That Summer (Part Two)

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That Summer (Part Two) Page 16

by Lauren Crossley

  “Where is he? Is Cole here?”

  She looks terrified and anyone can see that she is highly vulnerable. She must have walked miles because the nearest town from here is half an hour away and I doubt she got here by car.

  “He’s not here right now. He’s popped out for a few minutes.”

  “Can I wait for him to get back? I really need to speak to him.”

  She’s clearly decided that she’s not going anywhere until she speaks to Cole and I guess I have no right to stop her. I watch her take a seat next to the fire, gazing into its bright flames as she attempts to warm her hands in front of it.

  “Did you say your name was Fiona?” I ask, hovering by the door in case I need to make a quick exit anytime soon.

  “Has he mentioned me?” She enquires, appearing hopeful.

  “Um… no.” I answer her truthfully. “I’m sorry.”

  “Who are you? Are you his girlfriend?” She demands, her eyes filling up with unshed tears.

  I pause for a moment, considering how much I should reveal to her. I figure I should respond with something which won’t involve a lot of questions and blurt out the first thing that comes into my head.

  “I’m Serena, Cole’s sister.”

  “He never mentioned a sister.” She reflects absent-mindedly. “But it’s really nice to meet you.”

  “How do you two know each other?” I question her, realising that Cole has been keeping a few secrets from me… one of them being this woman.

  “We don’t know each other very well but we met a couple of months ago.”

  “Did you have a relationship?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “I see.”

  “I know it doesn’t sound good but I really liked him. I guess he didn’t feel the same way if he hasn’t even mentioned me to you.” She murmurs sadly, wrapping her arms around body to keep herself warm. “Do you mind if I take my coat off?”

  “Of course. Give it to here and I’ll put it on one of the radiators to dry off.”

  I take it from her and drape it over the heater, struggling to remain calm and control my envy as I wait for Cole to walk through the door and give us both some answers.

  “It’s really kind of you to let me in here like this, especially when my arrival was unannounced.”

  She drags her fingers through her hair, attempting to smarten herself up now that she’s gaining some warmth.

  “I guess I’m just wondering what might have happened for you to turn up here like this out of the blue.”

  “I wanted Cole to be the first one to know but you seem really nice.” She takes a deep breath before she goes on, psyching herself up to continue. “Maybe you can help me figure out a way to tell him?”

  “Tell him what?” I probe, dreading her answer.

  “Tell him that I’m pregnant.”

  “You’re what?”

  I’m convinced I misheard her, fighting against the little voice inside me head which is telling me I heard her just fine.

  “I’m carrying his baby and I think he has the right to know.”

  Her statement confirms it. This random woman turned up so she could tell Cole that he’s going to be a father. This is the catalyst which will tear us apart and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

  I spend a further ten minutes talking with her before Cole arrives, bursting through the front door with a smile on his face.

  “Baby, I’m really sorry I left you for so long but the traffic was crazy on the way back up here.”

  He freezes, taking in the two of us together. His face drains of all its colour, resembling someone who has just been caught red handed.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” He growls, forcing Fiona up from her seat by taking hold of her elbow.

  “Cole, stop it and calm down.” I say, speaking firmly.

  “Why the fuck are you here and how did you get in?”

  He shakes her roughly, struggling to conceal his rage with regards to our intruder.

  “I let her in.” I inform him, standing up so I can place myself between them.

  “Why would you do that?” He challenges me harshly, turning his anger on me instead.

  “Because she begged me to do so and she told me she had to speak to you.”

  “Jesus, Serena… she could have been anyone. Why would you put yourself in danger like that without me being here?”

  “Just listen to what she has to say to you.” I advise him, turning away so I can leave the two of them alone.

  “Where do you think you’re going? Stay where you are.” He commands, taking hold of my hand. “Anything she has to say to me can be said in front of you. Whatever it is, I want you to hear it.”

  “She already knows.” Fiona interjects, receiving a fierce glare from Cole for her interruption.

  “Knows what? What have you told her?”

  “Cole, she’s pregnant.”

  They both stop, staring at me in disbelief. I really didn’t mean to blurt it out like that but I couldn’t take it anymore. We were going round in circles and Cole’s temper wasn’t helping anyone.

  “She’s what?” He whispers, refusing to break eye contact with me.

  “I’m having your baby, Cole. I’m eight weeks pregnant.”

  Fiona stands directly in front of him, desperate for his attention and maybe even some affection from the man who will be her baby’s father.

  “You’re lying.” He snarls, scowling at her with hatred.

  “I brought a pregnancy test with me to prove it.” She retorts boldly. “I can go and take it right now.”

  “Even if you pregnant, it doesn’t mean it’s mine.”

  “I guess a DNA test will prove that once the baby is born but until then… you’re going to have to take my word for it.”

  I listen to them argue and feel like a spare part. It’s as though I’m no longer needed in my own house and I’ve never felt more insignificant or unneeded.

  “Get out.” He finally orders, narrowing his eyes at her in contempt. “Get the hell out of my house and don’t come back here. I don’t know how you found out where I live but I told you before that there is nothing between us. I don’t want you, Fiona. I never did.”

  “You wanted me enough to have sex with me!” She cries, covering her face with her hands as she starts to sob. “Your sister treated me so kindly. I knew you would be the complete opposite when I told you.”

  “My sister?”

  “You are related, right?” She glances between us, uncertain and more than a little consumed.

  “That’s right we are.” I appease her, smiling weakly. “Look, you two really need to talk about this in private. I’m going to give you both some space.”

  I turn to leave the room once more, making my way towards the stairs when Cole stops me.

  “You’re not going anywhere. This involves you and you’re not leaving me alone in this.”

  He places himself at the foot of the stairs, preventing me from taking another step.

  “Cole, this is your mess and you’re the only one responsible for it. Don’t tell me what to do when I’m not even a part of this.”

  “Of course you are.” He whispers, attempting to keep our conversation private. “Serena, please… I swear to God I can explain everything to you.”

  “Aren’t you sick of hearing your own excuses by now?”

  “Just give me five minutes.” He begs me. “Fiona can wait.”

  “Gee, thanks.” She remarks bitterly, obviously frustrated by our heated discussion which excludes her.

  “Shut up.” He fires back at her aggressively. “You think you can just turn up at my door and unload all of this on me like it’s no big deal?”

  “I thought you had a right to know.”

  “Damn right I do but you can wait. Right now I’m going to go and talk with Serena in private so don’t even think about leaving until we’re done, do you understand?!”

  “Fine.” She concedes begrudgingly
, making it obvious that she’s not happy I’m the central concern of Cole.

  He drags me up the stairs and into our bedroom, closing the door behind us.

  “Where the hell should I start?” He groans, leaning back against the wall behind him.

  “When did you sleep with her?” I ask, making sure my demeanour remains detached and reserved.

  “It was pretty soon after my release.” He confesses, rubbing the centre of his forehead before sighing deeply.

  “So three months ago?”

  “Something like that, yeah.”

  “Wow, you can’t even remember?” I challenge him scornfully.

  “I can’t remember because it meant absolutely nothing to me. She means nothing and she never did.”

  “She’s having your baby.” I remind him, taking a seat on the bed.

  I don’t know how I’m managing to remain so calm. My outward appearance resembles someone who is composed but inside there is a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions which are just screaming to be released and explode in a second.

  “Is she even pregnant? I don’t even know whether I should believe her or not.”

  “You can tell she’s being honest.” I inform him, remembering how frightened she was when she turned up on our doorstep. “She was terrified and heartbroken when I first let her in and the least you owe her is a conversation.”

  “Ok, so let’s go down there together and talk with her. You’re a part of this and I want you to be with me.” He argues, crossing the room so he can kneel down in front of me.

  “As far as she’s concerned I’m your sister.” I murmur quietly. “We can’t confront her like we’re a couple now I’ve told her the truth.”

  “So we’ll say you made it up. We’ll tell her that we’re in a relationship and the three of us can discuss what happens next.”

  “Cole, you’re not being realistic!” I yell angrily, jumping up from the bed. “This changes everything… this changes us.”

  “No, no it doesn’t. I won’t let it change anything for you.” He promises, following me across the room so he can force me to look at him. “I’ve finally got you back again and there’s no way I’m going to let that bitch downstairs change any of that.”

  “And what about your child?” I retort sharply, glaring at him in confrontation.

  “I don’t want one with her. I don’t want anything to do with it. All I care about is you.”

  “You’re bound to feel differently once the baby is born and I don’t think I have the strength to stand by and watch you play happy families with someone else.” I admit, lowering my gaze towards the floor.

  “The only family I want is one with you. You’re the centre of my universe and no one else will ever compare.”

  “Cole, she can give you the one thing I can’t and that’s a child. Please, just go and talk with her while I wait up here.”

  “She can’t give me anything, not when everything I want is with you.” He growls, smashing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss.

  “Just go!” I exclaim loudly, shoving him away from me. “You need to deal with this yourself.”

  “No!” He roars, slamming his fist against the wall behind me. “I want you with me! Why are you pushing me away?”

  “Because I don’t know what else to do! I keep picturing you with her and it makes me feel sick. I’m now questioning how many others there have been since you came out of prison and I don’t know how to stop myself from hating you because of it.”

  My jealousy is overwhelming. It’s threatening to consume me and I don’t know how to control it.

  “I don’t care if you hate me, we can deal with that and I can handle it. What I can’t deal with is you pushing me away. If Fiona wants to keep the baby then I’ll be there for it, I’ll help raise my child but that’s it. I don’t want anything more to do with her beyond that.”

  “She obviously has feelings for you.” I warn him, speaking softly. “Did you not see the look on her face after the way you spoke to her?”

  “Look, she knew that I was in love with someone else because I told her. I let her know that there was a girl I couldn’t be with and she understood exactly what it was. It was sex and nothing more than that. Afterwards, she became clingy and that’s when I told her to get lost. I hated myself for what I did and that’s why I haven’t slept with anyone since then. I haven’t even spoken to her so I have no idea how the hell she found me.”

  “I don’t think I can do this…” I whisper, covering my face with my hands.

  “You can.” He insists, taking hold of my hands. “Neither of us has a choice.”

  “Don’t we?”

  “Listen, I’m going back downstairs and you’re coming with me. We’re going to talk through this together and figure out what happens next. I’m not doing this without you, Serena. I just can’t.”

  Understanding dawns on me like a bolt of lightning. I suddenly realise what needs to be done and how this devastating revelation can be resolved.

  “Can you give me a few minutes? I just need a moment alone.”

  “I’ll wait.”

  “Cole, please. I’m begging you to give me a few minutes.”

  I smile weakly, hoping it will be enough to convince him.

  “If you’re not downstairs in five minutes then I’ll come back and get you.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute.” I lie, pretending to go along with everything he’s saying.

  He turns to leave, turning around to face me once he reaches the bedroom door.

  “I love you, Serena. Only you.” He says, lowering his head sadly. “This changes nothing.”

  I wait until he’s left the room before I whisper my reply to him, meaning every word.

  “It changes everything.”

  I sneak down the hallway, unable to ignore the sound of raised voices downstairs. I know there’s no way I can sneak past them to the front door so I’ll have to use the back.

  I realise that if I don’t do this now I never will and an opportunity where Cole is distracted like this might not happen again.

  Some would call me a coward for what I’m about to do… others might think I’m brave. Either way, I’m doing it with the best of intentions and hope that Cole will understand. I hope that one day he will forgive me.

  There’s a small flight of stairs which are separate from the main ones we normally use, it leads down into the kitchen where the back door is. It’s bound to be locked but I know where Cole keeps the key, it’s in one of the kitchen doors and all I can do is pray I won’t be discovered before I manage to reach it.

  I hold my breath as I sneak down each step, closing my eyes as I wait for a creaky floorboard to betray me, alerting Cole before I have a chance to escape. It doesn’t happen and I reach the bottom without making a single sound.

  Cole and Fiona are still arguing. I can hear them rowing about the paternity of the baby and what they plan to do once he or she is born. I know I can’t turn the kitchen light on because he’s bound to see it and I end up spending another thirty seconds or so with my arms out in front of me, praying to God I don’t fall over anything.

  The drawer with the back door key inside it is easy to locate because it’s right underneath the window. The storm outside is still howling, masking the noise I accidentally make as I open the drawer.

  Now that I have the key in my hands, I have to act fast. Cole will no doubt become impatient when he realises I’m not joining him downstairs and I also know how he can be when he gets angry. So far he has kept his promise to keep on taking his medication but one small slip could push him over the edge in a split second.

  “Serena! Come on down here. You’ve been up there long enough!” He yells irritably, raising his voice so I can hear him.

  He still thinks I’m upstairs and he’s bound to race up there any moment when I don’t respond to him. Taking my one and only chance, I turn the key and unlock the back door, flinging it open while an almighty crack of lightin
g lights up the entire kitchen.

  I scream, exposing myself and giving away my location. I hear Cole’s voice roar out my name and that’s when I run, speeding out the house and throwing my body across the large field in front of me. The thunder is deafening and the downpour of rain crashes against my body in a relentless downpour.

  My hair sticks to my face and forehead, blinding me so I stumble and fall several times. Each time I pick myself back up, I am convinced that he is right behind me. I daren’t look back in case I catch sight of him but I just know he’s behind me. The only consolation is this destructive weather. I hope it will be enough to obstruct Cole’s vision and I dart forward, determined to outrun him and get away without being caught.

  I hear him crying out my name, sounding more furious with each passing second. My chest is hurting and my heart feels like it might leap out of my chest if I don’t stop anytime soon but I keep on moving. I can’t stop now and if I don’t make myself disappear then I know my chances of escape will be miniscule.

  Cole swore that he would never let me go and he kept his promise. We’ve been apart for three years but that was because of his custodial sentence. If it hadn’t been for that, who knows how long it would have taken him to hunt me down.

  I don’t know whether it’s because I know that Cole is going to be a father or if Fiona turning up unexpectedly with her news has somehow provided me with an opportunity to run. Either way, I’ve never craved my freedom so badly. I need it like I need air to breathe and I will not stay with someone who refuses to tell the truth. I’ve been lied to, abused, hurt and manipulated since I came here, resulting in me being locked up that house like a prisoner. I convinced myself for a while that I could live like that but now I know different.

  I ran for my life that night and I ran for my freedom, ignoring the desperate pleas I heard from Cole for me to come back. He was unable to catch me and he’s been chasing me ever since.

  That’s why I’ll always keep on running…

  Chapter Twelve

  Present day… (three years later)

  “I escaped that night but he’s never stopped searching for me. He’ll never quit and that’s why I have to keep on running.”


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