Lover's Kiss

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Lover's Kiss Page 8

by Dawn Michelle

  She grinned and broke her kiss with him so he could see to undress her. Once the coat was unbuttoned she let it slide down her arms and hit the linoleum floor in front of his door. He didn't notice, his eyes were fixated on her sweater covered breasts. His lips hung open as his eyes darted back and forth between the prominent bumps in her shirt.

  "It's cold out," Beth whispered. She continued the tease by grabbing the hem of her shirt and asking, "Will you warm them up?"

  John clamped his mouth shut and looked up at her long enough to grin. She licked her lips and pulled her shirt up and over her head, revealing herself to him. She followed his gaze after he gasped and realized she might have gone a little overboard. Her nipples were engorged to the point where she could put an eye out.

  John slid his hands up and cupped her full breasts. His thumbs bumped against her nipples, making him grunt in pleasure. Beth's body stiffened. She felt the tingles and then the heat from his mouth when his lips closed over her hardened nub. His teeth scraped her skin and he sucked on her flesh. Beth grinned and ran her fingers through his hair. His teeth couldn't hurt her, but the sensation was an erotic reminder.

  John's hand slid lower down her sides and caught up in the waist of her jeans. He slid them around to the front and unbuttoned them before pushing them over her hips and down to her boots. Beth leaned against him while she kicked her boots off one at a time and then shimmied her pants the rest of the way down her legs.

  "Woah," John mumbled as she lowered herself to her flat feet. Without her boots she lost a couple inches, surprising him.

  "This doesn't seem fair," Beth said. "I'm naked and you're not."

  "We should do something about that," he agreed.

  Beth grinned and grabbed onto his sweatshirt. She spun, pulling him off balance and twisting until she let him fall back the couch setting beneath his front window. "What—"

  Beth grabbed his pants and yanked, pulling them out from under him before he could realize what was going on.

  He grunted and jerked, staring up at her with wide eye. "Holy shit! You're stronger than you look."

  Beth winked and forced his legs apart. She sank down and sucked him into her mouth without any warning. John gasped and reached for her shoulders, forcing her to slow her movements. "Damn, Liz! You've got to warn me! I almost lost it there."

  She slurped up and then looked at him. "So lose it," she said. "I can take it."

  He chuckled. "Damn! You're amazing. I've never met anyone so oral."

  Beth's lip curled up in a wicked smile. "You have no idea."

  His brow rose. "I bet I don't. But I don't want that right now. I want you. I want to make you feel good."

  "Sucking on you does feel good, baby," Beth said. It wasn't a lie, but it was a twist. "But if you're ready for me, then hold on."

  His brow furrowed. "Hold on?"

  She stood up and straddled him. "I've been thinking about this all day. I hope you're ready because I can't wait much longer."

  "Go ah—" his words were lost in a groan as she held him against her and slid down in one smooth movement that left her sitting in his lap. Her trembled and clamped his hands on top of her thighs, holding her tight. "Wait— give me a minute. Oh my god, you're so… I don't know. This feels incredible!"

  "Tell me," Beth demanded. "Tell me how you feel. Am I tight? Am I wet? Am I hot?"

  She saw the muscles in his jaw clench as he nodded. "God yes, all of that. And more. So much more!"

  Beth bit her lip. Having him inside her felt weird. She felt every inch of him. Every vein and ride. She felt him trembling inside of her and throbbing with each beat of his heart. She closed her eyes, focusing on his pulsing heat and began to clench her muscles in time with them, tightening around him and squeezing him. Milking him.

  "What are you doing?" he breathed. "Oh my god. Liz, wait. You're going to make me— not yet. Let me calm down."

  Beth opened her eyes and shook her head. "Fill me."

  He shook his head. "Please—"

  She began pushing against him and rising up. "I said give it to me. I want it. I want you."

  He kept shaking his head and tried to hold her down but he couldn't hope to match the strength in her thighs. She rose up and down and then reached down to rub herself with her finger. It added a nice tingle but it lacked the power playing with herself used to have. The raw sensation that would steal her breath and send butterflies buzzing through her belly that turned to a nest of hornets before she peaked.

  She wasn't going to come. She knew it. It felt nice and she enjoyed it, but something was wrong. Something was missing. She squeezed John and watched the veins and tendons sticking out as he fought against her. She grinned. He wouldn't make it. She was going to make sure of it.

  "Make love to me, baby," she whispered before she lifted both hands and cupped his face between them. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. "Come. Show me you love me."

  His next gasp gave her the chance to slip her tongue in his mouth and distract him while she drove her hips down against his. He moaned and slid his hands up around her back, holding her tight while he struggled to lift his hips up and drive himself into her. She felt him throbbing and then the hot bursts inside of her spread his warmth in her belly.

  Beth settled down on him and continued kissing him while he trembled and recovered. She could tell from his panting breath that he was having trouble breathing. She tucked her face into the nook where his shoulder met his neck. She kissed him, tasting his skin and teasing herself with how close his blood was. She could bite him almost anywhere, but the throat was the best. The richest and fastest blood came there.

  "Liz, we have to talk," he said after he caught his breath.

  "Talk?" she pouted. She squeezed his softening flesh and said, "Can't we just keep making love over and over?"

  "You didn't get off," he said.

  Beth lifted her face up and smiled at him. "You want me to get off? I'm kind of comfy."

  He chuckled. "That's not what I meant. Orgasm. You didn't have one."

  "How do you know?"

  "Because last time you did."

  "Last night?" Beth asked. She started to shake her head and correct him when he spoke again.

  "No. Our date. In the park."

  "Oh, that," Beth smiled. "A lot has changed since then."

  "Like what? You look different."

  "I do?"

  "Less girl next door hot and more exotic beauty hot."

  "Exotic beauty hot?" Beth asked. She kissed him and said. "I like that. You know how to flatter a girl."

  "It's like you grew up or something. Overnight. From naïve coed to sexual predator."

  "Now that sounds creepy," she said. She wasn't mad, she was amused. She was a predator, just not a— oh wait, she'd all but raped him a few minutes ago. Okay, maybe she was that too. "I guess I did come on a little strong."

  He laughed. "A little."

  "But you liked it."

  "Duh!" he admitted. "Guilty! I'm a guy and you're a wet dream come to life."

  "I know what I want," Beth said. "I want you."

  He smiled and relaxed back into the couch's cushions. His hands slid down her back where he rubbed her lower back and butt. "So what was last night all about? What's the deal with Penny? What's really going on?"

  Beth tilted her head. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

  "Try me."

  "I'd rather just have sex again."

  "You're changing the topic," he accused.

  Beth squeezed him again. "Is that really so bad?"

  John chuckled and sighed. "You're so amazing. I can't even get mad at you. Or at least I can't stay mad at you. But level with me, what's Penny got over you? I can help, I know I can."

  Beth shook her head. "No you can't."

  "I think you're wrong, but for the sake of argument I'll agree with you. I can't help. But I can at least listen."

  Beth rolled her eyes. "Fine. She's like me. Or I'm like

  "What, she's got the same disease?"

  "It's not a disease, it's more of a… condition."

  "This blood disorder you've got?"

  Beth shrugged.

  "So you guys run a nightclub. Works great and keeps you out of the sun, which you said hurts you."

  "Yes," Beth agreed.

  "So what does it do?"

  "Burns," Beth said.

  "It burns? Like a sunburn?"

  "Extreme allergy," she offered.

  "So you're allergic to the sun and you like the night. I can deal with that. I don't care where you work, I want to be with you."

  "You don't know what you want," Beth challenged.

  "Liz, come on, give me some credit. I want you. What's wrong with that?"

  Beth shrugged and grinned. It was nice to hear but it wasn't going the way she wanted it to. She needed to find a way to convince him to leave her alone. The doomed illness thing hadn't worked. Losing control of herself and screwing him hadn't done any better either. Maybe Penny was right, maybe she did need to kill him and get it over with.

  "What just happened?"

  "What?" she snapped.

  "Your face, you just— what's going on? You went from looking like the girl I was going to spend the rest of my life with to a complete stranger. An angry stranger. Liz? Is this some side effect of your medicine? First last night the mood swing and now tonight?"

  "You don't know what you're talking about," Beth snapped. Why couldn't he see it? Why couldn't he understand it! Why couldn't John and Penny and everyone just get out of her business and leave her alone? "Why can't you get it through your head that we can't be together?"

  He stared at her with wide eyes. "What the fu— You called me! You came here! You tried to rape me on my doorstep!"

  Beth stared at him for several seconds. She pulled in a deep breath for show and let it out. She could see it in the set of his jaw and the sparkle in his eyes. He would never leave her. Penny was right. She knew what she had to do. "Fine," she whispered.

  "Fine?" he asked, tilting his head.

  She nodded. She had to fight an urge to laugh at how ridiculous this was. He had no idea what she was talking about. "You win. I will stay with you."

  "What? Just like that? You'll stay with me?"

  "The rest of your life."

  He jerked his head back. "The rest of— Liz, I— no. No, you're right. I do love you. It's crazy, but I do. You've rocked my world and turned me upside down. When I thought I lost you I cried myself to sleep. Crazy, I know, but I did."

  "Shut up," Beth said.

  "I did!" he protested.

  "Here's what we're going to do," she began.

  "My place is kind of small, but I can make room for you," he said.

  Beth put her finger to his lips to silence him. "We can worry about that later. I'm tired, cold, and need a hug."

  He grinned. "That, I can definitely help with."

  Beth lifted herself up enough to let him slide out of her. She glanced down at him and asked, "More of that later?"

  John grinned. "Now, later, anytime you like!"

  Beth licked her lips. "I can't wait, now lay down."

  "Lay down? On the couch?"

  "We could go outside to the front yard if you prefer."

  John laughed and moved over on the couch so he could swing his legs up and lie on it. She lowered herself onto the couch and wrapped her body around his. He grunted and then purred as she snuggled against him and nuzzled her face into his neck.

  "You don't know what you're getting yourself into," Beth said.

  "Whatever it is, you're worth it."

  Beth squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip. He was so sweet and made her feel so special. And in return, she was going to kill him. Oh sure, it would be the best death he could imagine, but that didn't make it any less bitter for her. She kissed his neck again and felt the throbbing heat beneath his skin. So close. So easy. All she had to do was bite.


  "Mmm, yeah?"

  Beth teased his neck, licking and nibbling at it. "I'm in love with you."

  "Me too," he said. "It's crazy, but I don't doubt it."

  "There's a problem."

  "There doesn't have to be. If it's Penny we can find a way to work it out."

  "It's not Penny. It's me."

  "I don't understand."

  "Shhh," Beth whispered and kissed his neck again. "I'm going to do something that makes you feel so good. Better than you've ever felt."

  "I believe it," he said and chuckled. "You've been doing that over and over."

  Beth smiled and squeezed her eyes shut. She felt like she should be crying. But she couldn't. She was too numb to everything around her. She knew what she had to do and she knew she should be bothered by the need to do it, but it kept slipping away from her.

  "Do you trust me?"

  "With my life," he vowed.

  Beth smirked. "Get ready baby, this is going to sting at first."

  "Wait— what?"

  Beth opened her mouth to make room for her extending fangs. He started to turn his face towards her but she scraped her fingernails up his belly and raked them across his left nipple distracting him. His breath hissed through his teeth and his entire body twitched at the stimulation. Before he could recover she bit down, parting the tender flesh of his neck and driving her fangs into the rubbery artery just beneath the surface.

  John stiffened as the first euphoric blast of liquid heat coated her teeth and tongue. She slurped it up and sealed her lips, pulling gently and savoring each decadent pulse of his life blood. He tried to speak but it turned into a moan of contentment.

  Beth squeezed her eyes shut and nursed at the wound, draining him slowly and prolonging the inevitable as long as she could.

  Chapter 13

  Beth's heart squeezed in synchrony with her victim's, spreading his blood through her body and mixing with the drugged blood in her system. The narcotic warmth faded, replaced with a more intimate and natural one. It helped to clear the fog from her mind that left her detached and aloof.

  She stirred and blinked her eyes. starting at the blurry jaw and cheek of the man beneath her. This was John, the man that claimed to trust her with his life. He wanted to be with her. To spend his life with her. To love her. And she was killing him. She had killed him, actually. The second her teeth pierced his skin. Even if she stopped now he would still die. If he rose again, as she had, then Penny would kill him. If not Penny, then someone else.

  The blood in her mouth swelled her cheeks as she forgot to swallow. She squeezed her eyes shut and gulped it down, then continued sucking. Not seeing him didn't help, she still knew. She still felt him. She still touched him. She still loved him.

  "No!" Beth gasped as she lifted herself from his neck. Her hand slapped against him, pressing hard to stem the flow of blood. She stared at his face and then looked down his body. He was relaxed unconscious. His skin was pale and his breathing shallow.

  She felt his heart struggling to push his blood through the damaged artery in his neck. The artery she had pierced. She bit her lip and shifted her hand so her fingers covered the holes, but lessened the pressure on the vessel. His brain needed blood. At least while he still lived, that is.

  "I'm so fucking stupid," she whimpered. She looked around, hoping for something, anything, that would help her. Her skills had grown since she'd risen. Her first kills had been savage and vicious. She'd torn their throats apart trying to find the fountain of youth contained inside. She'd learned with each new victim, locating the artery she chose out of a combination of instinct and supernatural gift. John was her finest kill yet, with her fangs piercing his carotid and pulling back before the vessel was ripped.

  "Please don't die," she hissed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I love you, John. I really do. I was confused and stoned or high or something. It wasn't me. Fuck Penny, we'll find a way. I'll find a way. I won't let anyone hurt you!"

  He slept on,
oblivious to her apologies and promises.

  Beth held on to him, pressing her hand against him and resting her head on his chest. She listened to his heart and timed hers to beat twice as fast, warming her with the blood she'd taken and sharing her heat with him. She lost track of time while she huddled against him and begged the spirits she'd welcomed into her body to spare him. When she finally lifted her head and glanced around she saw the glowing clock on the cable box sitting below his television. It was nearly four thirty in the morning. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but she knew it was hours.

  She took her hand away from his neck at last and saw the angry red holes marks in his skin. They were swollen and scabbed over, but no less ugly for it. No fresh blood oozed from them, yet she felt his heart beating on in his chest.

  Beth rose from the couch, taking her time and watching him to see if he stirred. He didn't. She bit her lip and shook her head. She was such an idiot. Why would she ever think the best way out of this was to kill him? Because of Penny? No! Penny gave her other options. She could have enslaved him, but done it in the way that Penny had done to her. Penny loved her, so she gave her back her will. Sure, she could have taken it again with a word, but she hadn't. Beth could have done that instead.

  Instead she'd done this. She'd tricked herself into thinking it was the best way. No strings. No worries. Sure, maybe it was cleaner but he deserved better than this. His only mistake was in loving someone as stupid and pathetic as she was. Maybe this was why Crystal had moved on. The same reason she hadn't offered the change to her. Beth wasn't worthy of being a werewolf. Or having friends.

  "I'm so sorry," she whispered. She turned and saw a folded blanket on the back of a recliner. She grabbed it and threw it over him. She made sure his arms and feet were covered before turning and staring around his small house again. where would bandages be? The kitchen, or bathroom?

  She found them in the bathroom. No gauze or tape, just band-aids. She rolled her eyes. She'd figured a police officer would be better prepared. She took them back out and peeled the backing off several of them, covering the wounds with multiple bandages to make sure he wouldn't start bleeding again. Or so she hoped. She stared at her job and clenched her teeth in frustration and anger. This was her fault. All of it. She'd just doomed him, even if he survived the night.


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