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SavageLust Page 19

by Gabriella Bradley

  Chad came out of the bathroom toweling his hair, completely naked. She drank in the sight of this beautiful man, this Rhett Butler come to life for her, this man who could be a movie star, a model, but he was all hers. All three of them would be that evening.

  “How is my beautiful princess this morning?” Chad stood before her and planted a kiss on top of her head. “Rested?”

  “Yes, I feel great.”


  “What from? My feet? Yes, they’re still a little bit sore.”

  “Oh, you’re so naive, my sexy wench.”

  “What time is it?”

  Without waiting for him to answer, she looked at her watch. “Heavens it’s afternoon. We slept that late?”

  “We did. But we had a very busy day and evening yesterday and you danced all evening.”

  “As my feet are telling me right now.”

  “I’ll help you there.” He sat beside her on the bed, lifted her feet onto his lap and started to massage each foot.

  Oh, that feels so good. He massaged the sensitive spots on her feet and when he put pressure on them, it sent her libido going full steam. “You’re making me horny,” she said in a husky voice.

  “Ah, I’ll have to remember that trick. Massaging your feet makes you horny. Now, Madame, what do you suggest we do about that? I’ve already had a shower, so—”

  “Dammit, you can wash Chad junior afterward.”

  With his cock already hard and pulsing, he needed no further invitation and was on the bed with her in his arms in no time. “Just a minute.”

  “Where are you going?”

  She watched him retrieve a small bottle from his suitcase and he jumped back on the bed with her. After squeezing a generous amount of oil into the palm of his hand, he spread her legs and rubbed her cleft with it making sure that each fold received a generous amount. Then he worked it into her vagina which she felt was already weeping with her own lubrication, but the extra oil would help. It was greasier than her cream.

  “Chad, do you realize how happy I am?”

  “Not as happy as me, princess. How does that feel?”

  “Slippery, soothing.”

  “Good. That’s what it’s meant to do.” Next, he coated his cock with the oil. The gentle fragrance of strawberries wafted into her nose. She squirmed, spread her legs really wide so he could see every part of her. Seeing his eyes darken with desire really turned her on and having him examine each part of her lower anatomy was a huge aphrodisiac.

  He lay on top of her, then and kissed her. Slowly, lovingly, then he kissed her hard as his shaft pressed against her opening. He slid in much easier this time and her vaginal walls gave way to accommodate him.

  If she’d thought it felt great the evening before, that was nothing compared to how it felt now. “Ooooh, harder, my love, fuck me harder.”

  She wrapped her legs around him and crossed them behind his back, locking him in. He pumped in and out of her slowly at first, but as his urge to come increased, faster and faster, until she felt him start to tremble. At the same time, she felt her own need to come and she made sure he knew. “Yeees, oh yeeess, harder, harder, harder, yeeees. I’m coming,” she hissed against his lips. He buried his face in her neck as a huge shudder shook his body and his semen shot into her at the same time as her own release.

  Slowly, their desire ebbed until they lay spent for the moment in each other’s arms.

  When she got her breath back, she whispered, “Will we ever get enough of this?”

  “Mm, maybe when we’re old and gray. You might when you have to satisfy three of us.”

  “I could do this all day.”

  “My, my wife is turning into a wanton hussy. Honey, the clock is clicking. We have to get ready for our next ceremony.”

  “You’re right. You go and wash Chad junior and your hands and I’ll go and shower,” she said, excitement already building for that day’s events. At this point, she didn’t even dare think about what that evening would bring.

  When she left the bed, she noticed a few rusty stains on the sheets, the evidence that she was no longer a virgin. No mega red blood as she’d read in some romance novels. Matter of fact, she’d hardly felt the breaking of her hymen. That was overrated as well. Though she was a romantic at heart, maybe, because she was a nurse, she was also too realistic and practical.

  “Last one in the bathroom is a rotten egg.” Laughing, she ran to the bathroom, but he overtook her, swung her up in his arms and carried her to the shower.

  “I’m very tempted to get in there with you, princess, but then we’ll never get going.”

  “Scoot,” she said, using one of Corky’s expressions.

  After she’d finished her shower, she found coffee and biscuits waiting for her. “Oh, that’s so welcome. I’m starving.”

  “You’re always starving,” he said grinning from ear to ear. “They’ll have food waiting for us so we’ll have to make do with biscuits for now.”

  She drank her coffee while she dressed and nibbled on a biscuit. Once dressed, she packed a small bag with the dress, her camera, makeup and her hairbrush. She could hardly climb up to the cave in her beautiful gown and for her men to see her in it before the ceremony could be bad luck. Last of all, she packed the small velvet box containing the three very slim gold bands each of the brothers would place on her finger. Once on her finger, together they would look like one band. Chad had used her engagement ring for their ceremony. Otherwise, she’d have way too many rings on her ring finger.

  “I’m ready,” she said, stuffing the last of the biscuit into her mouth.

  “Good. So am I. We can drive to where the trail is quite close to the cave. I just hope Corky can manage the climb.”

  “Sam and Johnny will help her.”

  The closer they came to the trail, the more excited she got. Soon she would be united with all her men and they could begin their life together. That night in the hotel room, then two weeks in the heavenly Caribbean where Chad had rented a private cabin supplied with all their needs for two weeks and they’d have their very own private beach. She could already imagine frolicking in the waves with the three of them.

  When they got to the top of the hill and neared the cave, everyone was already there waiting for them. “Are we late?” Topaz asked.

  “No, Missy, we were early. My, you taxed an old lady climbing this here mountain!”

  “Hey, Corky, this was all your idea! Your plan for us!”

  Corky grunted and mumbled something about she didn’t pick the place for the ritual. Topaz laughed. Corky’s grumbles were never meant badly.

  Topaz quickly disappeared into the cave to change into her dress. Exiting the cave, she stood and admired the scene for a moment. How they had gotten everything up there was beyond her. A makeshift altar had been made. It was covered with a satin purple cloth. The bower was there in front of it and there were lilacs and lily of the valley everywhere. They had turned a small, rather bare area into a small fairy patch. Topaz was surprised that there were quite a few people. She didn’t know any of them and surmised they were part of the priestess’s circle. Most everyone was dressed in casual clothing, even the three groomsmen, although they wore identical, new black jeans and mauve checkered cowboy shirts for this occasion. Her own dress was fairly plain, similar to the one she’d bought for Christmas, except it was a deep purple and the material the softest satin. The deep neckline was embroidered with small mauve beads all the way in a V to her waist. Topaz stepped forward and handed the priestess the small box containing the three rings.

  “Are you ready?” The priestess asked.

  “Yes, we are.”

  It was good that there was no wind that day or the candles on the altar would have quickly blown out. There was a bowl on the altar, a wand and several other things, items she guessed that would be used during the ceremony.

  Just like the day before, much of the ceremony flew right by her. All she could think about were the thr
ee men by her side. Several times the priestess had to prod her for her answer.

  They had all learned the vows and to shorten the ceremony, the priestess had decided they should say the main vow together.

  “We, Topaz Fiero, Chadwick Douglas, Samuel Douglas and John Douglas, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the life that courses within our blood and the love that resides within our hearts, take thee to my hand, my heart and my spirit, to be my chosen one. To desire thee and be desire by thee, to possess thee and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond where we shall meet, remember and love again. We shall not seek to change thee in any way. We shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people and thy ways as we respect ourselves.”

  The priestess handed Topaz a chalice filled with wine. “May you all drink your fill from the cup of love.”

  The men presented her with the chalice of love and each had her sip from it and she had them sip from it in return. Then they did the same with the small plate of small pieces of bread the priestess handed them.

  “By the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husbands and wife. May your love so endure that its flame remains a guiding light unto all of you.

  It was over and they were now all joined. Chad, Sam and Johnny each embraced her and kissed her passionately. Then the guests congratulated and blessed them.

  Tiffy hurried to set out food and wine for everyone on a long fold-up table someone had brought along. Someone else had brought a CD player and romantic music played in the background. Topaz had handed the camera to Tiffy and she hoped she’d been able to snap plenty of pictures. Though completely different, this wedding was no less overwhelming and romantic as yesterday’s ceremony and it felt very legal. After the ceremony, Topaz found out this was a wiccan ritual and not pagan.

  Much of the food was leftovers from the day before, but it all tasted very fresh. Topaz knew for a fact that Corky had baked fresh bread and fresh pies. There was no mistake smelling that freshly baked aroma as she munched on one of the buns that melted like butter in her mouth. She was so hungry she ate three buns and then pigged out on the pecan pies. When the sun dipped under the horizon and dusk set in, it also got quite cold so they decided to pack up and leave.

  Topaz hugged Corky and Tiffy, thanked the priestess and others and her men did the same. Johnny and Sam had driven in with Corky and Tiffy and after they transferred suitcases, they drove back to the hotel with them.

  Upon entering the room, all the candles had been refreshed and lit. The sheets on the bed were changed, the bed was made and several fresh bottles of champagne sat in ice buckets on the table.

  “Now, everything is perfect!” Topaz said as she sank into one of the easy chairs. I don’t know about you, but I’m dying for some warm food.”

  “You know, I was just thinking the same thing, although I had quite a bit to eat, I’m still craving something else,” Johnny said.

  “I know what I’m craving and it’s not hot food, although maybe hot in some ways,” Sam said sending them a grin.

  “Plenty of time later tonight,” Chad said. “I wouldn’t mind something hot. What do you suggest?”

  “How about pizza? I thought about a loaded burger from Sandy’s Burger Palace down the road, but that might be too filling,” Johnny suggested.

  “A loaded pizza sounds good,” Topaz said, taking the offered flute of champagne. She held it up to the three of them. “To all of us. May our union be blessed with many little Douglasses.”

  “Aye, aye,” the brothers said in unison.

  “Although, how many are you thinking of?” Chad asked.

  “Mm, I don’t know. There is a woman who has eighteen and counting. I think she has a baby every year.”

  “Wow. Eighteen? That’s a bit stiff,” Johnny said. “How do they manage?”

  “There’s a TV show about them. They manage quite well.”

  “Can you see yourself having that many babies? Being pregnant for eighteen years?” Sam asked.

  “No. I don’t think about it. It’ll come as is meant for us.”

  “I’ll order the pizza,” Sam said. “Any preferences?”

  “How about a beef and a ham and pineapple, both loaded,” Topaz said.

  “Sounds good.”

  Sam ordered the pizzas. While they waited for the pizzas to arrive, Topaz went to the bathroom to freshen up and change. After washing her face and the most important parts of her body, she sprayed on cologne, then put on the mauve nightgown and matching dressing gown she’d bought for this night. While standing before the mirror brushing her hair, she pondered on that evening, the three men in her bed, making love to her. Thinking back to some of the videos she’d seen, she already knew what was to come and excitement at the prospect thrilled her to no end. Though she felt like a tasty, warm snack, she could have done without it. Being made love to by her three men was priority in her mind and she was sure in theirs, too. Maybe they were a little hesitant because this was all very new for them, too. Men with all their bravado tended to be shy deep down, but they’d never admit to it.

  She didn’t need makeup. They’d kiss it all off anyway and her cheeks were already flushed from the adrenaline heating her. Just the thought of their hands and lips on her body was intoxicating as hell.

  Going back into the room, the pizza had already arrived. Its savory aroma drifted into her nostrils and she eagerly grabbed a piece and sat on the floor cross-legged.

  “Now that posture hardly becomes such a sexy maiden,” Johnny said.

  “I’m comfortable. That’s all that counts right now.”

  “You look lovely, Topaz. That’s a very pretty ensemble,” Sam complimented.

  “Thanks, Sam. Mm, this pizza is delicious. Who did you order it from? I’ve never had so much cheese on pizza.”

  “From the new pizza parlor that opened just a few months ago.”

  “I’ll have to remember that. Corky’s cooking is fantastic, but sometimes I can’t resist unhealthy takeout food.”

  “I doubt you ate that healthy when you were on your own in Mexico,” Chad said.

  “Actually, I did. Usually yoghurt for breakfast. A salad and fruit for lunch and at dinnertime, I mainly ate rice, vegetables and sometimes chicken breast. Just because someone lives alone doesn’t mean they eat unhealthy.”

  “I would,” Johnny said and laughed. “Hell, I doubt I could fry an egg without burning it.”

  “The three of you have been spoiled all these years. I intend on teaching my children to clean and cook, whether they’re boys or girls.”

  She finished her second glass of champagne and second slice of pizza, although she’d chosen a skinnier slice this time. “More champagne?” she asked, holding out her glass.

  Sam filled her flute and she went to the bed and lay on it setting the flute on the nightstand. The men would soon follow, she was sure. One by one, they went to the bathroom. She heard water splashing, toothbrushes and sure enough, Johnny came out wearing nothing and was first on the bed with her. Sam came out next, turned off the main light and within minutes, all three had joined her.

  At first, the men acted a little awkward trying to hide their full erections from each other. Topaz grinned. They’d get over that soon enough.

  She reached out to Sam first. Her hand fisted around his cock and she started to move the skin up and down. Precum glistened on the head and leaning forward, she licked it off. At the same time, she felt hands on her buttocks, fingers spreading the cheeks and that part of her that had never been invaded in any way. The fingers rubbed her anus gently, then probed a little. It had to be Chad, because next she felt oil poured down her crack and worked into her hole. She lay down again. Johnny bent over her and took a breast in his hand squeezing it tight. Her nipples were so hard and taut, they ached and more s
o when he squeezed her breast. He nibbled on her nipple with his teeth but didn’t hurt her, then he took it into his mouth and sucked. Chad sat on the other side of her and kissed her deeply, his hand on her other breast. Sam spread her legs and ran his fingers up and down her folds, now not only sticky with her own cream, but from the oil that had run down her crack, too. He teased her clit until it felt as if it would burst it throbbed so hard, then buried his face between her legs and sucked before he entered her with his tongue. His finger continued to tease her clit. Between the three of them, they taunted her, teased her so much that she was ready to scream. She had one cock in her left and one in her right hand and pumped them each simultaneously. The men let out sounds of desire, hunger and their need to come.

  She wanted more, she wanted them inside her, wanted to be fucked, so she wiggled away from them, forced Johnny to lie on his back and straddled him. Hovering above his cock, she teased his cock with her vagina by letting it enter a bit and pulling back.

  Finally, she leaned forward giving access to that uninvaded part of her for Sam. She felt him move up behind her, felt his hard length against her bottom, his hand parting her cheeks. She felt him insert something into her hole. It was the hard nipple of the oil bottle. As he squeezed, the oil ran down her crack to her folds then to Johnny’s cock. A finger caressed the rim of her anus, then entered and started to move within.

  Just as she started to sink down on Johnny’s cock and let it inch in a bit at a time, Chad sat above Johnny’s head on his knees. The way Topaz leaned forward, she could now take Chad’s cock into her mouth. She sucked, gently at first, still concentrating on taking Johnny fully within her. She felt her vaginal walls stretch as she sank down fully and took him completely into her. Oh, I like this position. It was far more intoxicating and deeper than the traditional way.


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