Now or Never

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Now or Never Page 14

by A. J. Bennett

  He gave her a once-over and smiled in approval. “What’s your name?” He asked, his voice was deep and sent a small thrill through her.

  “Grayson,” she said. She didn’t feel the need to give him a false name.

  “I’m Christopher and this is my buddy Brody.”

  Grace turned to take in his friend. He was well built blond and had shaggy hair. He looked like a surfer. Luna would approve.

  “Why don’t you guys come sit with me and my sister? She pointed at Luna.

  “Twins? That’s funny,” Christopher laughed.

  “What’s so funny about it?” She braced herself for another annoying joke that would just piss her off.

  “I have a twin brother.”

  “Really? Well that is interesting.”

  He flipped through images on his phone and showed her his clone. She looked at the image and then back at Christopher. “Your brother is hot.”

  He rolled his eyes with a grin. “A sense of humor and good looks? It must be my lucky day.”

  “Maybe it is,” Grayson said grinning back at him. She actually enjoyed the flirty banter. Maybe tonight was just what she needed. Escape from reality.

  The bartender put the drinks on the bar, and Brody paid grabbing Luna’s drink. Grayson took a sip from her drink, the whiskey tasted smooth and warm going down, just how she liked it. They headed over to the table.

  Luna and Brody soon took off to play a game of pool. Her sister seemed happy with her new companion. Not that it was hard to make her happy. Luna’s taste was vast and varied. Grayson watched her leave and wondered if her sister would ever find someone that would make her want to settle down.

  An hour later she was surprised to find she actually enjoyed Christopher’s company. He was intelligent, funny and not bad to look at. Just what she needed to get her mind off the one man she couldn’t really have.

  Finally relaxing and enjoying herself with Christopher, Grayson looked up, and her stomach fell. You have got to be kidding me. Derrick walked in with the same blonde girl by his side. Just hanging out with the guys my ass! He noticed her, and then his gaze shifted to Christopher, he kept his face neutral the entire time. She had been hoping he would come tonight, but wasn’t expecting a girl to be glued to his freaking side. Her blood boiled. She knew it! Damn him. She blinked back tears and reached up to trail her finger down the side of her companions face. He grabbed her hand and kissed her finger tips.

  Without thinking she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards her. He pulled back and looked at her questionably and she bit the corner of her lip. “Jesus, Grayson,” he whispered before his lips crashed down on hers. She could feel Derrick’s eyes on hers, and she intensified the kiss.

  She pulled away and took a long swig off her drink, and grabbed her coat. “Let’s get out of here,” she said with urgency in her voice.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” he said as he stood up and followed her out. Grace turned back, and Derrick’s eyes were on her. He didn’t look happy at all. Screw him. It gave her a small amount of pleasure to see his still face finally show some trace of emotion. He couldn’t even take her out to lunch, and yet this dishwater blonde chick was always by his side. He could go to hell for all she cared.

  She had given him the opportunity to be with her tonight. Obviously, his other plans were more important.

  Yup, he can go to hell for all I care.

  Once outside Christopher pressed her back against the cold brick building. Even after being in a bar, he smelled good; that in itself is quite an accomplishment, usually people end up smelling like an ash tray. He smelled like the woods on a rainy day. He was very tall and broader than she first realized. His eyes were light brown and reminded her of caramel. His hand went behind her hair and his lips met hers softly at first and then with more urgency. She could hear people walking by, but she didn’t care. She let herself get lost in the kiss. Between the alcohol and her anger at Derrick, it was easy to do.

  Grayson pulled away to catch her breath. He was an incredible kisser making her wonder if that transferred into other areas. Soon she would find out.

  They walked across the parking lot and down the main street, his hotel was to the left. His arm draped across her shoulders, she welcomed the warmth on the cold evening. Once inside the elevator Christopher couldn’t keep his hands off her. She thought of Derrick with the girl, and any sense of guilt washed away.

  Two can play this game.


  Rolling over Grayson groaned inwardly. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep with—what was his name? She thought about it for a moment. Christopher. What a mess she was.

  His warm brown eyes slowly opened, “Morning,” he said with a sleepy smile on his face.

  “I should go,” Grayson replied and threw the blankets off her, but Christopher pulled her back.

  “Not yet. You can’t leave until I feed you. You don’t want me to feel like I’ve been used do you?”

  Grayson fell back into the bed. She was hungry. Derrick crossed her mind, but she pushed it out of the way. If anything it made her focus more on Christopher. It turned her on knowing he had been pissed last night. Maybe it was just what he needed to decide if he wanted her to himself or not.

  “Besides, it’s supposed to be the guy slipping out in the morning not the female,” he said as he tossed his long leg on hers and pulled her closer. His lips grazed her ear and her body relaxed into his. Maybe food could wait. He was very sweet.

  Christopher hooked his leg over hers and rolled her on top of him. She giggled, and her hair fell all around her onto his chest.

  “You’re even sexier in the morning,” he whispered his warm breath tickled her neck. “How is that possible?”

  Grayson’s eyes met his and smiled. “Hmm, I don’t know. Lack of booze maybe?”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s usually the opposite,” Christopher said as his large warm hands ran up and down her bare back.

  Leaning down she lightly bit his lip causing him to groan. Slowly, she made her way down his chest. His hands knotted in her hair, she trailed her tongue up the length of his hard cock and smiled up at him.

  “You are so fucking hot.”

  Grayson flicked her tongue on the tip of him before wrapping her lips completely around him.

  After a few minutes of teasing him Grayson made her way back up. Christopher grabbed a condom off the nightstand, and Grayson rolled it over his hard cock, and then slowly slid onto him.

  Christopher pushed himself up pulling her with him to sit against the headboard, and his tongue flicked her nipple. She arched her back as his warm mouth covered her breast, and his hands griped her ass as she slowly ground her hips into his. God she loved sex. She loved how it cleared her mind when she gave into the sensations of passion. There was too much pleasure available in this world to be miserable.

  She was surprised how gentle Christopher had been. As ridiculous as it sounded, it felt like he made love to her instead of fucking her. It was a nice change of pace. With Derrick, everything was so intense and passionate. She always felt filled with greed with Derrick, like she couldn’t get enough.

  Slow and sweet was a nice change.

  “Room service?”

  Grayson stretched her arms. “Sure. I don’t feel like moving,” she said lazily.

  “I should tell you something,” Christopher said, clearing his throat.

  “Stop right there,” Grayson said as she tugged the sheet and tucked it under her chin. “We don’t have to go any further than a one-night stand. No spilling of secrets. I really don’t care or want to hear whatever you feel the need to tell me.”

  “I’m married,” he spit out as if she didn’t say a word.

  Married? Well, she really shouldn’t be surprised. Guess I can add home wrecker to my list of sins. She was convinced she was going to hell. “That’s ok. I’m emotionally unavailable anyway.”

  “You’re not freaked out?”

sp; “Why should I? I don’t even know you, and I’ll probably never see you again,” Grayson said shrugging it off.

  “That’s the thing. I want to see you again,” he said turning to the side his gaze met hers.

  “You’re not even from here,” she looked at him puzzled.

  “Yeah, but I travel—a lot. I could fly you out to see me.”

  “So, what you want me to do is be the other woman? Have a scandalous affair with you?” Grayson said as she laughed.

  “Just think it over. I get lonely and would love the company. I’m going to New York after here, and then California.”

  “What about your wife?”

  “I love her,” he said simply.

  “Obviously,” Grayson said sarcastically.

  “I do. We’ve just grown apart, and to say our sex life is lacking would be an understatement. But to be clear I have no intention of leaving her—ever.”

  The thought of traveling was somewhat appealing, and he was sweet and sexy, but he was married.

  “I don’t think so,” Grayson replied and tossed off the covers. “Let’s order. I’m starving,” she said, pulling on her underwear.

  Chris nodded his head. “I’m not giving up that easily.”

  “Do you always hook up when you’re out of town?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “No. It’s not every day a young woman asks me to take them home.”

  Heat rose to her face. She was the one to pursue him. “I didn’t know you were married. You’re not wearing a ring.”

  He glanced down at his hand. “I don’t wear a ring when I work.”

  “Going to a bar is work?” Grayson looked at him like, yeah right buddy.

  “I mean when I’m gone, period. I just leave my ring at home.”

  “Your wife doesn’t mind?”

  “No, in my line of work most guys don’t wear rings,” he shrugged.

  “What’s your line of work?”

  “It would bore you.”

  “I doubt it,” Grayson told him as she tilted her head to look at him closer.

  The door bell rang, and room service was delivered. They ate and chatted like old friends. She was surprised to find she had connected with him so quickly. Maybe it was because nothing would come from their hook up, or maybe it was just that he seemed really interested in her.

  “So why are you emotionally unavailable?” Christopher asked as he buttered his toast. “I’m sure there is a sad story involved.”

  “I feel for a jackass, and it ended badly. Then I fell for a guy who isn’t as into me as I am him.”

  “Present tense huh? Sorry, but I find that hard to believe he’s not that into you.”

  Grayson reached for a napkin. “It’s complicated,” she said while mentally slapping herself in the face for bringing up Derrick.

  “Isn’t it always? Do you always tear apart napkins when you’re uncomfortable?”

  She looked down at the table and saw she had torn the poor napkin to shreds and wasn’t even aware of it. “Actually, he walked into the bar last night with another woman.”

  “Ah, it all makes sense now! Revenge sex. That hurts a little,” he said as he clutched his chest.

  “I wouldn’t call it that. I would have gone home with you, even if he hadn’t walked in—I think.”

  “Right place. Right time.” Christopher’s lip quirked up, “I’d thank him if I could. For the record, he’s a fool.”

  “I think I’m the fool. However, let’s talk about something else.”

  They spent the next hour asking each other questions, and getting to know the other better. It was nice, she learned more about this guy in one night then she had about Derrick in three months. How was that possible?

  When she got up to leave, Grayson grabbed the pen off the desk and scribbled her email address. “We’ll keep in touch, but no promises.”

  He smiled and pulled her into his chest. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply. When he finally pulled away they were both slightly breathless. “Just in case I don’t see you again,” he said giving her a charming wink and smile.

  She nodded and walked out the door without saying anything.

  Well, that had been interesting. She touched her lips and looked back at the door. She was surprised by how much she enjoyed Christopher’s company, but it wasn’t like how it was with Derrick. With Derrick, it was exciting and with Chris, it had been comfortable. What the hell was she thinking? He was a married man, for crying out loud. Maybe there wouldn’t be any harm at staying friends with him. The male companionship was nice; the sex was more than ok, and at least he was honest with her about what he wanted.


  After Grayson pulled herself into the jeep, she plugged in her phone and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel waiting for it to turn on. She had a couple of missed calls from Luna, and a text from Derrick. Even though she was so pissed at him her heart still sped up seeing he’d messaged her. She once again thought that she should probably put an end to this crazy relationship. The up and down was driving her absolutely bonkers.

  Enjoy yourself?

  Grayson stared at his message and debated on responding. Of course, she lacked any sense of self-control, and it gave her a small sense of pleasure to get under his skin.

  Immensely. You?

  Not really.

  Her fingers flew across the key board. That’s too bad. Perhaps you picked the wrong date? She was acting like a child, and she knew it, but she didn’t care.

  Maybe I did. I want to see you.

  I’m busy. Grayson stared down at the phone nervously and waited for his reply, but was met with silence. A few moments later her phone buzzed and she felt relief wash over her.

  How about tonight?

  The thought of having sex with two different guys on the same day made her feel a little more than gross. I have plans tonight with Luna. How about tomorrow?

  Ok. Around 10am?

  Sure. He must really be anxious to see her. They usually saw each other in the afternoon or evening.

  Lost in her thoughts, Grayson made her way to her mothers. She couldn’t wait to crawl back in bed.


  Grayson dropped onto the seat. Derrick stared at her without saying a word. His face was expressionless as usual, which made her want to scream or throw something at him. She wondered if it was hard for him to constantly keep his emotions hidden, or if it just came naturally to him. Either way it pissed her off.

  She might as well get it out in the open, she was sick of all the mind games they were playing. “So that’s your girlfriend?”

  “I told you she’s not my girlfriend.”

  “Sure looks that way to me,” she said as she propped her feet up on the dashboard.

  “Who was the knucklehead you were with last night?”

  “He’s not a knucklehead, and his name is Christopher. He happens to be very nice.”

  “First time you’ve been with him?” Derrick asked glancing over at her. “Or is this someone you knew already?”

  “Well, technically it was three times. Twice last night and once early in the morning before breakfast.” She just had to get that dig in. Especially since Derrick had never stayed the night with her.

  His hands tightened on the steering wheel. She could see his knuckles whiten. Her lips twitched trying to hide her satisfied smile.

  “And where did he fall on your sliding scale?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  Grayson tilted her head and took in his strong profile. “Does it bother you?”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute; his face looked like he was in deep thought. “Free will, so it doesn’t matter if it bothers me or not. You’re grown woman you can do what you want,” he finally said expressionless.

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Well, that’s all you’re going to get.”

at if I said I wanted you? And only you.”

  “I thought you didn’t want a relationship? No strings. No dating. No falling in love, remember?”

  “Maybe I changed my mind. I don’t like seeing you with someone else. It sort of pisses me off.”

  “Too bad,” he said and Grayson’s heart sunk.

  “I’m leaving for three months next week. Not the best time to start a relationship. And no offense, but I have a hard time believing you’d wait for me to come back.”

  “And why is that? Don’t you trust me?”

  Derrick stayed silent and refused to look her way.

  “You don’t trust me, because of what your ex did, not because of anything I’ve done. And you know what, that’s cool, I get it. I guess we all have our baggage.”

  “That’s not the reason.” His troubled eyes met hers, and she felt her heart rate speed up. She wasn’t sure if she should press the issue, but she couldn’t help herself. She saw a window and had to take it.

  “Would you ditch the blonde?”

  “I already told you we’re not dating.”

  Grayson rolled her eyes and dropped her head back against the seat.

  “You also told me you were going out with the guys.”

  “I was. They arrived after you left.”

  “I see.” Clearly, she wasn’t going to get what she wanted out of this conversation, and honestly she wasn’t even sure if she really wanted an actual relationship anyway. Like he said he was leaving for three months and would be gone often with his job. She was somewhat enjoying her newfound freedom, and the opportunity to explore different people. Maybe she would take Christopher up on his offer and see some new places.

  No she wouldn’t. He was married, for crying out loud.

  “Fine.” Grayson sighed and looked out the window.

  “Fine, what?”

  “We’ll just keep this crazy mind game we have going on. I can’t seem to walk away from you even though every bone in my body believes you are lying about the girl. I think she’s your girlfriend, if not more.”

  Derrick tapped the steering wheel. “I wasn’t going to see you again after last night.”


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