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Monster Page 32

by Yolanda Olson

  Drake leaned down and when he saw that I was completely covered he leaned down and used his sleeve-covered hands to pull the door open. I looked at Charlie and nodded, she smiled back encouragingly. I looked at Cody and smiled; for a moment he just sat there, then he leaned over and kissed me gently on the forehead.

  “If you get into any trouble, just yell and we’ll come running,” he whispered to me.

  Nodding I got out of the car and sprinted for the door of the farmhouse. With one swift move, I kicked the door off of its hinges and stepped into the house.

  Removing Cody’s jacket, I tossed in onto the front porch. It was too nice to get bloodied up or torn in the event that Brian was feeling competitive.

  “Brian, I’m back,” I called out in mock cheerfulness.

  No response.

  “Yoo hoo! Brian! I’m home!”

  Still no response.

  Quickly I walked around the inside of the little home. There were no signs of life or even death. Confused, I walked to the back of the house where my little bed was. It was turned on its side and at an angle. Almost like someone had viciously kicked it or flipped it over in a rage. I looked over at the chair that Billie had restrained him in and saw that the newspaper clipping now sat in the seat. I walked over to it and picked it up. There was a message that was scrawled across the top of it.


  I know why you left now. Billie explained it to me. She said it had to do with some vampire named Kaeden. She said that you loved him and that’s why you left me. She said that you would’ve stayed with me if it weren’t for him.

  I need you.

  I know where to find him now and that’s where I’m headed.

  I’ll get rid of him and then we can be together forever.

  - Brian.

  My eyes widened in terror. Billie had lied to him! She told him that Kaeden was the problem and now he was going to kill him. What would he do to the rest of my friends that were still with him? Gripping the paper in my hand, I bolted out the front door, catching my foot on Cody’s jacket and tumbling down the stairs. I rolled over to get up and the sun started to bear down on me with a vengeance. In an instant both Cody and Charlie were out of the car and on top of me, blocking me from the sun. She ran and got Cody’s jacket and draped it on me, while he wrapped it tightly and carried back to the car.

  “Drake, Devils Lake. NOW. DRIVE!” I screamed at him.

  Without so much as a second thought, he put the car in drive and flew off of the farmland back onto the streets and toward the highway. I looked out the window. We’re not going fast enough, I thought frantically. I looked up at the sun and had a dangerous but possibly breakthrough thought. I can probably run fast enough to get to Devils Lake without any severe damage. I can race through the trees and get there faster than this car can.

  I took a couple of deep, steadying breaths. Kaeden’s life depended on my courage right now. Something in my gut told me that he was still alive and if I had to sustain sunlight to see to it that he lived, then that’s what I was going to do. I glanced at my friends in the car. Drake gripped the steering wheel tightly; a look of determination on his face as he raced past all the cars on the highway. Charlie, holding onto the dashboard, yelling at the humans to get out of the way. Cody staring at me curiously, knowing that something was up but he wasn’t quite sure what it was. When Drake neared a section of the highway where I saw a cluster of trees stretching far into the distance, I closed my eyes. Do it for Kaeden, I said to myself. Opening my eyes, I pushed the door open and jumped out onto the highway, landing on my knees.

  “Finnegan! What the hell are you doing?” Cody shouted as he started toward the door. But Drake knowing that I needed to do this on my own, veered into the concrete median to slam the door shut in Cody’s face.

  I heard the sounds of cars honking and wheels squealing. I got up and jumped the median and ran for the tree line. I grimaced in pain as I ran. The trees branches were snapping back and hitting me, which normally wouldn’t have hurt, but with new smaller burns on my face and arms, it felt like pouring salt in an open wound.

  I pushed on though. Kaeden was in danger and I knew that he would venture out into the sun if I needed his help. There was no way I was going to let him down.

  I ran as fast as I could with the sun chasing me, determined to be my assassin. Every so often I would feel the sting on my back as it bore through my clothes leaving small little wholes and trails of burnt flesh.

  I ignored it. This was a small price to pay if it allowed me to save the life of the person who was constantly getting in harm’s way for me.

  “North Dakota, Welcome to the Valley Region!” said the sign on the opposite side of the highway. I grunted and ran harder; it was nice to know that in a crisis I could be faster than ever though.

  As soon as I crossed state lines I heard a distinct laughter to my left. It was a mocking laughter, but one that I recognized. Normally I would’ve gladly engaged her, but I didn’t have the time right now. She would have to wait.

  Twigs snapped as the laughter suddenly came from behind me. She was trying to goad me into a fight, but I refused to let her. I had to save Kaeden. I ran faster and now the laughter was directly to my right.

  “I don’t have the time for this,” I yelled into the wilderness.

  “Make time,” she said suddenly dropping right in front of me. “Oh my, don’t we look like twins?” She let out a mirthless laugh.

  “Ava. I have to get to Kaeden. He’s in real danger right now. I know you don’t care but I do. If you want to fight me that’s fine, but not right now,” I said giving her a hard shove. As soon as I saw that she was losing her footing I was off again.

  “I’ll get you, you sack of maggots,” I heard her scream at me.

  I rolled my eyes and kept running. One day the vampires would have to think of a new insult. Kaeden had basically said something similar to Paige.

  In front of me, I saw that the trees were dissipating. I knew I was going to be stuck until the sun went down. Stuck in the woods with Ava who was hell bent on fighting me now. I got to the last trees that lined the highway and shifted from one foot to the other impatiently. This stupid sun thing never bothered me before, but now it was turning into a major burden. I looked up impatiently. Come on, come on!

  This wasn’t going to work. I was going to have to risk dying in order to get to Kaeden. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I pushed everything away from my mind and stood there, solid as stone trying to make peace with myself before I ran out into the sunlight. My body was relaxed. A smile crept across my face. A tear slid down my cheek. I thought of Kendall; that relaxed me. I thought of Drake, Charlie and the rest of my new friends; that made me smile. I thought of Cody; that provoked the tears. Opening my eyes, I removed my hooded jacket and let it fall to the ground. I took a moment, to get myself into position.

  Suddenly I got tackled violently to the ground and pulled back out of the sun’s devastating light. I couldn’t believe it; she actually had caught up to me. I tried to turn on my back so I could fight her off but it was no use.

  “Stop trying to kill me already,” Cody yelled.

  “What?” I stopped immediately and he helped me to my feet. He was giving me his boyish grin. Reaching down, he grabbed me and pulled me up off the ground. As he dusted me off, I noticed that he kept casting a look over his shoulder.

  “What are you looking at?” I asked him curiously, swatting his hands away.

  “That annoying crazy chick. I think I knocked her out but I’m not sure. You know how it is when I get all sssss,” he said making a hissing sound.

  I laughed and gave him a hug. It was nice to know that I wasn’t going to have to deal with Ava alone. He returned the hug, and then grabbed my hand, walking us over to a lone boulder that sat a few feet back into the trees. He sat me down on the rock, and then sat on the floor in front of me. Leaning his body back he reached up and grabbed my hands. Every so often he’d inte
rtwine his fingers with mine, then kiss my hand. I absently ran my hands through his hair while we sat there.

  “That girl is really uptight,” he muttered to himself.

  “Hm?” I asked looking down.

  “Huh? Oh sorry, I was talking to myself,” he said laughing. “I was just saying that the vampire chick is uptight. I don’t get what her problem is.”

  “Long story. Cliff notes version: She made other vampires because Kaeden left her. His reason is she kept killing humans faster than he could dispose of. You’ve met Kaeden, you know he’s not into death and destruction. Anyway, he confronted her about it for breaking some ancient vampire law after turning someone and he took my side over hers. To be honest I can’t remember what the argument was about. But anyway, she hates me for Kaeden being my friend over her. The End.”

  He laughed and looked up at me, “You make friends everywhere you go don’t you?”

  I brushed his bangs out of his face and stuck my tongue out at him, prompting him to laugh harder. I let out a sigh and felt myself becoming more and more useless as the time ticked away.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “The longer I sit here waiting for the sun to go down is the less time I have to get to Kaeden. I know he can handle himself; he’s strong. I just don’t know what Brian will do or who he’ll go through to get to him. All he knows is that Kaeden is in Devils Lake. The whole town is at risk and I can’t get there yet because the stupid sun will kill me if I try.” I stood up and punched a tree. “I can’t sit here and do nothing Cody. I have to help him somehow.”

  “What if I go?” He said getting to his feet.

  “What?” I asked turning to look at him.

  “I’m serious. Look I know that he’s a really good friend of yours and that’s all. That’s the only reason I’ll help. I don’t want you to be sad if something happens to him. Don’t worry about the vamp either. After I knocked her out I left Drake with her. Let her try to catch all of his clones when she wakes up,” he said with a wink.

  I looked at him gratefully and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him. He smiled down at me and his face colored slightly. I smiled; so that’s how you make a hybrid blush.

  “Thank you. Thank you for helping me, you have no idea what it means to me that all my friends are working together. I’ll be there when the sun goes down. Don’t kill Brian though, okay? I have other plans for him. You’re the best,” I said nuzzling my head into his chest.

  “Well, my father always said to do the best for the ones you love.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. Leaning down he kissed the tip of my nose, then pulled away.

  “I better get a move on. I think I remember where I’m going. Anyway, if I get lost I’ll swing by the fairgrounds and talk to the gypsies. See ya in a few hours, dolly,” he said saluting me and walking away into the sunlight.

  I wrapped my arms around myself watching him. In the past couple of days that I spent with him, he seemed to be more angel than demon. Maybe he was improving. I stood there until he disappeared then went over to the rock and sat on putting my face in my hands.

  As usual the nature around me went into hiding. The only sound I heard was my breathing. Apparently he had gotten Ava good because I couldn’t even hear her or Drake. I thought about the predicament Ava had gotten herself into with Kaeden. He was furious with her for making other vampires. I wondered if Skiles would be angry with me for making Brian. I didn’t care really, the angrier he got the better the fight would be. I would just have to think of a way to keep everyone out of it. Maybe Charlie would help me.

  “Alright, let’s get going little lady.”

  I looked up and saw Drake standing there looking down at me. “Go where? The sun is still out.”

  “No, it isn’t,” he said pointing just past the trees. How long had I been sitting there lost in my thoughts? “Come on,” he said yanking me off the rock. “We’ve got to get to Kaeden’s.”

  “Where’s Ava?” I asked him as we started off down the side of the highway.

  “She’s still out, if you can believe it. I have no idea what he did to her but he did it good,” he said with a grin.

  “That sounds about right,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Mhm, I bet,” he said nudging me and winking.

  “What? No! Drake!” I was completely embarrassed which made him laugh harder. It was like having an older brother tease you about the person you liked.

  “Anyway,” I said emphasizing the word, “we need to boogie. You up for a race?”

  “Hell yes,” he said with a grin.

  “On your mark. Get set. GO!” I yelled.

  Drake knew that I was faster than him so he multiplied around me so many times that I got confused for a moment. I looked past the doppelgangers and laughed when I saw that he was almost out of sight. Gently I pushed the clones away and took off so fast that I caught up to him in a matter of minutes.

  “Nice try,” I called to him as I passed him.

  He laughed but kept up stride running fast trying to catch up to me. I ran past the familiar downtown area of Devils Lake, almost falling on the snow-capped sidewalks. Now that I was back I was going to have to find those snow boots. I slowed to a walk because I knew that Kaeden’s home wasn’t far. About a minute later, Drake saddled up next to me and we walked quietly through the downtown streets, passing the humans who were oblivious to the dangers that lurked around them during the night. We turned at the end of the street and walked past the burned frame that had once been my home. I stopped for moment, looked up at it; I sighed and kept walking. I felt Drake put his hand on my shoulder and give it a squeeze. I gave his hand a squeeze, happy to have such a good friend with me right now.

  We passed a few more streets. When we were a block away from Kaeden’s house I stopped again. The nerves in my body felt frayed suddenly and my rage was starting to swell. Next to me Drake braced himself. I leaned down and put my hands on my knees, my breath coming in huffs and puffs. Something was definitely wrong.

  “Kid?” Drake asked me cautiously.

  “Something’s wrong. I ... I don’t know what it is. Get to the house. Find Kaeden and Cody. Don’t let them kill Brian. I’ll be there as soon as I can control this.”

  “Got it,” he said taking off down the street and disappearing around the corner.

  I stood there trying to steady myself. I didn’t know what was going on but I was feeling an enormous amount of pain. At that point, the only thing that made sense to me was that I was feeling what Brian was feeling but that didn’t seem right for some reason.

  I forced myself to move. Slowly but surely I got down the rest of the block and I took the left onto Kaeden’s street. I walked up the driveway, when I felt another jolt of pain that knocked me to my knees. I let out a guttural scream of pain and dropped to my hands. I had only made it halfway up the driveway.

  But why was there a new house now where the old one stood? Ava had burned the original home to the ground, that’s why they all had to move in with me. Before I had a chance to let myself ponder that thought, another flash of pain went through my body causing me to fall on the ground flat. I whimpered as my body poured sweat. Why of all the things left human in me did I still have the ability to feel pain?

  As I lay there out of breath and panting, I heard the sound of glass shattering and the thud of a body as it landed on the pavement. I glanced up which took an amazing amount of effort and saw that Kaeden had thrown Brian through the front bay window. He jumped out the window, eyes onyx and ready to kill him when suddenly he noticed me practically dying on his property.

  “Finnegan,” he called doubtfully as he ran past Brian.

  Crouching down next to me, he cradled my head in his arms and looked down at me anxiously.

  “Finnegan, what’s wrong?”

  “When ... when ...” I swallowed and tried to speak again. “When did you start ... fighting?”

ighting? What are you talking about?” he asked brushing my hair back out of my face.

  “Brian. When did you start fighting with him?”

  “Only a few moments ago,” he said. “He just got here, why?”

  “Because I think I was feeling everything you did to him,” I said looking up at him.

  “What?” he said blatantly confused.

  “Hey!” Cody yelled running out of the house, “Where’d he go?” He hadn’t noticed that I was in the driveway yet and went straight after Brian. Gripping him by an ankle he lifted him off the gravel and with a war cry, raised him up and slammed him down so hard that he made an indentation on the ground. I let out another scream of pain and started to cry in agony.

  “Oh God,” Kaeden said finally realizing the connection. He looked over and saw Cody crouching down over Brian ready to attack him again. “Cody, stop! STOP!”

  Curiously he stood up and looked over at us. When he saw me crumpled in Kae’s arms he ran over and dropped to his knees next to me. Kae handed me off to him and he held me protectively against him, running his hand over my face.

  “What’s wrong with her?” he asked Kaeden.

  “There seems to be a connection between her and Brian,” he said in his studious way. “Let’s chain him up and take her inside. We’ll figure this out, but first she needs to rest.”

  For the first time in a while, Cody’s demeanor changed to nothing but absolute seriousness. I wasn’t used to this but I knew that at least he would stay out of trouble for now.

  Remy came out of the house and went straight over to Brian. She pulled out her whip and with one flick of her wrist she managed to somehow tangle him in it.

  Behind her was Ryker, who used his strength to raise him off the ground and carry him back into the house. Brian regained consciousness as he was being taken to the house and we locked eyes.

  “Finnegan?” he asked in a hoarse voice.

  I nodded and with any strength I had left, reached my hand out to him. Smiling he lifted his hand to grab mine, but Cody jerked my body away from him and stopped walking. I could feel the anger emanating from him like a heat wave. I felt his body as it started to shake like a leaf and I snuck a look at him. Just what I didn’t want to see; his eyes had changed.


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