Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2)

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Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2) Page 9

by Angel, Rachel

  “Maybe, but he’s just a friend to me,” I said. There was no way I was going to get my heart stomped on by Marshall, especially if he wouldn’t just come clean with what he was feeling if it was more than friendship.

  The rest of the party was fun and rebounded back into a lively celebration, but I couldn’t help but be distracted by what had happened. It was so confusing and I just didn’t get it. I knew that I was not going to be a part of games like that. I wasn’t good at playing them.

  The party ended with plans for all of us to get together at Marshall’s house on the studio lot on Sunday for some fun. It sounded like a nice plan, but I had to make sure I was home early and well rested. Monday would be the day the merger was supposed to take place and I still had a few hunches to follow-up on before that meeting; particularly since it was to take place in the morning.

  Chapter 17

  Sunday afternoon came quick enough and I was enjoying hanging out by the pool that was in the back of Marshall’s house at the studio. The day was bright and sunny, making the temperature relaxing and ideal. My mind was already a bit distracted with the merger meeting tomorrow, hoping that I’d done everything I could to give Marshall an out if it was in his best interests, which it was. Thankfully he agreed with that too. That didn’t mean it would be easy to just cancel it on the spot.

  Marshall and I were friendly, but kept kind of a curt distance from each other. I suspected that he’d been getting harassed about our decision to be friends as much as I’d been. Mandi and Sophia just didn’t understand that was the way it had to be—it was what was best.

  “You know what I’d like…a glass of wine,” Sophia said. “Do you know where the cellar is Becca?”

  “Yeah, let me take you down there so you can pick some out,” I said. “I could go for a glass of wine myself. Sounds perfect.”

  Sophia and I made our way down to the cellar and Mandi said she’d come along for the walk. She wanted to see what Marshall’s well supplied wine cellar looked like. Sergio had said it was fabulous.

  Marshall smiled at us as we walked past and Sophia asked if he could come and help make sure that she picked out a bottle he was okay parting with. He had no problems agreeing to do so. From past conversations I’d learned that there were a few bottles that he was very attached to and not willing to open.

  As we made our way to the basement of the house where the cellar was located it took me a bit to adjust my eyes. The sun had been so bright and it was dimly lit in the basement, with only shadows of lights from outside providing light.

  “Marshall, I’ve heard great things about your wine cellar. Thanks for letting me see it,” Mandi said.

  “Me too. Do you have any Petite Syrah’s?” Sophia asked.

  “Indeed. They’re in the back corner,” Marshall said.

  We got to the wine cellar and Marshall opened the door, walking in first to turn the light on.

  “After you,” Sophia said, holding her arm out to me.

  I walked in and didn’t think much about it until I heard the door slam. Marshall and I turned around and saw that we were now alone in the wine cellar with no Mandi or Sophia in sight. The lock on the outside door clicked.

  I ran to the door and pounded my fists on it. “What are you guys doing? Open up the door.”

  Marshall chuckled. “I think that we’ve just been set-up. Very clever. Did you have anything to do with this?”

  “What? Are you kidding me? No, I didn’t have anything to do with this. Those guys have just been so stubborn, thinking that we should be more than friends. They just won’t leave it alone.”

  “It must be a tag team effort then,” Marshall commented. “I’m getting the same suggestions from Andre and Sergio, not Sylvain though.” Marshall was smiling at me, showing that he did indeed feel a bit foolish for his outburst last night.

  “Well, I say that we show them that we mean what we say. I’m determined to win this battle.”

  “Very persistent, I like it. So, we’re here for a sit-out until they finally free us, are we?” Marshall said. His eyes lit up at the challenge too. I guess we were both pretty stubborn when it came to others trying to dictate what we should do.

  There was no place to sit in the wine cellar so Marshall and I sat down on the cold floor. I only had on a tank top and a pair of shorts and the cold feel of the stones and concrete instantly took away the warmth of the sun outside. I started shivering.

  “Not really an ideal climate for shorts and a tank,” Marshall commented.

  “You’re not kidding. I’m freezing.”

  “Come closer,” Marshall said. He held his arm out, and I scuttled over, nestling myself closer and instantly enjoying the warmth of his body. Not surprisingly, I also began to instantly enjoy the feeling of his muscular body pressed against mine too.

  “I seriously cannot believe they did this,” I said, looking up at Marshall.

  He was smiling, looking down at me. “Have you ever seen those shows about how they stop hypothermia from setting in?”

  “I think so. They take all their clothes off and rely on body heat, don’t they?”

  “Indeed they do, not that I’m suggesting we do that…unless it’s necessary.”

  Just the way Marshall said that made me instantly wet. His words were so suggestive and kind of rugged, turning the chilly wine cellar into a place where a great sexual adventure could take place.

  “How long do you think it takes for hypothermia to set in?” I asked, knowing full well it wouldn’t, but intrigued by the thought of pretending it would.

  “Within minutes I’ve heard,” Marshall said.

  “Now I’m scared. We’ve been in here for at least ten minutes.”

  With that, Marshall leaned over and began to kiss me hungrily. I could feel his tongue entering into my mouth and my response to his passionate kiss. I wanted him so badly and I was glad to give the victory to Sophia and Mandi in exchange for experiencing all of Marshall in that cellar. It would be well worth it.

  The next thing I knew, both Marshall and I were standing up and I was peeling my tank and shorts off as fast as I could. Marshall took over then, unlatching the clasp of my emerald green bra and groping my breasts as it slid off of me. Then his hand roamed down to my panties and slid between them and my skin, caressing me until I was even wetter and sliding his fingers in and out. I groaned in response, instantly feeling a climax starting to rise within me just from his urgent touch.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to see Marshall naked and explore his beautiful body with my hands and mouth. I slid my panties down and began to pull his t-shirt off and unbuttoned his shorts, sliding them off with his boxers in one swift motion.

  Marshalls’ hard-on was so impressive; I longed to take him in my mouth as I’d dreamt of the first day I saw him in his house. I went down to my knees and did just that, slowly sliding my lips over his erection and feeling it slide down to the back of my mouth. Marshall groaned, as I tasted him deep within me. Every time I took of him in deeply led to a more aroused state within me.

  “Becca, oh my God, Becca,” Marshall moaned.

  I began to slide my tongue up and down Marshall’s shaft, making sure that I tasted every bit of his massive size. I’d never received such pleasure from giving head before and I couldn’t believe how much more aroused it made me. Every one of my nerves was alert and involved in the pleasure of giving that I was providing Marshall at that moment.

  “I want to come. Please let me come in you,” Marshall pleaded.

  “I want that too,” I said. Marshall knelt down and lay on his back, gently guiding me on top of him and he slid into me with no resistance. I began to rock back and forth, feeling Marshall’s cock reach to the deepest parts of me, making my aroused state continue to escalate. He groaned, his hands grabbing my buttocks and pulling me closer to him, pushing me to increase my speed as he thrust upwards to meet my speed. It felt so good and so right, better than anything I could ever recall.
/>   Marshall’s hands reached up and grabbed my breasts, pinching them and caressing them as I came closer to climax. His fingers then went to touch and rub me from below until I wanted to explode. Finally I couldn’t wait any longer and my back arched as I came aggressively, forcefully, releasing all of the sexual energy that I’d built up for Marshall over the past weeks in one defining moment. Just as I finished I looked at Marshall to see that he was staring at me with those intense blue eyes and beginning to come in me, his eyes filled with such pleasure and pain at the same time that there were unshed tears in them. He was emotionally and physically moved by our lovemaking as I was. It felt so good, so necessary, so wonderfully loving, unlike what I thought it would be like.

  I collapsed down on to Marshall and began to kiss him, now oblivious to the chilliness of the cement and stones. All I could feel was the intense heat from what I’d just experienced. It was hands down the best sexual experience I’d ever had, including the masterful attention that Marshall had paid to me in Vegas on that night.

  “Wow,” Marshall said.

  “Yep, that sums it up,” I said, smiling. “I think I like being your friend.”

  “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” Marshall said, pulling me closer again and caressing my cheek. “You’re okay with this?”

  “Yes, I am. I wanted this Marshall and I wish I wouldn’t have held back last time. I’ve regretted it ever since.”

  “You have?” Marshall asked, sounding surprised by my confession.

  “You are a beautiful, sexy, and smart man. There’s nothing not to desire about you.”

  “Really,” Marshall said.

  “Yes,” I said. I slid my hand down, wanting to feel his firm body and noticed that he still had an erection. “So, are you ready to go for it again?”

  “I think I can manage it,” Marshall smiled.

  From that moment on, we found ourselves exploring every detail of each other’s body, fucking in every way we could think of and going until we’d collapse from exhaustion. We were insatiable for each other, having denied ourselves this desire for so long.

  “Becca,” Marshall said, “I dreamed of touching you and fucking you since the first time I saw you standing there in my room.”

  “I wanted you to, so badly, Marshall,” I said, rubbing my cheeks against his chest. I kissed his stomach and then his chest, licking his nipple until he groaned and grabbed me to turn me on my back. With a roar, he plunged into me, thrusting in and out until I was crying out his name and almost digging my nails into his back, we both climaxed so hard at the same time, we’d doze off afterwards and then start it all over again a little later.

  It was hard to say how much time had passed, but suddenly Marshall was nudging me awake. “Becca, it’s nearly 11 p.m.”

  “Oh my gosh,” I said, snapping out of the bliss that I’d just experienced for a great many hours. “The merger meeting!”

  “We’ll be okay. You’ve done all your homework and the rest will fall into place,” Marshall said. “I have complete confidence in you.” He leaned in and kissed me, instantly calming my anxiety.

  “I hope that cellar door is unlocked now. All my…exercise…has made me hungry and exhausted.” I smiled, winking at Marshall. Thankfully the door was unlocked. We quickly got dressed and made our way upstairs to see that everybody was gone. In the kitchen there was a note on the counter. It read:

  Marshall and Becca,

  We’re glad to see that you two “friends” had so much fun today and stopped being so stubborn. The only thing we are ALL curious about is what time it’ll be when you get this note. For the record, the door was unlocked by 3 p.m.

  Thanks for the hospitality and we all hope you two stop being so stubborn and admit you got something special started!

  Sophia, Mandi, Sergio, and Andre

  PS: The guys want you to know that the brilliant cellar idea was definitely the ladies!

  Marshall and I couldn’t help but laugh at the message. Indeed their plan had worked for today, but I still didn’t know what the future would hold for us or if we were prepared to admit anything. One thing I couldn’t deny was that I’d had an incredible Sunday and it defined what amazing sex was in my eyes.

  “Well, I’d better get going. See you bright and early,” I said.

  “Let me walk you out to your car. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, friend.”

  “You either, friend.”

  We laughed and off I went in my little Audi, hauling it home and hoping that I’d be set to go. It was hard to think of business though when the taste and touch of Marshall lingered all over my body.

  Chapter 18

  I was ready to go and back at the office by 7 a.m. feeling more alive and determined to stop the merger than ever before. In the back of my mind I was still beaming from the day before and it energized me to give the impending meeting my all.

  “This is it. The day has come, the day you hired me for,” I said to Marshall when he came downstairs. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, I am. And you?”

  “I am. Marshall, I finally got the final pieces to the puzzle I was waiting for last night to solidify all this and have it make sense. It was on my email when I got home.”

  “Hopefully you got some sleep,” Marshall commented, looking concerned.

  “I got enough. I’m pretty energized today,” I said.

  “So, you don’t regret yesterday, Becca?”

  “Not one single bit of it,” I replied.

  “Good,” Marshall said, his face full of concern as he searched my face. “Because I certainly didn’t, Becca. Not at all.” He paused, while looking at my lips and eyes, clearly wanting to kiss them. But he held back. “So, what did you find out?”

  I went on to tell Marshall about how the executives at his studio had definitely been playing his father and had plans to boot him out of the picture once the merger was complete. They’d taken advantage of a sickly man and the hopes that his son would be clueless when it came to business. All of that was done in exchange for them being offered high stock options and fatter salaries at the new studio that would be formed after the merger.

  Marshall was shaking his head, not even looking bothered by it. I had to give him credit. It took a strong confident person to not feel angry about someone attempting to play them for a fool.

  I finally asked, “So, how do you want to approach this? At the meeting or before the meeting?”

  “I think we should go for the gusto and do it at the meeting. I want to see their faces when they realize that we’ve found out their agenda; plus my security guards can be there to escort them off the property.”

  “Okay, that’s the plan then,” I said.

  Three hours later, we were sitting in the conference room at the office and four very uncomfortable Foothill Studio executives were sitting next to an attorney and two other very uncomfortable executives from Silver Fern Productions.

  I just sat there, not having to say a word. I had just handed a document to everyone when Marshall referenced it. It was exciting watching them squirm, and I was glad to see them get busted for what they’d attempted to do. It served them right.

  The attorney for Silver Fern Productions and the Foothill executives said that he’d be starting legal repercussions for backing out of the deal immediately. It was clear that he didn’t want to get busted for helping a shifty deal take place and was covering himself. The executives looked at him, clearly indicating that he’d better sit back down.

  “Can I have a few minutes with my clients,” the attorney asked.

  “Certainly,” Marshall replied. Marshall and I got up and went out into the hallway while they talked.

  “I’d love to hear what they’re saying in there,” I said.

  “Trying to save face. Something like this getting out in public doesn’t work well in this industry. They’d never work again if they were found out. All of them are too young for retirement yet.”

  The attorney
opened the door and gestured for us to come in. We sat back down and he began to state demands like he’d just won. “We need a severance package of twelve months pay with full benefits for the Foothill executives and a non-disclosure agreement of the details of this failed merger for everyone. Deal?”

  Marshall turned to me. “Becca, why don’t you handle this?”

  “I’m afraid that won’t work. We clearly have a case here that shows ill intent and deceit. If anything, all of you should be covering the legal expenses that came with this entire merger and the research of its validity. I believe that you’ll be content with an agreement of silence so your clients, the former executives of Foothill Studios, will have a chance of working in the movie industry again. Plus, there will also be a silence agreement against any hostile talk or mention of disdain against Marshall Kent and Foothill Studios.”

  “Why, that’s preposterous,” the attorney stated. I could tell that he saw his hefty commission slipping away.

  “You have five minutes to decide. Take it or leave it and we’ll see where things fall,” I said. I stared at him and he looked to the eyes of his five clients and they all looked back at him, communicating with the fear in their eyes.

  “You have a deal. Have the document to my office by morning.”

  “Actually, I have it here right now so you can take this and read it, have your clients sign it, and then have it back to us by morning. If we don’t receive originals by 10 a.m. we’ll take that as a sign of forfeiture and begin legal proceedings.”

  I got the last word, nobody else said anything else. The attorney and his clients filed out of the room like they were children who had just gotten reprimanded by the teacher. Marshall watched them with a coy smile on his face.

  The second they were out the door he ran up to me and hugged me tightly. “You are one beautiful, smart, and brilliant woman. That was amazing. Couldn’t have done it better myself.”


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