Tabloid Star

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by T. A. Chase

  One hot night, one freeze frame…and one shocking surprise.

  As a bartender at the Lucky Seven club, Josh Bauer could take a different guy home every night…if he wanted to. Working three jobs, however, makes it hard to connect with anyone. One man, though, is too much temptation to resist. A steamy encounter in a back alley leads to an explosive night of sex in Josh’s bed—a bed he isn’t surprised to find empty the next morning.

  What does surprise him, though, is the front page of a tabloid. Apparently his one-night stand isn’t as anonymous as he thought it was.

  Ryan Kellar’s career is taking off. Advance buzz about his movie says it’s a blockbuster, and going home with the gorgeous bartender is the perfect way to celebrate. And he thought he’d gotten away clean—until the picture in the paper shocks him into reality. Was Josh really just playing…or playing him for a fool?

  Trust isn’t big on their list right now, but as their worlds fall apart, it’s all they have. At least until they figure out who took the picture. And why…

  Warning: Hot manlove, gratuitous licking of tattoos and dealing with stalking paparazzi.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Tabloid Star

  Copyright © 2009 by T. A. Chase

  ISBN: 978-1-60504-662-4

  Edited by Tera Kleinfelter

  Cover by Anne Cain

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: September 2009

  Tabloid Star

  T.A. Chase


  Tabloid Star is dedicated to Jambrea, who with her pictures and her support, helped bring Josh and Ryan to life. Thank you for all you have done. Also, to my marvelous editor who manages to clear up my errors and make my story sparkle. C., you are the love of my life.

  Chapter One

  Josh tossed his backpack in Rachel’s office, checked his clothes in the mirror next to the door and headed out to the front. Sliding behind the bar, he smiled at Tammy, the bartender he was replacing.

  “How’s it been tonight?” He grabbed a bottle of Jameson and poured out a shot for the guy closest to him.

  “Just starting to pick up. It should be a busy one for you. Thanks, hon.” She winked at the man leaving her a tip. “Hey, thanks for getting here early. Maria’s picking me up here and we’re going to hit the new club that opened down the street.”

  “You and Maria still pretty hot and heavy, huh?” He didn’t skip a beat as he drew two pints of Guinness and mixed a screwdriver.

  “God, that girl can kiss. I’ve never had a lover who loves kissing like her and what she can do with her tongue.”

  “Whoa there…TMI, Tammy. If I wanted to hear about chicks having sex, I’d be straight.” He chuckled as she flipped him off. “Go on, get out of here. I’ve got this covered and Pete’s coming in at twelve.”

  Tammy squealed and hugged him. “You’re the best, Josh. I take back all those nasty things I told Simpson about you.”

  “No wonder the newbie was looking at me weird the other night.”

  He spent the next half-hour getting into the swing of serving drinks, flirting with the customers and keeping the bar clean. He was grateful he only had to work his morning job before coming to the Lucky Seven, where he’d work until three in the morning. The days he had to work all three of his jobs were hell, but he did what he had to do to survive.

  The Lucky Seven was one of the best kept secrets in West Hollywood, which was saying something, considering nothing stayed a secret in any part of Hollywood for long. Soon the club was packed, bodies grinding on the dance floor to the driving beat of the music. The drink orders were coming fast and furious, but Josh was an expert on crazy nights and kept up easily.

  He acknowledged Pete’s arrival with a nod, not breaking stride as he mixed martinis and cosmos for the waitresses.

  “Good-looking crowd tonight,” Pete commented as he passed by, heading for the ice chest.

  A quick glance around and Josh agreed. “It is, but then again when isn’t it? I don’t think ugly people are allowed in WeHo, Pete.”

  Grabbing a towel, he dried the sweat off his head before tossing it on the shelf behind him. A commotion at the other end of the bar caught his attention and he moved toward the two men standing there. He didn’t usually break up fights, but since the place was crowded and it would take a few minutes for the bouncers to get there, he’d see if he could defuse the situation first.

  “You’re a jackass, Bill.” The taller of the two men growled, a frown marring his face.

  “Maybe so, Ry, but at least I’m not a chicken shit.” Bill slugged Ry’s arm.

  “Don’t hit me.” Ry shoved the other man away. “A chicken shit? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Bill grabbed the edge of the bar before he could slam into the girl standing behind him. “Yes, a chicken shit. You always look, but you never touch. You’re too scared of the consequences to do anything you really want to do.” Bill waved his hand, seeming to encompass the entire club. “So many choices, yet you’ll go home alone. At least I won’t.”

  Josh got there before Ry could land the punch he was swinging. “Hey, guys, can I get you something to drink?”

  Bill’s hazy blue eyes met his with a smirk. “Yeah, liquid courage might help my friend get lucky tonight.”

  Ignoring the sarcastic tone in Bill’s voice, Josh made a point of checking Ry out. He admitted to himself he liked what he saw. Ry was tall with a lean muscular build, more like a runner than a weight lifter. The baseball cap Ry wore made it hard to tell what color his hair was and the sunglasses hid the color of his eyes, but his tight black jeans and dark blue T-shirt gave Josh a hint at Ry’s body. Josh’s cock twitched, interested even though Josh didn’t tend to take customers home.

  “Well, I don’t know about needing any liquid courage. If your friend’s looking for something, I’m sure he could find it quite easily here.”

  Josh winked at Ry and a surprised grin crossed the man’s face. Shaking his head, Bill nudged Ry with his shoulder.

  “See, I said you could have anyone you wanted in this club. Why not live a little and celebrate?” Bill picked up his beer and gestured into the crowd. “I’m going over to talk to that curvy redhead. I hope you brought cab fare, buddy, because we won’t be leaving together.”

  Ry scowled, but mumbled, “Go get her, stud, and don’t worry. I have money.”

  They watched Bill weave his way through the crush of people until he disappeared. Josh looked back at Ry to find the man studying him. Ry slid his sunglasses down and looked over them, tracing the length of Josh’s body. Josh swore he felt heat from each part of his skin those dark brown eyes touched. The desire blazing in that glance told Josh Ry was looking for someone different than Bill was.

  “You want something to drink?” His question came out husky and he swallowed, trying to wet his suddenly dry throat.

  “Drink? Sure, I’ll take a whiskey, neat.”

  Josh forced himself to walk away and grab a glass. He could feel Ry’s g
aze burning into his back as the man eyed his ass. Taking a bottle of the top-shelf whiskey, he filled a high ball glass and handed it to Ry, who slid his fingers along Josh’s as he took the drink, shooting lust and blood to Josh’s groin.

  “Fuck,” Josh whispered.

  “Thanks.” Ry’s pink tongue peeked out, wetting his plump bottom lip and drawing Josh’s attention to it.

  Josh groaned and adjusted his cock, searching for room in his too-tight jeans. “What exactly are you looking for, honey? I’ll be happy to accommodate you, but you have to be sure.”

  Ry checked him out again, his eyes lingering at the growing bulge at Josh’s groin. Hesitation colored Ry’s words when he leaned forward and whispered, “I think you know what I’m looking for.”

  He could tell Ry didn’t pick up men often, or probably not at all by the way the man’s gaze darted away from him the moment he uttered that statement.

  “Pete, can you handle it for ten minutes while I take my break?” Josh didn’t look away from Ry, shouting his question over his shoulder toward the other bartender.

  “Sure, Josh. I’ve got it.” The smile in Pete’s voice told Josh his friend knew what was going on between him and Ry.

  He moved from behind the bar, gestured for Ry to follow him and made his way through the crowd toward the back of the club. Josh hit the back exit door at almost a run, letting the metal door slam open as he yanked Ry through the doorway. As the door shut, he pinned the man to the brick wall and kissed him.

  Chapter Two


  The air in Ryan’s lungs rushed out as he hit the brick wall and the burly bartender attacked his mouth like the army running a frontal assault on the enemy. Opening, he allowed the man to sweep in and stroke his tongue. He curled his hands in the fabric at the man’s sides, tugging the guy’s T-shirt up over his head. Ryan purred at the sight of the bartender’s lightly furred chest covered with tattoos that Ryan wanted to taste.

  He closed his eyes and his head spun as what little oxygen he had was used up. There was a flash of light and he needed air before he passed out. Finally, he broke the kiss, panting and staring in shock at the man pressing against him.

  “I don’t know your name,” he murmured.

  A dark eyebrow shot up and the bartender grinned. “My name? Do you always ask the name of the guy you’re about to blow in an alley?”

  “I’m about to blow? Aren’t you assuming something?”

  He shivered at the arrogant smile the man gave him.

  “You’ll be assuming the position in a moment.” The man stepped back and held out his hand politely. “I’m Josh.”

  Fuck. Something about the assurance in the man’s voice made all the blood in Ryan’s body rush to his groin.

  “I’m Ry.” Feeling silly, he shook Josh’s hand.

  “With the introductions out of the way, are you ready? I don’t have much time left before I have to get behind the bar and I really want to see your mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  Shit. No one had ever talked to him like that. As much as he seemed to like having a man order him around, he wasn’t going to be a push-over.

  “What do I get out of it?”

  Josh’s gaze wandered down Ryan’s body, stopping at his groin before coming back up to meet his eyes. “You get me coming in your mouth and then when I’m done working at three, you get me in your ass.”

  The X-rated images Josh’s words conjured up made Ryan’s cock ache even more and almost drove him to his knees. His indecision and nervousness must have showed on his face because Josh cupped his cheek and gave him a quick peck on the nose.

  “We don’t have to do any of it. I thought you were looking for what I could give you.” Josh shrugged. “If I’m wrong, no hard feelings, honey.”

  An easy out and Ryan should take it. There was too much at risk if he got caught. He opened his mouth to call off whatever was happening between them, but Bill’s voice echoed through his head.

  You always look, but you never touch. You’re too scared of the consequences to do anything you really want to do.

  Bill was right, and oh how he wanted to do Josh. Hell, it was a quick suck in an alley and then a quick fuck at Josh’s place. No one would be the wiser about what he’d done. Not even Bill, though he knew he could trust his friend if the man ever found out.

  Digging in his front pocket, he slowly sank to his knees. He held up the rubber.

  “Hold this until I’m ready.”

  “So sure you were going to get lucky or were you a Boy Scout?” Josh took the foil wrapper from his hands and knocked the cap from his head. “I want to be able to bury my fingers in your hair, honey.”

  Ryan grunted. He didn’t care what Josh wanted or did. He focused intently on the growing bulge in Josh’s pants. With shaking hands, he fumbled with the buttons of Josh’s fly. He swore softly.

  Josh smoothed a hand over Ryan’s curls. “Easy, baby. I’ve got time. We’ll take it at your pace. You need me to undo those?”

  Ryan shook his head. No, he would do it on his own. It was a minor achievement, but what the hell. He was stepping over the lines he’d drawn a long time ago and he would accept responsibility for it all.

  He gave a sigh of relief when he got Josh’s pants open and he pushed the sides apart to reveal Josh’s large prick. Why wasn’t he surprised that Josh wasn’t wearing any underwear? His mouth watered and he longed to taste him. Wetting his lips, he leaned forward.

  “You get one lick, honey, before we put the rubber on. I’m clean, but there’s no point in starting bad habits.” Josh braced both hands on the wall above Ryan, blocking Ryan from sight should anyone look down the alley.

  Okay. One lick. He could do that. He flicked out his tongue and caught the single drop hanging at the slit in Josh’s flared head. Though he was tempted to take another taste, he knew Josh was right. No point in risking anything for a moment of pleasure.

  Josh tapped his shoulder and he caught the condom Josh dropped into his hand. He tore it open with his teeth, nuzzling the soft area where Josh’s torso and thigh met while he unwrapped it. He nibbled a little, causing Josh to draw in a breath. Scraping his teeth over that spot, he worried the piece of flesh until a nice dark mark blossomed.

  “None of that. You can explore later. I want your mouth.” Josh tugged on his hair gently.

  With a quick wink up at the man, Ryan rolled the rubber down over Josh’s thick shaft. Filling his lungs with air, he swallowed Josh down until he had his nose buried in the curls at the base of Josh’s cock. He hated the taste of the rubber, but loved the way Josh smelled of sweat and man.

  “Shit. You look just as good as I thought you would.”

  He managed to look up and meet Josh’s heated gaze. Ryan blushed. It was silly, really, to be embarrassed because the man he was sucking off thought he looked good with his cock in his mouth.

  Josh caressed Ryan’s cheek and smiled. “Do you want me to do the work, honey?”

  God, Josh must think he was an idiot. He placed his hands on the man’s hips and slid back until only the tip of Josh’s cock stayed in his mouth. He teased it through the latex while tapping Josh on the hip bone, letting the man know he could move if he wanted to.

  Josh took his hands off the wall and threaded his fingers through Ryan’s hair. “You ready?”

  Ryan barely nodded before Josh started thrusting, each stroke hitting the back of Ryan’s throat. He took it, keeping the suction hard. Sliding his hand over, he cupped Josh’s balls and rolled them in his palm.

  Grunting, Josh sped up and lost his rhythm. He shoved into Ryan’s mouth, claiming him in a way Ryan had not been subjected to in a long time.

  He hummed, wanting to feel Josh come, even if he couldn’t taste him. Ryan scraped a nail over the soft patch of skin behind Josh’s balls.

  “Fuck,” Josh shouted, filling the condom as his hips jerked and his fingers dug into Ryan’s head.

  Ryan continued working Josh’s co
ck with his mouth until he stopped moving. Pulling off with a soft pop, he rested his head back on the brick and looked up at the man towering over him.

  Josh carded his fingers through Ryan’s hair with a soft smile on his chiseled face before running a finger over Ryan’s swollen lips.

  “I knew you would be good.”

  Ryan ducked his head at the praise coming from this stranger. Josh took care of the condom, tossing it in the dumpster before tucking his limp cock back into his jeans and buttoning up. Reaching down, he put his hands under Ryan’s arms and lifted him to his feet, which was no mean feat. Ryan wasn’t skinny or short. He only stood an inch or two shorter than Josh, but he definitely didn’t have the bulk the bartender had.

  He gasped as Josh undid his jeans and slid a rough hand over his cock. Arching his hips, he grasped Josh’s shoulders and moaned.

  Josh nibbled along his chin and sucked on his earlobe. “Thought I’d get you off because there’s nothing worse than sitting around a club with a boner all night.”

  “Who said anything about sitting around?” he managed to stutter out before all his brain cells found better uses of their time like enjoying the strength of the fingers wrapped around his prick.

  “Must be wishful thinking on my part. I was really looking forward to pounding this ass later on tonight.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  What else could he say at the moment? His balls drew tight to his body and he came, spilling his spunk all over Josh’s hand. Ryan rocked until his cock grew soft. He slumped against the wall and Josh held his hand up to his lips.

  “Clean me,” Josh ordered softly.

  Holding Josh’s gaze, he took his time licking his come off the bartender’s hand, sucking each finger clean and making sure every inch of Josh’s palm was free of come.

  “God, you get to me quick, honey.” Josh adjusted himself with his other hand. “Let’s get inside before Pete comes looking for me. I’ve got a clean shirt you can borrow.”


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