Black Velvet

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by Black Velvet (lit)

  “Alright Ladies, next will be Black Velvet, so get ready for it,” Melinda said.

  Jody felt her pulse beginning to race. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. She saw Hunter standing there in the middle of the stage. There was no music yet. Damn, hurry up. Jody wanted to scream.

  Jody began to cry when the bass beat started. Hunter was dancing to “Black Velvet.” Jody felt Linda grab her hand and squeeze.

  Hunter danced to the sultry song. His dance was so sexy, yet there was a sadness to it that everyone in the audience could feel. The women weren’t screaming and cheering like they normally did when he was onstage. They were hypnotized by his sultry, sad dance.

  He slowly made his way up the runway. His dance touched everyone in the room.

  Jody continued to cry, she couldn’t stop her tears. The sadness of his dance touched her profoundly. He was sorry, she could feel it, see it …

  Black velvet if you please … the singer sang. If you please, she repeated as the music continued.

  Hunter did a slow twirl around the pole at the end of the runaway. Tears stung his eyes. He never wanted to hurt Jody and yet he hurt her so badly.

  Jody’s heart broke seeing Hunter fight back his tears. He was sorry … he loved her … why did he have to be that damn thief … why?

  Hunter slowly made his way back to the stage. The lights gradually faded as the music died down.

  The women in the audience didn’t know how to react to what they just saw.

  Hunter stayed on the stage as the curtain went down.

  “What the hell was that?” Melinda screeched. “You have depressed every woman out there. You want to lose your job?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Fire me, I don’t give a shit,” Hunter said quietly.

  Hunter walked off the stage. Zoltan was there.

  “What’s wrong?” Zoltan had never seen Hunter like that.

  “I’m sorry Zoltan … I won’t be seeing you for awhile.”

  “Why?” Zoltan followed Hunter down the hallway. “Answer me.”

  “I just told Jody that I’m Black Velvet, the thief. I’m sure she will be here any moment to arrest my sorry ass.”

  “Why did you tell her that? When did you tell her?”

  “My dance told her.” Hunter looked at his friend. “I love her, Zoltan. I couldn’t lie to her when she asked me to tell her the truth. I just couldn’t do it.”

  Zoltan saw Jody walking down the hallway with Linda. He stepped back and waited to see what was going to happen. He didn’t know what to do to help Hunter.

  “Hunter …” Jody’s voice cracked when she spoke.

  “Let me change my clothes before you take me to the station.”

  She followed him to his room.

  “I know my telling you I’m sorry won’t take your pain away. But … I didn’t know you were the cop on my case until you told me. I guess I should have just walked away from you after that. I didn’t want to hurt you …” Hunter was surprised when Jody ran to him and wrapped her arms around him.

  “You could have lied to me. I gave you an out. I could have easily arrested Adonis for the Black Velvet robberies. I told you that in the letter. Still … you chose to tell me the truth. A part of me wanted you to lie. I don’t want to send you to jail. Yet, a part of me wanted you to tell me the truth. I don’t know what to do, Hunter.”

  “I will do whatever brings you the least amount of pain. If that means I have to go to jail, then so be it. I want you to know that I love you, Jody. You weren’t some part of an elaborate plan to cover my ass, if you did manage to catch me. That never crossed my mind. I will do whatever you want--all that I ask is that you let me give Zoltan and Dai the money I made from selling that jewelry. That’s all I ask.”

  “You planned to give them the money all along, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah … everything I did as Black Velvet the dancer and the thief was to help them. Dai is only trying to take care of his father. I would have done anything for my father, so I know how he feels. Zoltan has been my best friend since we were children. He is such a gentle person, plus he is one hell of a father. He wants the best for his daughter, that’s all he has ever wanted. I want to make sure his daughter gets the best. And Allison, you have met her--she is the sweetest most generous person I have ever known. I don’t remember too much about my own mother, but I would like to think she was exactly like Allison. I wanted to help Allison and all those children she so unselfishly takes in. She is giving those kids a chance to have a stable home life.”

  “I know your reasons for doing what you did, but still …”

  “And I know you have to do your job.” Hunter looked into her eyes. “Do what you think is best.”

  “I need some time to think.”

  “Take all the time you need. I will be right here.”

  Jody knew he wouldn’t try to run. She knew by just looking into his handsome face. “I have to go.”

  “All right.” He didn’t say another word. He watched her leave. His fate was in her hands. It didn’t matter which way it went. All that mattered was that she knew he loved her for her and no other reason. And judging by the light that came back to her eyes, she knew that.

  * * * *

  It had been two days since Jody talked to Hunter. The waiting was killing him. He paced back and forth in his room a lot over these last two days. It was hard to focus on anything else. Zoltan and Dai did what they could do to help Hunter through this.

  Hunter was walking around the courtyard when he saw Melinda rushing in. She looked pleased about something.

  Zoltan walked up to Hunter with a strange look on his face.

  “Alright, what the hell is going on?” Hunter asked.

  “Adonis was caught this morning.”

  “So what?”

  “Here, look at the newspaper.” Zoltan handed Hunter the paper.

  “What …”

  “Black Velvet has been captured. See …” Zoltan pointed at the headlines.

  Hunter didn’t know what to think at the moment. Hell, he couldn’t feel anything.

  “The article said Adonis has been linked to several robberies across the country. Apparently he has been preying on rich women for sometime. He loves them and then takes everything from them. Most of the women have been too embarrassed to report him.”

  “Black Velvet didn’t charm women to steal from them.”

  “Wait, there is more. Adonis was a real piece of shit … he stole cars, wrote bad checks, sold drugs, he even was suspected of murder, but he beat that rap. He was at Mrs. Montgomery’s house. He could have easily taken the key. Jody has made a good case against Adonis. You know Melinda will testify that he stole from her. That is what she is so freaking happy about. Jody is letting you off the hook. You should be happy. Adonis deserves to be behind bars, you don’t.”

  “I have to see her.”

  “Then go.”

  Hunter grabbed a cab and hurried over to Jody’s apartment. He raced up the stairs and pounded on her door.

  “Hunter.” Jody didn’t know what to do at the moment. She gasped when Hunter took her into his arms and held her tightly to him.

  “Thank you, Jody.”

  “I couldn’t bear to see you go to jail. Your intentions were noble. Adonis deserves what he will get.”

  Hunter lifted her up into his arms and kicked the door closed behind him. He kissed her deeply, so much so she couldn’t catch her breath.

  “My little pixie,” he whispered as he slowly set her down. “What should we do now?” It felt like every weight had been lifted from his shoulders when she smiled up at him. She slowly backed up and hit a button on her stereo. An infectious beat started.

  “Show me how to dance.”

  “Let the music fill your body. If you let go the music will take over and your body will move.”

  Hunter watched as Jody closed her eyes. Her body started to move to the beat of the song. “Just like that.” He moved closer and pu
lled her to him as he joined her. Their bodies moved in perfect time to the music and each other. He twirled her, they went around and around to the beat of the music. Her sweet laughter lifted his heart. He couldn’t help but laugh too.

  “You just let the music fill you?” Jody wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up.

  “Yep, that’s all. I love to totally let go when I dance.”

  He pressed her against the wall and kissed her as he grinded his body against her.

  “Hunter,” she moaned. She wanted their clothes off now. She gasped when he pushed her dress up and tore her underwear off. He quickly unzipped his pants and swiftly took them off. It was a bit awkward to remove his pants with her wrapped around him like that. The instant his cock was freed from its cloth confines he rammed it into her deeply. Both of them let out a moan. He grinded his hips and thrust to the beat of the music.

  “Let the music fill you as my cock fills your sweet pussy,” he purred.

  She moved her hips matching his rhythm. His body felt so good, his cock was so hard, her body was getting what it craved … him … oh, God, him.

  “Jody,” he moaned.

  “Don’t stop, I need you.”

  He thrust faster and harder, all the while biting his lower lip to stop himself from coming. He felt her whole body shuddered.

  “Come again, my pixie,” he said as he licked down her neck.

  Her nails dug into his back as he grinded his hips. His rhythm was perfect. Her body trembled as she came again. She moved her hips around and around keeping to his rhythm.

  “Hunter …” she purred as she licked his lips. When he arched his head back, she ran her tongue down his neck.

  He moaned loudly as he came. He pressed her harder against the wall as he stopped moving. He wanted to feel her pussy pulse around his cock as he enjoyed the aftermath of his orgasm.

  “Please don’t stop the music.” The singer’s voice faded.

  The room became quiet. The only sound was the sound of their breathing.

  “I love you, Hunter,” she whispered as she held him as tightly as she could.

  “I love you,” he said as he nuzzled his cheek against the top of her head.

  Reluctantly he let her go and set her down.

  “Let’s take this one day at a time,” Jody said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. She knew he felt uneasy about being in a relationship, hell she was too for that matter. One day at a time sounded good to her, and judging by the way he squeezed her hand tightly, it sounded good to him too.


  “This is the strangest wedding ceremony ever,” Jody said as she looked at all the leather-clad guests.

  “This is Maxim’s crowd,” Hunter said.

  “Looks like we are the only normal-dressed people here.”

  “Zoltan and his new girlfriend look normal, so do Dai and his dad.”

  “Okay them too. Linda looks so happy.”

  “Yeah, she does.”

  When the preacher pronounced them man and wife, Maxim spanked Linda hard on the ass then threw her over his shoulder as they left the room.

  Jody couldn’t believe it’s been a whole year already. Linda was now fully into the whole S&M scene, with Maxim being her master. It made Linda happy so Jody didn’t mind being around these eccentric people. Besides, most of them were actually pretty nice, a good case for not judging a book by its cover.

  Dai and his Dad had moved out of the city. The fresh country air seemed to be doing his dad a world of good. Dai hired a private nurse to take care of his father. Dai had turned out to be quite the farmer. He didn’t dance anymore. Zoltan started seeing Mindy about a month after he stopped working at the Alcazar. He only danced for her now. They both lived with Allison where they helped her take care of all the orphaned and abandoned children. Zoltan never looked happier.

  Jody squeezed Hunter’s hand. Hunter quit dancing at the Alcazar that night after he danced to “Black Velvet,” and Melinda begged him to stay. It gave him so much pleasure to tell her to go fuck herself. Now Jody and Hunter ran a detective agency. His skills as a thief and hers as a cop surprisingly worked well together. Hunter seemed happy working with her. She loves working with him and being her own boss.

  What a year it has been! What a wonderful, crazy, amazing year.

  Jody and Hunter joined the others in the reception hall. She rushed over to Linda and gave her a big hug.

  “Congrats, girl,” Jody said as she squeezed tightly.

  “Thanks. What a strange year, huh?”

  “You can say that again.”

  “Look, isn’t it beautiful?” Linda proudly showed off her diamond-studded collar.

  “It’s stunning.”

  “Hunter’s pixie,” Maxim said as he approached them.

  “Congratulations, Maxim.”

  “Thanks. Where is Hunter?”

  “He is over there with Zoltan.” Jody watched Maxim walk over to Hunter and give him a big bear hug. She couldn’t help but laugh.

  “It’s so good to see you this happy, Jody,” Linda said as she squeezed Jody’s hand. “You deserve it.”

  “I am so happy. When are you going to cut that bizarre cake of yours?”

  “Oh come on, having a wedding cake shaped like two people fucking doggy style is unique. You have to admit that. It was Master’s idea.”

  “I’m sure it was. I’m starving. Let’s hack that cake up, already.”

  Linda motioned to Maxim.

  Jody settled into Hunter’s embrace as they watched Linda and Maxim cut the cake. Everyone cheered and soon the cake was being served up.

  “I love you, my pixie,” Hunter said as he nuzzled Jody.

  “I love you.”

  For the first time in her life she felt at home. Right here in his arms felt so right, so perfect, and there was no other place she would rather be.

  The End




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