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Taken Page 7

by Jennifer Dawson

  Jillian leans closer to me and mock whispers, “Something tells me you’re winning.”

  “Oh, I am.” My tone is sly and conspiratorial.

  She sits back to settle against Leo. “I like you.”

  Leo puts his hand on her thigh and grips her bare leg. “That’s dangerous.”

  “Indeed,” she says, sweetly.

  He moves up her thigh, and she lets out a little gasp. Leo zeros in on me and he’s so direct I try not to fidget. “My wife likes danger.”

  “Lucky you.”

  He laughs. “Very much so.”

  I shift my attention to Layla. “Brandon said, soon-to-be wife, are you getting married soon?”

  Layla’s expression opens with excitement. “Yes, in a few months.”

  “How lovely. Where are you getting married?” In my experience, brides are always up for discussing their upcoming nuptials.

  “Salvage One,” Layla says, naming one of the hottest wedding spots in all of Chicago.

  “I love that place,” I say, falling into my place in the conversation. “Are you going outdoors or in?”

  She wrinkles her nose. “In. That time of year is too risky.”

  “Well, you can’t go wrong, that place is to die for. I’m sure it will exceed your expectations.” I make a mental note to call and talk with the owner, and to send the happy couple something special on their day. My rule is I can use my trust fund only for good, and I’m positive this counts.

  I turn to Ruby and Chad. “And you’re getting married as well?”

  Ruby grins down at her fiancé. “Yeah, but we’re just getting started. We’re recently engaged.”

  “Congratulations. How exciting.” I hold out my hand. “Can I see the ring?”

  She doesn’t even let me finish the sentence before she’s thrusting it out for me to admire. I have to admit, it’s quite a ring. At least two carats, it’s a clear emerald cut with a simple band. It suits her perfectly. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She holds up her hand and tilts her head to look at it. “I’m still not used to it.”

  I smile at Chad. “You have good taste in rings.”

  He laughs. “And women.”

  “I can see that.” I shift back to Ruby. “So no date set?”

  “Nope. I want to elope.” She waves a hand at the group. “But they won’t let me.”

  “Well, you’re the bride,” I say, my tone light.

  Layla scoffs. “She only wants to elope because she hates attention. That’s not a good reason.”

  Ruby rolls her eyes. “I don’t see why we need to make a big deal about it. It’s a wedding. Marriage is the important part.”

  Chad squeezes her. “Sorry, little girl, you’re outnumbered. No eloping. I agreed to small.”

  Ruby’s brow furrows. “But between your family, mine and friends that’s over a hundred people.”

  “That’s small,” he says, gazing at her with such love and affection I can’t help but be a little jealous.

  I’ve never had a man look at me like that. I’ve never had a man look at me the way any of these guys look at their women. There’s something in the air between them. Like a subtle tension pulling them all tight. Not a bad tension, but it’s something, and it pulses through the air.

  “It is not small! Your mom emailed me a list of two hundred people she wants to invite.”

  He laughs. “It’s her first wedding. She’ll calm down.”

  Ruby rubs her temples. “Just thinking about all those doctors from your side mixing with the religious, small town group from mine is making me tense.”

  He grips her chin and forces her face to his before looking deep into her eyes. “Hey. None of that. This is about you and me. Nobody but us matters.”

  She nods and he releases her. She puffs out her lower lip. “But I want to elope.”

  “No you don’t. You’re just overwhelmed at the attention and details,” he says.

  She curls into him, and he wraps his arm around her, kissing her temple. “Don’t worry, it will be perfect.”

  She nods. “Okay.”

  “That’s settled.” Layla claps her hands. “Now we need to go shopping for a dress.”

  Ruby chuckles and shakes her head. “Not until after your wedding. Besides my mom wants to come. And my sister. And niece.” She sighs. “And Chad’s mom.”

  “And me,” Jillian says, “Don’t forget me.”

  Layla snaps her fingers. “And Ashley, since she’s now dating your future brother-in-law.”

  Ruby straightens and shakes her head. “How did this happen?”

  My they are an intricate, close-knit group, obviously all connected in a tangled web of interconnected relationships.

  Jillian winks at me. “What about you, Veronica? Do you want to go dress shopping with Ruby too?”

  I laugh; knowing they are kidding, but appreciate she’s trying to include me. “Only if you promise to let me call the manager at Belle Vie Bridal Couture to get you a special appointment.”

  I’m name dropping. I admit it. I’m not ashamed.

  Layla’s and Jillian’s mouths drop open. “No. Way.”

  Ruby’s expression crinkles in confusion. “What’s that?”

  Layla gives her friend an exasperated glare. “Only the place to get your dress.”

  “Is it expensive?” Ruby asks.

  “Of course,” Jillian says.

  Ruby shakes her head. “Pass.”

  I smile. “Well, let me know, even if you don’t get your dress from them you really should go there at least once. They’ll make you feel like a princess.”

  From the corner of my eye I see Brandon walking toward us, and my heart speeds up at the sight of him. Our eyes lock, and the conversation around me dims, growing fainter and fainter the closer he approaches.

  When he reaches the group, he says, “You didn’t run her off yet, I see.”

  The room blares back into focus.

  Jillian cranes her neck to peer at Brandon. “Hardly, in fact, we’ve decided to keep her.”

  This fills me with such glee I can barely contain myself.

  Brandon sighs. “Why am I not surprised?”

  I quirk a grin in his direction. “Because your friends are an excellent judge of character?”

  His brow rises. “Or you’re a con-artist.”

  “I prefer persuasive and tenacious, thank you.” I keep my voice light, and proper.

  Jillian straightens her shoulders. “I demand you hire her.”

  Brandon gives her a look of affection before turning to Leo. “Your woman is getting bossy.”

  “Looks that way,” Leo says.

  “Do you intend to rectify that?” Brandon crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Why, do you want to help?” Leo shoots back, before smirking at me.

  It’s like they are all having a type of veiled conversation. Brandon is clearly in on their secrets. I bide my time, awaiting his response.

  He shrugs. “If you’re unable to handle the job.”

  Leo laughs.

  Brandon shifts his attention to Ruby. “Are you ready, darling?”

  Ruby stands and straightens her skirt. “Ready.”

  Chad encircles her wrist with his long fingers and pulls her down before covering her mouth with his. In my circles, public affection is frowned upon, especially in company. Most deliver chaste kisses to cheeks, or brief brushes over lips.

  But that’s not what I experience now.

  Chad devours Ruby’s mouth, curling his free hand around her leg and pushing her skirt up in his path. Ruby, who’d given me every impression of a woman not intent on wanting to attract attention, sinks into the kiss, seeming unconcerned with her audience.

  They slowly pull apart and I watch as his fingers flex on her wrist before he says, “Sing pretty.”

  “I will.” She gives him an intimate, killer smile and he releases her. She turns to Brandon. “Any requests?”

  He glance
s at me, his expression unreadable. “Whatever you desire.”

  His blue eyes seem to hypnotize me, and by the time I manage to pull away, Ruby is already onstage, talking to band members that have appeared. After a few minutes of discussion, she takes center stage and the lights dim, casting her in spotlight.

  I can’t help looking at her fiancé, wondering if he’s nervous for her.

  Up there in front of everyone, she seems to transform into something exotic and mysterious. I have no idea what to expect as she starts to sing, but from the second she belts out the first cords to, Be My Husband, by Nina Simone I’m kind of stunned by her voice. It’s deep, raspy and soulful, and the whole room sort of stills to listen to her.

  Chad doesn’t take his eyes off her as she sings and I’m transfixed by his expression until I feel the tug of Brandon’s gaze on me, pulling me to him.

  Our eyes meet, and even in the darkness, the intensity of his stare is unmistakable. My throat goes dry, and I’m unable to glance away. A thousand words pass between us and in that moment I know this isn’t about business. It’s about us. Him and me. The chemistry and that spark I’ve been trying to shove down, roars to greedy, demanding life.

  My heart starts to beat a frantic rhythm, and as Ruby sings in her rich, soulful voice accompanied only by the beat of a drum, I have a sudden bold desire to rise and go to him, push him down on one of these lush, leather chairs and straddle him. I want to press my mouth against his while her fevered song wraps around me.

  And suddenly, it’s over. The spell breaks as the music ends and I’m left wondering if it was in my imagination. Brandon stands and walks over to the stage, and I watch as he talks to Ruby and the other musicians. Another man, a tall, broad, handsome black man, with a close cropped dark hair and chiseled features joins them and they all start gesturing around, obviously discussing the acoustics.

  It’s a lot of activity, but Brandon is who captures my attention. He’s fascinating to watch. The tilt of his head when he listens. The set of his jaw. The flex of his muscles moving under his shirt as he motions.

  The more I watch him, the more captivated I become, until I’m so riveted I’m forced to tear my gaze away and look straight into the eyes of Jillian Santoro. I’m caught red-handed.

  And before I can stop it, a flush spreads over my cheeks.

  She smiles.

  I smile back, shrugging.

  Her lips widen into a grin. “Do you need to use the restroom, Veronica? I have to go, and I thought maybe you’d need to as well before you leave.”

  The hair on the back of my neck rises as my instincts go on high alert. Instincts I know aren’t wrong when her husband casts her a sideways glance, a smirk on his face.

  I debate, but in the end curiosity gets the best of me and I nod. “Sure, thanks.”

  I stand, and only when Jillian stands do I realize how tall she is. Even at five-seven I feel practically tiny next to her. I follow, and out the corner of my eye, I spot Brandon turning to watch me.

  I don’t know exactly what possesses me, but I raise my hand and waggle my fingers before disappearing down the hall.

  * * *


  I’m standing next to my friends, staring down the corridor where Veronica and Jillian disappeared, wondering what they are possibly up to, when Michael’s voice rips me from my thoughts.

  “Christ. He’s smitten,” he says, amusement clear in his tone.

  I frown, jerking my attention back to my surroundings. I know he’s talking about me, but I’m not about to admit it. I shove my hands into my pockets. “I’d hope so, Chad is marrying the girl.”

  Chad chuckles. “He’s not talking about me.”

  I raise a brow. “You’re not smitten with the lovely, Ruby?”

  Leo rolls his eyes. “Dude, you are fucked.”

  “I’m afraid you’ve lost me.” I am putting on a very good show, my voice maintaining its normal coolness, but deep down I know they aren’t buying it.

  That’s the problem with real friends. They know you. And these guys know me better than anyone else. I can’t fool them. Instinctively, they’ve looked at Veronica and myself interact, and know there’s something between us. Something that isn’t typical for me.

  Layla straightens, her blue eyes dancing. “I like her.”

  “It’s just business, darling girl, but I’m glad you approve.” I can’t help glancing down the hall where the women disappeared. They’d made quite a sight. Jillian leading the way like an amazon warrior, her shoulders back, spine straight, all that lush hair streaming down her back. With Jillian’s larger-than-life presence one would think Veronica would disappear, but instead she made a startling contrast. All that refined, cool beauty hiding all that fiery passion. It’s her eyes that betray her. She can’t mask her hunger.

  It’s the hunger that reaches inside me and twists.

  The desire I’d experienced on the balcony pales in comparison to the lust that’s taken hold of me since she walked through that door. I finally have the answer to what her hair looks like down, it’s smooth and silky, cascading to the middle of her back.

  I want to drag my fingers through it. I want to mess it up.

  If only it were chemistry, but there’s something else. It practically burns up the air when our eyes meet. I have no idea how to make it through dinner without touching her.

  I see the women appear, and my eyes lock on Veronica in her sleek black dress. She moves like a rich girl, all glide and grace, and it shouldn’t call to me, but does. I get a flash of pushing her against a wall, raising the hem of her dress, sliding my fingers into her panties.

  I shake it off, but I’m sure I’m not hiding the intensity of my expression because she falters a little before tilting her chin with that hint of defiance. When she’s standing in front of me, her spine straightens and her shoulders square, as though she’s preparing for battle.

  And I suppose that isn’t far from the truth.

  My fingers twitch with the desire to wrap them around her wrist, but I smile, my gaze flickering over her features. “Did you have fun?”

  Her honey eyes spark. “I did.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes.” Her voice betrays her; it’s a bit too husky for casual.

  “Where are you going to dinner?” Jillian asks, her tone innocent. Too innocent.

  I tear my gaze away from Veronica. “None of your business.”

  She plants her hands on her hips. “Maybe we should come since you’ve been having such a hard time finding someone on your own. We can help.” She smirks at me. “Besides, I already know Veronica is the one.”

  “I don’t think we’re invited, girl.” Leo’s voice is filled with amusement.

  Jillian puffs out her lower lip in a pout. “I think it would be fun.”

  “No.” The word firm, and absolute. I turn to Veronica, grasp her elbow, ignoring the current that races along my skin and her almost imperceptible shudder. “It’s time to leave, Veronica.”

  Her pink tongue flicks over her lips and she nods, before waving, “It’s nice to meet you all.”

  “You too,” Jillian says, beaming. “Don’t forget to call me.”

  Inwardly, I groan. This is just like Jillian.

  “I won’t,” Veronica says.

  “Come to brunch with us, Sunday,” Layla says, quickly jumping on the Veronica bandwagon.

  “Yes, come,” Ruby follows, before pressing her hands together in prayer. “Pretty please. Just us girls.”

  God help me.

  Veronica’s entire face lights up as though she’s just been given the keys to the Forbidden City. “I’d love to.”

  “It’s a date,” Jillian says, waving. “Go. We’ll talk.”

  I shake my head.

  Leo curls his hand around his wife’s thigh and smirks. “So fucked.”

  I look down at Veronica, and to my horror, my heart actually skips a beat.

  He’s right. I’m fucked.



  We are sitting at an intimate table for two in GT Prime, a steak place filled with dark gray woods, plush chairs and low lighting. Brandon ordered wine, and we’d decided on the bone marrow for an appetizer.

  He’d had a car service take us, and the ride over was filled with tension that has made me hum with excitement. Now that the orders have been taken, there’s nothing to distract from the space between us where everything lays unspoken.

  The restaurant still gives me no answers. It’s both the kind of place you’d take someone for a business dinner, and seductive. All the warmth, the rich woods, and candlelight wraps around me, almost cocooning us.

  He folds his hands on the table. “And what have you been doing with yourself since you blew up your life, Veronica?”

  It’s not the question I expect, but I answer honestly. “I bought a small one-bedroom condo with a view of the lake.”

  He nods. “How did that make you feel?”

  I bite my lower lip. “Free.”

  “It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?” The corners of his mouth tilt, but he doesn’t deepen into the smile enough to flash those dimples of his.

  I answer with a question of my own. “You can relate?”

  “I can.” He doesn’t elaborate.

  I decide my current strategy is working and go for bold. “Have you ever told anyone why you left our life?”

  His gaze flickers. “No, I have not.”

  I lean forward. “Will you tell me?”

  His eyes narrow, and he shrugs. “I’m afraid it’s not much of a story.”

  “I’m not looking for a story.” I bring my wine to my lips and take a sip. “I’m just looking to understand you.”

  “And why do you want to understand me?” He tracks my movements, like he’s a predator, and I can’t quite repress the shudder. “Do you attempt to understand all your prospective employers?”


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