Erotica Romance Short Story (The Gift)

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Erotica Romance Short Story (The Gift) Page 2

by Jess C Scott

  I thought of feeling his blindfold — but not just then — so I felt his lower back instead...he was in a t-shirt that wasn’t too snug...and jeans...I hooked my thumbs into the belt loops at the back, for a few moments. I liked how unafraid I felt with him.

  His hands stalled when they reached my thighs — the end of the coat — which he slowly lifted up, and then his hands went underneath — I slipped my hands under his shirt to feel his back and torso, a torso that was taut, lean and supple.

  “What’s underneath?...” he asked, in the same tone as before.

  I kept quiet. My chest felt tighter — I gave a grin — eager for him to find out for himself soon enough.

  “Your coat must be super-cute,” he said, as he skillfully maneuvered the bow on the front, as the belt was tied as such. I mentally counted the number of buttons he undid — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 — I never knew how many buttons that coat had, ever.

  With the coat still on me, his hands went over my exposed skin and body. “Mmm,” he said, upon discovery that I didn’t have anything more underneath, apart from the sheer thong. “Very sexy” — as his fingers dragged across the surface of the tie-up strings at the sides. Then he brought a hand down, lightly massaging between my legs, with my knees feeling completely strength-less, and my legs quivering at the same time too at his mind-blowing touch.

  I helped him remove his shirt — I heard him swipe against his face when his shirt was off — he’s making sure the blindfold is secure!, I thought to myself — my heart was a lump in my mouth as I remembered the faux fur and ran my fingers over his eye mask, in pretense of checking that it was still in place.

  To my dismay, the material was satiny and smooth...a different texture from the luxury zebra print piece I got for Mr. Hayashi Yu.

  Maybe he has another blindfold, I thought to myself. Before remembering that I still did not know who I was with. Did it really matter anymore? Oh hell.

  I kicked off my heels so I could use one foot to go up and down the length of his calf muscle. We felt each other’s hair — his hair wasn’t too long or too was a nice length to tug and lightly pull. I scrunched up the ends — “I’ve gotta do that sometimes,” he said — “Huh?” I uttered, sounding breathless. “When I style my hair,” he replied, and I saw a montage of random current pop stars in my mind’s eye.

  His hands were on my collarbone, then shoulders. The trench coat came off and I let it drop to the ground. My lips parted in a faint sigh — I thought he was leaning in to kiss me — but maybe he was stalling for time, as I waited for his next move. I guessed it might be a move that was swift yet soft at the same time, and I was right.

  He started kissing me on the lips, alternating with very delicate tongue and mouthwork on my lower lip. Then he explored my neck with feathery light kisses. He moved with me, as I writhed around in agonizing pleasure, my arms draped around his body.

  He lifted me, swept me up in his arms (I was thankful for being petite), and it seemed as if he could see where he was going, because he didn’t hesitate or fall over anything. His arms felt so nice on the underside of my thighs and shoulders. Then we were on a huge bed, where I lay, wrapped up in his warm embrace.

  He got off the bed and I heard some movement — then the opening of a box — and the sound of Velcro, as he lightly, but firmly, tied my wrists and ankles down.

  “Are you going to be...violent?” I asked in a hushed tone. I was having visions of fierce criss-cross whip lash marks against a human back, or being flipped and being hit so hard it’d have left deep, red marks on my ass. I personally would have found being in such a situation quite stressful — theoretically, that is — but I couldn’t really do much then, could I.

  I felt his breath, close to the side of my face. “I won’t be rough,” he said.

  He untied one side of the strings on my underwear. He treated the material as if it was fragile as glass. I felt even more exposed than just bare naked, but my body cried out for more, more, more, from this lovely, lovely man.

  Suddenly, I felt his tongue seeking and tasting me — the feeling was so intense, I gasped and my legs kicked out in reflex — held back by the ankle cuffs from going too far or high up — his hands grabbed my thighs, and then my butt cheeks as he continued working his divine magic, his tongue, hands, fingers, running up and down the surface of my skin all over. Did he know how much I enjoyed being submissive?

  I wanted him — I wanted him so badly my whole body was on fire and I’d combust if I didn’t go along with what I was yearning for — “Let me feel you,” I begged I was going to pass out soon if this kept up — the teasing while I was temporarily blind, in the warmth of the darkness...

  And then his mouth was on my throat, and he was sliding his smooth body against mine and I kept from screaming at the top of my lungs though I was tugging against the four bonds with full-force — “Please, please, I have to feel you” — “I know, I know” — and he moved up, zeroing in on my breasts, teasing the nipples the same way that I’ve always done on my own solo.

  “I’ll die if I don’t feel you...” I muttered, feeling half-conscious, yet all the more conscious of the explosive force being forced to lie dormant in me. I tilted my neck out to the side, the only form of languid compensation I could give myself in my current position, as I breathed through my parted lips...

  “Why me?” The question escaped from me.

  He moved closer — so, so near my neck and ear. “What did you say?” he whispered back.

  Unable to take it any longer, I added, “May I see...who you are now?”

  A few tense seconds passed. I felt like my mind and spirit were floating away to some place else, somewhere high up and faraway from Earth. All that was left was me, and him, and everything hung on the last question that came from my mouth.

  He acquiesced — removed the bonds from the posts — one arm and a leg on the alternating side released — I grabbed him and wrapped my free limbs around him my life depended on it as I soaked in the music of our breathing and I used my two lips to feel him...and he kept to his word — he was never rough — pressing back against me, moving like we were one, and not two separate bodies...

  Till he slowed down, and his hands were on the side of my face, then untying my blindfold from the back. He removed it, and holy mother of God, I found myself looking straight at The Man himself —

  the hottest person on the planet,

  the talented, energetic, youthful, accomplished at the grand age of twenty-four,

  insanely drop dead gorgeous:

  Hayashi Yu.

  We looked into each other’s eyes — I felt wide-eyed with amazement, exhilaration, and wonder — he seemed a little subdued, but an intense, smoldering gaze did not belie his passion.

  His blindfold was hanging around his neck. He noticed me looking at it.

  “I flipped it around...”

  He showed me, to demonstrate his point. It was the zebra print plush, on the other side, and I spotted the words, I rock, in silver ink.

  “I really liked your birthday gift.” He was speaking in a low voice, and in his natural voice, which has a unique accent and tone all on its own. “You sounded genuine...and caring too.”

  I was still simply lying there, thoroughly content, grinning like a five-year old in awe, and enjoying the silence we were in.

  “I had to select more...politically correct, essays,” he went on. I realized his natural accent drove me wild for no apparent good reason. “I hope you understand.”

  I was more than happy to not have been the official winner of the contest. I just nodded in response.

  “I thought that metaphor about the blindfold, was pretty cool...I’ve high standards too. I’m looking for a lover...and you’re a very sweet lover...”

  Wow, I thought. He actually received my letter, and read it.

  Oh wow.

  Wow, wow, wow, wow.

  I was hardly able to process anything else.

nd as we lay there resting, I started feeling him...because so far he’d been the one who had been doing all the hard work.

  “Thank you,” I said, “...for not treating me like a piece of meat.”

  I’d made my acquaintance with those types before, and it wasn’t much fun. I’d been holding out because I wanted my first time to be something special. I never would have guessed for the scenario I did find myself in though — not in my wildest daydreams.

  “Likewise,” Hayashi said. As I linked his reply to what I’d said, he said, “Would you like to take over?”

  He gestured towards the four bonds connected to the bed posts.

  Good Lord, I was going to get to be on top.

  He was already putting on his blindfold again — this time, the zebra print and I rock text faced outward. All I wanted to do was soothe and caress his polished body...and well, let wherever my curiosity and “appetite” might naturally lead me...

  What should I do first...

  Zero in on his perfect package?

  Fire him up with hot kisses?

  Tease him with an ice-cube in my mouth?

  “Tell me what you want,” I said softly. I’d proceed from there.

  I tied the bonds a little less tightly than I intended to — he could move around more than I could — but he was smiling to himself...

  I leaned over him, waiting for his answer.

  “I wanna be your boyfriend...” he said. My internal astonishment and the deafening silence that ensued made me feel as if the whole room was literally, physically spinning. “I mean it...your words just melted’re very bright and lucid.”

  Did he just say all that, in reference to me?

  “Love is sex, sex is love...I think we’d enjoy each other’s company, Miss Natalia.”

  Straight from the heart.

  That’s how I worked my moves on him, for the rest of our first night together.

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  Author Q&A

  The following interview was originally published on 16 July 2009, courtesy of RCGNTN Magazine.

  Q: Who is Jess C Scott and what does she do?

  A: Jess identifies herself primarily as a writer. She writes books, and is ever working towards eventual success.

  Q: When did your fascination with words start?

  A: Long, long ago. I think I stapled a few pieces of paper together, and drew some pictures to a story titled “The Three Robbers” when I was 5 or 6. I liked feeling I could travel to another place, and/or be whoever I wanted to be—anytime, anywhere.

  Q: What do words mean to you?

  A: DNA. Seriously, because whatever I want to say is all in my work. Writing is more than stringing a bunch of letters/words/sentences to me—the effort and dedication to the craft requires both my time and my life (they’re not really mutually exclusive).

  Q: Where is your favorite place to write?

  A: Anywhere I can zone out and be left alone, uninterrupted.

  Q: I’ve read your pieces you’ve provided on your website, and they mostly seem very provocative and slightly exhibitionistic. Is that part of your personality or are you writing based on pure fantasy?

  A: A mixture of the two, I suppose ;)

  I enjoy looking at things from different perspectives, particularly if there’s sex + intimacy involved. In such stories, the point-of-view could be from a straight guy/gay male/lesbian. I can’t really be *all* of those at the same time, in real life. However, since Imagination is where I reside a lot of the time…

  Q: You also have a book called EyeLeash, which you describe as an experimental coming-of-age novel. What can we expect from it that will surprise us?

  A: A sensitivity + awareness of the details, of the blog/IM format.

  A raw honesty which is likely to be too “controversial” for mainstream commercial establishments.

  A soul-searching component that is universal and unique at the same time.

  Oh and there’s a lead Asian guy—Novan Chang. I don’t know of very many Asians in contemporary and young adult literature.

  Q: What else are you busy with presently?

  A: I’ll be publishing/marketing another book later in the year (as well as “continuing on a degree”). I’ve been fiddling around with Kindle (Amazon’s wireless e-reader). Converting a .doc file to a format supported by Kindle involves more trickery than it sounds. I’m coming up with some concepts for future book trailers (for my next novel)—which means a bunch of illustrations have got to be done!

  Q: Some people write based on their life experiences and others write as a form of escapism. Which category do you think you fall under?

  A: Again, a combination of the two. There is no greater substitute for experience, ’tis true. However, seeing beyond mundane reality is always nice too.

  Q: Do you think doing commercialized writing is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil?

  A: I worry about the implications this might have on me financially—but yes, I do think doing commercial writing is equivalent to selling one’s soul (to each their own; I can only speak for myself). I must always have some regard for artistic/literary merit, social value, etc., in a story or book, if I’m going to be writing it.

  Q: Any last words?

  A: Don’t give up on your dreams. It’s very difficult, but nothing’s better than doing something you really want for yourself, by yourself, and as yourself.

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  About the author:

  Jess writes edgy/contemporary fiction, and is an English/Business senior at Adams State College.

  Jess’s literary work has appeared in a diverse range of publications, such as Word Riot, ITCH Magazine, and The Battered Suitcase. She is currently working on several different projects, including Take-Out (Part 2), the second book (gluttony) in the Sins07 “seven deadly sins” series, and a project featuring cyberpunk elves.

  She enjoys the speed and efficiency of indie publishing, and thanks you for your support of indie authors.

  Other titles by Jess C Scott:

  EyeLeash: A Blog Novel

  4:Play (erotic short stories)

  Porcelain (portfolio of written + illustrative work)

  Business Plan (building brand identity)

  1: The Intern (Book #1 in the Sins07 Series)

  Take-Out (interracial)

  The Other Side of Life

  (upcoming cyberpunk/urban fantasy series)

  Connect with Jess Online:




  E-mail: [email protected]

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  P.S. And feel free to let me see your thoughts via a review, or by email.

  [email protected]

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  Erotica Romance Short Story (The Gift)




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