Whispering Pines (Celia's Gifts Book 1)

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Whispering Pines (Celia's Gifts Book 1) Page 29

by Kimberly Diede

  “Did he admit to an affair, honey?” Lavonne asked her daughter, gently rubbing her shoulder to comfort her.

  “He not only admitted it, once he could tell I wasn’t going to forgive him, he told me he’s going to be a goddamn father again. He actually said to me that he sees this as his chance at a fresh start. That did it. I kicked his ass out right then and there. Told him if he didn’t get out of my sight immediately, I was going to go tell his children what a fucking loser their father is right then and there.” She looked up at her mother’s and sister’s shocked faces. “You guys didn’t hear him leave?”

  “No,” Renee said, suddenly feeling guilty for being too wrapped up in her own problems.

  Jess shrugged. “Probably because it was during the storm last night. The thunder was pretty loud.” She laughed again, this time less bitter. “I actually prayed God would fry him with one of those lightning bolts as his sorry ass was running out to the car.”

  Not used to hearing her sister swear so much, Renee had to bite back a giggle. She personally thought Will had been acting like an ass for the past decade. While she was sad to see her sister so upset, she wasn’t surprised by any of this. His professional success had gone to his head.

  And after Jess had worked so hard to put him through medical school!

  “Renee, I want to stay here and help you. I don’t want to go home for a while. I can’t stand the thought of being anywhere near Will right now. I think you are onto something with your idea to hold women’s retreats here at the resort, but you’re gonna need some help. I need something completely different to work on so I don’t focus on the shamble my life has become. I don’t know how long I can stay, but at least for the rest of the summer. Is that OK?”

  “Oh, honey, are you sure? What about the kids?” Lavonne asked, concerned Jess was making an irrational decision in her current state.

  “Well, Nathan will head back to college mid-August. Lauren would need to stay here with me, if that’s OK. She did some nanny work in June, but the mother had a new baby last week and will be on maternity leave until September, so they don’t need Lauren anymore, at least for now. If I can get Internet out here, I can do most of my work remotely. I’ll have to go to the office once in a while, but I think I can make it work. They need me. They shouldn’t have too much problem with it.”

  “You have been doing some thinking about this haven’t you?” Renee asked.

  “I can’t lie. I knew things with Will were reaching the point of no return, even before he dropped this bombshell on me last night.”

  “Do the kids know yet?”

  “I’m sure they know I haven’t been happy. Will and I don’t even fight anymore, not like we used to. It was like we didn’t even care enough to bother to argue. They’re smart kids and they aren’t babies. But they don’t know Will left last night . . . or that he’s already started family number two. The ass.” Another tear joined the first. “I’ll have to tell them this morning.”

  Renee leaned in and hugged her. “Of course you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. In fact, we should see if we can’t make a few improvements to the other unit. It’s in pretty tough shape. You and Lauren will need to have some privacy. But are you sure you would be OK with those living conditions?”

  “Are you kidding? I can’t imagine going back to our house right now. I never felt comfortable there, anyway. Will always wanted everything so fancy, and it’s so big. Having somewhere to recover from this, somewhere Will has never been a part of, would be perfect. I don’t care if it’s a little worn around the edges. I’m feeling pretty worn right now, too.”

  Lavonne nodded. “I think your dad and I should head home today. You are going to want some space, some alone time. I think as long as you and Lauren are here with Renee and her kids, I won’t worry like I would if it was just the three of them.” She rubbed her daughter’s shoulder again. “Are you feeling better, Jess? I can hear Val and her family starting to pull up camp and they will have to leave soon. We better update her and your brother and dad on the change in plans.”

  Jess nodded, steeling herself, and finished her coffee. “Yeah, let’s get this over with. Putting it off isn’t going to make it any easier. I don’t want to get into the details with everyone yet. I’ll tell them Will and I are going to take a break. I need to talk to Lauren and Nathan first.”

  “Why don’t you go do that now, honey?” Lavonne said.

  Jess nodded. “Before I lose my nerve? Good idea. Mom, will you please go tell the rest of them?”

  Lavonne smiled reassuringly, and they all hugged.

  Jess pulled away and voiced something that had been on Renee’s mind for quite a while now.

  “God bless family.”

  Chapter 51

  Gift of Rest

  By noon, all of Renee’s extended family—except Jess and Lauren—had left. Nathan rode with his grandparents; he had to get back to his summer job at the golf course. He didn’t seem too upset about his folks. George and Lavonne took Molly, too. She needed a booster shot, so George offered to take her to a vet for Renee.

  Renters in two of the cabins also headed home. New renters weren’t due in until the following day. Renee was dead tired. She hadn’t slept much the night before and she hadn’t relaxed in a month. Two hours, just two short hours, should be enough to help her recharge.

  Jess, on the other hand, wanted to keep busy. Sensing Renee could use some time to herself, she loaded up the three teenagers in Renee’s car and headed to town for a round of miniature golf and ice cream.

  Alone at last, Renee went upstairs. She needed a shower and sleep. She considered a nap in the hammock in the backyard, but a tiny voice in the back of her mind suggested that might not be the best idea. Given recent events, she knew she wouldn’t be able to relax enough to fall asleep, alone in the open like that. The temperature was pushing eighty-five degrees, so she cranked up the AC unit in her bedroom and took a cool shower. She slipped on a light tank top and cotton pajama shorts, shutting her bedroom door in case the kids got home while she was still sleeping. She set the alarm on her cell for two hours. The room was comfortably cool, and it didn’t take her long to drift off.


  She slowly surfaced from a dreamless sleep. Something had disturbed her, but she wasn’t sure what. All was quiet. She glanced at her cell: she’d only been asleep for half an hour. She started to fall back asleep when someone knocked at the front door.

  “Oh, crap,” she groaned. Two hours is too much to ask around here. Now who needs something?

  Renee considered ignoring whoever was at the door; maybe they would go away. But the rapping sound came again.

  Giving up on her nap, but still groggy, Renee grudgingly left the comfort of her bed and headed downstairs to see who was so persistent. She flung open the door, but paused in shock when she saw who was standing there. A second later her face split into a huge grin and she launched herself straight at the man on her porch.

  Matt caught Renee up against him, strong arms wrapping around her and rocking her gently back and forth. Neither said anything for a minute or two. He breathed in deeply. Renee’s damp hair smelled of fresh flowers, and her body was warm from sleep.

  “God, I needed this,” he finally said.

  Pulling back only far enough to look up at him, Renee studied his face, delighted but confused by his presence.

  “Oh my God, what are you doing here, Matt? I can’t believe you’re here!”

  Matt gently brushed back a stray curl from Renee’s forehead, letting it wrap around his finger. His eyes roamed over her face. “You’re even prettier than I remember, you know that?”

  She smacked his chest, laughing. “Don’t dodge the question!”

  “Well now, it’s kind of a long story. Maybe you should invite me in. I personally love what you’re wearing, but I don’t know that you want your guests seeing you in this if they’re out for a walk.”

  Looking down, Renee shrieked
in horror. She’d forgotten how little she had on. She felt herself blush furiously, grabbed Matt’s hand, and pulled him inside, laughing but appalled at herself for being so careless. She would have been mortified if it had been anyone other than Matt standing there. The fact that it was Matt thrilled her.

  She didn’t let go of his hand after she pulled him into the cool interior, shutting and locking the door behind them. He didn’t move away. They had been talking on the phone and emailing each other for months, learning bits and pieces of each other’s lives, but both had become achingly aware of their inability to experience true intimacy with the other. Suddenly, they were here, together, and the air around them felt electric.

  Matt caught Renee up against the length of his body. He slowly stepped her back until she could feel the cool door against her shoulder blades and bottom, a stark contrast to the heat she felt all along the front of her body. Matt dipped his head, catching her lips in a hungry kiss. Renee matched his urgency, dropping his hand to wrap her arms around his neck, her hands burying in his hair. It was like she was right back on that beach with him, surrounded by inky black night, white sand at their feet. Desire washed through her like the tide. He pushed her more firmly against the door, and she could feel his need. She let her arms relax, exploring his broad shoulders and back until he was shivering against her.

  “OK, Renee, either we need to slow down, or I am going to show you right here on your living room floor how much I missed you,” Matt warned her, resting his forehead against hers and gulping for air.

  “I missed you too, Matt. So much. I have to admit, I’ve wondered what would have happened that night on the beach if your cell phone hadn’t gone off. I’ve wondered it almost every night.”

  “You know exactly what would have happened,” Matt chuckled, pulling back to look at Renee. “You intrigued me from the minute I first laid eyes on you.”

  “Oh, I did not. Now you are lying. There was nothing intriguing about me that first day on the beach, rumpled from travel, hungry, and ticked off at myself for locking my keys in the car. And then we crashed on the beach the next morning when you were out for your run. We fell into the sand and I had that awful creature crawling in my hair . . .” Renee remembered with a shudder.

  “That isn’t the way I remember it at all. I remember how you kept your cool, after what I’m sure was an exhausting day of travel, when you locked your keys in your rental. The next morning, you were so engrossed in finding the perfect sea shell, you didn’t see me coming. I should have been watching where I was going instead of running you down.” Matt held her close again and brushed his lips against her forehead. “But what I remember most vividly is you standing at the edge of the ocean with moonlight shining in your hair and on your shimmery dress as the clock ran out on the old year and a new year was dawning. It was like I was drawn to you, time and time again.”

  “Matt, I want you. I want to be with you. I’m home alone right now, which never happens. Come upstairs with me. We’ve waited long enough.”

  Renee again took Matt’s hand, this time leading him up the stairs. He followed silently, raising her hand in his, kissing each of her fingers as they climbed. She pulled him a little faster now, not wanting to think too much about what she was doing. They entered her bedroom and she shut this door, too, locking it behind her.

  He met her eyes. “Are you sure about this, Renee?”

  Renee pulled him farther into the room. “No, I’m not sure about anything. But this feels right. I missed you. Even though we haven’t spent much time together in person, we’ve been getting to know each other for months.” Renee beamed at him. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  A shadow briefly passed over his eyes, but he smiled back at her.

  “I missed you too, Renee. I didn’t know what to expect, showing up here unannounced.”

  “Let me show you.”

  Renee slowly reached out and took a hold of the bottom of Matt’s shirt. She eased it up over his head and let it fall to the carpet. Her hands caressed his chest, broad and muscular. He groaned and followed her lead, pulling her tank top up over her head and dropping it on top of his. Shyness had her stepping closer to Matt to pull his eyes from her breasts back to her face. Despite her wanting this, it was still scary to allow Matt to see her in broad daylight, to touch her.

  It had been a long time, and she was nervous.

  Sensing her hesitation, Matt again asked her if she was sure. Not trusting her voice, she walked over to her rumpled bed and lay down on her side, looking up at him. Seeing the invitation in her eyes, Matt laid down next to her so they faced each other.

  “God, you are so beautiful. Thank you for the warm welcome,” he teased, breaking the growing tension. She gave him a playful shove and he rolled onto his back, pulling her along and settling her on top of him.

  They kissed again, exploring each other with their mouths and their hands. Sensations rose, and Renee forgot to be nervous. She had dreamed of this moment, literally, over the past six months. Matt’s hands played down her back, massaging and stroking, pressing her even more firmly to him. He raised his knee slowly, creating an exquisite pressure where an insistent throbbing had started at her core. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she rolled off him, pulling him along until they reversed positions. He stayed on top of her, kissing her deeply, until both of them needed to be closer still. Matt rolled to his side and slowly eased Renee’s shorts down her legs, following behind the shorts with butterfly kisses. He tossed the shorts aside and quickly wiggled out of his constricting jeans and briefs.

  Now when he again settled on top of her, there were no barriers between them. She could feel the length of him. Unable to hold off any longer, he gently nudged Renee’s legs apart and slipped into her, both of them shuddering and moaning as he buried himself deeper. Giving her time to accommodate him, he used his forearms to bear some of his own weight, searching her eyes but not moving until she started to rock against him, inviting him. At her signal, he matched her rhythm, starting slowly but gathering speed as they raced toward release together. Gone was the careful, exploratory pace. Renee wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in ever deeper. He moaned at the exquisite rush, and she gasped as she was racked with wave after wave of pure energy.

  Neither moved as the intense sensations began to subside, both savoring their closeness and the magic they shared. But it was getting hard for Renee to breathe; Matt was heavy in his current state of utter relaxation. He rolled off her but gathered her close. Renee snuggled in, her head against his shoulder as they both caught their breath, gazing at the slowly circling fan above.

  Eventually, Renee gave a little shiver as the sweat on their bodies evaporated into the cooled air. Matt pulled a light cotton blanket over them, wanting to hold Renee close a bit longer.

  “You OK?” Matt inquired, absently stroking her hair. “You’re awfully quiet.”

  “Oh yes, I’m . . . wonderful. Honestly, I was thinking how relieved I am we never had a chance to make love on the beach back in Fiji.”

  Matt’s hand froze mid-stroke, more than a little surprised at her response.

  “What does that mean?” he asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

  “If we had, there would have been no way I could have waited over six months to do that with you again!”

  “Oh jeez, you had me worried for a minute there, woman!”

  With a giggle, Renee started tickling Matt and the wrestling match was on. Matt was so ticklish, he could hardly stand it. Renee was quick, but eventually he again had her pinned on the bed below him, holding her hands above her head to stop the tickling. Slightly appalled at his lack of control—all her squirming was already getting him aroused again—he bent to give her a hard kiss and then pushed himself back up off the bed. He reached a hand down to her and helped her up.

  “If you aren’t careful,” he said, “we’re going to wind up right back where we were on that bed again. While I certainly wou
ldn’t complain, aren’t you expecting your kids to be getting back any time soon?”

  Renee clutched her arms to her breasts as if she expected them to walk in right at that moment. “Oh my God, what time is it? They can’t come home and find us like this!”

  And aren’t they going to be surprised to see you! Renee reminded herself—after all, the kids still had no idea she’d kept in touch with the sheriff from Fiji.

  Matt laughed. “Hold on. Relax. It’s about two o’clock. When were you expecting them?”

  Still clutching her chest, Renee took a deep breath. “Oh, thank goodness . . . Jess thought they’d be back about three.”

  “OK then, why don’t we get dressed, straighten your room, and head out back to talk? Unless,” Matt said with a laugh, “you’d rather spend the time going for round two.”


  Five minutes later, Renee and Matt were sitting in the backyard. Each had a glass of lemonade on the table between them.

  “Why, Matthew, it is so good to see you! Whatever brings you here?” Renee asked him with a twinkle in her eye.

  But Matt wasn’t so playful now. He leaned forward in his chair, resting his forehead on his fists. He didn’t immediately answer Renee. But then he sat back, took a deep breath, and began to share.

  “About a month ago, my sister called and said I needed to come home. Dad was going downhill fast. It took me a few days to make arrangements, and then I flew back to the States.”

  Matt paused for a minute, sipping his lemonade and collecting his thoughts. “She made the right call, insisting I come home. When I got to the hospital, Dad wasn’t arguing with the doctors and nurses to go home anymore. Not a good sign. It was as if he’d resigned himself to the fact he’d never go home. He was glad to see me, but didn’t say much. I stayed with him that first night, fell asleep in the chair.” He glanced at Renee, then dropped his head back to gaze at the brilliant blue sky. Renee reached over and carefully took his free hand, offering him support. He squeezed her hand and continued, “In the morning he didn’t wake up. He lingered for a few more days, but never regained consciousness.”


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