Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  Adam got in, put the keys in the ignition and started the car. Pulling off to the side of the road, he rubbed his forehead with a long sigh. “Do not ever and I mean ever drive my car again.” When Jill didn’t reply, he glared over at her. “I mean it, Jill. My car is off limits to you, period.”

  She nodded without saying a word, but the pissed off expression she wore let him know she was mentally cussing him out.

  “Where we going?” Adam put the car in gear ready to go. When she didn’t answer, he slammed it in park. “Well, until you tell me where your parents live, I guess we’re going to sit here. What’s the damn address?”

  Jill’s head turned slowly toward him, her eyes gleaming in anger. “One-Twenty-Two Fuck You Avenue…asshole.” And with that, she jumped out of the car, slammed the car door and headed back to the compound.

  Chapter 7

  Adam tapped his thumb against the steering wheel, his eyes staring unblinkingly at the two-story house. Silently cursing Jill for putting doubts in his head, he wished he had the strength to leave. But her doubts reflected his own, even though they had been buried deep where he pushed them. Jill, with her annoying habit of getting into his business, drew those doubts out. He didn’t need this shit. He had read Angelina. He knew what he had seen in her thoughts. So he couldn’t help but wonder why he was here sitting on a darkening street like a stalker. “Shit,” he hissed, knowing he was just wasting his time.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Shit!” Adam yelled, jumping away from his window. His eyes found Lana leaning down and looking at him. “You scared the fuck out of me! What are you doing here?”

  “I was on my way home when a call came over the scanner. A jogger heard someone screaming from one of the houses. I was close and told them I’d take the call. I’m just waiting for back-up.” Lana eyed him for a second, and then looked down the street. “Seriously, what are you doing here, Adam? Do you know someone on this street?”

  Adam had a bad feeling, a really bad feeling. Pushing open his door, he got out looking down at Lana. “Which house?” He started down the street, heading away from his car.

  “Where are you going?” Lana caught up to him. “I’m waiting for back-up.”

  “Is it that house?” Adam pointed to the house where he had last seen Angelina. When Lana didn’t respond but just stared at him, he knew that was the house. “Fuck back-up.”

  “Dammit!” Lana ran after him, but by the time she reached the house, he was already banging on the door.

  “What in the hell is going on?” She grabbed Adam’s arm before he could continue.

  “Angelina is here.” He pulled his arm away. “In this house.”

  Understanding lit her face. Lana stepped between the door and Adam. “Listen to me. You need to calm your ass down and let me do my job.” Lana lowered her voice, “If you interfere whatsoever, I will arrest you. If she is in there and in danger, I will take care of it.”

  When Adam didn’t say a word, just glared over her head at the door, she cursed, grabbing her radio out of her back pocket. “I’m one second from calling in a distress,” she warned Adam. “If I do that, cops will be all over this place and your ass.”

  That brought Adam’s eyes down to hers, but the intensity of his stare hadn’t diminished.

  “You need to check yourself and do it now before that door opens.” Lana didn’t back down from his heated glare. “I’m not playing, Adam.”

  Finally he nodded. “I’m your back-up and what you say goes.” His eyes shot up to the door when it opened. When Lana didn’t turn around right away and continued to warn him with her eyes, he turned her with a squeeze to her shoulders.

  “Can I help you?” The man Adam wanted to put six-feet under asked. When their eyes met, surprise was evident on the man’s face; fear also shadowed the man’s eyes, something that Adam did not miss.

  Lana pulled her badge, opening it for him to see. “I’m Officer Fitzpatrick.” Lana pulled her badge back. “We received a 911 call from a passerby reporting screaming coming from this residence.”

  “There must be some mistake.” His smile was forced, his voice shaky.

  “Do you mind if we come in Mr.—” Lana’s tone was flat.

  “Waters.” His fake smile slipped as his eyes shifted nervously. “Robert Waters.”

  “Mr. Waters, is there anyone else inside the residence?” Lana put her badge back into her front pocket.

  “No, my wife…” His eyes shot to Adam, “went to the grocery store. I’m the only one here. That’s why I think there has been some kind of mistake.”

  Adam knew the guy was lying. Something wasn’t right. Adam wondered if Lana was picking up on this asshole’s attempt to play it cool.

  “Excuse me, but can I ask why you’re here?” Robert looked over Lana’s head to Adam.

  “I’m her back-up.” Adam couldn’t help but smirk. He didn’t like the guy, plain and simple. He didn’t like him the first time he’d met him and he liked him less now, because he was going to have to go back and tell Jill she had been right.

  “Mr. Waters.” Lana took a step toward the door. “I’m going to have to have you step aside and let us in.”

  Adam watched him closely as the man’s face flushed, his jaw visibly tightening. He wasn’t a tall man, but he was very muscular. His hair was shaved in a military cut and he looked like he had a spray tan going on.

  His attitude took a sudden turn. “I’m sorry. This isn’t a good time, Officer.”

  “I’m not asking.” Lana put her foot against the door when he began to close it.

  “You’ll have to come back with a warrant.” He tried again to shut the door more forcibly, but Adam leaned past Lana and put his hand on the door, stopping it from closing

  “I don’t need a warrant, Mr. Waters.” Lana, with Adam’s help, pushed herself into the entryway. “We received a 911 call for this residence, which trumps a warrant. You are more than welcome to call my captain while I wait, but I assure you, it will be the same outcome.”

  Robert started to sweat profusely, his stance becoming more defensive. “Okay, you’re in but no one is here.” He spread his arms wide. “Now please, I’m going to be late for an appointment.”

  “What time did your wife leave?” Lana asked, her eyes fixed on the man.

  “She’s been gone for a while.” His voice even, but his eyes shifted nervously to the stairs leading up.

  Adam didn’t miss the shift and neither did Lana as she looked that way. As if on cue, a noise sounded from right above them. “Either he has a really bad rodent problem or someone is up there.” Adam glared, trying to keep control, knowing Angelina was in this house somewhere.

  “Who’s upstairs, Mr. Waters?” Lana questioned.

  When he didn’t answer, Adam headed that way. “I’ll find out.”

  Robert made a strange sound before slapping his forehead in a very bad acting performance. “I totally forgot. My newly married mind is so filled with my lovely wife.” His jab was aimed toward Adam, which was a bad move.

  Adam took the bait; he couldn’t help the low rumbled growl that escaped his lips. “If you don’t tell us who the fuck is upstairs, I’m either going up there to find out myself, or better yet, I’m going to beat the answer out of you.”

  “Adam,” Lana warned, shaking her head at him.

  “Your choice,” Adam finished, not even acknowledging Lana’s warning.

  “My brother came into town late last night,” Robert replied, not looking as smug as he did in the face of Adam’s threat. In fact, he looked ready to break down into tears.

  “Bullshit,” Adam challenged, but before another word could be spoken, a shrill terrified scream filled the large house, coming from upstairs.

  Robert moved quickly pushing past Lana. Adam headed for the stairs, but stopped, hearing Lana shouting for Robert to stop. “Go, Adam,” Lana ordered as she took off after Robert.

  Adam was torn, but when another scream r
ipped throughout the house, he took off up the stairs, jumping four at a time. He knew Lana was a cop and could handle herself, or at least he hoped the hell so, if not Sid would have his ass. The shill scream stopped, instantly spurring Adam faster.

  Stopping at the end of a hallway, Adam cocked his head, trying to determine where the screams had come from. Muffled voices and the sound of struggle came from the door on his right. Reaching out, he touched the door handle, twisting slightly finding it locked. Taking a step back, he mentally readied himself for what was beyond the door. His training to this point had taught him to ready himself. Taking one step, he lifted his leg and kicked the door completely off the hinges. It took him a second to assess the situation and he was pissed beyond belief. In the corner of the dingy room, cowered a woman, who had her mouth opened in a silent scream as she watched Angelina struggle with a huge man who was in the process of backhanding her across the face.

  Adam didn’t say a word as he rushed the guy, grabbing him by his long hair and throwing him off Angelina. The crash that echoed in the room as the huge guy hit the opposite wall was deafening. Adam took a quick glance at Angelina and the other woman to make sure they were out of harm’s way before stalking toward the bastard. Using his foot, he gently nudged a gun that must have been knocked loose when the asshole hit the wall further away from the man. Leaning down, Adam grasped the man’s shirt, hauled him up and backhanded him across the face.

  “Doesn’t feel good, does it?” Adam growled, keeping a tight hold so he could continue to pound his fist into the man’s already bleeding face. A click from behind him stopped his fist in mid swing. Still holding the man, Adam turned to see Angelina holding the gun that had skidded across the floor after the man Adam had thrown hit the wall. “Angel?” Adam questioned as he dropped the man and turned toward her.

  “I’m so sorry.” Tears streamed down her face as she raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter 8

  Caroline sat toward the back of the room watching the Warriors, who occasionally shot her a look, before going back to their discussion, which she couldn’t hear. The doctor warrior, Slade, had come in also. They were magnificent men, vampire or not. The power in the room was almost overwhelming and Caroline could honestly say she had never felt safer in her entire life. Though she wasn’t afraid, even after her ordeal a few weeks ago, the dark man meant her no harm that she could tell. He just had a message and he was becoming more agitated minute by minute.

  “You sure you should be doing this?” A deep voice broke through her thoughts.

  Looking up, way up, Slade stood over her, a frown tilting his lips downward, his eyes searching. “Yes, he means me no harm.”

  “And how do you know this?” he questioned. “Because he said so?” The frown stayed, but one eyebrow cocked slightly.

  “Yes.” Caroline nodded, feeling like she was under a microscope and this gorgeous man knew her every thought. And wouldn’t that be embarrassing.

  “You are too trusting, Caroline.” Slade shook his head in concern. “After what you just experienced, you may be too vulnerable for this.”

  “I’m stronger than I look, in both body and mind,” Caroline replied, firmness in her voice. “I made a lot of mistakes in the past—where my gift is concerned— but believe me, I know what I’m doing.”

  Slade simply stared at her for a few more seconds. “It’s against our nature to put a woman in harm’s way, especially when we can’t see the threat.” His frown slowly formed into a lopsided smile. “And I have no doubt you are strong in both body and mind.”

  Caroline almost melted from her chair to the floor. If what Lana said was true and Jill held this Warrior’s heart, she was a very lucky girl. “It would be worse not to deliver the message,” Caroline informed him, trying to keep her tone even. “I’ll be fine, but he is getting more agitated.”

  “Where is she?” Sid walked up, his face pinched in aggravation.

  “Didn’t we have this conversation already?” Caroline sighed, not wanting to feel sorry for the big Warrior, but she did regardless; damn her soft heart.

  Sid pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh of his own. “Have you at least heard from her?”

  “Yes,” Caroline’s reply was short.

  “And?” Sid frowned down at her.

  “And what?” Caroline glared at him, not backing down.

  “Is she coming back?” Sid slid an uncomfortable glance at Slade.

  “Why would she do that when you told her to leave?” Caroline snorted, shaking her head. Men. They just didn’t get it and never would.

  “I meant the room, not the fucking compound,” Sid growled, growing more frustrated.

  “Don’t you growl at me, Sid Sinclair.” She stood, pointing her finger at him. Okay, she wasn’t feeling sorry for the ass anymore.

  “I’m not growling.” Sid lowered his voice and curbed his tone. “I just don’t—”

  “Have a clue.” Caroline finished his sentence. “You have a lot of kissing up to do; I’ll tell you that. Have you pissed my sister off yet?”

  “Sid pisses everyone off.” Slade laughed and then walked away.

  Sid glared at Slade’s back before turning his attention back to Caroline. “No, not really. I mean, I’m sure I’ve made her a little upset, but…” Sid frowned when Caroline continued to stare at him with a disbelieving stare. “Okay, I’ve pissed her off more than once, but Sid knows how to make up.” He wagged his eyebrows at her.

  Caroline rolled her eyes with a snort. “Well, this time, you really pissed her off and I’ve seen my sister pissed, but she is really pissed. So you better be ready to step up your game.”

  “Where is she, Caroline?” Sid’s tone indicated he was done with the game. “As soon as we are done here, I’m going to her. I didn’t mean to react like I did, but this has taken us all by surprise and it’s something no one should know about. We don’t even talk about it; we have taken an oath.”

  After a few minutes of staring, Caroline clicked her phone open to double check the message she had gotten from Lana. “She just texted me a little while ago. She’s responding to a 911 call and then going home.”

  Sid was instantly alert. “A 911 call?”

  “Ah, yes.” Caroline put her hand on her hip, her tone irritated. “She is a cop. It’s what she does.”

  “Tell her to answer my texts,” Sid ordered, but instead of it being an arrogant order, it was a concerned plea and she knew it by the look in his eyes, which were shadowed with worry. These men were proud Warriors, who were not used to asking for anything. Caroline knew without a doubt Sid cared for her sister. If she didn’t believe that, she would have left with her sister. These men cared for many and she would do anything in her power to help them.

  “She won’t even answer me now, Sid.” Caroline glanced behind her when the door opened. “She turns her sound off on her phone when she’s on the job. She only has her police radio active.”

  “Fuck!” Sid ran his hand through his hair. “Let me know as soon as you hear from her.”

  Caroline nodded, but her attention turned to Sloan who was talking to Slade. She could tell by the look on his face he was angry about something. He really was a handsome man, a little older than the rest. Just his presence alone held an air of authority. Not only did she feel it, but also she noticed how the Warriors reacted to him. Where they were on edge before he had arrived, now they seemed to be alert, as if awaiting orders. When his eyes lifted to meet hers, her stomach clinched as a flush from her neck to her face heated her skin. His golden eyes seemed to see straight through her, but just as quickly, he dismissed her.

  “What the hell is going on?” Sloan demanded, walking away from Slade, and then slamming a newspaper on his desk. His golden eyes took in each Warrior. “I’m gone for a few hours and my phone starts going crazy, but no one tells me what the hell is going on, except to get here ASAP.”

  Duncan glanced her way quickly and then back at Sloan. “W
e seem to have a problem.”

  “Well, the fifty texts I got from all of you clearly makes that obvious,” Sloan replied and waited. “Though I’m still in the dark as to what the fucking problem is.”

  Caroline cleared her throat and walked from the back of the room, squeezed past Damon and Jared to stand in front of Sloan. “I have a message for you. For all of you.”

  Sloan stared down at her, his eyebrow cocked over his golden eye, a small tick played with his strong jawbone. “Is that so?” His tone was level, but hinted disbelief. “Ms. Fitzpatrick—”

  “Caroline,” she interrupted. Being called Ms. Fitzpatrick at that moment irritated her, and she wasn’t afraid to express it. “I don’t care if you believe in what I do or not, but I will deliver this message so he will leave me and my sister alone. So, if you are ready, we will begin.”

  The tick quickened as his full lips curved into a respectful smirk. “I am sorry, but it’s hard for me to believe that you have a message for me from anyone in my past.”

  “Said the vampire to the medium.” Caroline smirked back. “As I said, it matters very little to me if you believe me or not. I will deliver the message and be done with it. What you believe or disbelieve or do with the message is entirely on you.”

  “This is real,” Jared stepped in. “Lana gave me a message from my brother. Even talked in our language, which she doesn’t know.”

  Sloan hadn’t looked away from Caroline as Jared spoke. “Okay, I’ll play. Who is this message from…Caroline.”

  The way he said her name sent shivers in places she didn’t want to think about in a room full of alpha vampire warriors. Feeling the dark man’s presence build stronger, she glanced over Sloan’s head to focus. “Alexio Milona—”

  “What did you just say?” Sloan’s voice turned menacing, which brought Caroline’s eyes back to his.

  “You heard her right,” Jared spoke before Caroline could.


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