Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy)) Page 7

by Michelle Wright

  “Nice car man.”

  “Hi, I said you’ve a great car, love the colour.”

  “Hey man are you always this rude?”

  ‘Hey dude what’s your problem!”

  The man continued to wash his car never once acknowledging Adam who was determined to carry on until he got a reaction.

  “Screw you man, screw you!” He yelled loudly.

  Summer stood next to him with tears in her eyes and a look of despair,

  “I told you he wouldn’t see or hear us.”

  “Get real, he’s a flake that’s why he’s ignoring me.”

  “No Adam believe me he can’t see us.”

  “What is this fucking Bullshit!”

  “He really can’t see us, only some can.”

  Standing there in the street with throngs of people passing by Adam desperately tried to stop someone, anyone, not caring who just as long as they stopped. With each passing failure his panic rose; from the pit of his stomach he was began to have a sick sinking feeling. Summer stood rooted to the spot, her tearful eyes filled with sadness and confusion,

  “Stop now Adam it’s useless, we need to go back to the house right now.”

  It took less than a minute for Adam to storm in the house and track down Reggie, determined to confront him,

  “Who are you and why don’t people see us, are you drugging the fucking food man?”

  “Sit down kids and I will explain and no I haven’t drugged the food.”

  “I don’t wanna hear lies and bullshit…Summer I’m leaving right now…yeh…wanna leave…yeh leave.”

  His nervous babbling had little effect on Reggie and even Summer didn’t react, past understanding- she was defeated.

  “I feel sick!” Adam said as he headed straight for the bathroom with Summer hot on his heels.

  Standing outside unable to go in she tried not to listen to his retching. Other people throwing up had always been a problem. It made her feel sick too in spite of her bulimia.

  Eventually the door was flung violently open to reveal Adam wide-eyed with terror,

  “It must have been the coke, something bad in it…I’m tripping must be that!”

  “Don’t be ridiculous that was days ago.”

  “You set me up with the guy washing his car, bad joke Summer!”

  “No! Why would I do such a stupid thing with us getting on so well now?”

  “Then I’m in some kind of bad dream or nightmare.”

  “No not that either.”

  “So what then?”

  “I don’t know.” She replied exasperated.

  Helpless and unsure of what to do next they stayed outside the bathroom looking at each other puzzled and slightly afraid, each trying to analyze what was happening with no results.

  Their thoughts were interrupted by Reggie who appeared on the stairs.

  “Please come down so I can speak with you,” He said. “I can help but you must co-operate.”

  “Co-operate with who, what’s really going on here?” Adam blurted out.

  “Please come down…”

  Refusing to talk with Reggie he ran downstairs straight back out into the street with Summer half-heartedly following.

  “Where are you going now?” She asked.

  “Far away from this crazy place are you coming?”

  “I don’t think I have a choice do I? Let’s go.”

  Adam quickened his step getting as far away as possible with Summer dutifully alongside. He didn’t care that he’d lost his meal ticket, which seemed irrelevant compared to the sick mind games he had to endure.

  There was also the new feeling, a feeling of responsibility towards Summer and keeping her out of harms way. Leaving her there wasn’t an option and for once he wasn’t only thinking of himself.

  Summer’s heart wasn’t in their next venture, she was disappointed and wanted to stay where she was but she sacrificed her wish rightly or wrongly just to please him. Her feelings towards Adam were growing, that she couldn’t deny, in what was becoming a crazy screwed up situation. The further they walked the more the scenery changed, run down tenements became smart city homes, up market designer shops and stores replaced the down and out establishments selling cheap wares and supplies.

  People were hailing cabs, shopping in smart places or eating in fancy restaurants. Smartly dressed and prosperous they both started to feel out of place.

  “This is nice, I never thought the city could be so nice.” Adam remarked.

  “It’s uptown, the rich and fancy live here.”

  The sprawling buildings with their spotlessly clean windows housing thousands of office workers were a refreshing change to what they had been used to, Adam was beginning to feel more at home as the clean sidewalks reminded him of the suburbs.

  “Where are we going Adam?” Summer was worried they were drifting to nowhere.

  “I don’t know just enjoying it here, how about you?”

  “I’ve been here before nothing new.”

  “So which direction do we take then?”

  “Maybe left here, I remember a place I stayed in a while back.”

  Adam agreed to follow her to a residential home where she claimed some friends lived. It was tall and majestic. This place must be worth millions Adam thought. I hope they see us.

  “This way.” Summer guided Adam down some steps to a basement apartment.

  Ringing the bell repeatedly they were about to give up when eventually it was opened by someone who peeped his head round the door, suspicious of who was intruding.

  “It’s me Gary, its Summer.”

  “Hey baby, where have you been?”

  “Around, here and there…can we come in?”


  “I’m Adam, nice to meet you Gary.” He thought it best to introduce himself and tried to be friendly as he couldn’t help being impressed by the neighbourhood.

  The apartment was luxurious, soft couches and subdued lighting, stripped wood floors and abstract works of art on the walls was daunting for Adam. He had never seen inside a modern contemporary home- one that spoke of money and opulence.

  “Coffee?” Gary asked.

  The kitchen was state of the art with a top of the range coffee machine and the smell of roasted coffee beans giving a wonderful fragrance. As Gary was pouring the coffee a young woman appeared wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties, she was startled by the sight of two people who’d come out of nowhere, but did nothing to cover up.

  “Hey Summer long time no see!” She exclaimed.

  “Hey Elaine, so good to see you.”

  “Who’s this?” She replied smiling at Adam.

  “This is my best buddy Adam we just got out of a load of shit.”

  Adam couldn’t take his eyes away from Elaine. Her long legs and wild curly hair would raise any young man’s interest, even though he felt a lot for Summer his natural urges couldn’t be ignored at the sight of a beautiful and sexy woman scantily dressed. A discussion started up about all the things that happened. Adam attempted to convince them they were drugged and that the hallucinations were brought on by Reggie the chief suspect. Summer still had her doubts about the drugged soup theory whereas Elaine offered her own explanation.

  “You’re just kids alone in the big city where anything can happen with so many crazies out there. Maybe he put drugs in the food or drink causing you to hallucinate, it’s possible and it’s easy to hide it in soup.”

  These were the words he wanted so much to hear, that he wasn’t out of his mind, it was Reggie who’d been screwing them up. Choosing to ignore all the unexplained things that had occurred before they met Reggie a rational explanation made perfect sense. It was just what Adam needed to make everything feel okay as Gary and Elaine invited them to stay the night and have some dinner. Adam jumped at the offer but Summer remained quiet and withdrawn, not her usual self. Adam was confused as to why she wasn’t happy to be in such a great place with people she obviously knew well, de
cent people.

  “What’s wrong?” He whispered.


  “Don’t give me that what’s the problem?”

  “This isn’t real Adam,” She replied. “None of this is real haven’t you figured it out yet?”

  “Hey Elaine, are we real!” Adam called out.

  “I should think so or I wouldn’t be standing here making pasta.” She replied.

  “See you’re wrong Elaine wouldn’t be making pasta, I wouldn’t be speaking or even breathing, so yeh it’s real enough for me.”

  “Then go outside and try to speak to the better class of people out there, the good morning how are you people…try it.” Summer said sternly. “While you’re out there step in front of a speeding car and see what happens!”

  “You’re insane do you know that, a freak!” He couldn’t believe she was starting up again.

  Gary and Elaine stood speechless as they attacked each other verbally. They didn’t want to get involved but wished it would stop as it was becoming embarrassing. Elaine tried to stop them which resulted in Adam storming out of the apartment determined to bring back the evidence to prove her wrong.

  Smarting he went on a mission; I will go up to the first person I see and say hello and they will fucking answer me!

  It didn’t take long to find the ideal candidates, a middle aged couple walking towards a car. They seemed ideal, respectable decent people always went out of their way to be polite and he hoped that because the neighbourhood looked safe enough people were not overtly suspicious,

  “Hello, nice weather.” He commented.

  “I said hello nice weather.”

  “Don’t you know it’s rude to ignore someone?”

  They busied themselves with opening the boot as Adam exploded attempting to grab the man by his arm but nothing happened. He tried again, nothing. Oblivious they got into the car and started the engine with Adam kicking the driver’s door with vengeance. Burning with a mixture of anger and terror, his hands shaking, the couple drove away completely unaware of the hysterical teenager slumped on the sidewalk.

  “Oh my god someone…please help me!” He screamed.

  “I’m here Adam, I’m here.” Summer responded having come to his aid.

  On his knees in tears of despair he was surrounded by unresponsive people who continued on with their lives. Adam’s now believed that his very own existence had come to a full stop- right there on the sidewalk.

  Chapter 7

  Elaine was the first person to find him sitting by the door to their apartment. He’d crawled back there so terrified of the outside and what threats it presented that going back to the apartment was the only recourse. Shaking uncontrollably his eyes wild with fear it she sat with him in the hope of giving some consolation. Summer stayed close by, not wanting to intrude and incapable to handle such a dire problem.

  “I think you may have some kind of psychosis,” She claimed. “Or maybe it’s paranoid schizophrenia.”

  Adam didn’t want to take in what he’d been told- the thought of being mentally ill was unthinkable,

  “I can’t be, what are you some kind of head doctor?”

  “I studied psychology, it was my major.”

  “That makes you an expert does it? I don’t think so!”

  “I know enough Adam, there’s something wrong even you must see that.”

  “What about Summer? She said it herself, everything was messed up, is she crazy as well?”

  “That was your paranoia, wanting to believe she was as suspicious as you. Ask her if you don’t believe me.”

  He did, but she didn’t reply, instead she bowed her head in what looked like shame.

  “So you’re telling me that everything that’s happened is fantasy dreamed up in my mental illness?”

  “I’m sure of it yes, and maybe it’s been happening for a while but you didn’t realize. It’s common for schizophrenia to begin in adolescence.”

  “I’m Schizophrenic?”

  “I think so Adam.” She replied.

  He studied Elaine’s face looking carefully for any sign of deceit or falseness. There didn’t seem to be any, her soft features and bright blue eyes gave nothing sinister away. She had knowledge of psychology. He had to trust her.

  “Let’s go inside,” She said softly. “You need to relax now.”

  Summer waited anxiously for Adam to speak instead he headed straight for a chair refusing to communicate with anyone. Concerned she attempted to talk to him,

  “Adam say something to me, are you okay? I’m so sorry, please…please say something.”

  The stonewalled silence was unbearable so she tried again.

  “Adam don’t ignore me; say something even if it’s to go at me!”

  “I’m leaving cause you’re destroying me, poison that’s what you are!”

  “Don’t say that I’m not, I care so much about you.”

  “You really know how to show it, like bringing me here?”

  Stalemate. Their failed attempt to communicate resulted in an icy silence intermingled with a few puffs and sighs that created an uncomfortable atmosphere in the apartment.

  “What are we going to do with them?” Elaine remarked to Gary. “They behave like an old married couple, and they’re not even in a relationship.”

  “Beats me I don’t have a clue.” He concluded, regretting that he ever invited them in.

  Their safe comfortable world was enjoyable until a couple of hours ago when a tornado struck in the form of two drifting teenagers. Both in their early thirties they were a typical power couple whose home reflected their desires and aspirations. Gary’s world had to be run in an orderly fashion. He was a former teacher and part time musician who needed to control his environment and he didn’t take to well to having Summer move into his life the first time around.

  He had found her working the streets downtown and was horrified at her condition when she tapped on his car window at the lights offering sex for ten dollars. He decided there and then to conduct a rescue and brought her starved and drug- craved back to the apartment straight into the loving caring arms of Elaine. She stayed there for weeks recovering even though her bulimia didn’t impress them very much they tolerated her because they felt some kind of obligation. She became more and more restless and argumentative eventually disappearing into thin air one day- not returning until now with another burden in tow.

  Adam was still in a panic zone as thoughts of suicide returned. How to do it and where?

  “You’re not schizophrenic,” Summer said. “I’m sure you’re not.”

  Gary became angry and upset but contained it for now. In his mind discrediting Elaine was a serious offence and he hoped that Summer didn’t push him too far.

  “Why am I imagining that people can’t see or talk to me if I’m not a head case?”

  “I think I figured it out a while ago, it’s something else.”

  “Summer shut your mouth, you’ve said too much already!” Gary had decided to intervene. “Adam…think, why is that neither of us are noticed by people.”

  “It’s not everyone is it, Rone and Reggie, Doe, Gary, Elaine they see us, and the people in Reggie’s house they saw us. The weird lady in the street that followed us she could see us, so explain it then.”

  “Why don’t you hear your dad anymore?”

  “I don’t know guess he’s busy.”

  “Be serious.”

  “I don’t know why you tell me, you’re the fucking expert.”

  “I don’t think we’re alive anymore.”

  “That has to be the craziest thing you’ve said so far Jesus!”

  Elaine was nervous, desperate to come up with the right words to calm Adam and dispel his paranoia before he was out of control again but, unfortunately for her Summer was unstoppable,

  Relentless she continued, “If you put it all together it makes sense. These two know anyway they just don’t want you to know.”

  “Now why is that? I
’m real curious to hear the rest of this crap.” Adam replied.

  “Because they want us to believe otherwise, cause they don’t want to believe it themselves.”

  “So we’re all dead living in this luxury apartment, that’s real funny!”

  “That’s right but we don’t talk about it do we Gary?”

  “That’s enough Summer!” Elaine told her in a firm voice. “We warned you about lying before didn’t we?”

  Looking to Gary for some kind of explanation yielded nothing for Adam. He had retreated to the bedroom and slammed the door in protest leaving Elaine to deal with an increasingly alarming situation. Adam’s fixed stare unnerved her, his menacing dark eyes filled with anticipation and anger left Elaine in a very tight corner. To tell or not hinged on whether she had also accepted the truth, but the only thing that was happening was a cold stony silence with Gary locked away and out of sight.

  “Okay guys….if I’m really dead then how come I don’t see my dad?” Adam asked.

  “He can’t see you.” Summer remarked, sure of her opinion.

  “That’s makes so much sense, I’m dead but I can’t see anyone else who’s dead so how’d you work that out?”

  “Cause he’s in the light and you’re not.”

  “Hey Elaine,” Adam yelled, “She’s become an afterlife expert now!”

  “She’s telling the truth Adam, you’re dead, we all are.”

  Do they think I’m stupid…knowing that I’m a schizophrenic means that everything they’re saying to me isn’t real, they’re not real this place isn’t real, it’s all in my sick imagined mind!

  “I know that the two of you are only voices in my head you don’t exist, you never did. I’m only dreaming.” He replied.

  “Think Adam the bridge, remember the bridge, you said you didn’t jump from. Maybe you did, I wasn’t there so I’m not sure. What if you did jump and don’t remember, then you’d think your still alive.” Summer pleaded.

  “So I jumped off the god damn bridge, how’d you die then?”

  “I can’t remember, it’s only recently that I started to figure out something wasn’t right. Throwing up after food didn’t feel the same anymore, everything went weird.”


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