The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

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The Badge Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1) Page 13

by Tyler, Paige

  Capri lay there, mesmerized by the image of the two of them stretched out on the bed with their cuffed hands in front of them. It was like a scene out of an erotic movie. She was so excited her pussy actually ached.

  It was all she could do not to follow Sam with her eyes as he moved around behind them again. Would he spank her first, or Aly?

  She was betting on Aly, but she still jumped when she heard the heavy paddle come down with a thud on her friend's ass. Capri turned her head enough so she could see Aly get her bottom smacked.

  Sam was in the same position he'd been earlier, one hand firm on Aly's lower back as the other swung the paddle with a precise, confident rhythm. While it was much quieter than the one he’d used on her friend that first night, she knew from trying it out on herself that it packed a wallop. She could practically feel the impact of wood against flesh all the way through the bed. If that wasn’t enough to make her realize how punishing the paddle was, Aly’s reaction sure as heck did. Whereas her friend had looked completely relaxed when Sam’d spanked her with his hand, now she jerked and yelped with every smack.

  Capri reached over and grabbed Aly's cuffed hands, wanting to give her friend the same comfort Aly had given her before. But apparently, Aly wasn't as distressed as Capri'd thought. In fact, she lifted her ass to meet each and every smack Sam gave her with the paddle. Her yelps had even turned to cries of what sounded like pleasure. If Capri didn’t know better, she’d think her friend was getting the hell fucked out of her. Even her face looked like she was close to coming.

  Aly didn’t climax, though. At least Capri didn’t think so. But when Sam finally stepped back to leave her friend lying wrung out on the bed with her ass cheeks glowing red, she wasn’t so sure. Aly moaned softly, undulating her hips. She definitely looked as if she was trying to recover from a body-shaking orgasm.

  It was the sexiest thing Capri had ever seen.

  Sam ran his hand slowly and sensually over his wife’s freshly spanked ass. “You okay, babe?”

  Aly let out a moan. Which could have meant yes, she was okay. Or it could have meant she hadn't understood a word of what her husband had said. After a moment, she lifted her head and looked over her shoulder at him, a brilliant smile on her pretty face. “That was epic, hun. Moments like this remind me why I married you.”

  Her husband chuckled. “I’m not sure if that was the answer I was looking for, considering that spanking was supposed to be a punishment.”

  Oh yeah, he was definitely on to Aly’s little game.

  Sam’s gaze lingered on her a little longer before he turned his attention on Capri. “You ready for your strapping?”

  If it transported her to whatever planet Aly had been on? Hell, yes! Capri took a deep breath and nodded.

  He picked up the strap. “To use this the way I want to use it, I’m going to have to stand back, which means I won’t be able to put my hand on your back. You'll have to stay in position. Think you can do that?”

  Could she? She’d squirmed around like crazy when he’d spanked her with his hand.

  Beside her, Aly nodded her head.

  Capri looked back at Sam. He was standing there in his sexy-ass cop uniform with that wicked looking strap in his big, strong hand, eyeing her bare bottom with extreme interest. She couldn’t control the quiver of excitement that went through her. She was going to have to remember that look when she was pleasuring herself with her vibrator later.

  She suddenly realized she hadn’t answered his question. “I can handle anything you've got.” Then, because she couldn’t help herself, she added, “Officer.”

  His mouth curved. “I was hoping you'd say that. Turn around.”

  Capri obeyed. Behind her, the strap whistled through the air and smacked against her ass with a loud thwack.

  The sting wasn’t anything like when she’d tried it out on herself earlier. It felt as if her bottom was on fire.


  The word was out before Capri could stop herself. She whipped her head around to look over her shoulder. She couldn't see her own ass from this position, of course, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try.

  “Is the strap too much for you?” Sam didn’t wait for an answer. “I thought it might be. Aly clearly overestimated your tolerance for pain. I won’t hold you to her choice if you want to pick something else.”

  Capri knew she should bail on the strap, but she couldn't do it. Call her stubborn, or call her competitive. If Aly could handle that heavy paddle, she could handle the leather strap. Besides, she’d been dreaming about getting spanked with it since she’d seen the darn thing. She wasn’t about to miss her chance.

  “No,” she said softly. “I'm fine. It just surprised me, that’s all. Go ahead and use the strap. I can handle it.”

  Sam looked taken aback at that, but then shrugged. “If you’re sure. Eyes front then.”

  Capri obeyed. She tried not to hold her breath as she waited, but when the strap landed again, this time on the other cheek, the air burst from her lungs. Strangely enough, it didn’t sting as much as it had the first time. Maybe Sam hadn't swung it as hard. Perhaps he'd been testing her before, evaluating whether she was serious about this.

  But she was very serious. She wanted this strapping with all her heart.

  And Sam gave it to her.

  She tried to heed Sam's orders and do her best not to wiggle around, but it was impossible not to move a little bit. Okay, a lot. She jerked on the bed like she had ants in her pants—if she'd been wearing pants. While part of her desperately wanted to get away from the strap, the other part begged for each and every lash.

  Capri didn’t have a lot of experience with getting spanked. Okay, any experience. But in her opinion, Sam applied the strap like a master. He never allowed it to strike the same place twice in a row and he never lashed her harder than she could take.

  She gripped the blanket tightly, for no other reason than that it gave her a firm anchor to shove her ass back. If she were bolder, she would have begged him to smack her ass harder, but that wasn't something she could do. So instead, she imitated Aly and pushed her derriere up higher in the air to meet the strap.

  All that wiggling only got her more aroused. Wetness seeped from her pussy to make a gooey mess between her thighs. She rubbed them together, grinding against the bed. Much more of this and she might actually come.

  “Harder,” she breathed.

  The word was barely above a whisper, much too soft for Sam to hear above the sound of leather on skin.

  But Aly heard her. “She wants it a little harder, babe.”

  It sounded even sexier when her friend said it.

  Capri could have kissed Aly as the long piece of leather began to fall harder and harder, wrapping around her ass cheeks to lash her with its fiery kiss.

  She came then. Not a huge, soul-searing climax—she wasn't getting enough direct stimulation on her clit for that. But it still made her moan in pleasure.

  Somewhere in the middle of her climax, Sam stopped strapping her. Capri didn't complain. His timing had been perfect. She was sated.

  Or at least her ass was.

  Her pussy, on the other hand, was a completely different matter. The orgasm she’d just had only whetted her appetite for more. As soon as she could get out of these cuffs, she was going to race back to her room and work her vibrator until it burned out.

  Beside her, Aly reached out and gently pushed her hair back from her face. “You're a strap girl alright. Told you.”

  Capri smiled. “I will never doubt you on such matters again.”

  Sam walked around the bed to stand in front of them. “I’m not sure if this spanking had the intended effect or not. Something tells me I've been played.”

  Capri cringed. She hoped he wasn’t angry. She reluctantly lifted her gaze to look at him and was relieved to see a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

  Sam reached for Aly's handcuffs, all set to take them off, but she pulled away
. “Don't start thinking you're done just because the spanking is over with. You know how hot I get after you redden my ass. And watching Capri get strapped like that turned me on so much I'll explode if you don't do something about it—and I mean right now.”

  Capri knew exactly how her friend felt. She was eager to get to her bedroom and that vibrator.

  Sam chuckled. “Why do you think I'm taking off the cuffs? So Capri can leave.”

  Aly pushed herself up on her forearms. “I was thinking Capri could stay.”

  Sam looked as if his wife had smacked him in the head with a two-by-four. Capri was pretty damn stunned herself. Sure, tricking Sam into giving both of them a spanking was one thing, but asking him to agree to putting on a close-up and personal sex show for Capri? That was something completely different.

  Then again, her friend liked being watched as much as Capri liked watching. Still, it was crazy, even for Aly.

  Sam’s eyes narrowed. “You want Capri to watch us have sex?”

  Okay, apparently Sam knew more about his wife's kink than Capri thought. And honestly? He didn't seem too against the idea.

  “No.” Aly’s lips curved into a sultry smile. “I want her to join us.”

  It was Capri’s turn to feel as if she'd been pole axed with that two-by-four. She couldn’t have heard right.

  “What?” was the only semi-intelligent word that Sam could force past his lips.

  Capri couldn't say anything at all.

  “I’ve already told you that Capri is my best friend in the world and that we share everything. Why wouldn't I share my husband with her, too?” Aly gave Sam a reproving look. “Besides, it would be horrible of you to send her off to her bed after getting her so hot and bothered. I could never let Capri settle for a vibrator while I was having sex with you. What kind of woman does that to her best friend?”

  Words finally escaped Capri's mouth. “Aly, are you crazy? I couldn't have sex with Sam. He's your husband!”

  Aly gave her a hurt look. “Are you saying you don't find him attractive?”

  That brought Capri up short. “Of course I do, but…”

  “And don't try to tell me you aren't horny as hell,” Aly said. “I know you got hot from that spanking.”

  Capri blushed and ducked her head, keenly aware of Sam’s appraising eyes.

  Aly scooted closer, nudging Capri's shoulder with her own. “Well, didn’t you?”

  Her friend wasn't going to let her get away without answering. “Yes, I did.”

  Aly leaned in even closer and whispered in her ear. “And I bet you had all kinds of fantasies about Sam after watching him fuck me last night, right?”

  Capri’s color deepened. Her friend knew her so well. “Yes,” she whispered back, too low for Sam to hear. She couldn’t believe she was even admitting that. Like Aly said, they shared everything. “But that was just a fantasy.”

  Aly's eyes sparkled. “And here's your chance to make it a reality.” The words came out husky and low, her breath warm on Capri’s cheek. “You know I’d never consider making an offer like this to anyone but you. When I say you're my best friend in the world, I'm not kidding. There’s nothing I wouldn't share with you—even my husband. But if you aren't interested in him that way, it’s okay. We can forget I brought it up.”

  Capri had been attracted to Sam since the moment she’d met him. And standing there in his uniform, he was a double temptation. And the strapping he’d given her had put her in seriously horny mood. But how could she ever look her best friend in the eye again if she slept with her husband?

  “Just think about all the new things we'll have to talk about over the phone when you go home.” Aly winked. “Yet one more thing we’ll have in common.”

  Capri's defenses crumbled at that. “Are you really sure this is what you want?”

  “I'm very sure, girlfriend.” Aly took her hand. “But only if you want it, too.”

  Capri lifted her gaze to Sam. The thought of his hard, naked body against hers was so intoxicating she was almost dizzy. How could she resist an offer like this?

  She opened her mouth to agree only to stop as an idea suddenly occurred to her. Aly had been so wrapped up in what she wanted that she’d forgotten one thing. “What if Sam isn't interested in a threesome?” Capri felt her face heat. “He might not even be attracted to me.”

  Aly stared at her incredulously for a moment, then rolled onto her hip and looked up at her husband. Capri’s stomach dropped. Oh God, please don’t let Aly ask if Sam found her attractive. If he said no, she wouldn’t even be able to slink out of the room with her tail between her legs. Not with the handcuffs on and her jeans bunched around her ankles.

  “Sam, there’s one person, and one person only, I’d ever consider inviting into our bed, and that’s Capri,” Aly said. “She’s decided she's game. What about you? Think you can handle two of us at once?”

  A slow, sexy smile curved his mouth. “I’m a trained law-enforcement professional. I think I can manage. Besides, if either of you misbehave, I’ll just spank you again.”

  Capri’s pussy spasmed. She was so hot right now she might spontaneously combust. She couldn't believe this was really happening. As vacations went, this one was going to stay at the top of her list for the rest of her life.

  Beside her, Aly rolled over onto her back, wiggling her feet in the air and giving her husband a grin. “Think you can help get these pants off of us then?”

  As Sam moved around to that side of the bed, Capri turned onto her back. She watched him slowly take off his wife's shoes, then her jeans before finally stripping her of her tiny panties. When he was done, he turned his attention on Capri. Her pulse quickened as he reached for her shoes. She had no idea how he was able to make the simple act of taking off her jeans sexy, but as he lifted her legs high to draw the bunched material over her feet, then did the same with her panties, she had to bite her lips to keep from moaning. The move gave him a perfect shot of her very wet pussy. There was no way he could miss her arousal. If the hunger in his dark eyes was anything to go by, he hadn’t.

  Tossing her panties on top of her discarded jeans, he took a ring of keys from his pocket, then caught Aly’s cuffed wrists and pulled her into a sitting position. “I’m only taking these off so you can get completely naked,” he said when she opened her mouth to protest. “Then they’re going right back on.”

  Another thrill of excitement surged through Capri. The idea of being handcuffed while Sam fucked her was hot as hell.

  While Aly stripped off her tee, Capri sat up and presented her bound wrists to Sam. He unlocked the cuffs, then looked at her expectantly. Realizing he was waiting for her to take off the rest of her clothes, she pulled her tank top over her head, then reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Next to her, Aly did the same. Sam’s eyes turned molten as they slowly slipped off one strap, then the other before finally allowing the final scraps of material to fall.

  Sam let out a groan as their bare breasts came into view. He looked so spellbound by having two naked women in front of him that Capri was half afraid he’d forget about the handcuffs. But he was as good as his word, cuffing Aly, then her. Capri thought she’d felt submissive before lying over the bed with her bare bottom on display, but on a scale of one to ten, being handcuffed and naked was off the charts.

  Getting to her feet, Aly slipped her hands over her husband's head. He was tall and she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach that high, but she didn’t seem to mind as she pulled his head down for a long, sensual kiss. Sam slid his hands down to cup her freshly spanked, still glowing ass.

  As if drawn by a magnet, Capri rose from the bed and stepped closer. There was something extremely erotic being so near to their intimate contact. Seeing their mouths move on each other’s was almost hypnotic. She could almost taste Sam as Aly's tongue danced with his.

  Aly stood there long after the kiss ended, her forehead resting against Sam’s, their breath mingling. Finally, she lifted her arms over Sam’
s head and stepped back to look at Capri.

  “Your turn, girlfriend.”

  Capri wet her lips, trembling as much from excitement as nervousness. When she hesitated, Sam reached out and grasped her cuffed hands to pull her close. She automatically lifted her arms as Aly had done, placing them over his head and around his neck.

  The position put the entire front of her body in contact with his. The rough material of his uniform shirt scraped against her nipples while his leather equipment belt pressed into her belly. And right below that, his erection strained at the front of his pants, hot and hard against her nether regions. He wasn’t even naked and the effect he had on her was dizzying.

  Sam slid his hands down her sides, past her hips, letting them come to rest on her bottom. Her cheeks were still tender from the strapping, and her skin tingled at the feel of his warm hands. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he slowly massaged her ass. She wasn’t sure how she managed to sway against him considering they were standing so close already, but she did.

  She held her breath, waiting for him to kiss her, but he only continued to caress her ass cheeks, making her wait for it. “Aly,” he said, his eyes never wavering from Capri’s, “do you mind if I kiss your very sexy girlfriend?”

  “God, no.” Aly’s voice was a low, almost desperate whisper. “In fact, I think I can speak for both of us when I say you should definitely kiss Capri right now.”

  Sam's head dipped down and he captured her mouth with his. There was a moment of gentle questing on his part, then he slid one hand up her back to weave his fingers in her long hair, holding her tight. All at once, the kiss went from gentle and tentative to urgent and hot. Capri melted against him as his tongue plunged into her mouth to tangle with hers. Damn, she hadn't been kissed like this in a long time.

  But while he was both hungry and demanding in his possession of her mouth—not so surprising for a man who loved to spank his women—Sam gave as much pleasure as he took. Capri could have spent the rest of the night kissing him, and she almost protested when he pulled away and gently lifted her arms over his head. Sam was responsible for pleasuring two women now, though. He had to divide his time appropriately.


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