Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy)) Page 12

by Michelle Wright

  No far from the freeway was a small field, no longer worried about where they were they set up camp neither having ever put a tent up before. But together after a lot of cussing they managed it. It was big enough for two and laying down the ground sheet they opened the sleeping bags. Summer remarked on how cosy it looked, Adam saw it differently; to him it was as a symbol of hopelessness.

  “I’m not gonna spend the rest of eternity in a damn tent.” He remarked.

  With his mood sombre Summer could do no more than lay down beside him and hold him in her arms and, as night came with no words between them there was nothing left to do but sleep.

  The next morning Adam was awake first wondering why he was still sleeping considering he was dead.

  “Wake up Summer.” He said poking her aggressively.

  She didn’t stir, much to his annoyance he repeatedly tried again until she finally opened her eyes.

  “Whaa…” She said.

  “Get up we’re leaving.”

  “For where, we’ve nowhere to go now.”

  “County morgue.”

  She couldn’t believe what he’d said that they are headed for the morgue. It made no sense and she also felt unsettled that since he’d known the truth there had been a big change and not for the better. Before when they weren’t sure it was more fun and a little crazy. Now it had turned serious and she wasn’t sure if she liked it. Summer had only ever known a life on the edge and death hadn’t brought on any change.

  “What exactly do you expect to find in a morgue, your dead body?”

  “Yep, exactly.”

  “Adam you may have been dead for weeks months or years, you don’t frigging remember so what’s the chances?”

  “It’s worth a shot.”

  “Well I think it’s gruesome, going into a morgue and checking out bodies looking for yours, that’s so fucked up.” She replied in earnest.

  He was determined not to stay in the middle of a field doing nothing. No matter what, he had to find a way out of what he saw was an unholy mess. He had thoughts of his mother and the sad look on her face. Was that grief for the loss of her son? Would Roy be happy now he was dead or was he riddled with guilt that he’d driven him out of the house to his death? The final burning question that he had to face, the one he’d dreaded was that maybe he did throw himself off the bridge that fateful evening. If so he couldn’t remember, no matter how hard he tried.

  “The cemetery.” He said.

  “What cemetery you talking about?” She replied as they packed up the stuff.

  “I guess I’m buried in the same one as my dad, if I wasn’t incinerated.”

  “Ugh, don’t talk like that.”

  Making their way out of the field and back on the long trek to the suburbs Summer was scared to push Adam too far, even worried to ask him to stop for food or maybe consider a trip to the forest if they could find the couple again. She was concerned they’d never get back to the way it was before, ever.

  “Do you know which way we’re going?” She asked tentatively.

  “I think so, something’s telling me to keep going straight for a while.”

  Before they had the back packs filled with clothes, sleeping bags and the tent walking was easier- now it was more laborious slowing them down.

  “How come it’s difficult to carry this stuff if we’re dead?” Summer asked.

  “Don’t ask me, I’m no afterlife expert.” He snapped back.

  Cutting her short forced her to turn away not wanting to be part of his isolated bitter mood and she wished and hoped that once he’d found the answers to his questions he would be nicer.

  “Don’t you give a shit about how you died?” He asked her.

  “I seriously don’t know and I’m not stressing over it right now, can you imagine if it was the two of us freaking out at once?”

  “That would be a real nightmare and…I’m sorry for being a pain.”

  Sadly there would be no happy ending for Adam. No going home to the loving arms of his mother Julie and no chance of putting everything in order for the future. He had never yearned so much for what could have been more than he did now. Regrets and guilt raged over him as he walked, grateful that he had Summer by his side- but she was no consolation for a life lost.

  Dad, where are you, when I need you the most you’re not here…why did you let me down?

  Have I been that bad that you’re ignoring me? Please come out of the shadows and take me with you, please.

  They came across a small restaurant with an inviting food menu outside. Looking like a family run business Summer was the first to run up and take a look at the menu. Adam was more enchanted with the black Harley Davison parked outside. Going around it he was impressed with the paintwork and devils head that stood out on the gas tank.

  “Admiring the bike boy?”

  A heavy set man stood right next to him with his tattooed arms folded and a red bandana covering his long unruly hair. He was menacing to look at, but his demeanour was friendly.

  He can see me, another dead dude.

  “This is one mean machine.” Adam said breaking the ice.

  “Thanks man, it’s my pride and joy…I don’t go nowhere without my Harley.”

  Summer came bounding over and crawled all over the bike, if she could have drooled she would have done.

  “I just love this.” She said. “It’s so cool, can I have a ride?”

  “Maybe later honey, the names Dave and who are you guys?”

  With introductions over Dave asked them to join him for something to eat. Adam wondered how this would work, going into a buffet restaurant was easy, but what would they do with a menu and ordering?

  “Dave, I was thinking, how do you get food from the menu, I mean the waiting staff can’t see us.” Adam asked hoping that Dave knew he was dead as well.

  “What menu? We just head for the kitchen help ourselves find a table and sit down to eat, you kids have a lot to learn about being dead but I’ll teach you the ropes, it’s easy.”

  Like enthusiastic students soaking up knowledge they happily agreed to follow the leader into the restaurant to watch and learn. Everything was suddenly new to them and having someone who was willing to show them how to be dead in the living world was a godsend. Summer laughed when Dave lit up a cigarette the moment they walked past the no smoking sign and entered the restaurant.

  “Anything’s possible now kid.” He said. “You’re free as a bird.”

  Inside the restaurant the living world becomes their oyster. Taking Dave’s advice they sauntered around the place weaving between tables and unsuspecting diners. Adam’s mood had brightened a little as he laughed at Summer dancing around a couple eating bacon and eggs.

  Dave went straight into the back returning with plates of hot food.

  “Table by the window please.” Summer said jokingly.

  “At you’re service honey.” He replied.

  The three of them sat down to bacon, eggs and hash browns with Dave spoiling them even further with fruit juice and coffee.

  “This place is pretty busy, what happens if someone comes in and sits down where we’re sitting?” Adam asked.

  “Nothing at all, we don’t feel them.” Dave replied considering himself a well-heeled expert.

  “It was like the cars, you know, we didn’t feel them driving through us, did we?” Summer said.

  It was almost like being in a separate reality existing alongside another. Except one universe was living and breathing and the other was little more than a drifting state of consciousness with no real attachment to the living world. After filling themselves with food Adam waited for Summer to go do her thing in the bathroom, but she stayed where she was chatting with Dave about his journey across the country on his motorcycle.

  “I’d love to do that, I wanna take off to the forest on two wheels.” She told him excitedly.

  “It’s doable, I can take you up there for sure.”

  “Your Harley can only t
ake two…what about me?” Adam was worried she was doing it again, making plans without consulting him.

  “I’ll get hold of my buddy Caesar he’ll take you, then we can all head up there together.”

  Adam didn’t like the fact that he was being drawn into a situation he wasn’t sure about. Having met Dave less than five minutes earlier Summer had already cajoled him into taking her on a road trip without even thinking there could be consequences.

  He was, up until that point on his way home to the cemetery to undo the riddle of when he died. Now it looked like he’d been side tracked by Summer and a biker he hardly knew.

  “Don’t we have something to do first?” He said reminding her.

  “Oh yeh, but I’m sure Dave will let us pass by the cemetery.”

  “Why the hell go to a cemetery?” Dave remarked. “You aint there, there’s no point.”

  “I want to see if I’m buried there, then I’ll know when I died.”

  His strange new world had taken on a new meaning. The worry of finding somewhere to be, or where the next meal was coming from or, thinking about why they kept getting into unexplainable situations was gone. It had become much more simplistic, it was all about getting to the bottom of how he’d died and when. Summer didn’t care to go down the route of truth, preferring to set her sights on road trips to the forest and beyond, seeing things she’d only ever dreamed about- content to be a wandering stuck spirit.

  Dave assured him that they’d pass by the cemetery but first he had to find Caesar.

  “I’m just gonna take off for a while, I know where he’s hanging so you kids stay here, I’ll be right back.” He told them.

  They sat quietly waiting, not saying much to each other apart from the occasional comment about the customers. Summer was fascinated with a family of five sitting close by enjoying their meal. Dad was kidding around as mom laughed and the kids giggled. It was a picture perfect family scene that struck a chord deep in her heart. How she’d wished for just one second to be part of something so loving and real as she looked on with a deep sadness.

  “Do you really believe he’s coming back?” Adam remarked.

  “Of course he will, why wouldn’t he?”

  “Because so far every dead person we’ve met has been a let down or haven’t you noticed?”

  “Not everyone, Elaine and Gary were cool we screwed that one up by arguing.”

  “Let’s see if he can be trusted.” Adam replied.

  “Being a ghost is gonna get boring unless we spice it up a little and have some fun.” She replied, irritated with his negative responses.

  Adam’s heart sunk when Dave returned with Caesar. He was slightly built with dark features and sunglasses, dressed from head to toe in leather. Something was telling Adam not to trust either of them.

  “Hey kids, let’s go for a ride shall we?” Dave suggested.

  Being dead meant no helmets and no speed restrictions and like a small child Summer raced straight for Dave’s motorcycle, leaving Adam with no choice but to ride with Caesar. Taking off with lightening speed they headed towards the suburbs, for Adam it would either be the moment of truth or it would result in more searching. With the wind in his face and secretly glad for the ride he couldn’t wait to get to the cemetery. But neither of then knew where it was even though Dave had a vague idea they ended up horribly lost.

  “I thought we were going the right way, sorry son I can’t find the place.” Dave said as they stopped by a gas station.

  Summer had already gone inside with Caesar to pick up drinks and food whilst Adam tried to get his bearings. The gas station was in the middle of nowhere and it looked more rural than it should have been.

  “This aint the suburbs.” Adam remarked concerned that he didn’t know where they were.

  “Nope, I guess not. Looks like I’ve gone way off course. I’ll tell you what, why don’t we head up for the forest first? Your little girlfriend’s itching to get up there and then we’ll head back down and find your cemetery.”

  By the tone of Dave’s voice it was an offer he couldn’t refuse, firm and to the point there was no room for negotiation. The only thing left for Adam to do was agree, knowing that Summer would put camping in a forest above searching in a cemetery any day.

  Her excitement was evident when they told her that they’d gone too far out of the suburbs and were headed out. As expected when Summer was fixed on something she would always without intention crush the other person’s feelings by her inconsiderate nature. Adam was once again in the firing line and dutifully went along with the plan simply because he had nowhere else to go.

  Getting on the bike and putting all his trust in strangers they ride towards the forest. It was taking longer than expected as Dave had to keep stopping for what he called ‘a rest for his foot.’ Neither of them could understand why he still had a psychical problem. But as with Summer’s bulimia it was all in the mind.

  It was night time when they finally reached the edge of the forest. The clear star lit sky was beautiful as they stopped by a small cabin nestled between some trees.

  “We’re here.” Dave said.

  “Where?” Adam asked.

  “Home from home.”

  “There’s four of us and its squat tiny so where do we all sleep?”

  “Wherever you find a spot!” Was Dave’s stern reply.

  Adam and Summer had hardly spoken since they’d left the restaurant on account of her fixation with the road trip and motorcycles. Now they’d reached their destination he was desperate to talk to her.

  “Are you sure we’ve done the right thing coming here with these guys?”

  “Still fucking paranoid? It’s getting really annoying!” She replied angrily.

  “I just get the feeling these guys aren’t on the level, why can’t you see it?”

  “Because I’m not as freaked out as you are, I’m past caring how I died or when. It really doesn’t matter anymore…will you just see how great it is here, look around you!”

  He didn’t want to look, or be in a fantasy world of cabins and starry skies. Something was telling him that he was miserable and to find out what happened since everything changed. He missed his life, bad as it was, and no amount of nature could make it okay.

  “I’m not staying long here.” He replied. “I have to keep searching.”

  “Please Adam, don’t leave me!” She begged.

  “Then you’ll leave with me, or I go without you”

  He did his best to ignore the tears as guilt kicked in. Knowing he was spoiling her special moment didn’t temper his need to get out of the mess he felt he was in. His feelings for her hadn’t changed, she had just become a lesser priority.

  “Come on kids let’s go inside.” Dave said.

  The door opened to one room sparsely furnished with a table and three chairs, a small wood burner and an old couch big enough for two.

  “You guys have to be kidding!” Adam commented.

  Dave was far from happy with Adam’s rudeness. “Hey! Show some respect to your hosts. Lay your sleeping bag down and stop complaining.” He ordered.

  The more time Adam spent with Dave, the less he liked him. Something wasn’t right but he was sure of one thing-he was trouble. Then there was Caesar, way too quiet for his taste. The man hardly spoke instead preferring to stare out into infinity and doing whatever Dave told him to do. Complying for now, Adam dutifully laid down his sleeping bag in the corner of the cold room and slipped slowly inside it; without a word he tried to fall into some kind of sleep.

  Fuck you all! I’m dead at eighteen with no-one to help me and I want to stop being me, stop thinking and feeling. I want to be obliterated.

  As morning approached the early dawn woke Adam with a glimmer of light through the narrow window. He was confused with dying, he still needed to eat and sleep and do all the things he did when he was alive but there were a few subtle differences. There was no feeling of physical pain or discomfort and no desire for personal hy
giene. The longer he’d been dead the less sexual urges he had- home and family felt distant and detached- it didn’t matter. But he could still make decisions and one in particular plagued his thoughts. How to get as far away as possible from the creepy bikers safely- with Summer in tow. She was sleeping close by him wrapped up in her sleeping bag; her blond hair tousled and fanned out on the floor. He studied her face carefully. She was a sleeping beauty, her long lashes, and full lips enthralled him as did her innocent big blue eyes. Pushing her gently he hoped to wake her without disturbing the others. “What?” She said.

  “I want us to leave.”

  “We’ve only just got here, you’re not giving it a chance.”

  “Please Summer let’s go now before they wake up.”

  “I haven’t walked in the forest yet so stop being so damn selfish!”

  Before he could answer Dave was up and stood over Adam making sure his large frame was in full view.

  “You aint going nowhere boy, I’m intending to have some fun with this little whore so you’d better keep quiet or else.”

  Summer kept still in her sleeping bag, her eyes wide with fear while Adam froze with terror. He figured that the size of Dave was no match and unsure of what one dead person could do to another he decided to do the only thing possible, reason.

  “Common Dave she’s just a kid, surely you’d prefer a real woman?” He said in a friendly manner.

  “I like em young and hot and she’s one hot piece of ass.”

  “But I figured out that sex don’t mean a thing when you’re dead.”

  “You’ve got that wrong kid, must be you not being able to get it up. Time for talking is over, it’s time to party!”

  With that he leaned over Summer still in her sleeping bag. Adam climbed out of his unsure of how he could do to stop him, but before he had time to react Caesar grabbed him from behind and dragged him to the chair. Adam screamed and fought but it was no good, Caesar was incredibly strong for his small frame and effortlessly bound Adam’s hands and feet with rope.

  “If you move one inch I’ve smash your baby face to pulp.” Caesar warned.

  Was there still a face to pulp? That was debatable but uncertain of what being dead actually meant Adam had to decide whether to risk it and make further problems for Summer. This time there were no drugs involved- she was fully aware of what was going on.


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