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The Cowboy Comes Home Page 18

by Roni Adams

  Tyler smiled as Sara sifted through everything in the tiny bed.

  "Flo, you made all these didn't you?” Tears poured from Sara's eyes.

  "Well, most of them.” She nodded and sniffled. “Now, some of those finer things, Diane sent from Paris. You don't have to use my homemade ones if you'd rather not."

  Sara shook her head. “I can't tell the difference between yours and hers."

  "Babies don't care what they poop and spit up on,” Teddy interjected, lightening the sappy mood in the room. “Are we ever going to eat? I'm starved."

  Susan slammed her hands on her hips. “You're always starved."

  "Not all of us worry if the scale shifts a pound this way or that.” He retorted and headed out of the room.

  Charli laughed and linked her arm through Susan's. “This from the man who can't pass a mirror without checking himself out."

  Susan giggled and the two women began to whisper as they walked from the room. Tyler heard his brother's loud complaint and figured that, once again, one of the ladies had gotten him back.

  "Come on, Ty.” Chase Boyd rubbed his stomach and moved towards the dining room. “I gotta feeling if we don't get a move on, there won't be anything left."

  Cord touched the older man on the shoulder. “Don't let Flo hear you say that or she'll be back in the kitchen. It's hard enough for us to get her to take it easy as it is."

  Tyler started to follow his brother from the room but couldn't help a glance back to see if Beth was going, too. She stood with Sara, admiring the tiny blankets in the cradle. His heart squeezed at the sight of her picking up the tiny baby sweater set. She laughed at Sara and then looked up in time to meet his gaze. He wanted her. It hit him powerful and hard, and it was all he could do not to cross the room and pull her into his arms and kiss her, long and hard. She was so damn beautiful. Her glowing eyes held his stare and, with his own, he told her all he wanted to do to her when he got her alone.

  With one side of her mouth tipped upward, she dipped her head and looked away, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. He had no doubt she got his message loud and clear.

  "You going to stand there all morning or what?” Sam pushed at him from behind and gave him a glare.

  "Sorry, old man. I forgot you have to have your grits or you're grouchy.” Reluctantly, he lead him to the dining room and sat down.

  "Never you mind about my grits.” Sam took a seat and Flo set a steaming bowl in front of him before he even picked up his napkin. Then she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and whispered something in his ear.

  As Tyler watched, Sam laughed and nodded. Amazing. While the lanky, leathered old foreman and the elderly but robust housekeeper might seem an unlikely couple, they'd fallen head over heels in love over fifty years ago and were still going strong. Anyone who saw them together could see that in an instant. Anyone unfortunate enough to come upon them unexpectedly could also witness the passion they still shared. More than once, Tyler'd made that mistake.

  Chuckling, he reached for the platter of bacon. Some things a guy didn't want to remember.

  Sara and Beth joined the rest of the family and he couldn't help the stab of disappointment when Beth sat way at the far end of the table in between Teddy and Susan. He took the tray of stuffed French toast and added two big hunks to his plate. “You make these?” he asked, passing the tray to Charli.

  She nodded. “I tried to make more and help Flo, but she wouldn't let me do much."

  Tyler glanced at Flo who was pouring the thick white sausage gravy over biscuits on her plate. “Don't take it personal. She loves you, but she doesn't give up control of her kitchen."

  Charli shrugged. “It's okay. I just hate seeing her on her feet so much."

  "Trust me, all of us have tried to get her to slow down. She's bullheaded.” He poured the warm salsa over his scrambled eggs and dug in. “Sam's the same way."

  "How was the big surprise this morning?” She lowered her voice and glanced toward Beth.

  He couldn't keep the proud smile from his face. “She loved it. The horses performed like true ladies, too."

  "I knew they would. Nothing rattles them, not even being trailored six hours from home and stored in an unfamiliar barn. I'll make sure they get some extra special treats this afternoon."

  Tyler put his arm around the other woman and gave her a squeeze. “You and your father went all out for me and I appreciate it."

  "I just want to see you happy.” She stabbed a piece of sausage with her fork and lifted it to her mouth. “I don't know much about being in love and all that, but if snow in Texas and a team of horses helps, I'm all for it.” She winked.

  He glanced at Beth to make sure she couldn't hear him. “We talked last night and came to a certain understanding.” They'd agreed that the arrangement would just be between the two of them, but Charli had been there for him through everything. She knew how much he needed Beth to forgive him, how much he needed her back in his life. She'd be excited to hear that he was making some progress in the right direction. It was good to get someone else's thoughts on the subject too; he couldn't very well ask anyone in the family. They'd be furious with him even though the plan was Beth's idea.

  "Oh, yeah?” Charli filled her coffee cup from the carafe on the table and then topped off Tyler's. “Is it a good understanding?"

  "I don't know. I think so, but who knows.” He couldn't help but look Beth's way and his heart skittered as he caught her staring at him. She furrowed her brow and glanced at Charli and then back to him. Tyler winked, relieved to see the corner of her mouth lift up into a small smile. What an idiot he was to ever have left her. No matter how hard things were at home with his brothers and Sara and all, he should have been able to stick it out. He'd learned a lot this year from Chase, and the man he was now would have handled everything differently. But he couldn't rewrite the past; all he could do now was try his best to make a good future. Maybe that's why he had such an issue with this plan of hers. It didn't feel right. Almost as if he was doing something immoral.

  Didn't that take their relationship to a different level, sort of like Teddy handled his relationships? As long as the sex was good he stayed, but once that was done, he was done? He and Beth had something far more meaningful, didn't they? His smile faltered. She didn't really think all they had left was the physical side, did she?

  "Hey, you awake down there or what?"

  "What's wrong? What?” Tyler jerked his thoughts back to the table to find Teddy glaring his way.

  "I asked you to send that plate of sausage this way."

  "There's only one left.” Tyler picked up the platter.

  Charli took it out of his hands and pushed back her chair. “I'll get some more."

  "I'll help you.” Teddy followed so fast his chair tipped on two legs and almost fell.

  "That boy never moved so fast in all his life,” Sam grumbled, scooping the last of his grits out of his bowl.

  Flo laughed. “He's got a whole lot of hope, that's for sure."

  "He better not get more than his hopes up. Charli isn't one of those ditzy girls he usually chases.” Susan lifted her glass of orange juice as if it was a toast. “She'll put him in his place, and I for one can't wait to watch him hit the ground."

  Sara laughed next to her. “Tell us how you really feel."

  Tyler grinned and, once again, his gaze landed on Beth. How were they going to slip away later? This is good. Not ten seconds ago he was telling himself the arrangement was all wrong, and now he was hoping the holiday festivities would end early so they could be together. The more he thought about making love to her, the more his brain shut down and the tighter his jeans became. Would they have to be quick in case someone wondered what they were up to? Or could they take all afternoon and no one would be the wiser? Visions of both versions crossed his mind and he took a long drink of water hoping to cool his insides a bit. It would be a long day if he couldn't get his mind focused on something else.

p; "Can I have everyone's attention?” Chase Boyd stood, mimosa in hand.

  Teddy and Charli came through the door from the kitchen just in time, and Tyler couldn't help but notice how red his brother's face was. Shot down, again. Not surprising.

  Chase waited until they slid into their seats. “Thank you to our wonderful friends for having us for the holidays. I can't tell you what it means to me. Your parents, God rest their souls, would be so proud to see all of you today.” He nodded towards Sara and Buck. “The next generation is about to be born on the Double B, and the family business is steady and profitable for yet another year. The best part is all of you are here together to celebrate the holidays.” He glanced at Flo. “Well, almost all of you. But, no worries about Diana. I'm sure she'll find her way back to the fold."

  He cleared his throat, glanced to his daughter and then back to the crowd in general. “I'm getting on in years. It didn't escape me that what happened to Beau could easily happen to me. I've got a lot of good friends and good workers, but as far as my family goes, well it's just me and my girl there. Charli and I talked about something at length and we'd like to propose the following.” He drew a deep breath and turned his attention to Cord. “Charli and I would like very much to become partners with the Double B by turning over forty-nine percent of the Circle S over to you."

  Tyler frowned, his chest caving as if someone just stomped on it.

  Cord's jaw dropped. Around the table everyone was equally shocked as Tyler glanced from one to the other. He and Chase had talked about this idea before, but never in a million years did he think the older man was ready to put the plan into motion now.

  "I don't even know what to say to that, Chase.” Cord cleared his throat but no more sound came from his mouth.

  Tyler had never seen his brother at such a loss for words before.

  Chase brought his hand down on Cord's shoulder. “There's a lot of details to work out, and we'll talk some more tomorrow with your attorney. But I'm dead serious here. I want to know what's going to happen to my own small empire before I kick it. I respect you, all of you, and we know you'll respect our vision.” He turned and pinned Tyler with a beaming smile.

  Ah hell. Tyler's heart hit the floor of his stomach. Could there be worse timing for this decision? He knew Chase meant well, but he also knew what was coming and, like a runaway horse, he couldn't stop it as Chase went on.

  "With Charli retaining fifty-one percent, she'll have controlling interest, but we have no doubt there won't be any problems with decisions with Tyler running things alongside her."

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  Chapter Eleven

  Beth's napkin slid from her hand to the table. Her mind whirled. Had Chase really just offered to merge the two ranches and put Tyler in charge of the Circle S? In Abilene?

  He was leaving again. Her breath caught and her gaze slammed into his. What the hell game was he playing? How long had he known about this?

  Charli smiled a bit too bright. “Daddy, let's talk business later. I'd like to simply toast good friends, a wonderful holiday season, and the best of wishes for a happy New Year.” She lifted her crystal glass and everyone did the same.

  Around the table everyone talked at once and resumed eating. Beth set her fork down. If she tried to eat, she would surely choke.

  Although it seemed like hours, only a short time passed before Sara announced she was heading home to rest for a while. “We'll take the cradle down to the house but leave everything else here for a bit."

  Flo picked up the plates and began to walk towards the kitchen. “I'll just clean up and then we'll be heading into Norma's place for the rest of the day."

  "We can take care of the kitchen, Flo. You and Sammy should get on the road.” Susan followed the older woman through to the kitchen.

  Beth picked up plates as if in a trance. All the happiness from earlier—the sleigh ride, the whispered promises—had disappeared. Tyler was leaving, again, just like she called it.

  In the kitchen, she stacked the dishes on the counter then escaped out the back door. Charli and her sister could help Flo with the rest of the kitchen. She ran across the yard to the clinic and pushed the door open. Only once she was inside alone, did she pause and lean her back against the closed door to catch her breath.

  He'd lied to her.

  Even last night, when they'd come to that asinine agreement, he'd known that Chase was grooming him to take over the Circle S.

  Somewhere deep inside, she had really believed him, believed that he was home for good and was tired of denying them both when she'd missed him so much.

  But he'd known what was going to happen. Oh, maybe he hadn't known Chase was going to do it today, but in her gut, she knew that Tyler had to have been aware of the plan. She couldn't see Chase Boyd making an announcement like that out of thin air.

  When was Tyler going to tell her? After they got back together? After he got his fill of making love night after night? After she became content and trusted him again?

  She pushed away from the door, but instead of going to her office, she went in the other direction and headed into the small house. There was no way she was going to go through that kind of pain again.

  All morning while they'd eaten breakfast, she'd been weaving this fantasy in her head. She planned to slip away from the family, come over here and make love with him all afternoon. She pictured them using the Jacuzzi tub and huge king sized bed in the master suite. Although Grant stayed in the house, he'd always used the second bedroom, never the master suite. This afternoon she'd thought about christening the room the way it was intended to be, her and Tyler, naked.

  She sank to the oversized chair in the living room and put her feet up on the cushioned stool in front of it. Not two seconds later, she heard a door open and Tyler's voice call her.

  There wasn't any point in denying she was there. “I'm in the living room,” she called back.

  He stopped just inside the arched doorway, arms crossed over his chest and feet braced as if ready for a fight.

  "You could have told me.” Beth glared, hating that the first thought in her head was how sexy he looked.

  "There was nothing to tell. Chase had been talking, but you know how he is. He talks big. I never really thought he was seriously considering it. And, for the record, I never once told him I'd take over the Circle S."

  "You had to have known he was grooming you for something."

  Tyler dropped his arms and walked over to sit on the cloth-covered stool before her. He rested one hand on her leg and she immediately pulled her feet up, tucking them tight under her.

  "We worked on some training methods with the new horses we brought in, things like that. I mean, sure, he showed me how he did things, introduced me to his staff and all, but not in an ‘all this will yours one day’ type of thing."

  "I don't believe you.” She narrowed her eyes. “You were there all this time and not once clued in to what he was looking to do?"

  He lifted his hand in frustration and raked his fingers through his hair. “Don't you think I would have said something if he had? I've been home for over a week and telling you I'm staying. Why would I do that if I thought for one minute I was going back to Abilene?"

  "To make sure I didn't stay with Cole? To sleep with me again?"

  His brown eyes widened. “Is that how you think of me? You've known me your entire life and you honestly think I could do that?"

  She raised one eyebrow and held his stare. “I never thought you'd walk away from me either, but you did."

  "We're back to that. Full circle, Beth? Back to, I left so I'm an ass and can never be trusted by you again?” He pushed to his feet and paced the room. “How long do I have to keep begging at your feet for forgiveness? How long before I warrant more than a scrap of your affection?” His voice rose with anger.

  Beth crossed her arms over her chest and pursed her lips. How dare he try to make her out to be the witch. “How long? Never. That's how l
ong. I don't want anything from you. Not your apologies, or your attempts to win back my affection with horses and snowfalls. Nothing. There's nothing you can do, Tyler Weston, to ever make up for what you put me through.” She sprang to her feet and headed for the door. If he was staying here, she was leaving.

  His fingers clamped around her arm.

  "Let go of me.” In her struggle to push his hand away, she stumbled over his booted foot, landing on the floor with a hard thud. “Oh!"

  In a flash, Tyler was down on his knee next to her. “I'm sorry. Damn it, Beth, are you okay? Say something!"

  She draped a hand over her eyes, not wanting to look at him. “I'm fine. Just go away, Ty. This, whatever it is with us, isn't working. I can't take the rollercoaster we're on."

  He didn't comment, but seconds later his lips gently brushed her cheek. “I'm sorry,” he whispered. “Again."

  He kissed her cheek once more, his lips warm on her skin. Her breath caught and he kissed again. His chest pressed against her own as he bent over her and kissed her yet again. This time his mouth was moist and open, and he caressed the open neckline of her silk blouse. He trailed a hot path to her neck and the spot beneath her ear. Her chest rose and fell as her breathing quickened.

  Tingles raced up her spine and she bit her lip, trying to ignore the sensations. A large hand slid across her belly, over her silk blouse, long fingers curling into the material. Cool air raked across her bared midriff.

  Even though she refused to respond, he continued to kiss her lips. Kiss after moist kiss he brushed across her mouth, driving her crazy and tempting her into forgetting everything but the wonderful sensations that swirled inside her. His tongue stroked the seam of her lips and her heart rate escalated. Her insides curled and ached for him to take her in his arms. Her body wanted to give in and her heart begged her for it, but her head told her she'd be a fool to trust him again.

  Long, lean fingers flicked open the top few buttons on her blouse. His lips seemed to be everywhere, and where they weren't, his fingers were. He touched her, traced patterns on her skin, teased her in places that were so innocent and yet made her want so much more. He drew circles around her nipple and brushed against the sensitive peak with his thumb. His hot mouth closed over her breast through the silk of her blouse. Between her legs, she grew instantly moist.


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