Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 Page 4

by Teresa Gabelman

  “That’s Alice.” Jill pointed at the beautiful vampire standing next to a tall man with a severe receding hairline. “Who is that?”

  “That’s the new mayor, Tom Ferguson,” Ida replied, disgust heavy in her voice. “He’s lower than a snake. I sure didn’t vote for him.”

  “Isn’t that the detective who tried to pin that Sheriff’s murder on Pam?” Jill eyes narrowed.

  Steve’s eyes narrowed. Looking down at the paper, he read the article, his voice low. “Mayor Ferguson, along with his fiancée, Alice Marshall, has formed a committee to stop the breeding of half-breeds?” Steve shook his head as if trying to understand. “How they going to stop the breeding of half-breeds?”

  Adam stood, digging into his pocket. “Can we have this paper?” Adam handed Ida a twenty-dollar bill for their drinks.

  “Sure, you can.” Ida took the twenty. “Let me get your change. You sure you don’t want anything to go?”

  “Keep the change.” Adam smiled down at the older woman. “Thanks for the information, but we have to leave.”

  Ida nodded. “You kids be careful.”

  “Always.” Adam followed Jill and Steve out the door, feeling the hostile stares that followed them. Things were about to blow and it looked like half-breeds were going to be right smack in the middle of it.

  Chapter 5

  Pacing, Lana wished her sister would hurry the hell up. She really didn’t want to do this alone. In her job, she worked side by side with men, but none of them as intimidating or alpha as these Warriors.

  “You okay?” Sid walked up wrapping his arms tightly around her, his comfort a welcome shield against the nervousness that gripped her.

  Nodding, she turned to look up at him. “I just wish Caroline would get here.” Her eyes left his to look at the Warriors and Nicole, who stood around the room waiting for her. “But I guess I’ll go ahead and get this over with.”

  Sid stopped her before she could pull away, tilting her chin so she had to look him in the eyes. “Is this safe for you?” His thumb rubbed gently against her cheek. “Can you be harmed in any way?”

  Caroline walked in before Lana could reply which was good. Her mind could be harmed, just like Caroline’s had been, if she wasn’t careful, but she didn’t think the dead who were present now were angry spirits.

  “Sorry, I got here as fast as I could.” Caroline sat her bag down next to the door looking around. “Where’s Sloan?”

  “I don’t know, but we need to start,” Lana whispered, wringing her hands together. “I’m getting really agitated and I hate feeling this way.”

  “That’s because you’re too close to this. You need to let me do it,” Caroline ordered; her voice was firm, holding an edge of nervousness for her sister.

  Lana knew her sister was right. She was too close to this, but it wasn’t in her nature to step back. “No. I got it. Just—”

  “Sid, I need to be taking care of this.” Caroline stepped around a surprised Lana. “She’s too close and her agitation is off the charts. This could be dangerous for her.”

  Lana stepped in front of her sister. “You know what, Caroline, I’m getting sick and tired of you running to Sid like you did Mom and Dad when we were what…five-years-old. I’m a grown-ass woman who can make her own damn decisions, so back the hell off.”

  “You told me it was safe,” Sid growled, ignoring her outburst.

  Lana moaned, raising her hand to her forehead in frustration. “It is.” She shrugged Sid’s hand as he reached for her. “But they’re getting agitated, which is making me agitated, so we need to do it now.”

  Sid didn’t let her attitude back him off. He reached for her again forcing her to look up at him. “You can bitch and moan all you want at me.” He shook her gently to gain her focus. “I will not stand here and watch anything happen to you. I am asking you again, is this safe?”

  Caroline crossed her arms, her foot tapping a fast rhythm on the carpet as she watched Lana closely. “This isn’t something to play with, Lana.”

  “I understand your concern, Sid, but safe or not, I have to do this. If I don’t, I could possibly go crazy. Until you have dead people in your head, you will never understand what it’s like. Caroline knows I’m right, but we are both at risk here, and like it or not, I’m doing it.” Lana looked at them both. “Now are you going to be behind me on this or keep glaring at me, because honestly, if you are going to continue to glare I’d rather you leave. I want this done and over with.”

  “I will always be beside you.” Sid leaned down, kissing her lips gently. “But I swear, if you are harmed, dead or not, whoever harmed you will…” Sid dropped his forehead to hers. “Damn, this is weird shit that I don’t know how to handle and it’s driving me insane.”

  “Welcome to my world.” Lana kissed his cheek, before giving him a sad smile. Turning away, she faced Damon, Jared and Duncan. “Are you guys ready?”

  Jared straightened up from the wall he’d been leaning against. “Honestly, I have no idea.” Crossing his arms, he stared down at her. “In all my years, I have never seen anything like this and I don’t know if I quite believe it.”

  “You calling her a liar?” Sid rushed up in three long strides and was in Jared’s face.

  “No, so calm the fuck down.” Jared leaned in toward Sid, his eyes narrowed. “I’ve seen her do some things that even I can’t explain, but for us to have loved ones or whatever…who have been dead for well over thousands of years…” Jared shook his head.

  “Does Noah ring a bell?” Stepping forward, Caroline’s voice was clear as she stood beside her sister.

  Jared’s eyes flew to hers as he slowly uncrossed his arms. “How do you know that name?” Jared growled, his eye large in disbelief.

  “He’s your brother, isn’t he?” Lana replied, knowing a little shock value was the only way to get through to hardheaded nonbelievers.

  Jared searched the room before his eyes landed on Lana. “Are you saying my brother is here?”

  Caroline and Lana both nodded at the same time.

  For a slight second, emotion played across Jared’s face, but then it was gone. “It can’t be.”

  Lana looked off, her eyes unfocused for a slight second. “He knows you did everything in your power to save him.” Lana stopped to look back at Jared. “Do you understand that?”

  Jared nodded, his eyes searching hers. “Can you see him?”

  Lana nodded. “He is very tall and younger than you, but he has your smile with lighter hair. He is a very handsome young man.”

  Both Lana and Caroline laughed.

  “What?” Jared glanced back and forth at the two women.

  “He said he’s the better looking one.” Caroline grinned.

  Jared smiled with a chuckle, and then pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes. “Damn.” His smile faded slowly as he turned away, the emotions hitting him hard for everyone to see.

  Lana knew this was a total shock and gave Jared a minute to compose himself before saying anything else. Glancing at Caroline, she knew she was doing the same thing.

  “Why is he still here?” Jared said, his voice harsh with emotion.

  “Because he never got to say goodbye. There was never any closure between the two of you and his spirit has stayed behind until the day he could say goodbye.” Lana took a step closer to him, laying her hand softly on his back in comfort. “And today’s that day.”

  Jared’s head fell back toward the ceiling as if getting his thoughts and emotions in check, his face ravaged with pain and sorrow. “Tell him…”

  “He can hear you, Jared.” Lana stepped back next to Caroline. “Talk to your brother. He’s always been able to hear you. You don’t need us for that.”

  Everyone occupied themselves to give him some privacy, but Jared didn’t seem to care as he turned and stared into space. “I miss you so much, my brother. If I could change that day, I would, but I’m fine and you need to go be with Mother, Father and Sissy, our be
autiful sister. I will see you again one day. They say I will live forever, but…things here are changing and I don’t know what the future holds for me. Tell Mother I can still smell her fresh bread cooling in the morning air. And Father, tell him he would be proud of the man I’ve become and vengeance was carried out for the death of my family.” Jared cleared his throat. “And beautiful Sissy. She is and will always be my beautiful angel.”

  Lana stared at the floor listening to Jared. Her heart fractured a little at his words, but a refreshing and welcoming sense of peace washed over her. This was the magic of her gift. Being able to connect loved ones and creating closure was enough for her to never turn her back on her gift. Not that she could anyway. Glancing up, she saw Jared staring behind her with such hope and longing her heart skipped. Turning, she saw Tessa standing right inside the open doorway; huge tears wet her cheeks.

  “I’m going to do something that may seem odd, but it’s to validate your brother being here, and also he’s making me do it.” Lana rolled her eyes with a small smile. “Your brother is a funny guy, maybe funnier than you.”

  “I taught him everything he knows.” Jared gave a small smile, his eyes finally leaving Tessa to look down at Lana.

  “He just snorted at that.” Lana grinned, grabbed a chair and walked up to Jared.

  “You’re not going to do this, Lana?” Caroline clutched her arm to stop her. “We don’t do this…ever.”

  “It’s fine, Caroline. Noah means me no harm and you know it.” Lana shrugged her sister’s hand away, placing the chair in front of Jared.

  “What’s going on?” Sid walked up beside Lana, but looked at Caroline.

  “She’s letting Noah channel her.” Caroline hissed, clearly not happy with the turn of events. “Keep focused, Lana.”

  Lana heard her sister, but she had already bowed her head letting Noah take over. Within seconds, Lana lifted her head, but it wasn’t Lana staring back at Jared.

  “Lana?” Jared steadied her when she became off balance. Sid also rushed up standing close enough to her, but not touching. She was now able to stand eye to eye with Jared, and when a tilt of her lip curved into a smirk, Jared’s head jerked back in surprise. “Jesus.”

  Lana’s hands reached out grasping Jared’s shoulders in a firm grip. Pulling him toward her, she looked at each Warrior present. “Ubi Concordia, ibi victoria.” Her voice was strong and true, the language flowing from her lips fluently.

  “What did she just say?” Caroline whispered to Sid, but her eyes stayed on Lana.

  “Does she know Latin?” Sid glanced at Lana with the same surprised expression as the rest of the Warriors.

  “She barely passed English,” Caroline snorted even as the tenseness of the moment shadowed the room. “It’s not her speaking. It’s Noah. What did she say?”

  Sid frowned in concern, but answered, “Where there is unity, there is victory.”

  Lana heard every word being spoken, every action being taken. Noah was kind in not pushing her too far back. She felt his emotions as if they were her own and his heart was breaking, but he was ready to leave. Sinking a little further back, she let him have full reign of her body, mind and voice.

  Her arms, moving from Jared’s shoulders, were placed on each of Jared’s cheeks. She leaned in kissing each cheek before pulling back. “Te amo fratrem meum.” The words were spoken with shaky vibration. “Vale et nunc.”

  Jared placed his fist over his heart, his eyes searching Lana’s. “I love you, my brother, and this is not goodbye. I will see you again,” Jared spoke, his voice strong but low with emotion as he took her in his arms hugging her tight. “Te amo fratrem meum.”

  “Careful, Jared.” Sid grabbed Jared’s arm to keep him from squeezing Lana too tightly.

  When Jared pulled away, Lana felt Noah’s presence slowly fade. The energy Noah brought slipped from her body, making her bones feel like jelly. Fully having her mind, body and voice back, Lana yelped out a warning as she began to fall. Sid was waiting, catching her to him in a tight grip.

  “Fuck!” Sid cursed, shaking her gently. “Lana!”

  “I’m fine, just a little weak.” Lana pushed away looking up at Jared, who was staring at her in disbelief. “Jared, are you okay?”

  “Was that really my brother?” Jared stared at her in total astonishment.

  “I would never play a joke so cruel, Jared,” Lana informed him. “Yes, it was your brother.”

  Jared stared for a few seconds longer before nodding, and then placed a brotherly kiss to her forehead. “Thank you,” his voice cracked, before his face hardened to keep his emotions in check. Walking away, he headed toward Tessa. Leaning down, he whispered something to her as he placed a gentle kiss to her lips, and then walked out the door.

  Everyone was silent after Jared left, still reeling at the events they just witnessed. Caroline placed her hand on Lana’s arm. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m already getting my strength back.” Lana glanced up at Sid. “Could you put me down, please? We need to finish this.” Sid did as she asked, but kept his arm around her.

  “Let me finish this, Lana.” Caroline frowned, worry creasing her forehead.

  “No.” Lana shook her head. “I’m going to take care of Damon, but the dark man we are both going to have to do.” She scrunched her brows in thought. “I’m not sure exactly what is going on with him and I’m not sure I have the strength for what he wants.”

  “The dark man?” Sid’s eyes narrowed dangerously, his arm tightening around her. “Who the fuck is that?”

  Lana and Caroline shared a glance. “Not sure.” Lana pulled the rest of the way from Sid. “He won’t say anything other than he wants Duncan and Sloan here.”

  “I don’t like this.” Sid grabbed Lana turning her toward him. “You’re not doing this anymore. I forbid it.”

  Lana jerked away from him giving him a wide-eyed glare. “Forbid may be in your vocabulary, Sinclair, but it’s not in mine.” Pushing past him, she walked toward Damon who was staring at her and not too happily. “I know you don’t want this, but it won’t be as intense as what just happened with Jared.”

  Damon only nodded, but grasped Nicole’s hand in his as he pulled her close.

  Gripping the back of the chair next to her and holding on tightly, Lana steadied herself. Her legs still felt a little wobbly and she didn’t want to embarrass herself by falling on her ass. Before she could start, she felt Sid come up behind her without saying a word placing his large hand next to hers, her back to his front without touching. Without touch or words, he let her know that he was there for her. Caroline also came to stand beside her.

  Clearing her throat and mind, Lana opened herself up. Her eyes locked onto Damon as everything else faded. “Her name is Rose?”

  Again Damon nodded, his lips thin with tension.

  Lana looked down as she tried to make sense of images that flowed through her mind like an old time picture movie. “She isn’t as strong as Jared’s brother.” Lana frowned, rubbing her forehead. “I’m getting images and…”

  Caroline gasped her eyes shooting to Damon, but Lana gripped Caroline’s arm hard, shaking her head.

  “Caroline, back off.” Lana’s voice was firm, her eyes still on the ground.

  “Sorry.” Caroline frowned, biting her lip, not making eye contact with anyone.

  “Did you know that Rose was sick before she…died?” When he didn’t answer, Lana looked up at Damon. “Listen, she needs to move on and she’s not going to until you lose your selfish attitude and answer my questions.”

  “No.” Damon glared at her, but answered, “I didn’t know.”

  Lana nodded. “She wanted to tell you, but was afraid that you would leave her.” Again, Lana looked away frowning. “So instead, she begged you to change her. Did you turn her down? Did you not want to change her?”

  “No,” Again, Damon answered with the one word answer.

  “Listen, Damon, I need a little help here. She i
s too weak to talk to me, so I’m getting images. Trying to figure this out is not easy. So stop making this harder than it needs to be. You cared for this woman once, so treat her with respect and answer the damn questions with more than a ‘no’.”

  “What the fuck do you want me to say?” Damon finally lost his cool, letting go of Nicole’s hand before taking an aggressive step toward Lana. “That I killed her, drank every drop of blood in her small defenseless body? Is that what you want to hear?”

  Sid went to pull Lana behind him, but she slipped out of his grip and placed a small hand on Damon’s chest. “I already knew that. What I want to know is why you feel guilty. It is why she has not been able to move on?”

  Damon deflated, his broad shoulders slumped as his head dropped forward as if in defeat. A look no one had ever witnessed on the Warrior before. “So not only did I kill the woman I loved, but she has been stuck for all these years because of my guilt?” His head shot up as pure rage filled his eye, their golden color going to jet-black in an instant. “Jesus! Who the hell wouldn’t feel guilty? I’ve hated myself, still do.”

  Looking away from the anguish in Damon’s face, Lana pushed herself deeper because she knew Damon wasn’t going to be much help. Scenes played through her mind, and she knew without a doubt, Caroline was seeing the same, so at least if she missed something, chances were Caroline would pick it up.

  “You didn’t want to change her. You were newly changed yourself and knew you didn’t have control, but because of your love for her, you gave in and…” Lana didn’t finish as she gazed up at him, sadness filling her soul and she knew only part of it was her own feelings. She was feeling the young woman’s anguish. “You need to let go, Damon. It is the only way for her to move on, but your feelings of guilt have kept her from doing that.”

  Damon didn’t say a word, just stared a hole through Lana. The only movement was a tick in his upper jaw.

  “She was sick, Damon. She never told you and she apologizes for that, but she wanted to be changed so she wouldn’t feel the pain anymore. She pushed you into turning her even knowing the chance she was taking.” Lana took a step closer, staring up into his glaring, dark eyes. “She would have rather taken a chance dying trying to live, than wasting away from a sickness as you watched her wither away. She didn’t want that. She doesn’t blame you. It was her choice.”


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