Taken by The Hunger: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 1) Paranormal Romance/ Erotica/ Urban Fantasy

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Taken by The Hunger: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 1) Paranormal Romance/ Erotica/ Urban Fantasy Page 12

by Spade, Harnet

  “Angel you’re no match for me, when will you see I’m just letting you have some fun,” He snickers.

  That name angered me to the point I saw red. I punched his groin. He’s yelling from the pain, going feral he pushes me hard over the edge, but this time I was expecting it. I try to slow my fall, to find balance as I hit the water and no rocks. I smile knowing I’d done it while looking up for him. Suddenly, he runs out diving into the water. Bastard knows where it’s deep. I quickly swim out and turn just in time to see he is coming for me. My hands come up to stop him, and right before he reaches me he hits a barrier similar to the one I hit when I tried to enter the elevator.

  Getting up he yells, “Impossible… what the fuck Eva!” He screams bewildered while he punches the barrier over and over and over again. He’s yelling obscenities every time he punches the invisible wall.

  “Thank you gods! Oh, that’s right I am one. I guess I just found one of my powers asshole!”

  “Let it down! Or so help me I’ll make you pay.”

  “Really, how do you suppose to do that if you can’t reach me?” I ask lightheartedly.

  “Let it down, or I’ll go fucking rip out his heart again. I won’t ask thrice.”

  “No you wouldn’t…”

  He was gone in the blink of an eye. I dove for the water trying to reach the elevator. I can break the barrier down, I have to reach him. I stood in front of the elevator bringing my palms up testing the barrier when the pain starts, stealing my breath.

  I told myself I wouldn’t shout, I wouldn’t beg the bastard. I hit the barrier with my shoulder and dislocated it. I’d rather kill myself trying to get in than from the pain he inflicts. I continue inflicting my own pain, realizing I hate what we’ve become.

  When the pain becomes too much, I gasp and slide down the barrier all bloodied. I try to raise my own invisible wall knowing he will be back for me, but pass out instead.

  I dreamed he carried me to the bed, the silk sheets so soft against my face. I moaned at the luxurious feel of the sheets. How I missed sleeping on my own bed in previous times when he was just a warrior and I his princess.

  Those times were gone, never to return.

  I prepared myself for the sight of bloody sheets. I hate it. I hate him. If only he would stop ripping my jeans. I wanted to be left alone. Stop… let me sleep.

  “Your clothes are covered in blood, Angel.”

  I shot up in bed and pushed at his hands ripping at my tank top.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  I looked down at my blood covered skin. My breasts were covered in blood probably from shattering my clavicle and shoulders, slicing my skin. Then I saw my hips and they too were covered in blood, and I felt so vulnerable and weak.

  My tank and jeans were sliced down the middle exposing everything to him. Shocked, my eyes lifted, and I saw him staring at my bared tiny strip of hair. My hands quickly move to cover myself, but he moves faster grabbing me, cupping me there.

  I scream.

  I breathe hard, my breasts rising on every breath. My knees lock together pressing his wrist with my thighs.

  “FuckingLetMeGo!” I yell outraged.

  He smiles with eyes lighting my skin, “When did you find the time to do this?” He rubs the tiny hairs with the pad of his thumb.

  Mortified I answer, “All I had was time, remember? I ordered a do it at home machine to remove it permanently,” shifting away from him I begged, “please, let me go.”

  He laughs still holding me, rubbing, “So you don’t beg me for your life, yet you beg me for doing this, Angel?” He asks as he holds me while his thumb scrubs my tiny landing strip.

  “I’ll tell you what I am if you allow me to taste you here. If you let my tongue enter you.” He tells me as his palm pushes against my lower lips and he taps my most sensitive spot.

  I slap him and his laughter reverberates through the cave- opening his mouth showing his fangs. His eyes are shifting glowing a darker blue lowering from my eyes to my breasts. Warming them with his hungered look. My nipples harden as my hand grabs his wrist to pull his hand away.

  “Cease your hold, or I’ll rub harder, and faster,” He growls fiercely.

  My hand immediately falls away. I believe every single one of his threats now. He doesn’t know how to draw the line with me.

  He gets close and inhales, “I think I can come just from smelling your desire for me.”

  I say the only thing I think will get him stop, “You hate me remember… how many times have you killed me now? Three, no I think it was four counting the first time.”

  His other hand comes up to gag me with a strip he has ripped from my tank top as he pushes me back making me sink on the bed. I convulse with anger screaming into his palm and pulling at each wrist.

  His hand vibrates against my clit making me scream some more, and pull harder. He presses harder and faster, and I scream more fiercely, shaking my head uncontrollably. I’m going to pass out… it’s too much, it feels so good, I think panicked.

  No one has ever touched me there, like this. The thought slips, and I know he’s caught it edging him on- making him desperate for me.

  “Come for me baby, that’s right scream through your pleasure and come for me.” He stresses.

  My hips start lifting, shaking as my whole body trembles while he watches with fascination, and my back arches lifting my breasts closer to him.

  “Fuck Eva, you’re soaking me Angel. I want you now!” He growls making me shake with desire. His eyes become fierce with their light, moving… brilliantly shining all over me.

  My wrist falls away unable to hold on any longer- pulling at the sheets around me as I tremble and beg against his lips.

  His lips… he is kissing me swallowing my moans.

  I feel him near my thigh lowering his pants as he begins palming himself, making himself come too. It drives me over the edge as I arch away from his mouth and scream, “Darius…yes…”

  I feel his hot seed spurting long against my shaking breasts and neck as he yells, “Eva… Eva you’re Mine.”

  My orgasm won’t stop because he continues to tease me, and I ride it out shattering… wanting him more than ever.

  “Let me lick your honey, Angel.” He demands as he kneels by the bed’s edge.

  No… no… I can’t. My mind screams embarrassed, terrified.

  “Eva, don’t deny me this.” He growls pulling my knees towards him.

  I feel his hot breath on my sensitive flesh and my leg shoots out kicking his face.

  I get away running towards the pool when I feel his arm grab me and lift me off the ground. I feel him hard against my lower back, feel my essence along with his drip down my body. I am shaking trying to get away. My tank top flapping against my back the only piece of clothing I have on. My body strains against his while I fight him. I elbow his nose, hearing it break as I dive for the pool. I swim to the other side trying to reach it before he reaches me. When I reach it, I turn searching for him. But… I don’t find him, so I keep searching for him in the dark.

  I was so tense not knowing where I’d find him. My body anticipated him and became overly sensitive to the current. I felt his eyes on me, but I didn’t know from where. Swimming I searched, looking for his glowing eyes, but all I found was the darkness surrounding me.

  “Darius,” I screamed, “Darius this isn’t amusing show yourself!”

  Suddenly the pool became luminous all around me. Agitated, expecting him any moment to surface anywhere in the pool… I searched for him in the water. It was so vast my eyes darted in every direction. Reaching for and holding the rock over my head, I lifted myself trying to find a better vantage point. He’s hidden himself in the depths of the pool… center of the earth deep, he’d said. No wonder I didn’t find the light I searched for.

  I was lifting myself higher out of the pool when his hands wrap around my waist. He pulls me down making me slide down on him. Losing my grip on the overhang my hands fall, straig
htening on his shoulders. His lips press against my ribs as he continues to pull.

  “No, no more Darius.” I say breathless.

  “I won’t stop until every inch of you is mine, Eva. You won’t leave here until then.”

  “Then you’ll be killing me many more times tonight.” I reply.

  “I rather be fucking you, baby.” He says as his tongue snakes out to capture my shuddering breast.

  Nooo, if I let go I land in his mouth, but I’m weak, and I can’t keep my arms extended- they’re burning.

  Come baby, land in my mouth. I hear him in my mind.

  His tongue strokes the underside of my breast, savoring it with his eyes closed, making me shudder. He nips it with a fang as drops of blood start to fall on his tongue.

  “No! You can’t drink from me,” I say with shaking arms almost ready to give out.

  With eyes wide open shining bright at me he says, “I’ve been drinking from you since you found me- with the one purpose of killing me. How do you think I’ve kept you weak all this time? How Eva, do you think I track you? How do you think I stop him from entering your mind, your nightmares? It’s what incites your bloodlust. When I drink from you, you become entirely Mine.”

  “The lab it’s what you do to me while I’m sedated.”

  “Yes, I couldn’t have you remember what I was. You can say it’s something I do for the both of us. I’m addicted to you now... always have been, but after the blood sharing it’s worse.”

  My hands give out as he gently lowers me licking a path over my breast, sucking my nipple, biting it as my head falls back.

  He can drink me without dying.

  He’s made his way to my neck, and I feel him hard at my entrance.

  He is swimming for us, moving against me… leaving me panting, and I’m consumed with the need to bite him.

  My eyes close as my hand comes up to dig in his hair pressing him against me. He’s licking, sucking, and kissing my neck, and I want him to bite me.

  “No you don’t, you know if I bite you now you’ll die. You’ve suffered from too much blood loss.” He whispers against my skin.

  “Reading my mind again, Darius? …Then, let me bite you and we’ll both have what we want.”

  “I have what I want right now,” He says moving his head away from my hands, and staring at me as I stare at his swollen lips.

  I laugh hard… letting it shake through me. “No you don’t because what you have isn’t me... it’s not even an ounce of what I can be, how I can make you feel. I can give just as hard as I can take, yet you rather have this… really?”

  His eyes darken, their glow darkening as he pushes me against the wall, and his shaft grinds against my sensitive nub, “Go ahead Eva… have your laugh we’ll see who’s laughing in the end. You owe me passion, desire, need, and ultimately your unreserved love for all the years you’ve denied me. I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re making it damn hard. So, yes I’ll take this… like this,” he said thrusting, sliding against me, “…it’s a fucking start Angel, and with the way you’ve deprived me I’ll take anything you give.”

  He moves gyrating, twisting, and thrusting fiercely against my pulsing skin, but never penetrating me. Just torturing as I hold on to him… wanting him- feeling tidal waves climbing within me as I’m panting. I can’t take him like this, he is destroying my resistance. He feels so hot, good against my yearning skin. I growl, wanting to take control, but too weak to do anything but absorb.

  “Eva, look at me! Look at me with those black eyes. Let me see how completely lost you are for me.” He yells grinding against me.

  I do, I look into his eyes, completely lost to sensation- moaning into his lips as his tongue copies his body… thrusting, stroking- controlling me. His lips move to my cheek sucking my chin.

  “Can you deny me now, lost as you are? Do you wish to deny me still?” He says through gritted teeth near my ear.

  “No,” I whisper as he slips over my skin. He’s holding my hips against the wall, and I’m unable to match his thrust… wanting so bad to sink onto him.

  “Tell me what you want Eva. Fuck baby… tell me!” He groans breathlessly as one of his hands gropes my breast pinching and rubbing my nipple.

  He’s blowing my mind, so I’ll tell him anything he wants to hear, “I want you inside, to feel you deep within me.”

  “Are you afraid? Is it fear or desire you feel for me?”

  “I’m not afraid, I want you… please baby.”

  “Yes, baby… I’ll give you what you need, every fucking time. I will fill you so completely, your body… your soul.”

  I smile breathlessly as he grabs himself and positions his shaft at my entrance.

  “You’re so damn tight baby, too damn good. It can’t be this good.” He tells me through gritted teeth.

  He’s spreading me slowly... within me, when he hits my barrier, and I’m sweating cold panting in the water because he is too big… painfully big.

  I feel his hesitation take a tight hold of him, “No, please… you can’t do this… finish me! Baby please.” I beg because he’s already withdrawing, and I can’t let him. I feel my body squeezing him, wanting him so much.

  I’m so freaking desperate for him, it is more painful not to have him, so I bite his neck, and I push myself a fraction on him because it’s all I can take. He has so much to give that a little feels like everything, I think while moaning and sucking him.

  “Fuck Eva… STOP! Not like this baby… not your first time.” Suddenly he’s gone, and I realize I’ve never felt pain like this… a burning in my soul… unfulfilled, lost, I need him. After everything he’s done, I need him.

  I’m trembling against the rock wall, when I search for him and find him crouching on the ground. I start making my way towards him feeling empty from the unfulfilled hunger. I swim fast knowing I’m strong from his blood and not wanting the moment, or his need for me to pass. I climb out, and I can tell he hears me because he straightens his back his muscles tight with anticipation. As I near, I realize he’s making himself come.

  “Don’t come near me… Eva. I want to take you hard now… I want to savagely conquer you, and I can’t, so don’t come near me.” He roars his warning.

  That makes me stop.

  “To know no other- he has not had you, felt what I just felt. It undid me. I’m turning, and I don’t want to hurt you,” he hisses. He’s hurting himself bringing himself release through pain. He throws his head back, and I’m watching him need me, but denying himself- what he’s begged for all along.

  “I’m right here baby, it’s okay. I’m not scared of you.”

  “Eva, I need you to bite me, so I can come baby, please.”

  Instantly I am kneeling behind him. My mouth opens on the hot skin of the great expanse that is his muscled back, biting down on his wet skin, hard. He thrusts into his hand one last time as he comes yelling, “Eva, yes… fuck, drain me baby,” he groans “… because this won’t be enough.”

  I’m only too happy to acquiesce... finding release as I rub my breasts against his back, my hands covering his hard muscular body- feeling him everywhere. I scream my orgasm and he joins me, coming a second time. I hold him against me until I ride it out- the long hard currents passing through me, smelling the musky scent of his desire for me while having his blood in my mouth traveling through me.

  I close my hand around him, and he’s still so hard and wet, still coming on my hand. His head falls back on my shoulder as his hand releases his shaft, his eyes close, and I hear him in my head.

  I found you baby, I’ve dug you out and brought you back where you belong.

  I don’t want to keep drinking him in knowing his heart will soon stop, but it’s what he wanted, so I do it. When I finish, I’m drunk on his blood- him, and he’s lying on his side. I get up making my way to the chests. I find soap and two towels and another pair of tight jeans with a v neck pink shirt. I grab the items, walk to the pool, throw them on the ground with th
e exception of the soap and a small towel, and jump in.

  I wash myself, my hair, feeling more alive than I’ve ever felt before. I listen for any sounds coming from him but there’s nothing. I think of everything he’s done for me, to me… what he will continue to do. I know I love him that I’ll always love him, but I also know I can’t live in this cave forever. It is a painful thought. He’s deluded himself into thinking it will be enough for the both of us and perhaps it will be for some time. But I wonder for how long this will last before we’re back at each other’s throats?

  He knows who my father is, yet he won’t tell me. He keeps everything hidden. I can’t stay here.

  It leaves me broken hearted all over again. I get out grabbing the towel and pushing it underneath the water- rinsing it. I walk over to where he’s lying still as death, and I begin to clean his body. I know I can give him my blood and speed up the recovery process, but decide against it because I’ve decided to test the barrier up above the waterfall. I no longer wish to reach Eros, I just want my own answers.

  While I’m cleaning the blood and his wounds, I see he clawed into his thigh reaching his femur trying to weaken himself to keep from hurting me.

  His body will take longer to mend itself after all the damage it needs to repair.

  I go back to the pool to rinse the towel and wash his striking body again. When I’m done, I kiss him on the lips and whisper against them, “I love you… baby. I love you even though you’ll keep me here forever never telling me who I really am… I turned out to be right in the end- you are my kidnapper.”

  His eyes shift underneath his lids.

  Shit... I have to hurry.

  Chapter 21: I'm Willing to Take the Blame...Just Stay

  I don’t have any sense of time because I’m moving so fast, covering so much ground checking the barriers of all the exists I find. I feel him searching for me, and I know he will soon find me. I hear him getting closer, and he’s furious with me because he knows what I’ve been doing the entire time he was dead.


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