Sweet Thing

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Sweet Thing Page 16

by JA Huss

  Fully inside me in a way I’ve never experienced before. My ass tightens in response.

  “Aria,” he moans. “You’re killing me.”

  “Fuck me,” I say. “I want to feel it. I need to feel it.”

  He pushes in, just a little, and I close my eyes and hang my head. It feels so good.

  Then he pulls back and pushes forward again. Then again, and again, and pretty soon he’s fucking me harder and harder. His thighs slapping up against my ass. And then I feel something new.

  Oh, God, I don’t know what it is. Something hitting my clit—and then I realize it’s his balls swinging between my legs and crashing against my pussy.

  I didn’t plan on coming again so quick, I just can’t help it. I squeeze him as the climax floods my body and he moans, “Yes, yes, yes. Clamp down on my cock, Aria.”

  I couldn’t stop that if I wanted to.

  He slows again, letting me enjoy the aftershocks of pleasure. Then he says, “Don’t let me pull out. I’m going to sit on the couch.”

  That excites me and I do as I’m told. Moving slowly, carefully, so as not to break our connection. And a few seconds later I’m sitting. In his lap again, only this time we’re not facing each other.

  He pulls me into his chest, protective arms tight around my middle, just under my breasts, and he says, “Now slowly open your legs.”

  I do, and just that simple move makes me want to come again. Because my pussy feels so exposed.

  He hands me his phone and whispers, “Take a picture for me, Aria. I want to see you like this. I want to see us like this.”

  I take the camera and point it at me, making sure it’s angled right to get my sweet pussy in the frame, and press the screen before handing it back.

  “Oh, fuck,” he moans into my neck. “I need you to come quick now, sweet thing. Because I don’t know how long I can last.”

  His fingers reach around to my belly and slowly drop to my clit where they begin to strum. Back and forth, slow at first, then faster and faster and I find myself out of control. Moaning, and wailing, and screaming, and yes, coming. Again.

  I’m not even done when he stands up, disconnecting us, and spins me around on the floor so I’m on my knees in front of him. Legs open, eyes up. He pumps his cock hard a few times, grimacing and moaning.

  Then I nod to Ryker. I give him permission to do what he’s fantasizing about.

  He aims the head of his cock at my mouth and I open wide just as his hot, sweet semen bursts out in pulsating waves on my tongue.

  I never take my eyes off him.

  I never want to take my eyes off him again.


  Aria’s father didn’t cancel the loan. In fact, that whole project was a huge success. We have now officially sold two commercial buildings and seven refurbished houses. And twenty of the local residents have taken us up on the special refinance loans to rehab their homes. The Gingerbread neighborhood is getting a facelift.

  Ozzy didn’t break up with me. Our partnership is now stronger than ever and he’s even come over for Sunday lunch with the Amhersts a few times. I think he’s got his eye on April, who may or may not be playing hard to get.

  And the pinnacle of our investment came to fruition for the Fourth of July festival. I did get my friend Kenner to meet April, and while she was super excited and impressed, the really cool part is that Kenner got his band to agree to play a song for the neighborhood as a surprise.

  Thousands of people showed up out of nowhere once the word got out that Son of a Jack was playing. By the end of the day every food vendor had sold out, every home that was for sale had half a dozen showings lined up, and the local news even came and interviewed Ozzy and me on TV.

  Aria stood by my side the whole time. And when the local reporter asked who she was, I said, “This is Miss Aria Amherst. My girlfriend.”

  Which got an eyebrow lift from more than a few people until Mr. Amherst came over to introduce himself.

  He likes me. I can tell. And so does her mother. But I did everything right to make that happen.

  Do I enjoy only seeing Aria twice a week?

  Yes, actually. I do. By the time the weekend rolls around I’m dying for her.

  Dying for her.

  She is everything I’ve ever wanted.

  Young and pretty, sure.

  Sweet and dirty, yes.

  But most of all she’s just… mine.

  I have plans for us. So many plans for us. They include things like brand-new diamond rings. A wedding, a honeymoon, and of course, children.

  But Aria has plans for us too.

  Living separately and dating while she’s in her first year of college. And fixing up the old Victorian house we bought down the street from April’s apartment.

  She’s worth the wait. And it’s not a hard wait. It’s bliss. She is everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman and her family is the perfect package deal.

  She is, and will always be, my sweet thing.

  But one day, eighteen years from now, I know we’ll wake up and realize...

  We’ve been together now longer than we were ever apart.

  And if that’s not a happily ever after, I don’t know what is.


  Welcome to the End of Book Shit where Julie gets to blab about anything she wants. If you’re new to the EOBS (as we like to call it) then there’s two things you need to know about it. One – it’s never edited. I write these after the edits and proofs are finished. So you have to forget about all the fucks you give about typos when you read it. Second—I do have a tendency to ramble so sometimes they totally pertain to the book or the process and sometimes they don’t. Also, I like to swear and generally just say anything I want. So if you’re offended at the end, I don’t apologize for that.

  So back in 2015 I wrote a little book called EIGHTEEN. It was a semi-autobiographical story about my life when I turned eighteen. And let me tell you, my life was pretty messy back then. It made a great backbone for a story though. Not all of it is real. I made some stuff up. Hardly anyone has a life so interesting they don’t need to fictionalize certain aspects of it in a “memoir” type book. Not even me. ;)

  But the whole point of the book was in the tag line. Which was: Eighteen is hard. Because for me, it was. Super confusing, and stressful, and so many things going on. So many new choices to make and so many new decisions to live with.

  And when I first came up with this trio of books (Pretty Thing, Sweet Thing, and the last one is Wild Thing) I didn’t want them to be a series. And they’re not. Once Wild Thing releases they will be grouped into a series called Naughty Things, but they aren’t grouped together because there’s crossover in the world or the characters. Just in the tropes.

  Pretty Thing is brother’s best friend, Sweet Thing is young girl-older man, and Wild Thing is captive submissive. You’re probably thinking… hmmm. Those don’t really go together. And you’re kinda right. They are all very different with one exception.

  They are all a “little bit taboo”. Not a lot. None of them are terribly dark for one thing and that’s what most people think of when they hear the word taboo.

  But they are a little. Just a little bit taboo.

  Anyway, it’s not all that important except that’s how I came up with the idea for Sweet Thing. And the real main point is that I didn’t think about my book Eighteen until way after I started writing Sweet Thing. Maybe even when I was finally writing the end.

  And that’s when it hit me that I was really writing Eighteen from another perspective.

  Eighteen, the book, is about a girl with no family ties, no support system, and no one to fall back on except this hot older man who kinda takes over her life. And Pretty Thing is the total opposite.

  Unlike Shannon (my alter-ego in Eighteen), Aria has everything when she turns 18. She’s rich, she lives in a huge mansion in the suburbs but commutes into the city for private school, she has a mom and a dad who give a sh
it, and a sister she doesn’t hate.

  I might even go so far as to say Aria is the “Me” I wish I was back then. I’ve written about my secret teenage life as a horse-crazy girl and how by day I used to hang out with the cool kids at school and at night I worked at this show jumping barn to pay for riding lessons. And at the time this show jumping barn was like the best. So all the rich kids from Cleveland used to commute out to this barn three or four times a week to take their lessons. And they all boarded their super-expensive pedigree jumpers out there too. I was the girl who took care of the horses and tacked them up before lessons. And I guess I always knew that I was different from these kids. I lived close by in these middle-class suburbs, I went to public school, and I lived in an apartment with my single mother. But that’s just the kind of neighborhood I lived in. My life was normal. These super rich kids at the barn, that was the abnormal life from my perspective.

  I knew we were different deep down. But it never really meant anything to me until one summer I was working at the barn every day. And one of these rich girls invited me over to her house to hang out.

  And I remember walking in to her house thinking… God, this is nice. And I didn’t live in a shitty apartment, OK? My home was nice. My mom was in to nice things. But it was an apartment. I had never lived in a house as a kid. So I remember thinking… I wish I was this girl. What is her life like? How is my life different?

  Well, you only have to read Eighteen to know what my life was like.

  So when I finished up Sweet Thing all this stuff hit me. Aria is that girl I wish I was when I turned 18. I might even go so far as to say Aria is “Shannon” (from Eighteen) if Shannon had a father who gave enough shits to stick around.

  I hardly ever wish I was someone else. I sometimes wish I was different. Taller, for sure. Maybe even nicer. lol Because I’m not one of those outgoing people at all. But even though my life has had lots of hard times I don’t want to take any of it back. I don’t want to miss out on the lessons I learned or learn them some other way.

  But I quite enjoyed imagining Aria’s life when I was writing this book. Also, I really loved that Ryker was so totally different than Mateo in Eighteen. He was older, he was richer, but most of all, he was a lot more careful with Aria than Mateo was with Shannon. I think I respect Ryker more than I do Mateo. Mateo was a bulldozer. He wanted to force Shannon to see things a new way. And Ryker was more of a gentle guiding hand.

  So no huge dark twists in this story. It’s just… sweet.

  That was the whole point.

  Thank you for reading, thank you for reviewing, and I’ll see you in the next book (which is WILD THING!!)


  JA Huss

  April 13, 2019


  ALL MY BOOKS books can be found HERE

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  Well, if you liked this book then the obvious choice is EIGHTEEN.

  If you haven’t read it already.

  It’s a standalone and it’s darker than this one for sure, but like I mentioned in the EOBS, same theme.

  It’s also FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

  If you found Sweet Thing before Pretty Thing and you like a sexy emotional second-chance romance, then hey, you should probably pick that one up too.

  It’s also FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

  I also have another standalone called ROCK.

  This book has the story behind the band in this book, “Son of a Jack”. It’s not light. ;) It’s super twisted.

  But if you like a good mind fuck with your sexy books, I think you’ll enjoy it.

  It’s also FREE in Kindle Unlimited!


  IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO use my graphic teasers (like the one pictured below) to post about the book on your blog or social media sites feel free to grab one here.

  AND most of them do not have the word FUCK in them. ;)

  I just like this one so I’m using it as my example.



  Find Julie at her website


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  JA Huss is the New York Times Bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today Bestseller's list 21 times in the past four years. She writes characters with heart, plots with twists, and perfect endings.

  Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie Award in 2016 and 2017 respectively, her audiobook, Mr. Perfect, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017, and her audiobook, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018.

  She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.



  The Dirty Ones

  Three, Two, One




  In To Her

  Pretty Thing








  The Company



  Happily Ever After


  Mr. Perfect

  Mr. Romantic

  Mr. Corporate

  Mr. Mysterious

  Mr. Match

  Mr. Five

  Mr & Mrs


  Taking Turns

  Turning Back

  His Turn


  Total Exposure

  The Pleasure of Panic

  The Boyfriend Experience

  Play Dirty





  Anarchy Found

  Anarchy Missing

  Anarchy Chained

  I AM JUST JUNCO (science fiction) SERIES

  I am Just Junco

  I Am Not Junco


  Losing Francesca



  The Sexpert



  The Triangle

  The Square


  Sin With Me

  Angels Fall

  Flesh into Fire

  Passion Rising




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