The Emerald Tartan

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The Emerald Tartan Page 24

by Patricia McGrew

  “’Tis a strange thing to say. What do you mean by that?”

  Lydia related the story her mother had explained to her on the day they took their trip to London in response to the ad in The London Times. Her biological father was her mother’s piano teacher, Andre Bonnet, not the Reverend Matthew Holcomb. She reiterated the story without any emotion or sadness.

  “Ian, I know it sounds unusual or strange, but I am so incredibly happy that man is not my biological father. Oh, I suppose I will always refer to him as my father, because he is the ‘father’ I knew as a child. But there was and is something not normal about him. I would live forever in fear that any children I might bear would have whatever his malady of spirit is. I could not live with it. To know my biological father is a man who truly loved my mother, allows me to know I, too, am normal. Does it make sense to you?” “In a twisted sort of way, I guess,” laughed Ian. “Don’t you worry about being normal, my love. You are very normal and healthy. In fact, I would like to talk to you about any children you may bear. Could we start on that tonight?” “Why Ian!” She laughed. “You are going to make me blush.” Lydia lowered her voice so the driver could not hear her words. “If we do not work on that particular project tonight, I will be devastated!”

  Ian leaned over and covered her lips with his. He deepened the kiss and his tongue flicked her with passionate intensity.

  Lydia felt her lower regions quiver with anticipation and excitement.

  “If you don’t mind, we will finish this discussion in our cabin!”

  “Our cabin?” “I am a man of my word, Lydia. You own half of whatever I have. I will never have you fearing for your independence again. I may have to bite my tongue from time to time, but so help me God, I will stand by my words with deeds to match.”

  Ten minutes later they found themselves back in their cabin. Lydia began to feel shyness for the first time in the presence of Ian. She stood in the middle of the cabin and looked around. “I … Ian. I don’t know what to do.”

  Ian smiled. “You don’t have to do anything. Let me do it for you.”

  Relieved, Lydia smiled back shyly.

  Ian walked over to her and began inching her body back toward the bunk. Just before he reached the bunk, he stopped. “Turn around, sweetheart.”

  When Lydia turned to face the bunk, he very slowly began to unhook her wedding dress. After every two or three hooks, he showered her neckline and back with kisses. He then resumed unhooking the dress. Half way down her back, Ian pushed the gown off her shoulders and kissed very inch of bare skin.

  Little goose bumps arose on Lydia’s arms. “Ian, please let me help.”

  “Nay, Lass. This is my job, and one I gladly take on. Let me do this.”

  Ian stood up and wrapped his arms around Lydia and pulled her firmly up against his length. Lydia felt every inch of his hardness. Her knees started to buckle. He sat her on the edge of the bunk and pulled the top half of her dress down to her waist. He kneeled before her and gently suckled her pointed and hardened pink nipples.

  “Ian,” she gasped. “Oh goodness. This feels so good.”

  “It will feel even better soon, my love.”

  He stood up and again turned her around. He lifted her wedding dress over her head and removed it. Then, he deftly untied the hoop for the dress and let it collapse to the floor.

  “Good Lord, Lydia. How many of these petticoats are there?”

  “The extra petticoats are to ensure that the hoop does not collapse when pushed. I only have three other petticoats on.”

  “These petticoats can try a man’s patience. I am no animal. I will take them off you carefully layer by layer.”

  “Wouldn’t you like me to wear the peignoir I picked out today?” “Nay, Lass. You can wear that for me tomorrow night. Right now, I will not be distracted … or delayed!”

  The remaining petticoats fell to the floor and Lydia stepped out of them. Ian picked them up … and then threw them in the corner.

  He looked at her and saw more clothing.

  “Woman, what happened to the days when you wore only my trousers and one of my shirts? This is unbelievable. How many more layers are there?”

  “Only two.”

  “And what would those layers consist of?”

  “My corset and chemise.”

  “So I am close?” “Very close!”

  Lydia felt her insides grow wetter. How much longer could Ian draw this out?

  Just as she was beginning to think it would take Ian forever to undress her, the corset was gone. “I apologize, my love. This is just too much.” With that said Ian ripped the front of her chemise and tore it away from her.

  Ian flipped Lydia onto the bunk and came up with his face between her legs. He nipped playfully at her ankles and worked his way up to her knees. Then very carefully he licked his way up to her thighs.

  “Ian, what are you doing?”

  “Shhh. Relax. I will give you some pleasure.”

  “Ian!” screeched Lydia. “This is not proper, is it?”

  “Yes, my dear. This is extremely proper.” Ian laved his tongue round her inner thigh and then licked her mound. He flicked his tongue in between her legs and moved into her heavily swollen lips. His tongue delved deeper inside Lydia’s most private parts. She could not resist screaming out in pleasure.

  She looked at Ian in wonder. “Ian, is this something I could do to you?”

  “I am not built like you, Lass.”

  Lydia giggled. “You know what I mean.” She reached down and grabbed the length of his hardness. “Oh my. Ian, you are so large. It amazes me you even fit into me. Uh. … Can I lick you … you know … the way you did me?”


  All of a sudden, Ian was not so certain that allowing Lydia such freedom was a good idea – at least right now. His control was already on the verge of abandoning him.

  Too late. Lydia grabbed him firmly and jumped up from her prone position on the bed. Ian wondered how she could be on top of him so quickly. She lowered her mouth around his pulsing member and licked around the head.

  “Och, Lass. You cannot do that anymore, or I will burst all over you.”

  Ignoring his plea, Lydia lowered her mouth over the entire length of his staff. Gradually, she brought her lips to the tip of the head again. With her repeated motions, she found her own bottom pumped each time she went deep on Ian.

  Before she knew what happened, Ian turned her over onto her back.

  “I need you now my love.”

  “Yes, please,” pleaded Lydia.

  She looked down just in time to see Ian shove his incredible size into her own small body. The force of it sent a tingling sensation into Lydia’s every essence. She joined him with his rhythmic action so they moved in harmony. With each thrust, Ian delved deeper into Lydia. Lydia began to see stars and her entire body felt as though it was quivering with sensations. She could no longer control her own physical responses, and a wave of vibrations pulsated through her again and again. Ian moaned out his own release. For a moment the only sounds that could be heard were the gasps for air of two very satiated and happy people. Ian was not sure how many times he could repeat such a wondrous act, but he was determined to give it as much effort as possible that night.


  Early the next morning Lydia lazily stretched out in the bunk – only to discover an empty spot beside her.


  “Yes, my love. I am over here at my desk.”

  “What is the matter? Why are you up so early?”

  “’Tis what Hee Sing said.”

  “About what?”

  “About Lord Darke. I don’t know how to explain this uneasy feeling I have, other than to say I have an inkling Lord Darke may very well be my brother-in-law, Percy McDougall. I know we talked last night about returning to England right away, but I would ask you to grant me a week to resolve this issue before we depart.”

  Surprised by Ian’s request, Lydia sat
up in the bunk. Realizing she was completely naked, she pulled the sheet up over her chest and asked, “What makes you think this Lord Darke might be your brother-in-law?” “Well, the Scottish brogue alone would not be enough to make me suspicious. But, the mole on the right cheek is rather unusual and arouses my curiosity. Percy had brown hair, and when I left Scotland, he was slender. That was about fourteen years ago – he could easily be much heavier now.

  “I continue to think about the type of man who would have no qualms about the buying and selling of people like so much cattle. I do believe Percy would be capable of such behavior – especially if it provides him with sufficient financial remuneration. Before we leave, I need to find out if Lord Darke and Percy McDougall are one and the same.”

  “Ian, he sounds like a vicious, cruel man. You could get hurt.”

  “Lydia, this man’s activities are not only illegal, they are immoral. I can call upon my crew to assist me if necessary. I just need to come up with a plan to lure him out into the open. Sing Hee said he would be arriving sometime this morning.”

  “You are right, of course,” said Lydia. Absentmindedly, she began twisting her hair into curls while she thought about Lord Darke.

  Ian touched his fingertips together in the shape of a church steeple, lost on thought.

  Lydia let her sheet drop as she jumped off the edge of the bunk and scurried over to the armoire.

  “I’ve got it!” she shouted excitedly. She opened the armoire and pulled out the yellow dress the modiste insisted she purchase long with her wedding dress. She fumbled in the chest of drawers looking for her chemise. She forgot it lay torn on the floor from the evening before.

  “What do you mean?” asked Ian.

  “I know how we can catch Lord Darke and turn him over to authorities. Do we still have anything left of my green ball gown?”

  “Yes. It is at the Fairchild residence. We will be going back there today, so I thought we could retrieve the remainder of our belongings this afternoon. I was going to throw it out, but as of now, we still have it.”

  “We need to get the green dress back. I can put it on, dirty my face and arms, and mess up my hair. If I show up looking dazed and confused in Chinatown, near the entrance to the tunnels, I am certain that one of Lord Darke’s men will recognize me and recapture me. His men will probably put me back in a cell and then summon Lord Darke. He has to be furious that Pakelekia, Sing Hee, and I all escaped. His men will be desperate to make up for their loss of three people. In fact, I would be willing to bet his nefarious crew is out looking for unsuspecting, innocent women right now to atone for their failure.”

  “Lydia, I will not put you back in any danger. You’re my wife now, and as my wife, it is my duty to keep you safe.”

  She walked over to him and looked up directly into his eyes.



  “Do you remember our wedding vows?”

  “How could I forget? We married just last night.”

  “I distinctly recall you announced to all at the wedding that not only am I your wife, but I am also your partner and your equal. Is that correct?”

  He recognized the trap. He had set it himself. His brain raced to find a loophole.

  “Aye, Lydia. But when I said those things, I meant a business partner and equal.”

  Lydia saw his eyes quickly glance down at the floor. She knew he had difficulty saying something to her he did not believe to be true. He could not look her in the eye.

  “Look me in the eyes and say that, Ian.”

  He tried to comply with her request, without success.

  “Ian, you know very well you meant for me to be your partner in all aspects of our lives together. You are only trying to back out now because there may be some danger. Think about it. Using me as bait is your surest way of finding Lord Darke – and the quickest. After all, he is not going to invite you to dine with him.”

  Ian walked back to his desk and sat down with a thud. He had been outwitted already by his new wife. And, the worst part was she was right.

  “All right,” he said. First let me speak with the William about the legal system here to find out to whom we would hand over Lord Darke – if we are successful.”

  Lydia ran over to Ian. “Thank you for keeping your word and for letting me help out. I have a vested interest in this matter. After all, I was one of Lord Darke’s victims, and I would love to see him punished, whether or not he is related to you.”

  Their imminent departure was delayed by her kiss of thanks, which developed into a rather lengthy interlude.

  Later, she crawled out of the bunk to repair her chemise and dress.

  “Sorry for the distraction, Lydia”, said a grinning Ian. “Let’s get dressed and go back to William and Sacha. We can speak with the him and take Sing Hee, Pakelekia, and Dr. Miller back to the ship. If Lord Darke is, in fact, my brother-in-law, we will probably have to complete a substantial amount of paperwork to verify his criminal activities so we can successfully, rout him out of my estate in Scotland. I am worried about my sisters. Had I realized what a scoundrel my brother-in-law could be, I would have found a way to catch him a long time ago. “Tis my own shame I have waited so long to check up on my sisters.”

  Lydia looked at Ian thoughtfully. This entire venture could have a wide-ranging effect upon his family.

  “Do you realize you are beginning to talk about your family estate – in terms of your ownership?”

  “Hmm. I hadn’t considered it. However, it wouldn’t be a bad place for us to raise our children. Would it be something you would consider?”

  “It would be fine with me – but if you are sailing, I expect to be with you on the Emerald Tartan. How would we handle that with children? I will not wait at home silently, looking to the horizon and hoping for your return.”

  Ian laughed. “First of all, my love, you have never done a thing silently in your life – or at least since I have known you. It makes me wonder how you ever kept yourself within such a circumspect life as a rector’s daughter!”

  She started to respond, but Ian put up his hand to stop her. “As far as any sailing in the future is concerned, I will make a decision once we have resolved Lord Darke’s true identity. If he is my brother-in-law, I have no doubt we will be returning to Scotland as quickly as possible. Frankly, at this point, now that I have allowed myself to think about my sisters and the estate, I am filled with guilt and worry about their well-being.”

  “We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Let’s not create a problem that does not yet exist – that we know of,” said Lydia.

  “Aye. You have a point. I am thinking if and when I take over the estate, we will give up sailing. There are plenty of fine men we could hire to sail the Emerald Tartan. We can run the shipping business from Scotland – just the way Abigail has been doing in London for years. She’s in her seventies now, and she wants to quit. I have been thinking maybe you would be interested in taking over her duties. I would still be the one to look for new contracts and business. That would make us true business partners, each with our own area of expertise.”

  His trust and confidence in Lydia overwhelmed her. She ran over to kiss him, but he put out his arms to stop her.

  “If you give me even one more little kiss, we will not be out of here for a couple more hours. I cannot resist you. We really must be off in a few minutes, Lass.”

  “You are right,” said Lydia. I will save up my kisses for later this evening – if it’s all right with you.”

  Forty-five minutes later they sat in the parlor of the Fairchild mansion, explaining the situation with Lord Darke to William and Sacha.

  “I know just the person to help us in this venture,” said William. “A good friend of mine, Winston Simpson, also known as number 5357, is on the Committee of Vigilance that is trying to clean up the filth and crime of the Barbary Coast, which includes Chinatown, where Lydia was held. I will contact him, and some of the men on the c
ommittee can help us too - just in case Lord Darke has more men than we anticipate. The Committee of Vigilance was organized specifically to bring some respectability to San Francisco, and Lord Darke fits the description of the type of criminal they want to eliminate.”

  Ian described, to his chagrin, the plan to use Lydia as bait to capture Lord Darke. If William had any misgivings about the use of a woman to capture a criminal, he kept them to himself. The only sign of reproach was a raised eyebrow, as Ian gave his explanation.

  Within a matter of minutes, William sent a courier to bring Mr. Simpson and some of his committee members to set the plan into action.

  More quickly than Lydia could have anticipated, she was dressed in her filthy green ball gown. She rolled around in William and Sacha’s backyard to fill her hair with grass and debris. She rubbed dirt over her face and arms.

  “I am ready when you are,” she said, standing in the doorway to the parlor.

  “Lydia, you don’t have to do this. We can come up with another plan. I don’t like this one bit. You’re my wife, and I cannot allow you to endanger yourself.”

  “No, Ian. Remember our vows? We are full and equal partners. I make this choice of my own free will.”


  Winston Simpson stepped forward to Lydia and bowed gracefully from his waist. “My lady, this is a serious risk you are taking. We would be happy to do this without you endangering yourself.”

  “I understand, Mr. Simpson. However, I know our chances of getting Lord Darke into those tunnels and the cave are enhanced if I am the bait. Sing Hee knows the routes. I do not want any other woman to have to go through the fear, degradation, and horror of being sold as a whore or a slave.”

  Mr. Simpson’s winced at such frank terminology. Nevertheless, he regained his composure and said, “Very well, Ma’am. You are a brave woman. My hat is off to you.”


  Thirty minutes later Lydia found herself back down by the docks, standing on a street corner near the tavern by the entrance to the tunnels.


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