Beyond the Shroud of the Universe

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Beyond the Shroud of the Universe Page 24

by Chris Kennedy

  Within seconds, the image of a Terran admiral filled the screen. “Ah, there you are, Vella Gulf,” the admiral said. “I am Admiral Lambert. You are to be integrated with my strike group. Come and attach yourself to the group as we go to the immediate aid of our illustrious allies.”

  “Yes sir,” Captain Sheppard replied. “We are working to recover our platoon of space marines from one of the enemy ships. Once we get them back, we will join you enroute.”

  “No!” Admiral Lambert screamed, his face purpling. “I said for you to join us now! You will cease the recovery efforts and position yourself within the strike group where my operations officer tells you. Am I clear on this?”

  “Yes sir,” Captain Sheppard replied. “Very clear. Vella Gulf, out.”

  “Well that’s fucked up,” the helmsman said.

  “No shit,” the duty engineer agreed. He looked back to the CO. “He can’t be serious, can he? Just abandon our guys and go join the strike group? Just like that?”

  “Did you hear any room for delay in the admiral’s orders?” Captain Sheppard asked. Without waiting for an answer he added, “Neither did I. Let’s get that shuttle launched ASAP! Helm, proceed to a rendezvous with the Thermopylae strike group. Best speed.”

  Task Force Calvin, Alien Ship, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Lieutenant Commander Hobbs, Vella Gulf. Be advised, there has been a change of plans. The Vella Gulf has been ordered to join the Thermopylae strike group, which just arrived in-system. Recovery will have to wait until after our battle with the Jotunn.”

  “What? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re just going to leave us here on an alien ship?”

  “The CO sends his apologies. He tried to argue with the admiral, but the admiral wouldn’t listen to him. Frankly, you’re probably better off there. I just saw the plot and the Jotunn have a ship that’s freaking huge, in addition to a bunch of smaller ones. Plus all the ones that keep jumping back and forth between universes that are hard to even count. Good luck, guys. Vella Gulf, out.”

  “Those mother fu—,” started Lieutenant O’Leary, but he was cut off by another incoming transmission.

  “Just heard you started the fun without us,” Night commed. “You guys are on one of the ally’s ships? Was it time to add another unit to Lieutenant Commander Hobbs’ personal collection of captured ships?”

  “Yeah, we’re on it,” Calvin replied. “That wasn’t our intention; it just sort of happened.”

  “You ‘sort of’ invaded an enemy ship? This I have to hear.”

  “Yeah, well, we’re sort of busy right now and the Thermopylae just screwed us. They cancelled our recovery shuttle and made the Gulf go join the strike group.”

  “You’re right, that’s screwed up. I’m on the Thermopylae; let me see what I can do,” Night said.

  “Thanks,” Calvin replied. “Let me know how it turns out.”

  “I will. Stay safe. Night out.”

  Flag Bridge, TSS Thermopylae, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Admiral, the Aesir have begun transmitting us their tactical picture,” the sensor operator said. “Whoa! The Jotunn have the biggest ship I have ever seen. It is over five miles long!”

  “Steady,” the admiral said. “At three miles long and 10 million tons, we bring a lot to the fight, too. With the Hood and the Yamato at our side, and the Aesir battle station assisting, I feel confident we can take them.”

  The admiral switched to the strike group net. “All ships, this is the admiral. Our first target will be the Jotunn dreadnought. If we can get them out of the fight, it will be easy to defeat the rest of the fleet in detail. Although we intend to engage the dreadnought, weapons are free enroute. Maintain formation on us, but if you get a shot at any of the enemy on the way in, take it! Admiral Lambert out.”

  Bridge, TSS Thermopylae, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Awesome,” the CO said with a truckload of sarcasm in his voice. “Not only are we going to charge into that hornet’s nest, we are going to start out with their largest vessel.” He switched to the ship-wide network. “All hands, this is the Captain. We are headed for a Jotunn dreadnought to help relieve the pressure on the Aesir battle station. I know some of our weapons systems are new, and we haven’t had much of a chance for practice, but remember, we are Terran sailors, and we have never lost a battle. Stay alert, as the Jotunn’s ally may show up anywhere, at any time. They weren’t expecting us; let’s show them what Terra’s got!”

  “OSO, I want all systems ready to fire, now! Don’t let those bastards pop up on us without us putting some steel back on them. Duty engineer, set General Quarters.”

  “We’re kind of a long ways out,” Captain Baranovsky noted. “Do you want to set General Quarters so soon? The men may get tired if they have to stand ready the entire time.”

  “Unless you can tell me where all of the enemy is hiding, and I do mean all of the enemy, I want us to be as ready as we can be. That means offensive and defensive systems manned and ready, and the ship buttoned up. I may disagree with the admiral that this is the best course of action, but we will fight the ship the best we are able.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Task Force O’Leary, Alien Ship, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Hey, Lieutenant, they must have gone to General Quarters or something,” Sergeant Marcus ‘Spud’ Murphy said. “We’re at a dead end and all of the doors seem locked; at least, they aren’t opening. None of them have handles, either, so I’m not sure how to get them open. What do you want us to do?”

  “I want you to show a teeny tiny bit of fucking initiative,” Lieutenant O’Leary said. “Get one of the cyborgs up there and cut a way through. Also, let’s try to cut our way through some of the other doors here. I don’t want to leave a bunch of them behind us so they can hit us from the rear when we least expect it.”

  “I’m on the door at the end of the passageway,” Sergeant Jacob ‘Chaos’ Braig commed.

  “I’ll start working my way down the corridor and see if anyone’s home,” Gunnery Sergeant Dantone said. “Fire Team One with me for fire support.”

  There was a flash and a moment of disorientation.

  “Dammit,” Lieutenant O’Leary said, “I wish they’d make up their minds on what universe they want to be in.”

  Task Force Calvin, Alien Ship, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Hey, sir, the passageway ends up here in a wall,” Sergeant Richard ‘Shipwreck’ Shipley said. “I passed a few things that looked like doors on the way, but none of them have handles or any other way of gaining entrance.”

  “Yeah, I saw one,” Calvin said. “Looks like they must have some sort of key card or something that grants access to the spaces they’re allowed to go. Apparently, they haven’t given us access to any of them, so I guess we’ll have to cut our way through. Let’s all move to the end of the passageway and then we’ll have the cyborgs cut through the doors as we come to them. At least that way, they won’t pop up behind us.”

  A call came in on the comm network. “Lieutenant Commander Hobbs, Shuttle 02. We are enroute your position for recovery. Help’s on the way, no matter which universe they take you to.”

  “Awesome. We’re looking forward to your arrival. We are on the interior of the ship, so let us know when you’re five minutes out.”

  “Wilco. 02 out.”

  Everything flashed as the ship jumped universes.

  “Dammit,” Calvin muttered. He switched to the platoon-wide network. “You guys found anything yet, Lieutenant O’Leary? All we’ve got is a dead-end passageway with locked doors. We’re about to start cutting into them.”

  “No sir. We’ve got the same thing over on this side. I would have expected stairs or a ladder or something, but so far, nothing. We’re about to start cutting, too.”

  “Look for a way to go forward and down,” Calvin replied. “The spaces we’re looking for will probably be the ones that are hardest t
o get to.”

  “Roger, sir; we’re looking.”

  North Quadrant Control, Aesir Battle Station Heimdall, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Tyr, the East Quadrant just took a hit in their control space,” the damage control officer said. “Repair teams are responding, but it sounds like the quadrant is going to be down until we get it into a space dock. Remaining defenses, what few there are, have gone to local control.”

  “Understood,” the Tyr replied.

  “What is—,” the Thor stopped to cough. The smoke was becoming thick enough that it was starting to work its way into their suits’ recyclers…even though that was supposed to be impossible. “Our status?”

  “The East and the South Quadrants are both out. If any of the missile or laser batteries are still functional, they are being controlled by their local operators. The other quadrants are heavily damaged and shields are down throughout the entire station. The only quadrant with minimal damage is the Lower Quadrant.” The Tyr paused to cough. “Unfortunately, the motor control relay used to spin the ship took a hit, so we are dead in space. If we can fix that, we can spin the station and take the Jotunn under fire again. Until then, the rest of our systems are down to about 25%, and the Jotunn are trying to stay in our blind spots. I wish I could get you out of here, my Thor, but the Jotunn have destroyed every evacuation pod that has launched so far.”

  “The bastards.”

  “Yes, my Thor. My sentiments, exactly.”

  “Tyr! I have motor control restored!”

  “Good. Spin the ship to orient the Lower Quadrant on the Jotunn command vessel. Tell the Lower Quadrant control officer to fire everything she has at the Naglfar.”

  “Aye aye!”

  The Tyr smiled. “We’ll see how they like this.”

  Bridge, Jotunn Ship Naglfar, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Freyr, the battle station is in motion,” the sensor technician said. “It appears to be spinning.”

  “Why would they do that?” the Odin asked.

  “They are probably trying to bring a less damaged side of the station to face us,” the Freyr replied. “Frankly, I am surprised it has taken them this long. We have pounded that side to scrap; if I were in control over there, I would have spun the station long before this. They must not have much remaining.”

  The Freyr looked at his tactical plot. “Our allies are doing an excellent job on the Aesir ships,” he said. “They are doing too well, actually; they have already destroyed the majority of the Aesir fleet. We will have to hurry with the battle station, or there won’t be any left for us.”

  Bridge, TSS Thermopylae, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Contact!” the OSO said. “One of the Jotunn ally’s ships just popped up on the other side of the Hood, sir. It is approximately eight million miles beyond the Hood!”

  “Can we fire?” Captain Nakamura asked.

  “No sir,” the OSO replied. “It is in range; however, we would have to shoot across the Hood.”

  “Understood,” the CO said. “Prepare a targeting solution that takes the missiles around the Hood, in case we’re needed.”

  “Sir, the ally ship is preparing to fire torpedoes!” the sensor operator shouted.

  “Calm down,” Captain Nakamura said. “Make your reports like you have been taught.”

  “Sir, the enemy ship is preparing to fire torpedoes,” the sensor operator said in a more normal, although excited, tone of voice. “The ship is larger than the one the Vella Gulf fought; this one is cruiser-sized.”

  “Much better,” the CO replied. “DSO, if the torpedoes come toward us, are you ready?”

  “Yes sir,” the DSO replied. “Decoy systems operational, manned and ready.”

  “Very well.”

  “Sir!” the communications officer exclaimed. “The Hood just asked for us to shoot over them at the enemy ship. They were not at General Quarters, and their systems aren’t fully manned.”

  “OSO, take the enemy under fire,” Captain Nakamura ordered.

  “Firing, sir.”

  The crew could feel the ship jolt slightly as the broadside of 35 anti-ship missiles launched. “Birds away,” the OSO said.

  “Sir, the enemy ship has launched,” the sensor officer said. “10 torpedoes inbound toward the strike group.” His tone was back up half an octave, the CO noted.

  “Can we do anything to assist the Hood?” Captain Nakamura asked.

  “No sir,” the DSO replied. “Unless the torpedoes are targeted on us, they will be outside the range of our defenses. The Hood is on its own.”

  Flag Bridge, TSS Thermopylae, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Admiral, all 10 torpedoes hit the Hood. At least one of her engines has been destroyed; she is beginning to drop behind.”

  “Should I tell the rest of the strike group to slow to match the Hood?” the flag watch officer asked.

  “No,” the admiral replied. “I told the Thor we would come at our best speed, and I intend to. If the Hood can’t keep up, they’ll just have to get there when they can. Leave them.”

  Bridge, TSS Vella Gulf, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  “Skipper,” the communications officer said, “Captain Train just commed me. A couple of our squadron pilots and platoon members are onboard the Thermopylae. He’s asking us for a shuttle run to come get them before combat starts. He said, and I quote, ‘I’d feel a lot safer on a ship run by someone who wasn’t an idiot.’”

  “I’d love to get them, but our shuttle already has a priority run. Please let him know we can’t get them at this time.”

  “Excuse me, sir,” the sensor officer interrupted, “but one of the destroyer-sized ships just popped up on the opposite side of the Hood from the first one. It’s preparing to launch, too.”

  “Geez,” Captain Sheppard said. “This is just like watching a World War II German submarine wolf pack at work. Cut out the weak and destroy them in detail. Helm, how long until we join up with the strike group?”

  “30 minutes,” the helmsman said. “And then another 30 minutes until we are in range of the Jotunn dreadnought.”

  “This is ludicrous,” the CO muttered. “Get me the admiral, please.”

  Admiral Lambert appeared on the screen. He didn’t look happy. “Yes?” he asked. “We are busy fighting a battle at the moment. Is there something you absolutely need?”

  “Yes, admiral. You may not know it, but the Vella Gulf can jump between universes like the enemy can. I am requesting permission to jump to the Jinn Universe and hunt the enemy ships there.”

  “Permission denied,” the admiral replied. “They have to jump into our universe to fire at us; we will fight them here. Continue toward the strike group and take the Hood’s screening position to our starboard. When you are there, de-cloak. That should give them pause.”

  “Aye, sir, we will take the Hood’s position. Can we get a shuttle run to bring our crew members over to us before combat begins? You have two of our pilots; we may need them for the fight.”

  “We don’t have time to send a shuttle there and back. I’m going to have to say—,”

  “We already lost a shuttle and the command ship has two extra,” Captain Sheppard interrupted. “I’d appreciate it if we could borrow one of yours until we get a replacement.”

  “Sure, whatever, just get in position ASAP!” Admiral Lambert ordered. “And get your fighters into formation now!”

  “We’re on our way!” Captain Sheppard replied. The communication terminated.

  The CO turned to the comms officer. “Let Captain Train know they are cleared to bring a shuttle over.” He shook his head. “Staying in this universe is lunacy, but at least that part went well.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Bridge, Jotunn Ship Naglfar, HD 69830 System, November 9, 2021

  The Freyr watched the plot as another salvo of missiles hit the defenseless battle station. Although a few missiles launched sporadically from
its few remaining silos, coordinated actions had ceased several minutes before. “The Aesir fleet has been destroyed,” the Freyr said, “and if that is all the battle station has left, we should shortly be able to turn our attention to these Terrans who have so graciously shown up to be destroyed.”

  “The remaining two ships will be in range within 10 minutes,” the missile technician said. He looked at his scope again. “Wait, there are three ships…no, four ships in the Terran fleet now!”

  “Four ships?” the Freyr asked. “Where did the two new ones come from? Are they anomalies in your system?”

  “I have them on my system, too, my Freyr,” the sensor operator said. “I do not believe them to be anomalies.”

  “Well, are they some sort of countermeasures system? Are the Terrans capable of deceiving our systems?”

  “I do not know, sir,” the sensor operator said. “One of them, cruiser-sized, just appeared and has remained stable. The other target has fluctuated, growing larger then smaller. That one may be a deception. Certainly, it does not move like a ship; its acceleration vector just changed like no cruiser I have ever seen before.”

  “What ships do we have remaining?” the Odin asked.

  “In addition to the flagship, we have two Wind-class battleships, the Hurricane and the Sirocco, and four Raptor-class battlecruisers, as well as a few cruisers and destroyers,” said the Freyr. “Most of the screening ships did not make it through the minefield. We have more than enough combat power to deal with the Terrans, despite their ability to pull ships from thin air.”

  “I agree,” the Odin said. “Prepare our line of battle. Once we deal with the Terrans, we can finish off the battle station and watch the show on Asgard.”


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