Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 Page 14

by Teresa Gabelman

  “You have a lot of work ahead of you, but what we saw so far is that you have what it takes to train further without wasting our time.” Sloan glanced over at the new man. “This is Jax Wheeler, one of the best and toughest interrogators with the VC Warriors.”

  Jax nodded his head at them. “Nice to meet you, guys, but I’m sure you’re not feeling the same at the moment.” His eyes landed on Jill with a wink.

  Jill glared at him, not liking him very much. He seemed way too sure of himself, and well, he ripped her favorite damn shirt. He just grinned at her before looking away.

  “I’m going to let Jax and Slade take over for now.” With that, Sloan turned and walked out of the room, as was his nature to always do: say his peace and leave.

  Slade stepped forward. “Each Warrior here has had their first true start of training for initiation. Today was that day for you.” He eyed them each before continuing. “You actually did very well, but there were things that could have gone differently in the situation you were placed in.”

  Jill waited to see if Adam or Steve were going to say anything, but a sideways glance at them showed her they were keeping their mouths shut, so maybe she should follow suit and do the same.

  “Let’s start from the beginning. Did any of you, once placed inside the vehicle at the start of the drive, keep track of turns, time and noises so if you could contact anyone you would be able to give them some type of location?”

  Jill knew she had, but also knew she had screwed it up halfway and lost track. Her mind right now was still on what happened and she still wasn’t thinking straight.

  “You need to block out what just happened to you right now.” Jax stepped in, his eyes narrowed on them. “Get over being pissed, frightened or whatever emotion you had, and answer the fucking questions. In order to be a Warrior, you have to be able to adjust from one issue to the next without thought or emotion.”

  “No, I lost track,” Adam replied, his voice hoarse, but firm.

  “So did I,” Jill replied, not looking at Jax. “I lost it halfway through.”

  “Left for a block then left again for another two blocks, right for maybe a mile then left for maybe a half a mile and then right before we stopped.” Steve replied with confidence.

  “You drove, Damon. Is he right?” Slade asked, still looking at Steve.

  It was a second before Damon nodded. “Yeah, he got it.”

  “Good job, Steve.” Slade nodded his approval. “That is important, but as you get more comfortable, it will be easier. As a Warrior, you are going to have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. You are going to have enemies. A seasoned Warrior would never have been taken like you were tonight. Three seasoned Warriors would have killed double the enemies it took to get you inside the van.”

  “So since we aren’t seasoned Warriors, how did we do?” Steve asked, and then his face clearly stated he wished he’d kept his damn mouth shut.

  Jill glanced over at Steve as if he was crazy, but her head snapped to Slade, because she really wanted to hear what he thought.

  “Well, since you all ended up hooded, tied up and almost raped,” his eyes burned into Jill’s, “I’d say it could have been better, but not bad.” Slade wore a deep scowl.

  “I got a profile on each of you to study before I even got here,” Jax stated, crossing his arms. “What I’d like to know is why none of you used your powers?”

  “Well, I don’t have any?” Steve replied first. “At least not that I know of.”

  “Your memory is your power as of now.” Jax eyed Steve. “And sometimes that will save your ass more than anything else would, so hone that skill.”

  “Yes, sir.” Steve looked pleased.

  Jax looked at Adam and then Jill. “What about you, Jill? You could have had our asses scattered across the parking lot from what I hear.”

  “I’m not used to being able to do something like that,” Jill sighed, feeling like an idiot. “At least not until…” Jill stopped, glancing at Slade.

  “Until what?” When she didn’t answer, Jax took a step forward. “I asked you a question. Until what?”

  “You pissed me off.” Jill met his stare with narrowed eyes. “Then I wanted to plaster you to the wall.”

  Jax smiled. “Good. That’s what I want to hear. So next time, and there will be a next time, remember to use that power because it could be your life or the lives of your partners on the line.”

  Adam looked up. “What was I supposed to do, read them to death?”

  “No.” Slade’s tone turned instantly irritated. “But we all touched you, and with your ability, even with us being blocked, you should have picked up who we were and what we were about. Our fake attack could have ended before it even began by you calling us out.”

  “Obviously, that didn’t work very well the last time I used it,” Adam replied, sounding just as irritated.

  Jill knew he was talking about reading Angelina wrong.

  “Yeah, well you don’t want to fuck any of us now, do you?” Slade responded point blank. “That could be a whole different issue with Angelina and something we will work on later.”

  Jill sucked in her breath, waiting to see if she needed to jump on Adam before he went after Slade, but to her surprise, all he did was narrow his eyes at Slade without moving a muscle or saying a word.

  “If women are involved, then yeah, things get fucked up.” Jax chuckled and then looked at Jill. “No offense.”

  “None taken.” Jill tried not to growl the response, but didn’t quite achieve it.

  “Want to plaster me to the wall again?” he challenged.

  “Definitely.” Jill’s response made every Warrior smile, but Slade.

  “Are you two done?” Slade glared at them both. “Because I got shit to do and would like to get the hell out of here sometime today.”

  Jill looked at Slade in surprise. “Hey, don’t glare at me. He asked and I answered.”

  “I like you.” Jax nodded at her; his eyes assessed her critically. “You’ve got what it takes.”

  Jill didn’t know what to say to that so she decided to keep her mouth shut, but deep inside she felt pleased by his words.

  “Adam, we had special bindings to bind you with. It’s what we use for half-breeds since silver doesn’t work.” Jax’s attention was back on Adam. “That is impressive since we put it on Jared and he couldn’t break out of them.”

  “But don’t get a big head,” Jared warned Adam. “I can still kick your ass. I was just having an off day.”

  “You are going to be put into many different situations. This morning is just an example of what could happen. We wanted to see what we needed to work on right away and I think we know your powers need to be perfected to the point you don’t even have to think about using them.” Jax turned to look at each Warrior. “Does anyone have anything to add?”

  When they all declined, Steve cleared his throat. “So what are we supposed to do if something like that really happens?” He nodded down toward Jill.

  “Not sure I follow you.” Jax looked at Jill then back to Steve.

  “You know.” Steve shifted uncomfortable. “What if that happens, and unless we give up information, someone threatens to rape her. I really don’t think I can stay quiet.”

  “If you cave and give confidential information, then she becomes a liability and will be let go,” Jax responded without blinking an eye.

  “What?” Jill’s head snapped back. “Why would I be let go if he can’t take it?” She pointed to Steve.

  “Because there aren’t many women Warriors,” Jax answered without blinking.

  “And that means nothing to me and is a pretty crappy answer.” Jill’s response was spoken with conviction. It was a crappy answer and she wasn’t afraid to say it. “So let me get this straight. Just because I don’t have something hanging between my legs and rape is threatened on me, but he can’t take it, I get let go because he might blab important information?”

; “I’m sorry, Jill, but I don’t think I can handle that,” Steve replied, not meeting her glare.

  “Well, Steve, I don’t care if you can handle it or not. Then that’s your problem, not mine.” Jill stood, knocking her chair back. “Rape is the last thing I want to happen to me, but I know it’s a possibility, just like it is if I walk down a city street. But because you can’t handle it, I’m the liability.”

  “Were you going to sit here and let her get raped?” Steve asked Adam who had been quiet.

  “She knows the risk, Steve,” Adam replied, his tone hard. “And she’s right. It’s not her fault and shouldn’t be kicked out because you can’t stomach what could happen. Instead, we need to make sure what happened tonight doesn’t happen to us again. We need to keep her and us out of this type of situation.”

  “So your answer is yes. You would have let her get raped by a room full of men.” Steve looked at Adam in shocked disgust. “What if that was Angelina.”

  Adam growled. “This is Jill, not Angelina. This is Jill who signed up for this. Angelina did not. This is Jill who has worked harder than either of us for this position, and I will not be the one to make her a liability. You understand me?” Adam turned, looking at Steve with a hardness that surprised Jill and obviously Steve who leaned back. “I would do everything in my power to stop it from happening, just like she would stop anything from happening to us if she can. She knows it’s a possibility and is willing to take the risks. You need to respect her wishes and shut the fuck up.”

  “Then can I refuse to work with him so he isn’t put into that situation with me?” Jill felt sick to her stomach. Every time she thought she had it all figured out, something was thrown in her path that could stop her from what she wanted most. This was more than important to her. This was all she had, and Steve, who she knew cared for her, was about to throw it away for her.

  Jax shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way. Plus he probably isn’t going to be the only male who feels this way. Warriors are very protective and hold women in high regard.” Jax stared her down. “Unfortunately, every Warrior in this room would be hard-pressed not to tell everything in order to keep you safe, me included. As I said, we have not had much practice with this sort of situation because not many women become Warriors.”

  Bile made it from her stomach to the back of her throat as she looked each Warrior in the eye and saw the truth. “So pretty much I’m not being considered seriously.”

  “I didn’t say that,” Jax sighed. “I’m saying that this could be a problem in the future that will have to be dealt with.”

  And she knew what that meant. Letting her go. Feeling dejected and foolish, Jill nodded her head. Part of her wanted to run for the door, but her stubborn part made her want to prove she belonged here even if she was dickless. Feeling pissed, she looked down at Steve. “Steve, I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but if the day comes, and it could, that some big hairy-ass man threatens to drill you if I don’t give information, I could stomach it and keep my mouth shut, because I know you’ve made a decision to take that risk. Though I would do everything in my power to make sure it didn’t happen.”

  Steve’s eyes widened at the picture she painted. “Ah, well I never made a decision to take the risk of being drilled by a big hairy-assed man.” He looked up at Jax and then the rest of the Warriors. “I mean, that doesn’t happen, does it?”

  “Anything can happen.” Jax confirmed, tossing a look of respect to Jill. “But our job is to keep you alive and our confidential information confidential.”

  Slade stepped up. “Okay, you guys have the rest of the day and night off to absorb what happened today. Be back here at six am sharp.”

  “Wait out by the van and I’ll take you back,” Damon told them as he headed toward Slade.

  Jill stood, still feeling like she was going to throw up. She had done everything right, yet still the threat of being tossed aside was hanging over her head and it pissed her off. She wanted to scream and kick each of them between the legs, but instead, she followed Adam out. Walking across the parking lot, she stepped on a rock reminding her that she had lost her shoes sometime during the struggle. Cursing, she turned to go back inside.

  Seeing her shoes, she headed that way, but stopped when she heard Jax and Slade’s voices above the others.

  “So what’s up between you and the female?” Jax asked, making Jill curious enough to take a chance of being caught eavesdropping.

  “Nothing. She is a candidate and nothing more,” Slade replied, his voice even, not giving away anything. “And if there was it would be none of your fucking business, Wheeler.”

  “She’s a liability.”

  “And if that’s the case, she’s gone,” Slade answered with a coldness Jill had never heard before.

  Forgetting about her shoes, Jill turned and left the building. Seeing Adam and Steve in a deep conversation, she tilted her head knowing they were also talking about her.

  “Adam, I’m seriously not going to be able to handle watching a woman be brutalized.” Steve shook his head. “I know I can’t, and dammit, I know you. All that bullshit you were saying inside was just that, bullshit. You care for her too much to sit back while a roomful of men rape her.”

  “Yeah, well, we will see won’t we?” Adam looked her way. “Now shut the fuck up; there she is.”

  Jill remained staring at them and made a snap decision. She hated beating around the bush of any kind. “You fucking idiots. I have expert hearing, or have you forgotten I’m just like you but without a dick.” She flipped them off with both hands. “I will not be your liability, so screw you, assholes!” She marched off in a huff before breaking out into a run; she really needed to get rid of her anger.


  Slade walked out seeing Jill take off into a run. “Where in the hell is she going?”

  Adam sighed. “She came out of the warehouse and heard me and Steve talking about her.”

  “Dammit,” Slade hissed when he and Jax looked at each other, knowing there was a good chance she heard them also.

  “Yeah, she’s about to show me and Steve up,” Adam replied, being a hundred percent serious. “I think she has taken this liability issue to heart and is about to prove us all wrong.”

  “Will she be back?” Jax asked, looking back and forth between Adam and Slade.

  “With a vengeance.” Adam smiled with a little pride. “Jill is one tough chick and would make one hell of a Warrior if she is ever given a real chance.”

  “She’s got her chance,” Jax replied, looking toward the direction she went. “No one has taken that away from her.”

  “And no one will, but we have a lot of work to do in order to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Slade turned, heading toward his bike with Jax following. “You heading to the Mayor’s office?”

  Jax pulled out a leather jacket from his duffle bag strapped to his Harley Street Glide, slipping it on. In one fluid motion, he was on his bike. “Yes, and looking forward to it.” He slipped his sunglasses on with a smile. “Hope he’s ready to meet Jax Wheeler.”

  Slade laughed as he stepped over his Harley. “No one is ever ready to meet Jax Wheeler.” Dropping his sunglasses on, he smiled. “Beware of Alice.”

  “Been warned.” Jax raised his sunglasses to look at Slade. “Heard she was…talented with her mouth.” The whiteness of his teeth was a contrast against his exotic dark features and raven black hair that hung past the collar of his leather jacket.

  “I wouldn’t know,” Slade replied. His grin slipped when he warned, “She’s dangerous.”

  “Noted.” Jax dropped his sunglasses back in place nodding in the direction Jill went. “You going after her?”

  Slade didn’t say a word. He revved his bike and pulled out, ignoring his old friend’s loud laughter following him.

  Chapter 18

  Jill had stopped running and was now walking at a fast clip. She knew she was heading in the opposite direction of the compound, b
ut she didn’t want to go there just yet. She needed time to clear her head and harden her heart a little bit before facing everyone. It was her way of dealing with things; it had always been that way. She didn’t want anyone feeling sorry for poor Jill. That shit just got on her nerves and aggravated her more.

  Cars and trucks passed by doing their daily thing. A few horns blew as well as idiots yelling stupid stuff out the window at her, but she paid them no attention until the sound of a motorcycle in the distance reached her ears. She knew the sound of that bike anywhere. Dammit, she didn’t want them to think she took off hoping someone would come running after her. She wasn’t one of those girls.

  “I didn’t leave so anyone would come chasing me down.” Jill stopped walking when he pulled up beside her. “I’m just taking a run since we didn’t work out this morning.” She had tied her shirt together in a half shirt showing some stomach so the ripped part was closed.

  She turned to start walking again, but he rode along side of her. Dammit, why did he have to look so damn handsome sitting on that bike with his faded ripped blue jeans, plain black t-shirt that fitted him like a second skin. That and the way he sat on the bike like it was nothing to have all that power between his legs, made her heart skip. His corded arms stretched to the handlebars where his strong capable hands controlled the speed and power of the bike. Damn, it was hot out today. She rubbed the back of her neck. She felt his eyes on her and chanced a glance.

  “Get on,” he ordered, stopping, his large muscular leg on the ground, holding the huge bike up.

  “Slade, I’m good.” Jill even smiled; it was fake as hell, but it was a smile. “I just need a minute to reflect on some stuff. I’m not going to off myself by jumping in front of a car or anything. I just need to cool down. Really, I’m fine.”

  That was everything she said aloud, but inside her mind, she was smacking herself by being stupid enough to pass up a golden opportunity to straddle herself behind this awesome hunk of man, for him to take her anywhere he wanted to take her. Her arms would be wrapped around his hard torso, her hands clutching his ripped stomach. Yet there she was saying no, because she needed Jill-time. Fuck Jill-time, she wanted to scream and make it Slade time, but her mouth and body just did the dumb thing and said no, Mr. Hot Warrior, leave me be. What in the hell was wrong with her.


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