Cardinal Sinner (Divine Domination Book 2)

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Cardinal Sinner (Divine Domination Book 2) Page 11

by Megan Michaels

  Would he become angry at them for withholding information? Would Chelsea be in trouble?

  “You look worried. What are you worried about?”

  “Well, Petr can be strict. Her believes in rules and…er…disciplined women, and I think he’d be displeased, even angry, if he thought I was keeping something from him. Maybe you should just tell Emerson.”

  “Oh.” Chelsea smiled, grasping Eliska’s hand. “I think we have a lot in common, girl. Emerson spanks. Is that what you were hinting at too?”

  “Oh my God. You’re spanked too!”

  Chelsea’s cheeks flushed. “Yes. And you’re right; he may consider it a sin of omission. But I’m trying to protect your privacy. If you want Emerson and me to be the first people to know about your pregnancy, I’ll tell him. I just think that Petr won’t be as upset if he finds out that I’m the only person who knew before him. Right?”

  “That’s true.” Eliska sighed. It was never easy with these men. “Promise me that the minute you feel remorseful, you’ll tell him. I don’t want you doing something that bothers you.”

  “I will. Come on, let’s grab your suitcase from the car and then I’ll show you your room.”

  Chelsea wouldn’t hear of Eliska pulling her own luggage out of the car. Just as they were maneuvering the stairs, Emerson walked up to them.

  “What are you doing with this heavy thing?” He glared at his wife before turning his stony gaze to Eliska. “Or is this your bag, missy?”

  “Uhm. It is, sir. I th—”

  “She’s taken the week off from work and was just going to stay at her apartment doing nothing, the big silly. So I told her that I’m lonely all day around here and would love to have her stay in our Vatican mansion so we can go shopping and frequent all the cafes around here. Doesn’t that sound awesome?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “It does. Have you had a lot of coffee today, Chels?”

  “No. Well, maybe. I made cookies, though, and the house is really clean. C’mon, Em, don’t be grumpy.” She linked her arm through the crook of his elbow. “We’ll grill and make some pasta for dinner. It’ll be fun.”

  “I’m not grumpy at all. Just checking on why you seem so wound up.” Returning his attention to Eliska, he continued, “We’ll be more than pleased to have you visiting here. It’ll be fun to get to know you better and I’m sure you girls will have a blast.”

  Chelsea opened the door for them and Emerson walked the luggage to the room, placing it gently on the bench at the foot of her four-poster bed covered with a rich deep purple duvet with matching curtains in velvet. The white walls were in stark contrast to the royal purple, but the pale pink accented pillows and wall hangings softened the dark color. The room was feminine and sunny, and Eliska wanted nothing more than to crawl into the bed and sleep for the rest of the week.

  Emerson wrapped his arm around Chelsea’s waist. “I think our guest needs some time alone until dinner. Feel free to watch television, read or nap until then. Dinner isn’t until six. I truly hope you enjoy your time here.”

  “I will. I have no doubt.”

  Chelsea kissed her on the cheek whispering, “See, it’ll be fine.”

  She hoped the bubbly woman was right.

  Chapter 15

  Petr opened the door to Eliska’s apartment. “Eliska? Eliska are you home, girl? Hello? Hello?” He walked the length of her short place looking in every room off the hallway. Nothing. He sat down on the couch.

  She’d taken a week off from work. A week! He’d texted her at least twenty times, each one coming back with a comment saying the sender wasn’t receiving his messages at this time. He hadn’t seen her in two days. The first day, he’d been busy with meetings with the cardinals and the Pope. It wasn’t unusual to go a day without seeing each other—or even two. What was unusual, however, was not hearing from her in text, but he’d been so preoccupied that he hadn’t texted either.

  Then today, when he was informed by the other administrative assistants in the office that she’d take the week off, he knew something was wrong. Very wrong. He’d texted her for most of the day, getting that damn cryptic message saying she wasn’t available at this time.

  What did that mean? At this time? Will she be available later? Ever?

  If she was going to break things off, she’d tell him. She promised that. Raking his hand through his hair, he stared at the ceiling. There had to be clues. Had to be.

  He walked toward the kitchen and got himself a glass of tea. He sat at the counter and mindlessly picked up her Kindle. When he flicked it on, the book she’d told him about popped up onto the screen.

  He shook his head laughing, remembering how she had cried at the happily ever after. Women.

  Drinking the fluid reminded him that he’d been trying to go to the bathroom for hours, his schedule not allowing any breaks at all. He entered her small powder room. Standing before the toilet to evacuate, he looked down and spotted a box in the trash that looked familiar from television commercials.

  Once finished, he pulled the box out of the bin—pregnancy test. His heart hammered in his chest. Sitting on top of the trash was the plastic tester—with a definite positive red plus sign on the white panel.

  Dear God, she’s pregnant!

  He gripped his chest. His breath became shallow and quickened dramatically. It wasn’t a heart attack, more than likely a panic attack.

  A baby. She’s pregnant with my baby. Petr chuckled out loud, the joy overwhelming. He thought he’d never have that blessing in his life—a child to call his own, a little someone who looked and acted like him…or even better, a child that would look and act like his woman—his girl.

  A renewed panic struck him. I have to find her. Where is she?

  He sat down again, spying the cover of her romance book, a buffed, muscled man with tattoos holding a chubby cherub-like infant in his arms. And then he remembered—

  …the woman finds out she’s pregnant, and she’s afraid…Oh God, Petr. And she doesn’t tell him…and runs away…but he loves her…and remembers what she likes and what makes her happy…and he finds her, vowing he’ll love her and his baby forever.

  Of course! It all made sense now. In their situation, a cardinal married to the Christ and the Roman Catholic Church, her strict Catholic upbringing and devout family. He was pretty sure her guilt and not knowing his reaction had made her flee.

  How could she doubt how much I’d love a baby…and her!

  He’d cared for her, doing his best to meet all her needs and desires, sometimes even before she could ask. His heart filled with a pride he didn’t know existed. To know that his seed had formed a child in her womb. His baby! Treating her like delicate fine china would be the goal for the next nine months.

  And dammit, where the hell was she? To just run off…with his child. Did she think she could just leave, not telling him that he had a son…or baby girl?

  The woman in this fucking book ran away too, but her man found her based upon clues, knowing what she’d do and what her needs were.

  She wouldn’t go home. He knew that. The thought of telling her family that she had a child out of wedlock would be hard enough to do, so she wouldn’t go there on her own, and definitely not this soon after finding out.

  Would she travel?

  It’s possible, but where? Maybe Spain? Greece? Maybe she’d go to an island in the Atlantic near America?

  No. His girl would worry about the activity and being too far away in case she miscarried. She was a worrier, someone who let her mind wander, and she wouldn’t want to risk unknown doctors or hospitals, not without him assuring her that it would be fine. She’d never venture that far away.

  He looked around the room for clues, brochures, fliers, etc. Her computer. He opened the laptop, typing in the password she’d given him previously. Thank God she hadn’t changed it.


  Reservations had been made for an eight-day stay starting yesterday at the Residenza Paolo VI. S
he’d decided to stay close. Good girl.

  Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he called the main desk at the hotel. “Yes, you can help me. I’d like to be connected to Eliska Petrova’s room.”

  He exhaled, surprised at how relieved he was to have found her. He didn’t usually get ruffled by things. But this? This had him anxious.

  “Sir, Ms. Petrova didn’t check in. She called to cancel her reservation last night.”

  “Oh. Did she say why?”

  “I can’t divulge any information she may have given, Sir.”

  The thought of driving to the hotel and throttling the desk clerk ran across his mind. “Thank you.” Hanging up, he tossed his phone onto the couch. When he finally found his little dragon, he would be setting a fire to her ass, one she wouldn’t forget any time soon either.

  Damn! Didn’t she realize I’d be worried? Think!

  She can’t be far away. He went through their favorite places to go, but none of them made sense. Having gone to the trouble of making reservations then cancelling them, something had prompted her to change her mind—something other than the pregnancy. He was still pretty sure that she had chosen that hotel because it was close, which meant she was still close.

  It was then that he remembered his chance meeting with Emerson a couple days ago and the suggestion he’d given to Eliska to contact her.

  Scrolling through his contacts on his phone, he found Emerson’s number and pressed the green phone icon. “Hey, Emerson. It’s Petr.”

  “Hello, is everything okay?”

  “Well, yes and no. Is my girl over there?” He still felt uncomfortable talking so openly about her, but there was no time for protocol now. This was serious, but he knew that not only had Emerson lived through secret life shit, he also knew that he would never judge him.

  “Yeah, she’s been here a couple days now.” Emerson cleared his throat. “Wait a minute. Are you telling me that you didn’t know she was here?”

  “No. She just disappeared and hasn’t been answering my texts or any of my phone calls. I’ve been a little crazy over here, but I’m relieved she’s safe and with you two, to be honest.”

  “Yeah, this is a problem on my end. Chelsea had me believing that this was all planned, implying heavily that you knew. The funny thing? She did something similar to this with a friend of hers in Amsterdam. And that friend ended up getting paddled by her husband for the same thing that’s going to make Chelsea end up over my knee.” Emerson growled into the phone, and Petr had a momentary feeling of sympathy for her.

  “Don’t be hard on her. I’m sure she was just trying to be helpful with the pregnancy and all.” Petr rested a hand on his chest, the hammering of his heart in his chest finally slowing.

  “Wait! Pregnancy?”

  “Yeah, Emerson, you didn’t know about that either?”

  “No! I may not even wait for you and Eliska to leave before I blister Chelsea’s ass.” Emerson quietly muttered, “Shit.”

  “Before you get all upset, Chelsea may not know either. I only know because I saw the positive pregnancy test in her trash. I was worried, but finding out she’s pregnant sent me into full blown panic.”

  “No doubt! Good Lord, it pisses me off. She knows better than this. I’m assuming you’re coming to pick her up now?” Emerson paused, speaking away from the phone. “Chelsea, don’t even think about leaving this apartment. You and I are having a discussion.”

  “Not right now. There are a couple of things I need to take care of before picking her up. Give me an hour, maybe two?”

  “Take your time, Petr. We’ll be here. Eliska is sleeping right now anyway. Makes sense why she’s so tired and napping every afternoon. Take your time.” Before the phone clicked off, he heard Emerson ordering, “Take your panties off. Now.”

  Chapter 16

  How could she do this?

  Emerson sat in the white wing-backed chair in their bedroom suite staring at Chelsea’s quivering bottom in the corner, the pale white skin only marred with a couple red blotches from the slaps he’d placed there before depositing her, firmly pressing her nose into the seam of the walls.

  “Take your dress off.” Her shaky hands gathered the material high on her waist, goose flesh rising on her backside. Gracefully, she pulled it effortlessly over her head, leaving her naked form facing the corner.

  She wiped at her eyes. Good. She’d been in the corner for twenty minutes and finally, remorse had taken over, true and heartfelt apparently.

  “You know what’s expected. Come here.”

  Pivoting, she gracefully knelt, her hands clasped behind her back, walking on her knees toward him, her heavy breasts jostling with the motion.

  He stood, his cock jutting from his pants, bobbing in front of her. With his hands on his hips, he glared at her before nodding.

  “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”

  “How long has it been since your last confession?”

  She swallowed, tears brimming in her eyes again. “Monday, Sir.”

  “Mmm. What was your sin and penance?” He tilted her chin up, forcing her to make eye contact.

  “I didn’t eat all day and almost passed out cooking dinner, so you spanked me with a wooden spoon.”

  “Well deserved, I might add. And tell me, bad girl, what is your sin today…or should I say this week?” Emerson quirked an eyebrow at her.

  “I brought Eliska into our home knowing that Petr didn’t know where she was…and…I knew she was pregnant. And, I neglected to tell you, Sir.”

  “Such a naughty girl.” He shook his head. “Proceed and then we’ll get on with a small spanking as a warm up for later.”

  Her small mouth opened, covering his cock, sucking and pulling him in deeper, his length touching the back of her throat.

  Easing back, her pointy tongue laved around the head, swiping at the bead of pre-come on the tip, licking down the length of him before sucking on his balls, his sac resting on her tongue.

  His eyes rolled back, and it took every bit of strength he had to hold back from spurting down her throat, his ass flexing with every thrust of his shaft into her.

  Increasing her grip on him, matching the movements of her mouth gliding up and down his length, he groaned loudly, and through gritted teeth, he uttered, “I’m coming.”

  Giving her time to pull in a deep breath, he plunged deep into her throat, his balls bouncing off her lips, streams of his come shooting down her throat. He eased back, giving her space to breathe before driving into her again, the last spurts of his seed jetting down her throat, stars flashing behind his eyelids, his orgasm so intense.

  Dutifully, she licked and sucked him dry before sitting back obediently on her heels, awaiting further instruction.

  He slipped his semi-erect cock back into his pants, the metal teeth of the zipper sounding loud in the still, quiet room. Sitting down, he slapped his thigh. “Over my lap.”

  Chelsea gave a fleeting glance toward the doorway before biting her lip, her eyes pleading wordlessly for mercy.

  “She can’t hear with the door shut. And even if she does, she’s spanked by Petr, so it’s not an unfamiliar sound to her. Stop stalling. Over my lap before I add an implement.” He grabbed her hand to encourage her obedience.

  He shifted her further up onto his lap, squeezing her plump ass. He’d never grow old of fucking and spanking her. “Honesty is the first tenant of our relationship. Correct?”

  She shifted, lifting each hip separately, her bottom yawning open. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then why? Why would you not tell me the details of this?” He slapped each cheek, a bright red bloom rising from the hard swat.

  “Ow! Because I didn’t want you to get angry, or to send her home. She needs time away, time to think, and I can help her.”

  Raising his leg, he slapped her sit spots, not stopping after a couple, but continuing to smack her thighs as well, leaving the area a deep pink. “She doesn’t need your help. Who takes care of Eliska? I
s it you?” He marched his hand up and down her bottom, her yelps turning quickly into sobs of pain.

  Her hand flung back to cover her backside, but he grabbed it, pinning it to her back.

  The audacity of her! She knew better. She had seen the effects of leaving with no warning and how it upset him when she did it in Amsterdam. Apparently, not spanking her for running off had left her with the wrong idea. A problem he’d be correcting today, harshly.

  He rested his hot hand on her even hotter rump, the skin red with bluish spider veins popping up from the unwanted attention.

  “Petr was frazzled, the concern and worry heavy in his voice. He’s been unsure for two days, and then to discover on his own that she was pregnant devastated him. You, my girl, are going to be a very sore girl when you finally crawl into our bed tonight. This won’t be a mistake you commit again.”

  “I’m sorry already.” Her voice broke into renewed sobs.

  “I know you think you are, but you have a long way to go. This burning sting will keep your upcoming punishment at the forefront of your mind.” He patted her skin lightly before crashing the palm of his hand on the fullest part of her ass, ensuring that he struck the same area repeatedly. Obviously the pain had become excruciating because she thrashed over his lap, the activity hardening his cock.

  Winded from the scuffle of keeping her restrained, he stopped her spanking. Her cries quieting dramatically, now replaced with hiccups and sniffling. Not one to allow her self-pity, he stood her up abruptly, steadying her before him, sternly assessing her.

  “Do you think you can behave until Eliska leaves?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  He shifted slightly, his cock threatening to break free hearing her favorite endearment uttered. “I’m so disappointed in you.” He shook his head, tsking her way. “You know how to behave better than this, and I deserve to be treated with more respect than this. You should be ashamed of yourself.”


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