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Slate Page 12

by Stella Marie Alden

  In the bathroom mirror, I dab on a bit of lipstick and emphasize my eyes with black liner. When I come out, his sultry look makes me want to jump into bed, forget about the world, and just make love.

  “Do all millionaires have armed guards?” I snuggle into his chest as he kisses me on the nose before standing.

  “Billionaires do, especially in the business of security. How would it look?” His strong arm slides around my waist. “The Pattens have invited us to lunch. Want to come?”

  “I’m not really dressed for-”

  “It’s at their apartment. Just family. Casual.”

  “In that case, I’d love to.”

  “Text me when you’re done and I’ll pick you up in the limo.”

  “You spoil me.”

  His lips part, his eyes suddenly dark with passion, “I’m going to spoil you forever, lovely Lilac. Have no doubts.”

  As we drive into the city, his hand stays high on my thigh and I don’t speak. My heart is heavy as I hope for a traffic jam. These are our final moments of the summer and I don’t want them to end. After this, it’s twelve-hour days, seven days a week, maybe even more. It’s weird. I’m sad but also excited to be starting my life as a resident in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the Northeast.

  However, when I lean across the stick shift to kiss him goodbye, my eyes sting.

  “What’s this? I’ll be back in a couple hours.” His index finger catches an unshed tear, a heated gaze which promises more than he or I can give.

  “It’s going to be all different now.” My upper teeth bite into my lower lip as I check out the numbers over the archways of the brownstone apartment buildings.

  “You’re going to make a great doctor.” He winks, jumps out of the car, and opens the door. I get a quick peck on the cheek. “See you in a bit.”

  Taking a deep breath, I step onto the sidewalk and into my new life. Will he wait for me or did I just lose my best friend, my lover, my everything?

  The real estate broker greets me at the door, then I inspect the compact studio apartment. One wall has a miniature stove and refrigerator. The rest of the space is taken up by a table for two, a bed, and a dresser. However, on the positive side, there’s a laundromat, a bodega, and a small vegetable stand on the same block.

  I’m sure it will be fine. “I’ll take it.”

  After I finish signing, it’s too early for my appointment with my supervising physician, so I find a coffee shop, order a latte, and chill. When a middle-aged man sits down in the chair next to mine, it doesn’t feel quite right. Grabbing my cup, I stand, ready to move to another spot.

  His suit jacket opens and he flashes the pistol he’s holding in his right hand. “Hello, Ms. Starbird. If you would be so kind, we’ll be going now. If you make even the slightest of movements, I’ll have no problem killing you. But first, if you would, hand me your cell phone.”

  I do.

  He removes my sim card, cracks it in two, and suddenly, I know where I’ve seen him before. “You were at the dog park.”

  “So unfortunate you took my picture. I’m rather an elusive sort.” He laughs but there’s no humor around the eyes, just the soulless depths of a man incapable of empathy.

  I’ve no doubt that he’s the one who killed the arms dealer.

  “Go.” He digs the weapon into my side with his other hand at the small of my back as if we’re lovers.

  “Where’re you taking me?” My heart pounds and adrenaline shoots through my veins as I frantically search for an escape.

  He doesn’t speak as he directs me into the subway station. He swipes a metro card for both of us. Then, we descend another set of stairs. While we wait, he edges me to the end of the platform.

  I shiver as a train rumbles in the southbound tunnel, the hard tip of his gun digging into my ribs. Without warning, he pushes me with both hands and I’m airborne.

  Chapter 20


  I drop off Lilac and my ears itch. Some really bad shit is about to go down so I call Grayson to let him know I’m going to be late and circle the block. Double-parked and hypervigilant, I wait and watch. Dammed if I can see the danger but the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when she trots down the front steps of the brownstone and enters a Starbucks.

  It seems harmless enough as she exits with a drink until a man sits down next to her.

  Fuck it all to hell! I turn off the idling engine, jump out, and dart between four lanes of moving traffic. Car horns blare and cabbies shout out their windows but I don’t pay them any mind. I got my eyes on Lilac and the stranger whose hand moves under his coat.

  He’s got a weapon and much like a panther, moves slow and purposeful. By the time I get to the opposite sidewalk, he’s already halfway down the subway stairs. I follow, checking right and left until I see them on the escalator. Jumping the turnstile, I catch up with them by taking the stairs.

  There must be over a hundred people here on the platform. Surely, it’s too dangerous to try anything out in the open. He moves her closer to the edge and my heart pounds. My God, he’s not going to shoot her, he’s going to push her down into the tracks, in front of the next oncoming train.

  As the rumble in the tunnel grows. I close the distance between us but I’m too fucking late. He shoves with both hands, she screams, then brakes squeal.

  I dive for her as her hands flail in the air, but he grabs at my jacket.

  “Fucker.” I snap the top of my foot behind one of his knees, cartilage breaks and we all fall onto the tracks.

  I roll on top of Lilac, wrapping my arms and legs around her. We continue spinning until we’re under the ledge of the platform.

  The train thunders into the station, a whistle screeches, and metal scrapes the pockets of my dress pants before grinding to a halt. A few men and women scream hysterically.

  The conductor’s voice distorts the loudspeakers. “Please exit the train. This train is out of service.”

  I can’t fucking believe we’re alive. Shit, that was close. Her heartbeat pounds against my chest as I hold her tight.

  “Lil, shit, Lil.” I shudder to think without my early warning system, she’d be dead.

  Her voice shakes. “H-How did you know there was enough space under the platform?”

  “I didn’t. I hoped.”

  “You idiot. You should never have risked your life for me.” I can’t see her face but can imagine it red and fuming.

  “I had to. Your life is my life. Do you know who pushed you?” My interrogation can wait but I need something to distract me from my growing claustrophobia.

  “Remember the guy whose picture I took in the park? The one who knew your dog’s real name?”

  “You sure?” I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on that.

  “Yeah. He was wearing a disguise but I knew it was him the second he asked for my cell phone.”

  Brakes whoosh, doors cluck, and a man shouts from somewhere on the platform, “Is anyone down there?”

  “Yeah. Two of us. Under the ledge.” Thank God. We’ll be out soon.

  “Stay put. We’ve called someone to cut the power. Don’t move.”


  “Are either of you hurt?” His voice gets closer as he hones in on where we’re stuck.

  Lilac shouts out first. “I’m fine but we’re jammed together like a couple of sardines.”

  “Sorry love.” My grip loosens a little so she can wiggle her arms, legs, hands and feet.

  I try to copy her movements but my shoulder hurts like a mother-fucker. “We got a couple bruises. Can’t wait to get out of here, though.”

  “Workin’ on it. I’m Pete. What’d you say your names are?” He’s right overhead, now, shining a flashlight down.

  I look up and try for a grin. “Slate.”

  “First or last?”

  “Yes. And she’s Lilac.”

  Pete’s on his hands and knees, mouth about an inch above the platform. “Lila who?”
br />   She moans with a little curse and I can’t help but chuckle.

  “First name is Lilac-with-a-c at the end. Last name is Starbird. Tell me, did the guy who pushed her, make it?” I hold my breath, hoping he’s already being tortured by the devil in hell. I sure don’t want him walking around, ever trying this again.

  “Just a sec.”

  I kiss the top of my sweet woman’s head and give her a squeeze. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  It’s damned cramped as the minutes tick by and a crowd assembles. From the sounds of it we got a news crew, paramedics, engineers, and a doctor. A loudspeaker directs passengers out of the station in an infinite loop while sirens echo eerily through the tunnel. A few insects pass by my nose, I blow at them, and they scurry away.

  Pete sounds real close when he returns and he’s out of breath. “The guy didn’t make it. Sorry. Someone you know?”

  Lilac turns her head out of my chest and speaks toward the source of light. “Are you sure he’s dead?”

  “Yes ma’am. About as dead as anyone can be.”

  “Good.” She mumbles this into my chest and I can’t help but agree.

  The lights go off, the engine stops and Pete’s voice moves to the front of the train. “The power is off. Can you inch forward?”

  I stick a heel out but find no traction. “No, not without a rope.”

  “Hang in there. Don’t move. The rescue team is coming.”


  Lilac snorts. “Just where does he think we could go?”

  I chuckle and squeeze her, my face in her hair. Finally, a beam from a bright LED flashlight lights up the whole area under the train.

  “Hello?” A lower, younger, male voice calls from just behind my back.

  Lilac wriggle’s up my body, chest in my face. “Hello.”

  She lowers her chin to me. “There’s a man right behind us in the center rails.”

  A large hand pats my back. “We’re thinking we can slowly move the train away. I’m guessing you got clearance? We’ll have to switch the power on again.”

  “Yeah, let’s do this.” The lights come on again, I tighten my grip, and squish her to the wall.

  The wheels creak as they slowly inch forward. Lilac’s eyes go wide and her arms cling to me, pulling me closer. One wheel scrapes so close, it rips my pants, forcing my wallet out of my back pocket.

  When the train gets far enough down the tracks, I let go, my muscles shaking from having clenched for so long.

  A couple firemen rush down the ladders at the end of the station and help us to stand. Then, we climb with them up to the top of the blessed platform while paramedics, rescue teams, and news crews applaud. A few bystanders take out their camera phones while the local anchor gives her take on our miraculous survival.

  We’re ushered to a bench and sit while we’re checked for broken bones. Lilac’s got a bruise on her cheek and a nasty bump on her head but overall, I’m damned lucky she’s alive.

  “Ready?” The paramedic grabs my arm to reset my shoulder.

  Bracing, I nod. “Fuuuck!” Man, that hurts.

  “I got something for the pain, if you want.” The millennial with a man-bun opens his bag but I stay his search with my palm outstretched.

  “No thanks, I’m good.”

  Lilac places her hand on top of mine as a gray-haired man, close to retirement-age approaches. He scratches his head, reaches for a wallet inside his wrinkled suit, and flashes his badge.

  “I’m Detective Garcia. You two are incredibly lucky. Young man, how did you know there’d be enough room alongside the rails?”

  I glance up at the guy and answer the same as before. “I didn’t.”

  “Pilot”? His gaze rests on my USAF tat just below a blood pressure cuff on my bicep.

  “Twenty-Fourth Special Tactics. Captain Slate.”

  His brows raise and he nods his approval. “Well, that explains it. Want to tell me what happened?”

  “Sure. I was circling the block while Lilac, here, signed her lease. I was waiting across the street and she got us some coffees.” I’m not about to explain how my ears itched.

  “Suddenly some guy came up to her, opened his suit jacket, and led her away. Her body language oozed fear so I raced after them. Just as I saw the asshole push her, I jumped in front of the train and rolled us under the platform.

  “Some witnesses say you killed the guy who pushed her.”

  “Really? How’s that?” My face betrays nothing.

  “You broke his knee right before you jumped.” He stares unblinking and I return it.

  “If I did, it was unintentional, detective. My only thought was of rescuing my girlfriend. I honestly don’t recall if he fell or not. I suppose I could’ve bumped into him as I went for her. More likely he was reaching for me and fell in of his own accord.”

  He nods and jots something down. “That’s your statement?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Can I see some identification?”

  Good luck with that. I point down into the tracks and sigh. “My wallet is down there. Can you see if someone can get it for me? My cards, too?”

  “Hey Pete, can you get Captain Slate’s wallet?”

  “Sure thing, Joe.”

  Detective Garcia turns his attention toward Lilac. “Did you recognize the man that pushed you?”

  I butt in, not liking his tone. “Can’t this wait? She was unconscious for a while. I think she has a concussion.”

  She gives me a questioning look but when I squeeze her hand, her eyes actually tear. Damn, I had no idea her acting skills were so good.

  “It’s okay, Slate. I can tell him what I remember. Detective, I was simply signing my lease and getting coffee. Then, this weird man points a gun at me and tells me to walk. He forces me into the subway and pushes me. That’s about all I remember.”

  “Did you recognize him?”

  “No sir.”

  “Any reason someone might want to kill you?”

  “No sir. None that I know of.” Her eyes blink innocently.

  “Anything else either one of you want to add?”

  We both shake our heads and he hands us his card. “You think of anything, you let us know.”

  “Yes sir.” I walk us over to the paramedics and let them help us up the stairs.

  They insist we get checked out at a hospital because of her concussion and my shoulder.

  In the ambulance, I lean over her and whisper, “You are fucking awesome.”

  Chapter 21


  In the emergency room, I rest on a gurney while Slate holds an ice pack to his black eye. Earlier, he flashed a fake badge at security and since then, has sat at my bedside. I’m not sure why I need to be here, I feel fine. I tried to explain to the doctor. I would know if I had a serious concussion but he just yessed me to death and made me lie down.

  While I hold Slate’s hand, I wrack my brain for over an hour and come up blank. “If the guy that pushed me was the real murderer, he got away with it. Why in heaven’s name did he come back?”

  Slate leans over the side rail of my bed, lips soft and warm on mine, dark eyes full of concern. “Two reasons. The picture could identify him and so could you.”

  “He was walking a dog. There’s no crime in that. I don’t get it.”

  “I wonder… I wish you still had that photo.” He sits back in the uncomfortable metal chair and grimaces.

  Suddenly, I bolt off my pillow. “Holy shit. Give me your iPad. I still have the picture of him.”

  “Come again?” A grin spreads across his face as he reaches into a pocket of his ruined jacket.

  “My phone was cheap. As in no memory cheap? So, I store my pictures in the cloud. See here? That’s him walking the white puppy.”

  “Wait a second.” He goes to another site where he’s made a montage of missing lost-dog posters. “Is that the puppy he had with him?”

  I study for a moment, and no
d. “Yes, pretty sure that’s him.”

  “Damn. I never even considered it.”

  “What? You lost me?”

  “He was a hired killer, a professional. Guys like him don’t like having photos taken of them.”

  “So, why didn’t he just take my phone at the time?” Our eyes meet and I can’t help but smile at him.

  “I guess he thought his odds would be better when things cooled down.”

  “Thank you.” I grab my hero by the collar and bring him to my lips.

  “For what?”

  “Making sure I won’t be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”

  His eyes dart around the room. “Shush. So far, everyone agrees it was an accident.”

  “Yeah, but you and I know you didn’t have to kill him.”

  He gives his head a grim shake and pulls at his beard. “In that split second, I decided to take him out. I’m not sure it was even conscious, more like training.”

  My palm cups his soft beard, my heart just about bursting with these intense feelings. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” His Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows hard.

  “I really thought I was going to lose you, too.” His cell phone rings, breaking the mood.

  There’s no doubt in my mind he’s glad for the distraction. After checking the number on the screen, his face goes all business.

  “Slate… Put him through… Yeah, she’s fine, thanks.” He mouths the letters F B I at me and I wish like hell I could hear the other side of the conversation. “No shit. Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Sure. I’ll have the dog ready. Uh-huh. Be in touch. Bye.”

  “What was that all about?” I’m all ears as he puts his phone down.

  “They’re sending in a team into the park to search for the body of the missing arms dealer.”

  “Do they know who paid for the hit on him?”

  “They didn’t say but I expect we’ll find out soon enough.”

  I relax against the wall. Then, in a sudden panic, I check the time on a wall and groan. “I missed my appointment with my supervising physician.”

  “I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  “She. It’s a Dr. Davidson. And, no, she won’t.” I moan, throw off the sheets, and look for my clothes. “Dammit. I was just getting my shit together.”


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