Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 Page 11

by Teresa Gabelman

“All half-breeds are being rounded up—” He began to speak again, but Jill walked up pausing in his face stopping him in mid-sentence.

  “Round up?” Jill hissed, her golden eye blazing black. “What the hell do we look like, cattle? I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish, but these women are going with us, and then back to their families. And if you ever try to round up me, I will—”

  Sid stepped up, pulling Jill away. “Calm down, little hothead.” Sid grinned down at her, but when he raised his head to the Mayor, his whole attitude changed in a flash. “I’d advise you to turn, get in your limo and rethink what you are trying to do. If you continue with your campaign of putting half-breeds into concentration camps, you will lose. Look in your history books, Mr. Mayor, because history will tell the story and it’s not pretty.”

  “There are nice places for them to live, and I don’t know who used concentration camps, but that certainly was not my word,” the Mayor huffed. “We need to get control of this situation.”

  “Who needs to get control of what situation?” Adam finally spoke up. “These are people with families who love them. I am half-human and I’ll be damned if you make me a prisoner.”

  The Mayor’s eyes turned angry in a flash. “You can breed other half-breeds. This is out of control. It needs to be taken care of and will be taken care of. I have the support of many influential people, so you need to realize that this is going to happen.”

  Alice smiled. “Just think, Adam, things like you and Jill won’t be a burden on anyone anymore. You will be taken care of by the government and people like us.” Her attitude of self-importance made him want to throw up.

  “I’d rather, and I think Jill would agree,” Adam stepped closer to both the Mayor and Alice, “say fuck you and your backward ideas of helping us by shoving his head up your ass.” His eyes went from the Mayor back to Alice.

  “You ungrateful little prick.” Alice turned ugly in a blink of an eye. “You might want to think twice about who you piss off. The time is going to come that this is going to happen and those who rebel will regret it dearly.”

  “You can’t talk to these…breeds.” The Mayor patted her hand, and then nodded toward the officers. “Go ahead and let them say goodbye and take them.”

  Sid, Adam, Jill and even Angelina made a line of defense, blocking the two women and their families. “I’m just going to make this very clear.” Sid glanced over at the officers, his face void of any emotion. “One person touches these ladies and there will be a lot of heads up a lot of asses.”

  Lana, who had come out and had heard the end part of the conversation, stood next to Sid. Her eyes landed on Alice, and without blinking, didn’t back down. “That sounds unpleasant.”

  “Oh, believe me,” Sid’s lips curved, “not only is it unpleasant, it’s very embarrassing and smelly, especially if your head doesn’t go up your own ass.”

  Jared walked past carrying a box. “True story,” he replied, setting the box down to stand next to Adam. “So whose head is going up whose ass?”

  “Depends on who makes the first move,” Sid said from the other end of the protection line. He cocked his eyebrow at the officers who looked away from him to the Mayor.

  “You are disgusting and a disgrace to the race,” Alice hissed, her eyes spitting fire at each of them.

  “No, we are honest, and honey, you are the one who wants to put your race into cages, so who exactly is the disgrace? Now, I suggest you get your evening-gown wearing ass out of here and take your new toy with you,” Sid clipped out as his eyes snapped to the Mayor’s. “You have no idea what you are creating, but I’m going to warn you, Mayor, it will cause a war between the two races; something we have tried to prevent and have for thousands of years. It will be hell on earth, so I would rethink what you are trying to do, and who you have by your side counseling you, because I can guarantee you, she has her own agenda.”

  “They…” her eyes snapped to Jill and Adam, venom dripping from each word, “are not my race.”

  “You mess with me or any of my people, I will personally see you pay.” Adam had enough. He was a half-breed and not by choice, but it was his race and he would do anything in his power to protect those who shared this fate.

  “You are not people,” Alice snorted with disgust, even through her beauty the true ugliness that dwelled inside her came forward. “You are freaks and need to be put down before you can breed more freaks.”

  “Okay, that’s it.” Jill pushed forward toward Alice. “I’m sending her ass to the next county.” Jill raised her arm, palm out which caused Alice’s hair to blow back, but Sid grabbed her arm, stopping her.

  “I suggest you leave now, because in five seconds, I’m going to let go of her arm,” Sid warned Alice, but his eyes turned to the Mayor. “This could get ugly real quick, and you are the only one who can stop it. I highly suggest you stop it.”

  “This is going to happen. It has already been put into place. We are just waiting for the President’s signature,” the Mayor said, but started to usher Alice away. “The sooner you realize it, the better it will be for you.” He looked directly at Jill and Adam.

  Alice passed by where Sid stood in front of Anne’s husband and small son. An evil grin lit her face as she leaned down toward the little boy. “Your momma is a freak, kid.” She smiled large, showing sharp fangs; the young boy cringed and began to cry.

  No one could stop Jill as she broke away from Sid tackling Alice from behind. Angelina even went for Alice and Anne followed suit. Alice lifted her body off the ground, throwing Angelina and a weaker Anne away, but Jill had grabbed hold of Alice’s hair to keep from being thrown.

  Adam ran for Angelina, who was just picking herself up to go back at Alice. “Let me go, Adam,” Angelina growled as she fought his tight grip on her. “I’ll tear her apart.”

  He couldn’t help it, a large proud grin spread across his face even as pissed off as he was. Here was his very human Angel taking on a full-blood vampire in defense of a small child. He watched Lana take Angelina’s place and Sid fighting to get her off Alice. “Calm down.”

  “Calm down?” Angelina turned on him, her eyes narrowed in fury. “Did you see what she did to that child?”

  Adam nodded, but didn’t let go. He watched as Sid pulled Lana off Alice and Slade grabbed Jill. “Yes, I did.” Adam finally let her go as Alice and the Mayor rushed to their waiting limo. “But you are human.”

  Her eyes turned to meet his, sadness shining through. “And that’s the problem, isn’t it?”

  Before Adam could say anything, she pulled out of his hold and headed toward Jill who was talking to the little boy.

  “Hey.” Jill smiled at the little boy, catching his attention. “I’m Jill, a friend of your mom’s. And this is Angelina.”

  The little boy wiped his nose and looked at both women, distrust clear as he held onto his dad tightly.

  “Did that woman scare you?” Jill asked, and when the little boy nodded, Jill had to calm herself not to go chasing after the limo pulling away. “What’s your name?”

  “Shane.” When he didn’t answer, Anne and her husband replied at the same time.

  “Well, Shane, I didn’t get to see what kind of face she made at you.” Jill smiled at the little boy. He reminded her of her little brother. “Was it something like this?” Jill crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

  The little boy looked at her for a second before a giggle escaped. “No,” he said, shaking his head, watching her closely.

  “No?” Jill’s face went back to normal as she faked a surprise look. “Are you sure?” She made the face again until he was laughing freely.

  He nodded his head, a smile lighting his face, but the wetness from tears still wet his chubby cheeks.

  “Well, next time you think of that ugly face, I want you to remember this one instead.” Jill did it one last time but more exaggerated. When Shane laughed, Jill smiled at him ruffling his hair. Her eyes then met Anne’s husband
’s. “I’ll take care of her. I promise.”

  He nodded his head at Jill. “Thank you.”

  “I love you.” Anne slipped into his arms, kissed his cheek and then Shane’s.

  “Hurry back to us.” He pulled Anne close, kissing her deeply.

  Adam noticed Sid and Slade take a step closer to make sure Anne would not lose her composure. She didn’t. She kissed her son on the cheek before holding Jill’s hand tightly. Adam’s eyes briefly met Jill’s and Jill’s thoughts filled his head. This isn’t going to happen. We will not allow that bitch to separate half-breeds from their loved ones. I’ll die first. He totally agreed.


  Angelina watched Adam nod at Jill before everyone went their separate ways, getting into cars. Lana and Sid took the other woman, Janie, who had been turned, while Jill walked with Anne, Slade following them. Feeling more alone than she ever had in her life, Angelina was at a loss. Feeling she had no other choice, she started to walk away from the place that had pretty much ruined her life as she knew it.

  “Where is your family?” Adam’s voice so deep and strong came from behind her.

  Stopping, Angelina turned, her eyes automatically going to his. “I’m sure my dad is on the road and my mom…” she shrugged, “well who knows.”

  Anger surged through his body. “Did someone call them?”

  Angelina ignored his question. “Thank you, Adam.” Her eyes searched his before she turned to walk away.

  “Thank you is all I get?” He stopped and turned her toward him. “Where are you going?”

  “Home.” Angelina leaned toward him, just as lightening filled the sky followed seconds later by rolling thunder. “Thank you very much.” A teasing smile tipped the corner of her lips, yet it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  A voice that would haunt her for the rest of her life screamed her name, but Angelina didn’t look, didn’t flinch.

  “Angelina!” Robert’s voice called out as Damon and Duncan led the three men to vehicles. “Angelina!”

  “Shut him the fuck up or I will!” Adam called out to Damon and Duncan, turning to glare over his shoulder until the men were shoved into the SUV; the doors slammed shut.

  Even though Adam looked away from her, she continued to stare where his eyes had been. An overwhelming sense of loss caused a single tear to roll down her cheek. She tried to hold back, yet more followed its path. Unblinking, her eyes remained fixed on what felt safe and familiar and that was Adam. He was the reason she had stayed strong and hadn’t given up.

  Seeing her tears, Adam reached for her hand. “Come on.” He led her to the car. “I’ll take you home.”

  Digging her heels in, Angelina shook her head, finally blinking. Her focus on Adam didn’t waver. “Not unless you believe me.” Another loud crack of lightening flashed over their heads, but Angelina stood, unwilling to budge.

  “Believe what?” Adam still held her hand tightly. Rain fell in sheets, completely drenching them in a matter of seconds.

  “That I had no choice.” Angelina was glad for the rain; it hid more tears that swamped her eyes. “I had to make you believe that I was happy.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Adam said again, trying to pull her to his car and out of the rain.

  “It does to me.” She pried her hand away from his. “It kills me to think you believed I just threw the love I had for you away, like you meant so little to me.”

  Adam didn’t say anything for a second. He raised his head to the sky, letting the rain pour down on him. “What do you want from me, Angelina?” He finally lowered his head. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Angelina jumped as Anne came up beside her. “She lied to keep me alive.” Anne stood in the rain, Jill behind her. “I was in the next room with a gun held to my head. They said even being a half-breed, a bullet pointblank to the head would kill me. She was told one word of warning to you or anyone would be my death warrant even if it saved her.”

  “Anne, you need to get out of this rain.” Angelina nudged her toward Jill. “You don’t have to go through this again.”

  “You saved my life, Angelina and everyone will know it.” Anne wobbled slightly, but Slade, who had followed closely behind them, caught her before Adam could, holding her steady. “Knowing that one of us would be turned, we had a plan, a plan to fight. Their being human, we had a chance to overpower them, but they fed us little blood and drugged us to the point of being too weak to hardly walk.”

  “Please get her back in the car,” Angelina pleaded with Slade.

  Before Slade could ease her back, Anne grabbed Adam’s arm. “We found ways to talk, from under the door until we were caught. Then we each made a small hole in the wall that we talked through.” Anne’s eyes spoke true. “She always talked about you. You are what got her through our nightmare, just like my husband and son got me through mine.”

  “They will pay for what they put you through,” Adam vowed, his eyes glowing hot.

  Anne nodded. Turning to Angelina, she weakly lifted her arms to hug her. Angelina wrapped the woman in her arms, holding her tightly. “I wouldn’t have made it without you,” she whispered over the rain. “And for that I can never repay you.”

  “You just did,” Angelina whispered back. “Thank you, Anne.”

  Chapter 14

  Adam watched Slade and Jill help Anne back to the car. He felt a touch on his wrist and looked down at Angelina running her finger over her hairband.

  “Why did you keep this?” Angelina asked, looking up, raindrops beading on her long eyelashes.

  Slade passed them with the women, leaving them alone except for a few uniformed police officers as well as Sloan and Steve, who were still carrying stuff out of the house.

  “Because it belonged to you,” Adam replied, holding her wrist and backing her into his car. The rain had let up, the lightening further in the distance, but the thunder still rumbled around them. “I’m sorry for what you’ve been through, Angel.”

  Reaching up, she touched his cheek. “I’m stronger for it as long as you are by my side, Adam.” She pulled her hand away, her eyes brimming with uncertainty. “You are by my side, aren’t you?”

  Clutching her sweet face between his hands, he took her lips in a kiss that had been building, a kiss he had wanted from the moment he saw her. He devoured her mouth, his body molding around her like a safe cocoon. Her kiss mirrored his own as she gave as good as she got. He pulled away, his eyes searching hers.

  “Are you okay?” Adam asked, not wanting to scare or make her uncomfortable. “I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.” Even though she wasn’t marked in any way, he didn’t know where her mind was, how hurt mentally she could be. The thought of her being hurt sent anger surging through his body making his hands shake with rage.

  Angelina blushed, but shook her head. “He never…” She looked away. “I think he was too afraid of you. Every time he came in and tried, I would cry your name and tell him if he ever hurt me, you would kill him. After that, he would leave. I also think he may have loved me in some sick twisted way. He really believed I was his wife. He wouldn’t let any of the other men in my room. But he hurt Anne and the others. They all did, but only he came to my room night after night.” Angelina pushed away from Adam and looked up at him with a shaky smile. “But I don’t want to think or talk about that anymore unless I have to.”

  Relief flowed through his mind and heart hearing that none of the other men used her in any way. “You don’t have to say anything else.” He pulled her to him tight, holding on as if making sure she was real and here at his side. “I won’t ever fail you again, Angelina.”

  “You didn’t fail me, Adam.” Angelina pulled away slightly to look up at him. “I knew you’d be back for me.”

  It felt like something slammed into his heart making it sink to his stomach, then rush back up to his throat. The faith she had in him was scary as hell, but meant more to him than anything ever had. He would make damn sure he ne
ver failed her, ever. “I will always be back for you, Angel.”

  Leaning back down, Adam pushed her against his car, his lips slamming down on her. He couldn’t get enough, didn’t want to get enough. How he could have even thought about walking away and not fighting for her was enough to drive him insane, but never again. She was his and he would go through hell for her.

  “Get a room!” Steve shouted out Sloan’s window as they passed, but he tossed them a thumbs up.

  Adam laughed, shaking his head. “Let’s get out of this rain and get you home.”

  The drive to her house was quiet as they held hands, simply enjoying being together again. Adam was doing his best to let it go, but a deep anger burned through him when he thought about the man who almost succeeded in taking his Angel away from him. Pulling into her driveway, Adam got out, walked around and opened the door for her.

  “I look like a drowned rat,” Angelina laughed, but it was a nervous laugh as she looked at her house.

  “You look beautiful.” He touched her cheek, running his thumb against her soft skin. He was reluctant to leave her and didn’t like the fact that neither her mother nor father came for her. “I think it’s time I meet your parents.”

  Angelina didn’t say anything, but turned again to look at her house. “Listen, Adam, it’s not you, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I don’t know how they are going to react.”

  “I hope to hell they react happy that you are okay.” Adam frowned, not liking her nervousness. She should be excited to be home, not acting like she’d rather be anywhere but here.

  She didn’t answer as he followed her to the porch. Opening the screen door, she stepped inside with Adam following close behind, his eyes taking in everything and his protectiveness coming to the forefront.

  “Where in the hell have you been and who the fuck are you?” A tall man, who Adam figured was her father, jumped off the couch. He was wearing no shirt, a pair of ripped sweatpants and he was a head shorter than Adam, but he was stocky.

  “I’ve been… ah—” Angelina began, but was interrupted.


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