Black Velvet

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by Black Velvet (lit)

  “Don’t talk to me like that.”

  Hunter started to chuckle. “I guess I deserved that.” He grabbed a towel and wiped the wine from his face and chest.

  “I didn’t want to hurt my friend’s feelings, okay? She obviously planned all of this for me.”

  “Okay, okay … here drink some wine or throw some more at me, which ever makes you feel better.”

  “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” She took the glass from him and sipped the wine. “This is very good.”

  “Like I said your friend paid big bucks for me, so Melinda provides the best wine for her best males.”

  Jody couldn’t help but hear the hint of distain in his voice. “Your name is Hunter. Then why do you go by the name Black Velvet? Hunter suits you better, I think.”

  “Black Velvet is Melinda’s idea. She likes my hair.” Hunter watched Jody slowly sipping her wine. He wasn’t expecting this. Usually the client would have him naked and would be riding him by now. They used him for the entire two hours and even then the escort would have to come and drag them out. This Jody hasn’t even touched him yet or even told him to take off his clothes.

  She was pixie-like, with very delicate facial features, which her short hair emphasized. Her body was delicate-looking as well. Her clothing was very modest. Most women dressed very sexy when they came to pleasure clubs.

  “Look, I don’t want to offend you, but … I’m just not comfortable paying to have sex.”

  “So, you are going to waste your friend’s hard earned money, huh?”

  “I didn’t ask her to bid on you.”

  “But she did.”

  “I will pay her back. How much did she pay for you?”

  “Three thousand dollars.”


  “You heard me, Honey. She’s lucky that some of my regular clients didn’t show up this evening or she could have paid as much as ten thousand dollars.”

  “I …”

  “She put top bid on your card. That means she will top anyone’s bid.”

  “How the world could she afford that? Not to mention she won Zoltan.”

  “Oh damn, he easily could fetch a couple thousand. Shit, this was an expensive night for your friend.”

  “Damn it Linda,” Jody muttered under her breath. Five thousand dollars. Where in God’s name could Linda come up with that much? She had to have maxed out her credit cards. No cop made enough money throw to around the amount Linda did this evening.

  “Fucking me wouldn’t be so bad, now would it?”

  “Of course not.” Jody became flustered. She wasn’t ready for this. Derek had so completely broken her trust that she wanted nothing to do with any man, even if it was for only one night.

  Hunter saw the tears starting to wield up in her eyes. Normally, he didn’t really care about the clients. This was just a job to him. He used the women for money and they used him for sex. A nice arrangement.

  “Hey now, don’t get all flustered. If you’re shy we can take it slow.”

  “I just want to go.”

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, but you are stuck here for the next two hours.”

  “What? I don’t want to waste your time.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me if you want to fuck me or not. It’s your money ... well, in your case, your friend’s money.”

  “Well, what in the world do we do for the next two hours?”

  “I do whatever you want. You hungry, I can make you something to eat.”


  She followed him into a small kitchen area. “You don’t have your food prepared for you?”

  “No, unless I order take out. What would you like?”

  “Whatever you are in the mood for.”

  Hunter prepared a couple of burgers. “Nothing fancy. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  “So Jody, tell me what you do for a living. I am guessing some kind of office work.”

  “I’m a police officer.”

  “Really, I would have never guessed that.”

  “Why not?”

  “You don’t look like a cop.”

  “Well, I’m a cop.”

  “What kind of cop?”

  “A detective.”

  “What case are you working on now?”

  “I guess there is no harm in telling you.” Jody started to chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m working on the Black Velvet robbery case.”

  “Oh, I see what’s so funny now.”

  “You’re not that thief, are you?” Jody jokingly asked.

  “I could be if you want to play that kind of sex game.” He smiled seductively at her. “I have handcuffs.” He licked his lips slowly. “I can beg for mercy, oh yeah, I will do anything if you let me go.”

  Jody felt her body heat up.

  He moved closer. She backed away slightly.

  “I confess officer, I did it … punish me.”

  Her body shivered by the smooth tone of his masculine voice. She couldn’t move away from him as he came closer. Her breathing became rapid, her heart pounded in her chest and her pussy became wet.

  “Are you going to take me in, Officer?” He slowly came down to his knees before her. “I won’t fight.”

  Her pussy tightened and became even wetter, seeing him kneeling before her like that. Still, she didn’t know what to do.

  “Perhaps, you want me to resist.” He slowly came up to his feet. “You’re not taking me in. I won’t let you. You will have to make me.” He grabbed her roughly and pulled her to him. “I will have to restrain you.”

  She moaned loudly.

  “Oh yeah, that’s what you want. You want me to fight you.” He ran his tongue over her lips. “Don’t you, Officer Davis?”

  Her body trembled as he pulled her tightly against him. He pinned her arms behind her back causing her to moan loudly. She all of a sudden became very embarrassed and tried to pull away.

  “Stop Hunter,” she whispered.

  He immediately let her go.

  She slowly stepped backwards until she bumped into his bed. Her legs couldn’t hold her weight anymore so she sat at the edge of his bed. Never had she been so aroused like this. Her pussy ached and dripped. She tried to calm her breathing.

  Hunter looked at her for a moment. His cock was so hard that it ached. He could see her arousal. Hell, he could smell her sweet arousal.

  “Do you want me to resist, Officer Davis?” He moved closer. “Do you want me, Jody?” he purred.

  “Yes …” she could barely stammer. She couldn’t quiet the demands of her body. She needed, wanted … had to have him.

  Hunter quickly took off his pants and then grabbed her, pulling her up to him.

  “You ready for me, Jody. Is that sweet little pussy eager enough yet?”


  He reached down and slowly unzipped her pants. He gave one hard yank and the pants fell to the floor.

  “How do you want me, Jody?”

  “I don’t know,” her voice shook as she spoke.

  He gently pushed her, causing her to fall onto the bed. He quickly pulled and removed her pants from around her ankle, taking her shoes with it in the process. He smiled seeing the delicate pink underwear she wore. He expected to see a thong, but had to admit he was pleasantly surprised by her modest choice. He reached and carefully removed her underwear. He could see her body tense up. He ran his fingers through the small patch of blonde hair that cover her sweet pussy. Hell, she was even an honest-to- goodness blonde. He wanted to lick her sweet pussy until she begged him to fuck her, but he held back. He never saw a woman so nervous to be with him. Eager yes, nervous no. Yet again, she surprised him.

  “Do you want me to resist, Officer Davis?”

  “I …”

  He slowly crawled up her body. He pressed his cock against her wet pussy. Jody closed her eyes and looked away.

  “No, Jody, loo
k at me.”

  “I can’t,” she quickly said.

  He reached down and rubbed the head of his cock against her slick clit.

  Jody moaned, and then she reached up and grabbed his arms. Her orgasm hit her strong and hard. She bit her lips to muffle her moan.

  “Damn, you came already. Let’s see if I can make you come this way again.”

  “Stop …” her clit was so sensitive at the moment she couldn’t stand it.

  He lowered down and captured her lips. She was so stiff that he didn’t linger on the kiss.

  “There is no one but you and me here, Jody. Let go, enjoy what I’m doing to you.”

  “I can’t,” she muttered under her breath.

  Hunter arched back up and slowly drove his cock into her. Her pussy was so tight and wet it made him groan. She grabbed his arms again as another orgasm started to build.

  “You can’t be ready to come again.” He smiled, seeing her face contort in the familiar mask of ecstasy.

  “Yes … yes …” she moaned loudly, unable to stifle her moans any longer.

  “That’s it, let go, Jody. Oh, you look so sexy under me.” Hunter moved his hips in a slight circle motion as he started to thrust faster. “Come Jody, come all you want.”

  She came over and over. She reminded him of a starving person who was at a feast. It took all of his control not to come.

  “Stop Hunter, I can’t take any more …”

  “I can’t, I need to come.” He thrust harder and faster.

  “Hunter … yes … oh … Hunter!” she cried out with total abandonment.

  “Fuck, yeah!” he roared. “Oh God, yeah!” His body trembled from his powerful orgasm. He kept his cock buried in her until he regained control. Slowly he pulled it out of her.

  “What else would you like me to do to you?” he cooed as he sexily licked her lips.

  “Lie beside me and hold me,” she whispered.

  He looked down into her face.

  “Please,” she said.

  He gently rolled off her and lay beside her. She snuggled to him and just laid there holding him.

  He was taken back by this. Most of his clients wanted him to do everything to them. None of them wanted him to just hold them. That was a waste of their money.

  “Is it okay if we just lay here until the escort comes?” she asked.

  “If this is what you want.”

  “It is.”

  They both fell asleep and were woken up by Stacey.

  “Jody, please get dressed and meet me outside in five minutes.”

  “Okay.” Jody climbed out of the bed and quickly put her pants and underwear back on. “Thank you, Hunter.” She grabbed her shoes.

  “It was my pleasure, Jody.” He watched her leave the room. He smiled at Stacey as she closed the door. He fell back onto the bed.

  “Now that was the strangest thing.” He laid there for a few moments and then went to take a shower. He had another show to do tonight.

  He came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He went to his closet and opened the small safe he had in there. Every room came with a safe, so the men could keep their tips and other valuables in. The only measure of privacy the men had.

  He pulled out a small golden statue of a woman.

  “There you are, sweetheart. I have a new home for you to go to later on tonight.”

  He closed his safe and took the small statue into the kitchen. He set the statue on the counter and poured himself some coffee. He picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

  “I got what you wanted. Make sure I get my money.”

  “I will have your money, Black Velvet. You are making too much noise. Check the papers.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Just get my money.”

  Hunter hung up and grabbed the newspaper on the counter. He smiled, seeing the headline. The thief dubbed ‘Black Velvet’ struck again last night. He made off with the prized golden woman from the Chanton’s private collection. “Well, I made front page this time.”

  He grabbed the statue and looked at it.

  Jody was that damn detective who was dogging him. “Isn’t life full of surprises?” he said.

  “Well, little lady, you will bring me at least fifty thousand.” He gently caressed the statue.

  “Hunter, get your sexy ass down to the dancer’s dressing room, now.” Melinda’s voice screeched over the intercom. “Hunter, are you listening?”

  He hit the button to the intercom. “I’m coming. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

  “You better watch how you speak to me.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He turned off the intercom. He set the statue in one of the kitchen drawers. “Until tonight, sweet lady.” He stroked the statue and closed the drawer. After he finished fucking whoever won the bid for this last set, he would sell the statue to Mikey, and then give Allison the money.

  “It’s show time.” He grabbed his robe off the chair, put it on then left his room.

  Chapter Two

  Hunter made his way down the dark streets of inner town. He knew it was late, but he didn’t want to keep Allison waiting. He walked up to the green door of the rather modest home.

  “Hunter?” an older woman asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

  “Hey there, cutie. What have I told you about not opening your door in the middle of the night? That is what I got you that intercom for.”

  “I know. Old habits are hard to break. What brings you around here at such a late hour? All the children are asleep.”

  “Don’t wake them.”

  “Do come in.” She stepped back and let him in. “Zoltan was here earlier. Jenna was so happy to see him.”

  “I bet she was. When did Zoltan leave?”

  “A few hours ago. He brought Jenna some new clothes and left some money to help me out with the children.”

  “Here, I have brought you some money, too.” He handed her an envelope. “I have also contacted a contractor. He will be out tomorrow to get started fixing the roof and replacing the windows.”

  “I can’t afford that.”

  “You can now.”

  “Hunter!” Allison stared at the stack of money. “There has to be at least twenty thousand here.”

  “Actually there is fifty thousand.”

  “Where did you get so much money?”

  “Those ladies love me at the club.” Hunter opened one of the doors and smiled as he looked at the little girl sleeping peacefully.

  “Jenna looks so much like her father, doesn’t she?”

  “Yeah, Zoltan is going to have his hands full keeping the boys away from her.” Hunter quietly closed the door.

  “Hunter, there is no way that you could have made this much money this fast. You just gave me ten thousand last month.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Allison. Now you and the children will have a decent roof over your heads.”

  “You are too kind …”

  “Not another word on the subject. I will be bringing you some more money next month.”

  “I can’t keep accepting your kindness.”

  “Sure you can. Zoltan is my friend and he trusts you with his daughter. Plus, you take in so many unwanted children. Me giving you a few dollars here and there is the least I can do to help out.”

  Hunter talked with Allison for a little while longer then headed back to the Pleasure Alcazar. He was tired from the long day, but he was glad he was able to get the money to Allison. He already set up the contractor and had to make sure she had the money to pay the guy.

  Once he arrived at the Alcazar he went straight to his room. God, he hoped Melinda was asleep already. He wasn’t in the mood to fight off her advances today.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Holy shit, Maxim, you scared the crap out of me.”

  “Melinda isn’t happy that you weren’t in your room this evening.”

  “Like I care. We aren’t prisoners here.”

“Still … she was pissed that Zoltan was gone too. So she paged him and told him to get back here.”

  “That bitch,” Hunter growled. That’s why Zoltan didn’t stay with Jenna. Melinda knew that Zoltan wasn’t quitting this job anytime soon and she took full advantage of that fact.

  “She wouldn’t let Dai leave to see his father tonight either.”

  “She can’t keep us here. After the set is over we are free to do whatever we want.”

  “Yeah, most of the dancers are, but if you are like Dai and Zoltan and need this job to take care of family, then you are kind of stuck playing by her rules. Melinda can and will fire them if she wants, too. And both of them need this job.”

  “Why are you still awake?”

  “Melinda wanted me to entertain her friends.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her to go to hell?”

  “I like fucking. It doesn’t matter who I fuck, just as long as I bury my cock into something warm, I’m happy.”

  “Oh, well okay, then.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “Just went to see an old friend. Listen man, I’m beat and I need to sleep.”

  “I hear you.” Maxim walked away.

  Hunter stopped by Dai’s room. He slipped the envelope with his share of Jody’s three thousand and the other client’s five thousand under the door. Dai’s father was fighting for his life in some God-forsaken hospital and the medical bills were really adding up. All the dancers gave Dai a little of their take every night. As long as Dai kept paying the bills, the hospital kept his father’s treatments going.

  “Hunter …” Dai opened the door with the envelope in his hand.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you man.”

  “This is too much. I can’t …”

  “Yes, you can. I will make that much again in my next set, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you,” Dai said quietly. “Melinda wouldn’t let me out to see my father tonight. I had to dance for her friends. I called the hospital and they said he was resting peacefully.”

  “That’s good news. He is getting use to the treatments then, right?”

  “Yeah.” Dai smiled.

  Hunter liked Dai’s smile. It lit up his whole face. “When you see him tomorrow he will be good and rested. Tell him I got twenty on him to win your chess game.”


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