Kinkade, Lea - I Got a Feelin' [The Chisholms of Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Kinkade, Lea - I Got a Feelin' [The Chisholms of Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Lea Kinkade

  “That’s great, Samantha. Don’t take this wrong, but do you know Ryan’s reputation around Deseo?” asked Jordan as she continued to smile at her new friend.

  “I’ve heard he doesn’t have very long relationships with women, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Samantha. I love Ryan to death, but he does have a well-deserved reputation with the ladies. As the Chisholms would call it, he’s still sowing his wild oats. I don’t think he’s anywhere close to settling down yet. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt,” Jessie said earnestly.

  “It’s just dinner. I’m not looking for long-term either. I’m just looking for a little fun. I wanted to let you know to see if it would weird you out if we started dating and then broke up. Would it ruin our friendship?”

  “God, no.”

  “Not at all.”

  “We’re your friends, Samantha, that wouldn’t bother us a bit.” The women spoke simultaneously and then laughed at each other. Tension broken.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want to take the chance of ruining our friendship for some fun and games.”

  “Not to worry, Samantha. You’re our friend no matter what does or doesn’t happen between you and Ryan,” assured Jordan. “Now, let’s order a drink and have some fun.”

  About 9:00 p.m. she felt a hand land gently on her shoulder. Knowing from the tingles shooting directly from her shoulder to her breasts and clit that it was Ryan, Samantha looked up into his handsome, smiling face. “Ready to dance, darlin’?”

  Samantha took Ryan’s hand and they stepped out onto the dance floor. They danced about half an hour and then decided to take a break and get a drink. As they had danced together, Samantha noticed they received a lot of glances from women throughout the club. One buxom blonde in particular looked at her like she would like to tear Samantha’s hair out. Interesting. It figured that Ryan was one of those men that the women of the club thought of as theirs. She wondered how long this woman had dated Ryan and how long ago they had broken up. Samantha was sure, from the looks the woman’s friends were also giving her, that this woman had actually had Ryan and lost him.

  Ryan went to the bar and got their drinks. Samantha unabashedly watched his butt as he walked away. It was perfectly showcased in his blue jeans, and Samantha admitted to herself that she wanted to take a bite. He was back in record time. As Billy Currington’s “I Got A Feelin’” started playing, Ryan drew her onto the dance floor and into his arms. They danced closely together, their bodies perfectly matched. Samantha could feel her nipples pebbling beneath her silk blouse and bra and wondered if he could feel them through the layers between them. Her pussy grew wet at the intimate contact. She could feel the length of his erection against her stomach. Drawing from the song, Ryan drawled, “I got a feelin’, darlin’. Are you feelin’ it, too?” Samantha blushed in response to his question and ducked her head to avoid answering him.

  They alternated between dancing and sitting at the table just talking until about midnight.

  “I need to get home. I have to work in the shop tomorrow for a few hours in the morning.” Samantha didn’t want the evening to end, but she didn’t want to drag into work tomorrow either.

  “Let me walk you home.” Samantha nodded and Ryan led Samantha out of the club. It was a beautiful night. It was around seventy degrees and the humidity had dropped a lot since the sun had gone down.

  They walked slowly, side by side and hand in hand, toward her apartment as the noise from the club slowly quieted. By the time they reached the bottom of the steps to her apartment, Ryan was making circles on the palm of the hand he held with his thumb, causing shivers to radiate throughout her body. He followed her up the stairs to her apartment door and held his hand out for her key.

  Sighing softly, she handed him her key and waited while he went into the apartment to check for bogeymen. She entered the apartment when he came back to the door and motioned her in. She stood uncertainly by the door as he moved toward her. Taking her chin in his hand, he gently touched her lips with his own. Just a kiss good night. Brushing her hair away from her face, he turned and quickly walked out the door. “See you tomorrow night, darlin’,” he called softly as he walked down the steps into the night.

  Saturday night, Samantha waited anxiously for Ryan to arrive. Her hair was down and she was wearing a slimming, black silk pencil skirt and black peekaboo pumps with three-inch heels. She looked good and she knew it. She heard his big diesel truck pull up in the alley behind the building and waited for him to knock on the door to the apartment. When it came, she forced herself to walk to the door instead of run to it. Opening it up with a smile, she feasted her eyes on Ryan. He was dressed from head to toe in black. Black slacks, black dress shirt, open at the collar, polished black boots, and a black Stetson completed the outfit. As always when around Ryan, her pussy became moist and her nipples began to tighten. Samantha counted her blessings that she was wearing a printed blouse in reds and yellows so at least Ryan didn’t know how much just looking at him affected her.

  * * * *

  Ryan knocked on the door and waited for Samantha to open it. When she did, Ryan was dumbfounded. She was exquisite. “You look beautiful, darlin’.”

  Her murmured “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself” made his cock stand up and take notice, especially of that skirt and those heels. He’d told her to dress up a little tonight, as he was planning on taking her to the best restaurant in town, Michael’s. It was an Italian restaurant, and many of the movers and shakers here in town liked to have dinner there on Saturday nights. He wanted to show Samantha off tonight. He had called earlier in the week and gotten a reservation for tonight.

  Ryan had heard the talk around the club about Samantha. He knew that quite a few of the men in town had asked her out on dates. A few of them had been players, like himself, but several had been pretty nice guys that were looking to settle down. Samantha had declined every single one of them. But, she’d said yes to Ryan.

  In any event, Ryan was glad that there didn’t appear to be any other men on the scene where Samantha was concerned. If he had to, he’d compete for her affections. He’d just have to remember how. He hadn’t competed for a woman in a long time. Come to think of it, he’d never competed for a woman’s affections before. He’d always been the one to lose interest. In fact, he’d never pursued a woman like he was pursuing Samantha. Women pursued him. It had been that way all his life, even before he’d lost his virginity at sixteen with the lovely and more experienced Ms. Jenkins. He had heard often enough how good-looking he and his brothers were. Thinking back on his past relationships, he realized that nobody he’d dated in the last ten years had really taken the time to get to know him. Yet, he’d told his entire life story to a woman he’d known a mere two weeks.

  All of the Chisholm brothers got their share of female attention. Though there were six of them, to their knowledge no two had ever taken the same woman as their lover before. It was sort of an unwritten rule. They just didn’t want to go there. The Chisholm brothers got their love of women from their father. They loved all women, blondes, brunettes, redheads, short or tall, it didn’t matter. No woman was safe from their charms. They had all dated women as far away as Corpus Christi, but so far, only Levi and Xander had found their forever women. Both women had lived in Deseo when they had met their future husbands, although Jordan had been new to town.

  As they ate their meal, Samantha peppered him with questions. “What made you decide to open a club instead of working for CRE?”

  “I decided in high school that I didn’t want to work on the Ranch. I wanted to make my own way. Not ride on the family coattails. As the oldest, Xander was expected to take on the role of running the Ranch. Levi, my second-oldest brother, always had a way with horses and was a natural to head the horse-breeding operation.”

  “Did you go to college?”

  “Yes. I majored in business administration. Ryder did, too. Then, not knowing what I wanted to
do with my life, except for knowing I didn’t want to be running after a bunch of cattle, he and I followed the rodeo circuit for a few years. Most of my brothers had at least dabbled in the sport. Eli’s making a run for top bull rider right now, in fact.”

  “I don’t get the draw, I guess. It looks like you could get hurt pretty badly.”

  Ryan decided not to tell her about the fringe benefits of women and booze. He’d had more than his fair share of buckle bunnies. Ryan thought back to his previous thoughts that he and his brothers had never dated the same woman but, well, come to think of it, he couldn’t honestly say that. There had been that buckle bunny in El Paso that he and Ryder had both dated.

  “Well, darlin’, that’s one of the reasons both Ryder and I decided to hang up our spurs nearly six years ago. I decided to leave the sport while I was on top. I’d been injured a few times, and I didn’t want to hang on until I got a career-ending injury. My brother, Levi, was seriously injured while riding the circuit, and Ryder was badly injured at the beginning of the season after I won the championship. I decided then and there to quit while I was still relatively healthy. I brought him home and nursed him back to health, and we decided to pool our resources and open up the best honky-tonk in the area.”

  “So what did you ride?”

  “Bulls,” he said succinctly.

  He went on to tell her more about his relationship with his twin growing up and how they’d come up with their concept for Chaps & Spurs. They conceived and built the club with the goal of making it the hottest honky-tonk within sixty miles of Deseo. Hell, he’d met people in the club that had come all the way from Corpus Christi to see the club and all the rodeo memorabilia on the walls. Ryder went along with Ryan on most things, but when he got mad, watch out. He was all over running the club, though. Ryder had really come into his own since they had opened the doors to Chaps & Spurs. He’d come out of his shell. He’d become the face of the club, spending most of his evenings schmoozing with the customers. Ryder was also taking a more active role in promoting the club. He was no longer living under his twin’s shadow.

  Now, looking at Samantha over the table, Ryan realized he would compete for her attention if he needed to. He wanted to be the only man in this woman’s life. Two weeks ago he would have added “for the next few weeks” onto that statement. Sitting across from her right now, he wanted to add “for the rest of my life.” Oh, hell! He should be running in the opposite direction. He was so screwed. He’d fallen for this woman. How the hell had that happened? He was in love with Samantha Michaels. She was the one.

  What was he going to do? He’d only known the woman two weeks, for Christ’s sake. Then he remembered that Xander had only known Jordan for about two weeks when he’d realized he was in love with her. Should he tell her he loved her? Ryan didn’t think she was ready to hear it let alone believe it. Ryan had helped Xander in the wooing project after he had pissed Jordan off and she had told him to go to hell. All the siblings had. He knew his father and Levi had helped Xander with the wooing project. Maybe they could help him. He needed to talk to his father. He’d get his father alone tomorrow at Sunday lunch and talk to him about Samantha. His mother would go bat-shit crazy once she found out Ryan had met the one.

  * * * *

  Samantha and Ryan had enjoyed a wonderful meal together and were now entering the club for the dancing part of their date. Ryan had been wonderfully attentive during dinner, asking her questions about herself and answering every question she asked him. He had taken every opportunity to hold her hand over the table during the meal and had talked her into sharing the tiramisu for dessert, which he had fed to her off his fork. At both her house and at the restaurant, he had lifted her into the passenger side of his big truck as her pencil skirt didn’t allow her to make the trip on her own.

  Although he acknowledged several friends on his way into the club, Ryan took her to a table for two that had a “reserved” sign on it on one side of the dance floor. It was as far away from the normal foot traffic of the club as you could get. Ownership did have its privileges. Helping her onto her seat, he asked her if she wanted him to put her purse behind the bar and she agreed, giving it to him. He asked her what she wanted to drink and she gave him her order. While he was at the bar, he ordered a shot of Jameson and a diet soda for her and a beer for himself. The waitress would bring the drinks to the table as soon as the bartender was done pouring them.

  Samantha was swaying to the music when he returned to the table. The DJ was playing a fast-tempo song by Billy Currington, and he knew Samantha really enjoyed his music. As he returned to the table, he noticed a cowboy named Pete Chively leaving their table and slinking across the dance floor back to his own table. Coming up behind Samantha, he slid his hand gently up her back and onto her shoulder. Accepting the caress, she looked up into his face and smiled.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked as he gestured to the table where Chively had slunk off to.

  Samantha smiled. “He asked me to dance and I declined.”

  As the song morphed into a slow song, Ryan offered her his hand. “Let’s dance.”

  Taking his hand, Samantha let him lead her onto the floor. Swaying back and forth in his arms brought their bodies into perfect alignment. As she lifted her hands to his shoulders and let her fingers trail through the hair at the nape of his neck, she could feel her nipples stabbing through the front of her shirt.

  At least she was well camouflaged, she thought. This blouse had a geometric design in red and yellow. It would hide her erect nipples from all but the closest inspection. As she felt her pussy begin to weep into her panties, she felt the bulge against her lower abdomen telling her that he was already aroused. She had felt his substantial girth a couple times when they danced last night. She felt sexy and wanton to know that she affected him just as much as he affected her.

  After two slow songs, the DJ started to play some rocking country songs and the dance floor filled with single women and couples alike as they all did the bump and grind to the thumping music. Ryan took Samantha’s hand and led her back to the table. Being so close to the music, they couldn’t really talk, so they sat at their table, holding hands and swaying to the music as they drank their drinks.

  Ryan nursed his beer and Samantha ordered another shot of Jameson for courage. She was still sipping on her Diet Coke. When another set of slow songs came on, Ryan got up from his chair and pulled her onto the dance floor. They swayed back and forth to “Who Are You When I’m Not Looking” by Blake Shelton and danced to another slow song right afterward. When the DJ put on “I Got A Feelin’” they laughed a little, remembering Ryan’s question to Samantha the last time they had danced to this song. Samantha was beginning to think of it as their song.

  Samantha and Ryan swayed together in the middle of the dance floor. As the DJ increased the tempo once again, they stayed on the floor for a good half hour and then returned to their seats, laughing at nothing. They alternated the next couple of hours with dancing and sitting and holding hands until about midnight when Ryan leaned in close to her ear. “Do you want to go someplace quieter, darlin’?”

  Suddenly nervous, Samantha simply nodded her head. Holding her hand, Ryan led her up to the bar and asked the bartender for Samantha’s purse and then handed it to her.

  Waving at his brother Ryder, who was working behind the bar, Ryan led her out the front door into the warm night air. They walked quickly to Ryan’s truck where he handed her up into her seat and she buckled the seat belt. Climbing in beside her, Ryan started the truck and said, “I could have danced with you all night, darlin’, but we couldn’t talk in there. Is it okay if we go back to your place?”

  “Sure, let’s go back to my place.” They made the trip in silence and, once he was parked, he made his way around the front of the truck and helped her down. As they entered the apartment, Samantha turned on the overhead light and put her purse on the table. Still nervous, she mumbled something about making coffee and hea
ded into the kitchen. As she fumbled her way through making a pot of coffee, she could feel Ryan watching her and waiting. She knew he had felt her nipples stabbing at him through their shirts and would know that she had been as aroused as he had been.

  He prowled around the family room, making light conversation and watching her like he was ready to pounce. She finally entered the family room with two cups of coffee, set them on the coffee table in front of the love seat, and sat down. Instead of sitting on the couch where she expected him to sit, he sat next to her on the love seat. As she busied herself with stirring her coffee, he moved in closer to her, ignoring his own cup. Setting down her coffee cup, she turned to him.

  As she turned toward him, Samantha was surprised to find his mouth right there. He slowly bent his head and took her lips in a passionate kiss. His lips moved over hers, and his tongue insistently sought entrance to her mouth. Moaning softly, she granted his unspoken request and enjoyed the feeling of his tongue exploring her mouth. He tasted like cinnamon and something else she couldn’t name.

  His arms came around her and pulled her body into his. Her breasts were crushed against his chest and she could feel his hard cock against her hip. He gently pushed her back against the cushion and leaned over her. Samantha’s hands grabbed his biceps. Angling his mouth, he took the kiss deeper, demanding a response from her. Samantha tentatively met his tongue with her own. He groaned deeply and pressed their bodies more tightly together, grinding his rock-hard cock against her hip. He pulled her body to his and they lay chest to chest, their bodies perfectly matched.

  Moving her arms up his biceps, across his shoulders, and around his neck, she tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. He wore his hair a little longer than most men, and she wasn’t sure if it was how he normally wore it or if he had gone too long without a haircut. Whichever reason, it was damn sexy. Samantha knew her nipples were hard as pebbles against his chest. His hands roved over her back, dipping down onto her ass as he pulled her closer to him.


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