the handfasting and if they can have me love them at the same time. I haven’t talked to Johnny yet. Both Sam and Chad have asked me to marry them.”

  “So now you need to talk to Master Johnny. You know, Missy, there’s one good thing about all of this. There’ll be only one mistress in the Douglas house.”

  “If all three had a wife, Sam and Johnny probably would move out and build their own house.”

  “Maybe. Who knows? If all goes well, there’ll be just one mistress here and that’s a good thing.”

  “Corky, isn’t there any extended family? Uncles and aunts, cousins?”

  “Oh, there are, but they’ve all moved out of state. They’ll more than likely be here for the wedding and you’ll get to meet the whole Douglas clan.”

  “Oh, yippee
. I thought of just a small, private wedding.”

  “The family would never forgive Chad.”

  “What makes you think Chad is the one I’ll marry legally?”

  “I see more than you realize, Missy. You might love all three of those boys, but Master Chad tugs at your heartstrings the most.”

  “You’re very fast taking the place of my mother, Corky.”

  “Missy, no one can ever take her place.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean exactly, but I feel so comfortable talking to you and I can pour my heart out. And I don’t mind you calling me Missy. But no more Mizz Topaz. Please.”

  “Alright, Mi…Topaz. Sorry. Old habits don’t die easily. I never had a daughter and I’d love to adopt you as being mine.”

  That brought tears to Topaz’s eyes. She smiled through her tears, jumped up and hugged Corky.

  “Now, now, enough of that. Scoot, so I can finish cooking dinner. Go track down the baby of the family and shock him with your foursome proposal.”

  “Corky, you weren’t shocked. You suggested the handfasting.”

  “Missy, I’ve been around a long time and I’ve seen and heard just about anything and everything. Nothing much shocks this old lady anymore.”

  “Humbug. You’re not old. You’re going to be around to help me with my babies and watch them grow up. See you later.” She kissed Corky on the cheek and left the kitchen to go to her room to freshen up, at the same time wondering when she could talk to Johnny.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Topaz pigged out on Corky’s spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. After her third helping, she was sure she’d bust at the seams. Corky now ate at the table with them and she was spending more time and longer hours in the house. Topaz was glad, especially when she found out that Corky lived alone and that most of her family lived out of state. Some of them had come for a holiday at Christmas, that’s why she had to hurry home that afternoon. From now on, Topaz would make sure that Corky was never alone again and that she’d share special occasions with them.


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