Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 Page 16

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Adam, don’t you want me?” Her voice trembled, but was loud enough to stop him.

  If she only knew how much he wanted her. “It’s too soon, Angelina.” Was all he could think to say and he didn’t even trust himself to turn around and say it to her face. He was on the edge and it wouldn’t take much to push him right over.

  Closing the bathroom door behind him, he dropped his clothes, climbed in the shower and turned the cold water on. The first blast of freezing water hit, making him suck in his stomach, but it was doing nothing for his raging hard-on. God, he was just a dumb ass. All she probably wanted from him was comfort, yet there he was kissing her senseless as soon as they were alone, gaining a hard-on from hell. Hell, he didn’t even know if she’d ever been with anyone or not. It wasn’t as if she had saved herself for him all these years. He knew she dated through high school, but never seriously and she wasn’t the type to put it out to anyone. She swore she had been pretty much untouched during her kidnapping.

  Leaning his head against the cool tile, he cursed as he banged his head repeatedly against the tile.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself.” Her voice washed over him like a warm blanket against the cold water beating down on his back.

  With his head still against the tile, he squeezed his eyes shut, praying for strength. “Angelina, I’m trying to do the right thing here.”

  “No, you’re not,” she responded, her voice firm, yet there was a hint of uncertainty.

  “What do you mean I’m…” Adam turned only his head to look at her, and wished he hadn’t. She stood just outside the shower door. Her beautiful body bare, her pale blonde hair hanging over her shoulder partially covering her breast. “Jesus! Angel, please, you’re killing me.”

  “Yeah, well you’ve been killing me for six years, Adam Pride.” Angelina went from sounding uncertain to pissed off. “I’m not a virgin, you idiot, so stop treating me like one.”

  Still facing the wall, both hands supporting him against the tile, he felt his body tighten with the urge to kill the son-of–a-bitch who’d had her first. “Who?” He hadn’t meant to ask, but it just came out of his mouth…in a snarl that had his lip curling up in rage.

  “Really?” Angelina laughed in disbelief. “Okay, you want the run down? I’ll give you the run down. Junior prom I went with Mark Wilson.”

  “Mark Wilson?” Adam hissed, his gut clinching. He had hated that guy.

  “Shut up,” Angelina hissed back, causing him to turn to look at her over his shoulder. “Yes, Mark Wilson. After watching you and Beth Ann all night, I just wanted…that…what you guys had. Except I wanted it with you, but I knew I couldn’t.”

  “Mark Fucking Wilson?” Adam spat, banging his head once more against the tile, his anger not directed at Angelina, but at himself. Though he was a different person back then, Adam had been aware of Angelina, hell who wouldn’t have; she was hot as hell, just as much as she was at that moment, but he had been the football star dating the captain of the cheerleading squad. That was the way it was; the way people thought it should be, but not the way it should have been, because Adam had truly not been happy. He knew that now, but back then, he was too full of himself to realize anything other than being the number one badass on the field, dating the girl every guy wanted. God, he had been such an asshole.

  “Yes, Mark Fucking Wilson,” Angelina yelled, becoming angry.

  Adam couldn’t help but smile. Angelina never cussed and he didn’t think he’d ever heard her say fuck before. Glancing back at her, his smile faded. She stood with her arms covering her breast, her head hung.

  “It was awful, and to this day, I regret it because it wasn’t you I gave myself to first.” Angelina finally looked up at him. “I heard you last night when you thought I was asleep, Adam Pride. You promised to make me forget. I heard your whispered words and I need you to make me forget not only Robert, but Jeff who sold me to that awful man, who auctioned me off to Robert along with the other women, but most importantly, make me forget Mark Fucking Wilson, because he shouldn’t have been my first. You should have been. I need for you to stop trying to do the right thing and just love me like you say you do, because that is the right thing to do.”

  Their eyes held as the challenge laid between them. Pushing away from the wall, Adam turned fully, his eyes running slowly down her body then back up, stopping at her sweet blue eyes. “You are beautiful.”

  Boldly Angelina did the same. “So are you.”

  In three strides, he was in front of her. Picking her up, he walked out of the bathroom to his bed, laying her down. “This will be your first.” He stared down at her, his tone firm.

  “Yes, it will be,” Angelina agreed, her sweet smile brightening the room. “As it should have been.”

  “As it will be.” Adam climbed beside her, his lips grazing hers as one hand roamed her body. He shook from the inside as his hand cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing her nipple to a tight peak. Her sweet moan as her neck arched off the pillow about did him in. Damn, he had to get control of himself or this would be over real quick, which meant the possibility of Mark Fucking Wilson still being in her memory and he planned on wiping that son-of–a-bitch completely out.

  His mouth mashed down on hers, her body responding to him as if made to do so. He was in control and damn proud of the fact. Her moans and cries were music to his ears. Her hands explored his body driving him insane, but still, he maintained until her soft fingers brushed the tip of his cock. He couldn’t hold the groan that slipped from his throat. His moan urged her to wrap her small hand around him. Moving up and down, her grip tightening with each pull. Lifting his lips from hers, their eyes met.

  “Please, Adam.” Her whispered plea did him in. “Don’t make me beg.”

  “You never beg for anything, Angel,” he vowed, moving between her legs. “All you have to do is ask.”

  Smiling, she placed her hands on his chest. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  He was poised, ready to enter what he considered was paradise, and with one careful push, he was inside her warmth. They both hissed at the pleasure, Adam recovering first. “Believe it, Angel, and it’s going to happen over and over again.” He slowly pulled out before pushing back in, being careful because she was so tight around him. A sheen of sweat covered his body as he fought for control when all he wanted to do was plow into her over and over again.

  “Don’t hold back, Adam.” Angelina looked up at him as if she had read his mind. “I want all of you.”

  Reaching under her, he cupped her sweet ass while bracing himself with his other arm beside her head. He began to piston inside her, going faster with each stroke, but watching to make sure she was feeling pleasure and no pain. His Angel opened up, receiving everything he had to give. He knew she was on the edge and he thanked God for that; he was about ready to lose it. With three hard thrusts, he sent her over the edge. Watching her sent him straight to heaven. His head flew back on instinct, but he snapped it back down so he could continue to watch her.

  “Oh, my God!” she sighed, clamping her eyes shut.

  “Angel?” Adam slowly pulled out of her, thinking he hurt her. “Angel?” His voice rose as he rolled off her.

  Turning her head, she opened her eyes. “Can we do it again?” A grin spread across her face. “That was amazing.”

  This time, Adam snapped his eyes closed, flopping back on the bed. “Jesus. I thought I hurt you.”

  Angelina leaned up looking down at him. “I’m not fragile, Adam.” Angelina ran her hand down his chest, over his nipple. “I can take whatever you dish out. Of course, if that’s all you got, then…”

  Adam’s eyes popped open to see the teasing glint in Angelina’s eyes. With lightning speed, he had her on her back again. “Oh, babe, that isn’t even close to all I’ve got.”

  Angelina laughed, but her smile faded slightly. “I love you, Adam. I’ve always loved you.”

  “And I’m the luckiest son-of-a-bitch to
have you.” Adam kissed the side of her neck. “And I love you more than you know. Now for round two.”

  “Finally.” Angelina rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, really?” Adam tickled her, but stopped when she grabbed him tightly with enough pressure to make him hiss in pleasure.

  “Yeah really,” she whispered, the teasing gone.

  God, he had been a fool. How could he have failed to fight for his Angel? He made a promise to himself; he’d spend his life fighting for this woman, and no one had better stand between them…ever.

  Before he could lean down to take her mouth, someone pounded on the door making Angelina yelp and Adam cuss a blue streak.

  “What!” he growled loudly, covering Angelina with the sheet.

  “Sloan wants everyone in the game room now,” Steve shouted through the door.

  “Dammit,” Adam sighed, rubbing his face. “We’re getting our own place.”

  Laughing, Angelina climbed out of bed pulling on her clothes. “Does that happen a lot?” She nodded to the door.

  “Yep.” Adam pulled on his jeans carefully because he was still wanting Angelina in a big way.

  “You having a problem there?” she teased seductively, watching him carefully tuck himself away.

  Grabbing a t-shirt, he pulled it on and down over his obvious hard-on. Pulling her toward him, he kissed her hard while running his hand over her breasts and down between her legs, driving her crazy. He then pulled away suddenly.

  “The same problem you’re having.” He winked and then pulled away, but steadied her when she wobbled. Once she gained her balance, he laughed.

  “That wasn’t very nice.” She glared at him and he knew she was trying not to smile.

  “No, it wasn’t, but it was fun.” He took her hand in his, and then opened the door.

  Steve stood, leaning against the wall looking at his phone. “Hey, Angelina.” He smiled then led the way down the hall.

  “Hey, Steve.” She smiled back at him, a flush coloring her cheeks.

  “Glad I knocked,” Steve whispered, tossing him a knowing wink.

  “So am I.” Adam winked back, but without the grin. “Today is too great of a day to be killing someone.”

  “Duly noted.” Steve nodded, looking relieved which made Adam smile. Damn, he was one lucky bastard.

  Chapter 20

  Adam slowed once they made it to the games room. Everyone was there. Instinctively, he knew this wasn’t good. Sloan stood to the side. His face, usually emotionless, was a mask of fury. Pulling Angelina beside him, he stopped next to Jill.

  “What’s going on?” he whispered toward her, his eyes on the Warriors who looked ready; he just was not quite sure ready for what exactly. Everyone stood around looking on edge. The women were whispering together nervously while the Warriors stood with no expressions whatsoever, which was never a good thing. No emotion meant shit was about to get real.

  “You know as much as I do,” she responded, also searching the Warriors for a clue. “Slade got a phone call and we took off.”

  Sloan pinned each and every person in the room with narrowed eyes as if silently counting. “I sent Jax to the Mayor’s office to see if he could get information about this bullshit he’s trying to pull.” Sloan pinched the bridge of his nose. “It looks like that bullshit has become reality. Jax is waiting for us.”

  Sloan tossed Damon a set of keys as the rest of the Warriors kissed their mates. Adam looked down at Angelina, who squeezed his hand before letting go.

  “The women will go with Damon and the rest of us will ride.” Sloan ordered before heading toward the door.

  “Ride what?” Steve whispered to Adam, who just shrugged.

  “The women?” Jared stopped in midstride glancing back at Sloan, who had just made it to the door.

  “That’s what I said.” Sloan looked around. “Is there a problem with that?”

  “Yeah, there is,” Duncan spoke up. “I’m not taking my son or mate into something I don’t know anything about.”

  “I agree with Duncan.” Jared nodded, and then looked at Sid and Damon who were also nodding with agreement.

  Sloan sighed. “I didn’t want to alarm anyone until I saw it with my own eyes, but Jax is waiting for us at the location they are taking and keeping half-breeds.”

  Since the Warriors didn’t keep much from their mates, no one was shocked at the news.

  “I want to go.” Pam held Daniel close. “I’m a half-breed and this involves me.”

  Nicole and Tessa followed Pam’s lead, also wanting to see what was going on. “We’ll be fine.” Nicole looked toward Damon. “I want to go.”

  “As do I,” Tessa told Jared.

  Each Warrior looked at each other with a silent message before walking out of the room. Knowing there was nothing they could do to stop their mates from going—other than tying them up—they made their safety top priority.

  Adam followed everyone out of the compound, his arm wrapped tight around Angelina. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” she responded and looked up at him. “A little surprised I’m being included.”

  “Get used to it because you are a part of this crazy family now.” They waited until they got Daniel settled into his car seat, and the women piled in. He helped Angelina into the van where she sat next to his sister. Then with a wink, he closed the door and headed for Jill and Steve.

  “I feel like the last one picked for kickball,” Steve grumbled as they stood around alone. The women and Damon were in the van. The other Warriors headed for their bikes, and they stood like losers wondering how they were going to get to the party.

  The sound of bikes echoed. Sid was the first to appear. Stopping, he nodded toward Steve. “Get on.” Steve did as ordered, not knowing where to place his hands. “Don’t grab my balls,” Sid growled the warning.

  “I’ll try to refrain,” Steve snorted, and then grabbed on when Sid jerked the bike in motion.

  Sloan positioned his bike in front of the van, while Sid positioned behind. Slade pulled up stopping in front of Jill, who jumped on. Adam turned when Jared pulled up, nodding toward him. Adam slid on and Jared positioned his bike behind Slade next to the van. Sloan turned to check and then pulled out with them all following as one. Everything the Warriors cared about was in that van. If an enemy wanted to take out the Warriors, all they would have to do is take out the van filled with their mates.

  It was six o’clock and rush hour traffic was heavy, but they never once got separated. Adam glanced at the van next to him, and even though he couldn’t see inside with the dark tinted windows, he felt Angelina’s stare. Stopping at a red light, two girls in a Mustang GT openly flirted with Slade, who ignored them keeping his head straightforward. Adam and Jared laughed when Jill leaned toward them with a snarl, showing her fangs. The girl in the passenger seat rolled up her window quickly.

  Jared just shook his head as the light turned green and they passed the Mustang. Adam looked inside the Mustang, but both women stared straight ahead. Finally, out of heavy traffic, they followed Sloan who turned off onto a gravel road. Adam spotted Jax leaning against his bike in front of a large chain-link fence that surrounded a two-story block building that spanned at least an acre of land. It was massive.

  The bikes curved off, giving room for the van. Jax didn’t move as everyone made their way toward him. As soon as Sloan walked up, Jax produced a paper handing it to him and then gave him a minute to look it over. When Sloan cursed long and loud, Jax pushed away from his bike.

  “I’m sure Sloan has told you that he asked me to meet with the Mayor, which I did. My orders were to find out exactly what his plans were with the half-breeds as well as if it were a serious threat. Two important factors I found out. First is that your Mayor is the puppet of Alice, his fiancée, and from the look of hatred on most of your faces, I see you know her. The second important fact I discovered is that a roundup, as they called it, of half-breeds has been approved by the US Government and signed by th
e President himself. Effective immediately. Our question is why our leading officials were not notified of this.”

  “There is no way I can live there.” Pam’s eyes were on the building; she held Daniel tightly to her. “And what about Daniel?”

  Duncan stepped up protectively. “You will never live there.” His response was final and his look dared anyone to contradict him.

  “But this is an order from the US Government.” Pam struggled with Daniel when he became restless.

  Adam watched as Duncan took Daniel and he whispered something to Pam. His eye swept to Jill who was staring at the building before looking at him. She shook her head slowly and he knew what she was silently saying. She wouldn’t be locked down there either.

  “I’ve called an emergency meeting with all the High Council members,” Sloan replied, his hand tightly gripping the official paper. “The US Government has broken Treaty 5701 by ordering this without Vampire Council knowledge.”

  Jax actually laughed, but his laughter held no humor. “I’m surprised it has taken this long.” He held out his arms shaking his head when everyone stared at him. “As a Native American, this comes as no shock to me. But I thought it was important for each and every one of you to be here to see this firsthand.”

  Night was falling and lights clicked on around the building as headlights swept across the group. The Warriors surrounded the women until the plain white bus turned into a paved drive further up from them. The gate opened and the bus drove through. Following the bus were two police cars and a black Cadillac followed by another police car.

  The bus stopped and six uniformed officers came out of the front of the building, each carrying a shotgun positioning themselves in different areas around the bus. The officers in the police cars opened their trunks retrieving their own shotguns. Once everyone was in position, the officers raised their guns.

  “Get the women in the van now!” Duncan turned to Adam and Steve, who jumped into action doing as ordered. Jill and Lana remained outside of the van watching the horror of what was happening. Once the women were safely inside, Adam stepped away to see what was going on.


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