Witch's Mate

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Witch's Mate Page 24

by Alicia Montgomery

  “And then how did you get out of Fenrir?”

  “Oh Lara, don’t you know? They let me out now if I’m good!” Meredith had broken into Fenrir Corporation’s offices when she was caught and detained by the New York Lycans. They gave her a choice: be shipped off to the Lycan Siberian prison or stay in New York and serve the clan. As a Lone Wolf, Meredith had no clan to call her own anyway. So, instead of living out the next ten years in the wastelands of Siberia, she decided that servitude to the New York clan was a better option. Currently, she was helping protect Jade, who had been the target of a kidnapping attempt by their enemies.

  “But you’re still wearing your ankle monitor, right?”

  The blonde Lycan stuck a foot out. The ankle monitor was there, but tonight, it was decorated with sparkly Disney Princess-themed stickers. “Yeah, I can’t do anything about that. And I can only go out if Jade needs protection and no one else can take her. So, I decided she needed protection on the way to this boutique on 5th Avenue and the makeup store.”

  “I don’t know why I let you do this,” Jade grumbled. As she attempted to walk, she nearly stumbled and had to grab onto Meredith. “It’s impossible to walk in these things!”

  “Oh shush, you’re a woman, you’ll figure it out.”

  “Ladies,” Frankie Anderson came up to them, dressed in a cute, vintage-style blue dress and matching heels. As she looked Jade over, her mismatched blue-and-green eyes sparkled. “Oh wow, Dr. Cross? You look great!”

  “Thank you, Lupa,” she replied, using the traditional honorific for the wives of Lycan Alphas. Frankie was married to New York’s Alpha, Grant Anderson, but she was also an Alpha in her own right to the New Jersey clan.

  “Yes, well, Alynna and I are already at our table,” she said warmly. “Let’s go.”

  Frankie led them to a VIP table cordoned off in the corner, where her sister-in-law, Alynna Westbrooke, was already waiting for them.

  “There’s the beautiful bride!” Alynna waved happily at Lara, and immediately put a tiara on the other woman’s head and draped a sash that said “Bachelorette” across one shoulder. “Let’s get this party started!”

  “I think someone’s already started the party,” Meredith said, making a drinking motion with her hands.

  “Hey! I’m a new mom, and this is my first time out in months!” She took a swig of red wine. “Woohoo!”

  “How many have you had?” Lara asked, shaking her head.


  “Two glasses?”

  “Two bottles!” She grinned. “Lycan metabolism, you know! I need just that much to get me happy. But I’ll burn it off in an hour or two when I have to go back to the ol’ ball and chain!”

  The rest of women settled down, and a handsome Lycan waiter brought them more drinks (including non-alcoholic ones for Frankie and Lara) and snacks. It was early yet, so Blood Moon wasn’t very crowded.

  “Here you go, ladies!” Alynna moved over to the other couch and sat between Jade and Meredith. She passed them both shot glasses filled with a clear gold liquid. “I’m afraid with these two knocked up,” she motioned to Lara and Frankie, “it’s up to us to try and bankrupt Blood Moon tonight. Don’t worry, though, I hear the owner’s loaded!” The club was a well-known hotspot, at least for Lycans.

  Jade gave the glass a delicate sniff. “What is it?”

  “Oh my God, this is top shelf tequila!” Meredith exclaimed. “Oh, we’re gonna get smashed tonight!”

  “Put those metabolisms to good use ladies!” Alynna raised her glass in the air.

  “I don’t think-”

  “Oh, come on, Jade,” Meredith placed the glass to the other Lycan’s lips. “Live a little.”

  “This smells vile,” Jade wrinkled her nose.

  “You’ve never had tequila before?” Meredith asked incredulously.

  The brunette shook her head.

  “Oh, you’re in for a treat.” She gave Alynna a wink. “Ok, here’s what you do. First, put some salt on the back of your hand, grab one of those lime wedges…”

  Jade’s nose wrinkled as she followed Meredith’s instructions.

  “…And then you lick, shoot, and suck!” Meredith demonstrated with a flair, spitting the lime wedge over the couch.

  “Eww!” Lara gagged.

  “C’mon, you try, Jade!” Meredith urged her on and refilled her own shot glass. “Let’s do it all together now.” She nodded at Alynna. “Ok now…lick…shoot…suck!”

  Jade did as she was told and winced as the liquid burned a path down her throat. She nearly threw up, but suddenly, the warmth pooling in her belly felt good. The sourness of the lime was a good way to end the shot, too.

  “All right!” Meredith cheered her on. “How was that?”

  “That was actually…pleasant,” Jade remarked.

  “Let’s do another one!” Alynna raised the bottle.

  They did two more shots, and Jade simply shook her head when Alynna tried to pour her another one. “I think…I’m gonna pace myself.” The warm, pleasant feeling in her stomach felt nice, but something told her she should probably slow down. Surely, people didn’t do more than three shots of tequila in a row, right?

  “Well, hello, ladies.” A tall, handsome man with broad shoulders and chocolate brown eyes approached their table. “Have room for one more?”

  “Get lost, loser,” Meredith snapped. “This is a private party.”

  “Aww,” the man looked at Frankie. “I don’t get points for being related to the owner’s wife?”

  “She’s right, Enzo,” Frankie smirked. “This is a private party. And you are a loser.”

  Enzo put his hands over his heart. “Ouch, such words from my own sister!”

  “Wait!” Meredith exclaimed. “You’re her brother? But you’re a…”

  “Handsome young man?” Enzo finished. “Such charming and smooth guy?”

  “I was gonna say jackass,” Meredith retorted. “And human.”

  “I like her,” Enzo said to Frankie, who shook her head and laughed.

  “Meredith, this is my half-brother, Enzo Moretti,” Frankie introduced. “Don’t worry about being nice to him. I can confirm, he is a jackass.”

  “Nice to meet you, Meredith,” Enzo flashed her his best smile.

  She gave him a raised brow. “Same here.”

  Enzo turned his attention to the rest of the party. “Hey, Alynna, Lara…who’s this…Dr. Cross!” Another smile spread across his face. “Is that you? You clean up nice!”

  The look he gave her made Jade blush from head to toe, and Meredith gave him a slap on the head.

  “Ow! Are we in that stage of our relationship already?’ Enzo said, rubbing his head. “‘Cuz I was hoping you’d take me out to dinner first before we started the spanking.”

  “Enzo, what are you doing here?” Frankie asked.

  “It’s Tuesday night, sis, my night off, so thought I’d check out this place,” he said. “I’m also meeting up with some buddies, so I’ll see you ladies later.” With a smile and a wink, he walked off towards the bar.

  “I think it’s time we’re headed out too,” Frankie declared as she stood up.

  “Awww, Frankie,” Alynna protested as she took a shot of tequila. “Noooo….”

  “C’mon, now.” Her sister-in-law took her by the arm. “We’ve got husbands and you have a kid waiting for you at home. No more drinking. I don’t want to bring you home stinking like a sailor!”

  “Fine,” she pouted. “Enjoy the rest of the night ladies. Just order whatever you want, on us!” She grabbed her purse and followed Frankie towards the exit. “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” With a final wave, both women left the club.

  “Now that our chaperones are gone,” Meredith began. “Let’s talk about where we’re going next. I know this great strip club-”

  “No strippers!” Lara protested.

  “Why not?” Meredith asked. “Aren’t pregnant women supposed to be horny all the time? I b
et some hot, gyrating male bodies and six-pack abs are what your hormones need right now! Don’t you have urges?”

  “I don’t need strippers,” Lara said smugly. “I get my urges satisfied plenty. Four times before I came here.”

  Meredith groaned. “Fuck me. No, I mean it,” she put her hands on her face. “It’s been way too long since I’ve had sex.” She turned to Jade. “How about you, Jade? When was the last time you…” She looked meaningfully at Jade’s crotch. “Got your grass mowed?”

  “Meredith,” Lara warned.

  “What?” The blonde Lycan looked at her, then turned back to Jade. “C’mon, Jade, spill!” She took another shot of tequila.

  Jade blushed a bright red. “That’s none of your business!”

  “Don’t evade my question!” Meredith slurred. “Has it been that long? I promise not to laugh. Your dry spell can’t possibly be longer than mine.”

  “I don’t think so,” Jade said, looking at her shoes.

  “Try me, Jade.”

  “Well, uhm, twenty-four years.”

  “That’s not—HOLY CRAP!” Meredith’s eyes widened. “You’re a vir-”

  Jade slapped a hand over the other woman’s mouth. “Shush!”

  Meredith looked from Jade to Lara, who also seemed shocked at the revelation.

  “Jade,” Lara began. “I didn’t know. I mean, you never talked about it, but…”

  It seemed impossible, but Jade turned even redder. “I’m just…it’s not…you see…” She dropped her hands to her lap. “I’m not a weirdo who’s saving herself for marriage or anything,” she said defensively. “I’ve just…never had a chance! And I gave it the good ol’ college try.”

  “Wait, weren’t you like, fifteen when you went to college?” Lara asked.

  “Fourteen, and it was an academy for gifted youngsters,” she corrected. “And I let Jeremy Goldsmith get to second base…er, maybe one point five base? What’s under the shirt, over the bra?”

  Meredith rolled her eyes and Lara clamped her hand over the other woman’s mouth so she wouldn’t hurt Jade’s feelings.

  Jade sighed. “Look, it’s not like I want to stay a virgin. I’ve put some thought into it and I’m ready. I even started birth control, just in case. I just need to…find the right person.”

  “What have you been doing?” Meredith asked. “Tinder? Online dating? Going to bars?”

  The scientist looked at her with wide eyes and shrugged.

  “Oh my God! Nothing? How are you supposed to meet guys?”

  “I haven’t figured that part out yet,” Jade retorted.

  “What are you looking for in a boyfriend, then?” Lara asked.

  “Other than a penis, I haven’t really thought about it yet.”

  Jade’s bluntness sent both Lara and Meredith sputtering their drinks.

  “Holy crap! Jade, you whore!” Meredith said as she cleaned up the tequila she spit out all over the table. “I knew you had it in you!”

  “Jade, honey.” Lara put her hand on top of the other woman’s. “You can’t mean that! I mean, you don’t want to just…lose it to some random guy, do you?”

  “I’ve decided that I’m just not cut out for a boyfriend or relationships,” Jade declared. “I’m too busy with my work. I don’t want distractions.”

  “Then why did you say you’re ready?” Lara inquired.

  “I just want to give sex a try, and get it over with and see what the fuss is all about. Like an experiment.”

  Meredith looked at Jade with a raised brow. “Well, that escalated quickly.”

  “C’mon now, Jade,” Lara said. “Is that really what you want?”

  “Why would I want a boyfriend anyway?” Jade said in an exasperated voice. “Emotions and feelings are way too messy. I don’t like it. I prefer real things, like facts and hard evidence.”

  “You said hard,” Meredith snorted.

  Jade shot her a warning look and continued. “Tell me, how am I supposed to act when I don’t know what to expect?”

  “Honey, that’s not what life and love are about. It’s not science.”

  “Have another shot, Jade,” Meredith handed her a glass. “Maybe you’ll start making more sense.”

  Jade threw back the golden liquid. “Besides, you never know who you’ll meet on these dates! I mean, what if we meet for dinner and he chews with his mouth open or breathes too loudly? Or what if he’s the type of person who licks the cream off the cookie, then puts it back in the package?”

  “You’re right Jade.” Lara rolled her eyes. “Anyone who does has got to be a monster.”

  “I’m being serious!”

  “What do you care, though?” Meredith pushed another shot at her. “As long as he licks your cream?”

  Jade took the shot glass, contemplating the amber liquid. “I want to know what I’m getting into before I get into it! Is that too much to ask?” She knocked the shot back. The burning was actually starting to feel good now. “Argh. Never mind, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “Aww Jade, I’m sorry for making fun of you.” Meredith rubbed the other Lycan’s arm. “Maybe we can help you find someone to pop your cherry! Let’s start with the guys you know.”

  Jade sighed, grabbed the bottle from Meredith, and then poured herself another shot. How many was that now? Her thoughts were getting fuzzy.

  “No one?” Meredith asked incredulously. Her eyes drifted over to Enzo Moretti, who was at the bar, talking with Sean the bartender and a bunch of other guys. “There’s one! Enzo Moretti.”

  “Ew, no,” Jade took the shot. “He’s a man whore. Who knows what he’s carrying.”

  “Jade, you’re a Lycan, you can’t get STDs,” Meredith pointed out.

  “Jade likes his twin more!” Lara giggled.

  “I do not!” Jade protested loudly.

  “He has a twin?” Meredith’s eyes grew wider.

  “Yup,” Lara said, popping the p. “He’s the total opposite of Enzo, though. Smart. Likes to read. Works with computers.”

  “Oh, so he’s a male version of you!” Meredith said to Jade. “Boring!”

  “What?” Jade asked. “He’s not boring!”

  “Yes, he is. You were yawning while you two were dancing at the Alpha’s wedding,” Lara pointed out.

  “Oh, hell no,” Meredith shook her head. “You want someone who’s exciting. And experienced.”

  “What about Gabriel from Marketing?” Lara suggested. “He’s cute and French, plus he’s been flirting with you in the cafeteria for weeks!”

  “Ooh, sounds promising!”

  “We both work here and I don’t want it to get awkward,” Jade countered. “Besides, I like the lemon curd muffins at the cafeteria. I’d have to stop going there if things went south with him.”

  Meredith shook her head. “Really? Lemon curd muffins are more important than your lady muffin?”

  “I’ll buy you some next time, and then tell me what you think is more important.” She pouted. “I should probably face facts here. Who would want to have sex with me?”

  “Jade!” Lara admonished.

  “Oh shut up, biatch,” Meredith said.

  “No, you shut up,” she said. “That’s easy for you guys to say.” She motioned to Meredith. “Look. At. You. You’re tall, blonde, and gorgeous, plus you’ve got legs ‘till Connecticut! ” Then she shot a look at Lara. “And don’t you even start with me! You’re marrying that sex-on-on-a-stick Alpha who gets all growly and protective whenever he’s around you.”

  Meredith sighed. “You are so completely fuckable, Jade, trust me. You’ll find someone. Let’s keep going down your list.”

  “What list?” Enzo said as he popped up behind Meredith.

  “Jesus Christ on a cracker! Are you sure you’re not Lycan?” Meredith exclaimed. “No one gets the drop on me!”

  He flashed her a smile and then a wink. “Pretty sure, babe. But I heard I’m built like one where it counts.”

e giggled.

  “Hey, pretty doctor.” Enzo slid into the booth next to her. “How are you? You look real nice.”

  “Where’s Matt?” she asked.

  “Ouch. Really? You want hanger steak when you can have filet mignon?”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” Jade slurred. “You’re twins. You have exactly the same DNA. Don’t you know that monozygotic twins develop from the same fertilized egg and—”

  “Have another one, Jade,” Meredith shoved a shot glass at her.

  “Whoah, there,” Enzo frowned at Jade, his voice turning serious. “Jade, are you ok? What’s wrong? This doesn’t seem like you.”

  Meredith opened her mouth, but Jade shot her a warning look. “I’m fiiiiiiiinnnne, Enzo, really I am.” She drank the shot. “I promise, this is my last shot of tequila!” She shook her head. “Wow, I feel…great!”

  “Sounds like the tequila talking,” Meredith stage-whispered to Lara.

  Jade sighed. “I just wanna have some fun!”

  Enzo took the shot glass away from her. “If you want to have real fun, Jade, you don’t need alcohol.” He stood up and took her hand. “I’ll show you how.”


  Sebastian Creed slunk back into the booth, taking a slow sip of his bourbon. As the gorgeous waitress stopped by for the umpteenth time, he waved her away before she could ask him if he wanted anything again.

  Oh, he knew what exactly what she was offering, and part of him was tempted. The young, blonde waitress was leggy, tall, and had a mouth that looked like she could suck the chrome off a bumper. He could probably have her quitting her shift early for an evening romp with him at the hotel across the street. But, the other part of him was just not cooperating. Not anymore. Not since her.

  He narrowed his eyes, looking around him. Blood Moon. Not the strangest name for a club, but still, not the type of place she would frequent. And yes, he knew her habits. Where she went to get her coffee, the supermarket where she shopped, even the Chinese takeout place she stopped at on Wednesdays. Once, he had already been waiting inside the small, greasy little takeout place, standing in the corner, his hoodie covering his head. She entered, gave her name the old man who worked the cash register, and got her bag of food before walking out without a care in the world. All the while, he had been standing there, waiting for a glimpse of her pretty little face and a whiff of her perfume that reminded him of cherries and vanilla. She never even left the 10-mile radius from her apartment to her workplace.


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