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Monster Page 52

by Yolanda Olson

  “Finn. Turn around. I need you to see this. Please. I won’t let you fall in. I promise.”

  My entire body was shaking. I felt like a leaf hanging onto to a tree branch in a windstorm. I knew that I’d have to eventually let go but I was terrified of where I would fall.

  “Finnegan, stop!”

  Quinn was getting angry now. I could hear it in his voice.

  I was never as strong as him. I always counted on him to be the strong one. But now I felt that I had to show him that I could be strong too.

  I looked up into my big brother’s eyes and nodded. He let me go and took a step toward the graves that had been dug so deeply into the ground.

  I followed behind him and noticed that there were small pieces of wooden squares marking the head of each grave. Something was written on them. I’d definitely have to get closer to see.

  “Ava had me dig these out,” he explained quietly. “For each of you there’s a grave and a marker. Take a look around Finn; it’s the exact number of your group to graves.”

  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

  She really thinks she’s going to kill us.

  “I’ll have to dig one out for myself. I’m not going to let my little sister go into the ground alone,” he said.

  “For me to go into the ground it means that Ava will win the fight and kill me. That’s not going to happen,” I said crouching down and squinting at my marker.


  Filthy Animal Remains

  “Wow. She thinks I’m an animal huh?”

  “She thinks Brian is too.”

  “Speaking of Brian, how did she get him to help her?” I asked moving over to the next grave.

  “I don’t know the whole story but something about helping her would help him get you back. He thinks you belong together or something. So if he helps her take out everyone and there’s only you standing, he’ll get to keep you. Of course he doesn’t know about these graves otherwise he’d know that wasn’t her real plan. Oh and for the record? I didn’t write these markers; she did.”


  Stench of Rotting Human

  “Quinn, I know you wouldn’t have written these. I mean how many Finnegan’s in this area do you know?” I started. “Also I don’t want you to dig yourself a grave. I want you to grab everyone else and have them help you fill in these holes. Then I want to personally shovel one out for Ava. When you go back to her, which I need you to so she doesn’t wonder where you’ve been, I want you to walk her over here.

  Act like you stumbled upon it by accident. I want her to feel the fear I did when I saw it. I want her to know she’s going to die soon.”

  Quinn smiled grimly. “I like it. But what do I say if she asks why everything is missing and only her grave is there?”

  “Blame it on the humans,” I said with a shrug.

  “Yeah I can definitely do that. Okay I’m going to head back then before she realizes I’m gone, I’m sure she hasn’t noticed yet. I’ll see you in a couple of days, kiddo.”

  I wrapped my arms around my brother’s broad shoulders and squeezed him tightly. Little did he know that in just a couple of days there wouldn’t be a happy family reunion. He’d see Kendall as a prisoner and watch me die.

  I sniffled and pulled away. He smiled down at me then turned and took off. I couldn’t believe that after all the human years I had spent waiting for Quinn to come back that I was going to lose him so soon.

  Shake it off. Stop acting like a human. You need to be the monster you woke up as now.

  Focus on Skiles.

  Focus on Ava.

  Focus on saving Kendall.

  Focus on saving your friends.

  I closed my eyes tightly. How was I going to save my friends if I knew they wouldn’t leave now? They had come so far. None of them were near their homes; they abandoned everything to help me.

  I couldn’t leave them now. It would be cruel.

  I sighed and started to walk back to Crystal Mill.

  Charlie and Remy were talking animatedly, while Drake stood with Kaeden and Ryker with Cody. Both of them still looked like angry titans.

  “I’ve got a question,” I said waltzing my way back in.

  “Dolly!” Cody said with a grin. Running over he scooped me up in a big hug and kissed me on the cheek.

  “You act like I’ve been gone a long time,” I said playfully giving him a shove.

  “Minutes without you seem like years,” he replied squeezing me again.

  Ryker cleared his throat loudly.

  I laughed; we all did.

  “What is your question, Finnegan?” he asked.

  “Billie. Where is she?”

  Ryker looked at Cody who looked at Charlie, who in turn looked at Remy, whose eyes wandered to Drake, who had been glancing at Kaeden.

  “Guys? Billie? It’s important, she is one of the bad guys you know.”

  No one said anything.

  I pushed Cody away from me and started to walk to each of my friends in turn. I looked deep into their eyes to see if I could catch any signs of deception or doubt but unfortunately that wasn’t a talent I was blessed with.

  “Wait. Where’s Quinn?”

  I looked at Kaeden. Why do you care where my brother went?

  “He had stuff to do. He left,” I replied curtly.

  “I told you I didn’t trust him,” Kaeden mumbled to Drake.

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Kaeden was so paranoid that he didn’t trust anyone. He kept mostly company with Drake, but that’s because he and Drake were the same kind of monster. I bet he still didn’t trust him completely; just more than the rest of us.

  “I don’t care if you don’t trust him. He’s my brother. I trust him. As a matter of fact, follow me and I’ll show you what he has to do.”

  I turned on my heel and stalked back to the site of our graves. I wanted to see their faces. I wanted them to know that my brother had shown this to me to make me stronger. I wanted them to feel as determined as seeing Ava’s graveyard had made me.

  “Oh God,” Charlie said.

  I turned and saw that she was the first one of the group to appear in the ditch.

  “What is this?”

  “This is what my brother has to do. I asked him to fill in the graves that Ava had him dig. Count them. There’s one for each of us and she even put makeshift markers at the head of each one. I didn’t want you guys to see this but it’s necessary now. I want everyone to trust Quinn. He didn’t have to show this to me and he wouldn’t have if he were against us.”

  I saw the others suddenly standing at their 'graves' looking more serious than I had ever seen them. Maybe now, the severity of what could happen to each of us was finally sinking in.

  Kaeden walked over to me and leaned down and whispered into my ear. “Billie ran off. We all tried to stop her but she was able to use Charlie to keep us at bay. Like she was controlling her. I don't want her in the fight, Finnegan. I don't want her to get hurt.”

  I pulled away from his lips and looked up at him. I wasn't going to stop her if she wanted to be in the fight. I also happened to know that Billie's command power only worked on humans. Cody had slipped that little gem of information to me.

  “We'll worry about that when the time comes, Kaeden. For now, we all need to go back to the mill and sleep the sun will be up soon.”

  “Don't you want to practice?” he asked, his face giving way to shock.

  I shook my head firmly.

  “No. I don't want anyone to waste their energy. Besides, this isn't some choreographed fight; this is reality. Improvise.”

  I gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder and walked carefully around the graves. As I passed Cody, I grabbed him by his hand and yanked him along behind me.

  I wanted to have as much time with my friends as possible.

  I wanted to have all the good memories that death would allow me to take over.

  Cody had his arm wrapped around me jabbering away; I looked up and kis
sed him on his cheek.

  I'll miss you most of all.

  28. Tomorrow

  (Day 29)

  I was never one to make up my mind and stay with the decision I had made. True, I thought I decided what I wanted to do, but knowing that tomorrow is the day I face Skiles, I shoved my decision out of my mind and started struggling with my options again.

  I had so much more to consider now that Quinn had resurfaced after so many years. I hadn't seen him since I was a toddler. The only reason I had recognized him is because Drake was right; the resemblance between me and my brother is uncanny.

  I smiled as I stared at the rotting wooden ceiling above me. I'll never understand why my parents sent him away but I was so glad to have him back.

  Next to me, Cody shifted. I lifted my head slightly and peeked at him. He was still asleep. I wondered secretly, what he planned to do tomorrow if Phoebe attacked him. Me I didn't care about. I had taken enough time lately in secret to call up my rage and control it. I would be fine. I just worried about him and how he would handle her.

  I quietly cleared my throat.

  I wanted to get up and go outside, maybe for a short run, but he had such a tight grip around my waist that if I moved I'd wake him up. I didn't want to do that, even though he didn't need sleep he still deserved to rest.

  Wait. If he said he doesn't sleep what is he doing?

  I glanced at him again suspiciously. He seemed to be sleeping, but Cody was really good at faking things.

  I decided that maybe I should get a little more rest.

  Sighing I turned to face the wall and could feel him shift behind me. He kept his arm around my waist and pushed up against me. I stared at the wall.

  This sleep thing wasn't going to happen with Cody attached to me. I rolled over onto my back again. He let out a groan and put a hand on my face.

  “Stop. Moving. Please.”

  I couldn't help but giggle.

  “I thought you were sleeping,” I said nonchalantly.

  “No. But I was comfortable.”


  I turned on my side again and rested my head on his chest. He chuckled and put an arm around me and pulled me against him.

  “Next time you pick a place, I really think it shouldn't be full of termites and mold,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes, “Well excuse me for not graduating from real estate school.”

  Laughing, he untangled himself from me and sat up. He ran his hands over his hair and looked down at me through one open eye.

  I couldn't help but laugh. He looked so disheveled. He may not be one for sleeping but he sure did 'wake up' looking like he'd been tossing and turning all night.

  “So, what do you want to do today?” he asked.

  “I was thinking of going for a run. Nothing too strenuous, just enough to get the heart pumping. Er.. uh.. you know what I mean,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

  God, I hope he doesn't figure this out.

  “What's the matter, Finn? You seem out of it tonight.”

  “I'm just thinking about tomorrow,” I said uncomfortably.

  “Yeah, that makes sense,” he said thoughtfully.

  Suddenly, he stood up and walked over to the window and pulled back the rag he had placed over it the morning before.

  “Wow! I haven't seen one of those in ages!” he exclaimed.

  I swung my legs off of the side of the bed and walked over to him. I peeked out the window to see what he was looking at. He put an arm around my waist and pointed up. I gasped.

  “That is so beautiful! What is it?”

  “It's a moonbow. Usually they're not visible to the eyes but this one is bright and beautiful. Just like you.”

  He gave me a squeeze and a kiss on the side of the head.


  “Yeah, it's great,” I chirped.

  Letting go of me he gave me a suspicious look, then shrugged. I watched him turn his attention back to the moonbow and watched him smile again. I took what I hoped was an imperceptible step away from him and watched the moonbow with him. It really was pretty.

  “Do you believe in love, Dolly?” he asked me softly.

  “I never gave it much thought to be honest. I know I loved Kendall and Quinn. I loved my parents. I can't really remember if I had any friends before this but if I did,

  I'm sure I loved them too.”

  “No. That's not what I meant,” he said with a chuckle.

  Carefully, he leaned himself against the rotted windowpane. He took both of my hands in his and looked me in the eyes.

  If he's going to propose, I'm going to throw up.

  “What do you mean then?” I asked as calmly as possible.

  “Well, we've been together for almost a month and you haven't told me how you feel about me.”

  I looked at him. He looked like a sad puppy who hadn't been loved in years. I felt so bad for him. But I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I didn't know what I was supposed to say.

  “I think you're a great person,” I started. “I mean you're really caring and stuff.

  You seem to get along with everyone, with the exception of Charlie. Which I don't get.”

  I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see what he was going to say.

  “Charlie's okay,” he shrugged. “But my job isn't to get along with everyone here. My job is to make sure that at the end of the day you're okay. And ... well to let you know that you still someone who loves you.”

  “Thanks,” I replied awkwardly.

  Why did I agree to this again? I should've said no.

  “There's nothing you want to say back to me?”

  “Um. Not that I can think of,” I said with a nervous smile.

  Sorry Cody. I don't want to put my foot in my mouth if that's not what I should be saying.

  He stared hard at me. I felt my face flushing so I looked away. He backed away from the window and I heard the bed creak as he sat down on it.

  “Come here,” he said in a soft, but firm voice.

  I cringed slightly but obeyed.

  “Sit next to me,” he said holding a hand up to me.

  I took it. I let him lower me next to him. I felt his eyes boring into me again but I refused to make eye contact.

  “Do you remember what I showed you in the cemetery?”


  “Good. What was it?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and continued to stare at me.

  I closed my eyes and quickly started to rack my mind. I had so many different things flying through my head right now I couldn't pin one down.

  Oh well. Here's hoping.

  “You showed me .. ah .. um...”

  “That's what I thought,” he said nodding. “When did she leave?”



  “I am Finnegan, what are you talking about?”

  “No, I don't think so. Finn knows what I showed her in the cemetery. You can't answer my question. So tell me when she left.”

  I shifted next to him. Apparently the jig was up. I didn't want to fold too easily though. I wanted Finnegan to know I put up a fight. I took a deep breath.

  “I am Finnegan, Cody. What's your problem?”

  “My problem is people who pretend to be the girl I love and not tell me where she is. Especially when we're a day away from a lot of us dying. Now. Unless you want to be the first to go, tell me where the hell she is.”

  His tone was angry and I stole a glance at him. His face was so malicious that I knew he wouldn't hesitate killing me right then and there.

  Sorry Finn, I thought as I melted back into myself.

  “I can't tell you. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone where she went.”

  “This isn't the time for games Charlotte,” he shouted at me. “Maybe it is and maybe it isn't.”

  I stood up and headed for the door. Being in a locked room with Cody right now was not a safe place for me and I knew it. Unfortunately for me though,
Cody was much faster than I thought he would be and he had the door blocked before I got halfway across the room.

  “The honorable thing is to die in battle. Not in a bedroom keeping secrets. Tell me where Finnegan is or so help me God, I will kill you where you stand.”

  He blinked and his eyes turned demonic. He blinked again and they were normal.

  I carefully weighed my options.

  I swore to Finn that I wouldn't tell anyone where she was. I only had one thing left I could possibly do to keep my promise.

  I made my move.

  Cody laughed.

  “Bet you didn't know you had a twin,” I said to him in his voice.

  “You can't beat me,” he said softly.

  His eyes turned demonic. I felt his rage pulsating through me. My only chance at survival would be to copy his power or in no time, I'd be dead ...

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  I sure hope Charlie's okay.

  I had been gone since “I” walked away with Cody. No one was the wiser because I had been able to tell Charlie my plan while we waited for the others to discover the graves.

  She was only too happy to help me.

  I think it was because she was secretly scared of dying.

  Of us all, Charlie and Remy were the ones who would die the easiest. I wasn't planning on burying any friends tomorrow, so the best move I could make is to go on alone.

  I was almost back at the Quarry.

  It wasn't far from Crystal Mill, which is why I had chosen it. I didn't want to exhaust myself. Not now. Not when I was so close to the end.

  Now I wasn't dumb.

  I knew I was being followed. I didn't know by who and I wasn't going to slow down to find out. I was just getting that eerie feeling someone gets when they know that if they look over their shoulder they'll break into a run. I kept myself focused on the road ahead of me. I refused to run and exhaust myself. I was going to face Skiles with every ounce of energy I had.

  I adjusted the hood over my face and the backpack I was carrying. Drake had actually surprised me by getting my special clothes out of my house before I burned it down.

  That kid had more secrets than he was letting on. He saved my clothes from a burning house that I didn't even know I was really going to burn down.


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