Limonov vs. Putin

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Limonov vs. Putin Page 31

by Edward Limonov

  There is no doubt that this man, heading the Russian State, has lost himself in time. He and his army of functionaries. And all his servants: prosecutor generals and FSB gendarmes, the structure of his State is a tsarist one. Let us recall what Lermontov wrote:

  Russia, miserable Russia

  Country of slaves, country of masters,

  And you, blue uniforms,

  And you, obedient people…

  So nothing has changed. Everything has come back. All these “Butchers of freedom, genius and glory/ a greedy crowd standing at the throne.” Everything is in place. We can make a roll call.

  The prosecutor general wears a “blue uniform”. Here they are, these guardians of law, weighting between 150 and 200 kilograms: Ustinov, Kolesnikov: some are thin like all deputy generals, Kolmogorov, Biryukov, Shepel and others. Ustinov (the prosecutor general, the main supervisor over the execution of laws that has recently proposed to take the terrorists’ relatives in hostages) and his team. Everybody answers: “Present! We’re here! Ready to serve!”

  – The Cossacks? Where are the Cossacks?

  – Present! – The cops answer. – We are the Cossacks of this regime. We disperse popular meetings.

  – Is the third section, the okhranka, present?

  – We’re here, the gang from the Federal Security Service answers. Masters of provocation, attentive listeners and secret agents with big hot ears. “State security” that allowed to destroy the USSR in 1991 and that is now specialized in the beating and capture of boys and girls from the NBP. Knights of cape and dagger that have arrested me on charges of organizing a seizure from Kazakhstan populated by Russians of the Eastern-Kazakh region, organizing illegal armed groups and buying arms for this goal. Just think about it, the Russian special services arrested me for this! They should have given me a medal for this, if they thought that. Why did they put me in prison, me, a patriot? And they intended to leave me behind bars forever, to leave me rot there. Only they did not manage to prove, how sad. – The okhranka is here, the FSB doesn’t sleep!

  – Where are the people from Okhotny Ryad? – Those with big bellies (before they had beards too, but now they are smooth-faced), the most reactionary obscurantist forces in Russia. These were the merchants before, now it is the deputies.

  – We are here, as usual, Okhotny Ryad, house number 2! – the United Russia deputies answer. They are so reactionary; soon they will forbid the birds to fly.

  – Is the Union of Mikhail the Archangel present? – This one is unlikely to be here. But it is here. The Nashi organization headed by brother Yakemenko; lie in the eye, the services paid by the president’s Administration. Like a hundred years earlier they are always ready to break the skull of the Sovereign’s enemies. A modern feature: the insolents mockingly call themselves “antifascists” and Putin’s opponents – “fascists”.

  On the first sight Rasputin seems to be missing, but there is the concrete Cathedral of Christ the Savior, there is the modified Principal Pope, ubiquitous like Rasputin, the Patriarch Alexey, he participates everywhere. They say for 500 kg of gold, given to him for goldening the domes of the church, in 1996 he called his flock not to vote for the communist Zyuganov. There are lesser popes, huge butts in skirts. What tsarism can there be without the popes? The archpriest Chaplin visited the Nashi on the Seliger; he blessed them for the beatings, the official representative of the Orthodox Church, with a two-meters waist.

  Well, the functionaries, they are immortal everywhere! There are all sorts of them: fat and phlegmatic, like Mironov from the Federation Council, thin and hysterical like Veshnyakov from the Central Electoral Committee, polished like a piano, like Zurabov. (It seems this Zurabov is wearing two ties at the same time.) There was also Pochinok, a totally clumsy guy with saliva in the corner of his mouth, but he disappeared. And what about the hamster Stepashin… And Dmitry Kazak, or Kozak-his face is a combination of a saw with an axe. And this Grizlov, it seems that he has holes in his faces, he was eaten. He rusted to holes. My God! What kind of people is there! And the girls, the functionary girls, matriarchy, all in nail varnish, combed forever like the British queen, Slizka and Matvienko! Oh! The functionary girls with the mighty butts of hippopotamuses. There is not a good enough singer for you!

  – We are here! The functionaries answer. And they all hid behind the little popularly elected, the wicked, they hid behind him and look up.

  All these defenders of the throne probably think that they are the Holy Russia, respecting the bases. While, in reality they are characters from the past, gloomily conserved in Russia’s frozen climate. The Satanist Russia.

  Putin’s autocracy’s main defect does not even consist of keeping the population in poverty. Putin’s group’s regime should not be measured by economic indicators (although even by these it looks miserable) but by the quantity of humiliations, suffering, pain and non-freedom brought to the citizens. By these indicators Putin’s regime must be condemned as inhuman. The unbearably haughty, anti-democratic, anti-civilizational, medieval attitude to the person – this is its principal defect. The model of a paternalist State with a severe father, its highness the “President-Boss” at the head of it is really a GUIN model of a prison camp. I was detained in one of those, Number 13, in the Zavolzhie steppes. There, obedient detainees are rewarded only with not being beaten, while the non-obedient ones are beaten, injured and killed. The model of a State-camp does not have to exist in the XIX century. Such States are not normal, they are gloomily old-fashioned.

  He behaves like a bad father towards us. And himself?

  He is not courageous. He did not go to the Center on Dubrovka, he flied to Beslan secretly, at night, so that no one apart from the local authorities see him, so that, God forbid, he meets the relatives of the victims face to face. Before the 2000 elections he arrived to Chechnya on a destroyer plane for pr, he spent a few hours there in the airport behind bayonets. During every crisis he is hiding and gets out when the storm is over.

  He is not generous. Greedy. You can’t ask him for snow in winter. But Russia needs a kind president, a kind one, be it for the first time in its history, who will give out coats to people on Sadovoe Koltso in the cold. Who will give an amnesty to the exhausted prisoners. Who will come to the people, to the poor in their homes and talk to them and give them money. His money.

  He is not noble. He keeps nine NBP girls in a cage because they came to the reception room of his administration, for a year now. He could have released at least the girls! But no, he is insensitive and unjust.

  He took our freedoms away. All of them. He kept them all to himself.

  He employs lies as a method of governing the State. He does not employ it as an exception, but as a rule!

  He employs violence as a method of governing the State. He is a man of violence.

  With the Constitution that we have, where the president’s rights are truly unlimited, they are greater than the rights that the Russian tsars had, the qualities of the president’s personality are not indifferent to us, the citizens. If he is angry and gives the order to raid the Center on Dubrovka with the help of an unknown gas, then it is we, the citizens and our children who die, and not Putin’s children. If in Beslan he gives the order to start a raid by faking an explosion from inside, then Ossetian and Russian children die in school Number 1, and not the children of the Putin couple. The second Chechen war (I have summed up a lot of information about its victims and gave an average number) has taken lives (here there are victims among civilians, federal troops and Maskhadov/Basayev’s fighters) thirty thousand people and the president calmly looks at this war like a profitable natural phenomenon and does not take measures to stop the war on purpose – it is a dangerous president. He is dangerous because he solves any crisis only by violence. Is he doing this because he comes from the special services or because he was born like this? We do not know why, but the widows and the relatives of those who died in Chechnya and Beslan’s mothers and fathers and the relatives of th
ose who died on Dubrovka know that he is dangerous for us, the people.

  Sometimes one can agree with what the president says, and he says a lot and willingly. But one cannot agree with what he does. Maybe only when he gives oats to the mini-horse Vadik. In the rest it is a wicked, apparently vindictive head of State, who became president thanks to an appointment. He organized a paternalist style of government for us, when he decides everything and we do not decide anything. He positioned himself as our wicked father.

  In order to understand why he is dangerous, imagine thirty thousand dead bodies – disposed on the asphalt of the city of Moscow. He is not the only reason of the death of these people. But he too, with his personal qualities. The nazbols suffering in prison are right:


  The book is translated by Sofia Arenzon

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